Battle Through the Heavens

Chapter 8: The mysterious old man


Leaving the hall with an indifferent expression, some unsatisfied Xiao Yan slowly climbed the back mountain of the family according to usual habits, sat on the mountain wall, and calmly looked at the rugged mountains shrouded in mist on the opposite side, there, It is a mountain of Warcraft that is famous in the Gama Empire.

"Haha, strength... this world, without strength, is not as good as a lump of shit, at least, no one dares to step on shit!" The shoulders shrugged gently, and the boy's low self-deprecating laughter was full of grief and indignation. Wandering slowly on the top of the mountain.

With ten fingers inserted into the black hair, Xiao Yan bit his lips tightly, letting the faint blood spread at the corners of his mouth, although he did not show any inappropriate emotions in the hall, but Nalan Yanran That sentence was like a knife cut in his heart, causing Xiao Yan to tremble all over...

"Today's insult, I don't want to suffer a second time!" Spreading his left hand with a bloodstain, Xiao Yan's voice was hoarse but firm.

"Hey, Little Wawa, it seems you need help?"

Just as Xiao Yan engraved his vow in his heart, an old strange laughter suddenly reached his ears.

With a change of his face, Xiao Yan suddenly turned around, his eagle-like gaze scanned behind him for a while, but he never found a half-person figure...

"Hey, stop looking, it's on your finger."

Just when Xiao Yan thought it was just an illusion, the strange laughter came out again without bounds.

The pupils of his eyes shrank, and Xiao Yan's gaze stopped abruptly on the black quaint ring on his right hand...

"Are you talking?" Xiao Yanqiang resisted the panic in his heart and tried to calm his voice.

"Little Wawa's concentration is not bad, she didn't even jump off from being scared." In the ring, a joke of laughter sounded.

"Who are you? Why are you in my ring? What do you want to do?"

After a little silence, Xiao Yan asked the key question clearly.

"Whoever I am? Just leave it alone. Anyway, it won't hurt you. Well, after so many years, I finally met someone with a good soul strength. I'm really lucky. Hehe, but I still have to thank Xiaowa for these three years of worship. Ah, otherwise, I'm afraid I have to continue to sleep."

"Enjoy?" He blinked suspiciously. After a while, Xiao Yan's small face suddenly became gloomy. Senhan's words popped out from between his teeth with difficulty: "The fighting spirit that disappeared inexplicably in my body, Is it your ghost?"

"Hey, I am also forced to be helpless, don't blame the little baby."

"I care about your mother!"

Xiao Yan, who has always claimed to be calm and calm, suddenly jumped up like a madman. His small face was full of hideousness. Regardless of whether it was a relic left by his mother, Lima unthinkingly tore off the ring on his finger, and then strenuously. Facing the steep slope, he threw it out...

Xiao Yan's heart cleared as soon as he left his hand, and he hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab it, but the ring that he left his hand had already fallen straight off the cliff...

Staring blankly at the ring disappearing in the mist, Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, his small face slowly calmed down, and he patted his forehead annoyedly: "Idiot, too rash, too rash!"

I just learned that the culprit of my humiliation for the past three years turned out to be the ring that I had been wearing all the time. It's no wonder that Xiao Yan would lose control and become like this.

After sitting on the edge of the cliff for a while, Xiao Yan shook his head helplessly, got up, turned around, his eyes glared, and his fingers tremblingly pointed at what was in front of him...

In front of Xiao Yan, there was a dark and simple ring floating at this time. What shocked Xiao Yan the most was that there was a transparent old man's shadow floating above the ring...

"Hey, Little Wawa, don't you need to be so angry? Didn't it just absorb your three years of fighting spirit." The transparent old man stared at the stunned Xiao Yan with a smile, and said.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Xiao Yan's voice suppressed his anger: "Old guy, since you are hiding in the ring, you should also know how much ridicule you have brought me because you have absorbed my fighting spirit? "

"But in these three years of scolding, have you grown up? Do you think that if it were three years ago, would you have the kind of endurance and mind that you are now?" He smiled noncommittal, and the old man said lightly.

