Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 16: The sixteenth day of love


The atmosphere was awkward for a moment. Su Xiaoxiao subconsciously looked at Xin Nancheng's lower eyelids, trying to find the dark circles that Lu Ning said could not be covered even with concealer. Sure enough, as Lu Ning said, Xin Nancheng's dark circles seemed to be quite obvious.

This... is too much. It should be too excessive.

Don’t the young people nowadays take care of their bodies

Shi Lun only wanted to become popular again through this love variety show and enter the audience's sight again. His purpose was very clear, so he didn't want to get involved in this occasion to avoid more trouble. He grabbed Su Xiaoxiao's arm and took her away regardless of her objection, leaving the embarrassing scene to the two parties.

When Lu Ning and Xin Nancheng were the only ones left in the tutor's room, the atmosphere seemed to be even more tense than before.

Xin Nancheng was silent for a long time before he asked, "How did I expose myself?" He thought he had performed well and had always managed his facial expressions well, so he didn't know where he had given himself away. It could be said that any girl with normal sexual orientation would not be able to resist his charm.

But Lu Ning seemed to have no interest in him at all.

Lu Ning didn't intend to hide it. She picked up the thermos cup, took a sip of hot water, and commented, "You performed so perfectly." She showed her charm as soon as she arrived, bewitching the other two female guests and Su Xiaoxiao. She was polite and elegant throughout, and with that face, she was simply invincible.

But as Lu Ning said before, such perfection comes from his superb love skills and rich love experience. He knows how to attract girls, how to get the favor of girls as quickly as possible, and how to slay the whole audience.

Xin Nancheng nodded seriously, "I see."

Knowing that he was exposed, Xin Nancheng simply stopped pretending.

All his gentleness and gentlemanly demeanor disappeared in an instant, replaced by wildness and unruliness.

He looked at Lu Ning, who was described by Pei Xi as "brainless" and "love-brained", and suddenly said, "What Pei Xi said is completely different." If he didn't know Pei Xi's character, he would even think that Pei Xi was deliberately playing tricks on him.

Lu Ning acted calm throughout the whole process, until she heard the name Pei Xi from Xin Nancheng, her expression changed slightly. She knew that Xin Nancheng's intentions were not pure, and she guessed that he might have some connection with Pei Xi, but she didn't expect Xin Nancheng to directly expose Pei Xi.

Are they completely broken up

Xin Nancheng put his hands in his pockets, leaning against the wooden door of the mentor room. He was in a relaxed posture, and his whole body was wild. "Pei Xi and I met many years ago. We are not familiar with each other, but we know each other. I wanted to participate in this love variety show, but I don't have many connections in China. Pei Xi happened to be the largest investor, so I found him. He told me that I could come, but there was one requirement, that is, I must inadvertently make you look bad in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers, and make you look bad in a big way."

Lu Ning's expression turned cold. "So, what is the purpose of you telling me this?"

Xin Nancheng shrugged innocently, "No purpose, I just want to remind you to be careful of Pei Xi. There have been a lot of negative comments about Mu Baozhu on the Internet recently, and he urgently needs a bigger scandal to cover up the farce of Mu Baozhu."

At this time, Lu Ning was a little confused about Xin Nancheng.

Logically speaking, Xin Nancheng and Pei Xi are still the same kind of people, and he was able to come to this variety show because of Pei Xi, but he ended up betraying Pei Xi directly in front of her.

On the other hand, according to the description in the novel, he should have come for Mu Baozhu this time, but he told her about Pei Xi's plan

If she doesn't cooperate, Mu Baozhu will become the subject of conversation for a long time, and she may never be able to enter the entertainment industry as smoothly as in her previous life.

Lu Ning didn't believe that there would be good things that would fall from the sky. She asked calmly, "Why?" Why did you tell her all this? Telling her so much should be a signal of goodwill.

Xin Nancheng shrugged, "No reason, maybe because..."

Lu Ning waited quietly for what was to come.

"You are special."

Lu Ning: …

What kind of bullshit reason is this? As expected, Aquaman is Aquaman, and he never forgets to flirt with people no matter when or where.