With a frown, Xiao Yan's mood gradually calmed down. After the rage was over, joy followed. Now that he knows the mystery of the disappearance of fighting spirit, his talent must have returned now!

As long as he remembered that he finally had a chance to get rid of the title of waste, Xiao Yan's body was almost as comfortable as rebirth at this moment, and the hateful old man in front of him seemed not too annoying.

Some things can only be known as precious when they are lost! Lost and regained will make people cherish even more!

After gently stretching his wrists, Xiao Yan let out a long sigh and raised his head and said, "Although I don't know who you are, I want to ask, you still want to stick to the ring to absorb my fighting spirit in the future. If that's the case, I advise you to find another host, I can't support you."

"Hey, others don't have the tyrannical soul perception of yours." The old man touched his beard and smiled: "Since I chose to show up myself, I won't absorb it again before I get your permission. Your fighting spirit."

Xiao Yan rolled his eyes and sneered. He had made up his mind that no matter how clever the old thing was, he would never let him follow him again.

"Little Wawa, do you want to be strong? Do you want to be respected by others?" Although his heart had already designated the old man as the one to be unaffected, Xiao Yan's heart still couldn't help beating during these words. .

"Now I know the reason for the disappearance of the fighting spirit. With my talent, do I still need you to become stronger?" Xiao Yan took a slow breath and said lightly. He knew in his heart that there is no free lunch in the world. It is not a wise decision to accept the favor of a mysterious person inexplicably.

"Little Wawa, your talent is very good, but you have to know that you are now fifteen years old, and your fighting spirit is only in the third stage. I seem to have heard that you should have a coming-of-age ceremony next year. Huh? Do you think that you can soar to Qidan Dou Qi in just one year just by diligent practice? And you had previously bet with that girl for three years. That girl’s talent, she wouldn’t. How much lower than you, you want to catch up with her and surpass it, how can it be so easy." The wrinkled old face of the old man is like a blooming chrysanthemum at this moment.

"If you didn't absorb my fighting spirit, could I be so humiliated by her? You old bastard!" Stabbed to the painful spot by the old man, Xiao Yan's face was gloomy again, and he gritted his teeth and cursed with anger.

After a violent curse, Xiao Yan was slumped down again, and no matter how much cursing is at this point, the foundation of the cultivation of vindictive spirit is particularly important. At the age of four, he practiced qi for six full years before he had nine levels. Fighting Qi, even though his talent has been restored now, it is basically impossible to cultivate to seven stages of fighting Qi within one year...

With a frustrated sigh, Xiao Yan glanced at the transparent old man who pretended to be inscrutable, his heart moved, and he said, "You can do it, right?"

"Perhaps." The old man smiled vaguely.

"You helped me achieve seven stages of fighting spirit in one year. You used to absorb my fighting spirit for three years, and then you canceled it all at once, how about it?" Xiao Yan asked tentatively.

"Hey, Little Wawa is so calculating."

"If you are not helpful to me, then why should I bring an oil bottle by my side? I think you should find another unlucky person to bend..." Xiao Yan sneered and chatted for a while, and he also saw this. The transparent old man does not seem to be able to absorb other people's fighting spirit casually.

"You don't look like a fifteen-year-old boy at all. It seems that you have grown a lot in the past three years. Can this be regarded as my own mischief?" Looking at the slick Xiao Yan, the old man was taken aback, and he was a little bit dumbfounded. Shook his head.

Xiao Yan spread his hands and said faintly: "If you want me to continue to worship you, you have to show some sincerity, right?"

"It's a little baby with sharp teeth, okay, okay, who will let the old man, I still beg you this little guy." He nodded helplessly, and the old man lowered his figure to the ground, looking at Xiao Yan several times. , A tricky smile appeared on his face quickly, and then dissipated. After hesitating for a while, it seemed that he was extremely reluctant to speak: "Do you want to become a pharmacist?"