At this time, several guests in the living room seemed to notice that Xin Nancheng was missing, and Nuonuo volunteered to go find him, "The dumplings are ready and will be cooked soon. Nancheng just arrived and may not be familiar with the environment of the villa. I don't know where he is. I'll go find him."

The two people in the tutor's room heard this sentence through the live broadcast camera.

Xin Nancheng smiled and said, "It seems someone is here to see me. I'll leave first."

Lu Ning hummed, "No thanks."

Xin Nancheng opened the door and was about to leave, but suddenly he thought of something. He turned around and said, "I have dark circles under my eyes because I have been busy with my schedule these two days and haven't slept for 29 hours. Although I am considered a sea king and have many ex-girlfriends, I am actually very picky and have a little mysophobia. Most of the time I just like to flirt, and when I get the girl, that's it. I don't do anything else." After saying that, he shrugged and imitated Lu Ning's tone and said what she had just said not long ago, "Of course, believe it or not."

After saying that, Xin Nancheng left.

Lu Ning drank a mouthful of hot water and didn't take Xin Nancheng's last few words to heart. She wasn't interested in how he got the dark circles under his eyes. She just thought that things between her, Pei Xi, and Mu Baozhu had reached a point of deep water and fire.

As expected of the male lead, in order to help the female lead solve the problem, he simply doesn’t treat Qingmei as a human being and directly uses her as cannon fodder.

But does she look like someone who is so easy to bully

In the living room, several guests finally ate the hot dumplings after three hours.

Although most of the dumplings were broken, the ones that were not broken were particularly large and seemed a little undercooked, but no matter what, they finally got to eat a hot bite.

Not only do they themselves find it difficult, but the audience in the live broadcast room also find it difficult.

Watching them making dumplings, I felt anxious for them and wished I could get into the screen and help them.

There are so many guests, but not one of them can really cook. They are all kitchen killers.

Making a few dumplings turned the kitchen into such a mess. I am really impressed.

I made a lot of dumplings. Although they don’t look good and no one would buy them if I put them outside, at least they can fill my stomach.

Several guests were also hungry and ate very quickly. Su Xiaoxiao and Shi Lun didn't know how to cook, so they could only eat the dumplings made by the guests.

They are not picky, as long as there is food to eat.

Yao Hanhan noticed that almost all the guests and mentors were in the living room, except Lu Ning.

She had a good impression of Lu Ning, so she asked, "Why didn't Teacher Lu come? There are a lot more dumplings."

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at Pei Xi, who looked unhappy. After she understood what Pei Xi meant, she said directly, "She is not sociable and only likes to be alone, so don't worry about her, and don't save any glutinous rice balls for her."

Xin Nancheng was not interested in the glutinous rice balls. He only ate two before putting down his chopsticks. Upon hearing the comment that he was not sociable, he said gentlemanly, "Teacher Lu is just a more genuine person." In front of outsiders, he always behaved in an exceptionally sincere, sunny, and elegant manner.

Mu Baozhu didn't expect that the new male guest would speak for Lu Ning, which made her feel a little unhappy.

She tried to smooth things over by saying, "Okay, okay, if Teacher Lu is hungry, he will come over by himself."

As soon as Mu Baozhu finished speaking, the teacher Lu she was talking about came downstairs and went straight into the kitchen without even looking at them.

When Yao Hanhan saw her enter the kitchen, she stood up and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to help Teacher Lu."

These days, Yao Hanhan has finally understood that she is more of a transparent person than a female guest. The male guests come to Mu Baozhu one after another to act as lickers, and they don't even have her and Nuonuo in their eyes.

She has lived for twenty-six years and has met all kinds of people and experienced all kinds of things during these years. It's not that she can't afford to lose, but she gradually realized that Mu Baozhu felt superior to them, and even looked down on her and Nuonuo.

For example, when they went out for an outing, the male guests gave Mu Baozhu so many roses, and Mu Baozhu accepted them all. Later, she even said in front of them, "I don't want to accept them, but they are too enthusiastic. It seems that I can't refuse them."

When talking about Zheng Shu inviting her to Dubai to see the lioness he raised, she said innocently, "Zheng Shu? I just treat him as a brother."

Listen, what else could this be if not Green Tea Quotes

Compared to Mu Baozhu, she still admires Lu Ning more. At least Lu Ning is not pretentious. As Xin Nancheng said, she is very real.

When Yao Hanhan arrived at the kitchen, Lu Ning had already started putting noodles into the pot.

She asked curiously, "Teacher Lu, what do you want to eat for lunch?"

Lu Ning didn't even turn his head, "Noodles."

There happened to be leftover chicken soup from yesterday in the kitchen, so she prepared to make a bowl of chicken soup, tomato and egg noodles.

Yao Hanhan asked openly, "Teacher Lu, can you give me some?"

Lu Ning glanced at her and said, "Okay."

Yao Hanhan comes from a good family, but she doesn't plan to rely on her family, but to start her own business and open a technology company. When reading the book, Lu Ning had a good impression of this female guest, and felt that she was very hardworking and motivated. After spending some time together, Lu Ning felt that Yao Hanhan did not take the initiative to cause trouble, and was considered a relatively reliable person.

She felt that if Mu Baozhu was not standing in the way, Yao Hanhan would have made this variety show more interesting to watch.

Just as Lu Ning said "Okay", someone at the kitchen door added, "Make more, I want to eat too."

Lu Ning frowned and looked towards the kitchen door. Xin Nancheng noticed her gaze and showed eight standard teeth, "Is it okay, Teacher Lu?"

It's just an extra portion of noodles.

Lu Ning hummed.

Her cooking skills were naturally not comparable to those of the other kitchen rookies. After a while, the aroma of food wafted from the kitchen.

Lu Ning lined up three large bowls, added some soup first, and then added the cooked noodles to the three bowls one by one. Finally, she added tomatoes and poached eggs.

After she finished, she washed a pair of chopsticks, picked up the bowl and started eating. "If you want to add sour and spicy flavors, or add onions, add them yourself." After that, she began to eat the noodles seriously. Don't say it, it's already past two in the afternoon, she is really hungry.

Yao Hanhan added a little vinegar to the noodles.

Xin Nancheng didn't add anything. The three of them picked up their bowls and started slurping the noodles at the same time.

After taking a mouthful of noodles, Yao Hanhan said in surprise, "It's delicious! Really delicious!"

Xin Nancheng was also a little surprised.

This noodle is so much better than the glutinous rice balls sold outside. Some of those glutinous rice balls were cooked too mushy, some were too thick and not cooked at all, and the meat inside was not chopped finely, so it was completely inedible.

But this side surprised him as he was used to eating Western food.

For a moment, the only sound in the kitchen was the sound of someone concentrating on scrambling noodles.

Judging from the guests’ performance, I believe this bowl of noodles is really delicious.

Woohoo, I also want to try our teacher Lu’s cooking!

After eating the noodles, Lu Ning washed his own bowl and chopsticks, and Yao Hanhan took the initiative to wash the pot that was used to cook the noodles.

As for the rest, they were made dirty by other guests, so they didn't care.

When Lu Ning left the kitchen, lunch in the living room was almost done. Seeing her, Su Xiaoxiao said sarcastically, "Teacher Lu didn't blow up the kitchen, did he?"

Yao Hanhan, who followed closely behind Lu Ning, said hurriedly, "Teacher Lu is a great cook!"

Others in the restaurant were unconvinced.

Especially Mu Baozhu and Pei Xi.

Lu Ning is a good cook? How is that possible

Mu Baozhu's pretty face was full of concern. "What did you eat just now? What if you have a stomachache?"

Lu Ning just left with one sentence "Mind your own business"

Because the lunch time was very late, after the guests had lunch and took a nap, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

At this point, they were not planning to go out, so they just decided to have a heart-to-heart talk with each other, chatting about everything under the sun, and getting to know each other better.

The comments about Mu Baozhu on the Internet are getting more and more intense, with the top commentators saying that she is indeed a popular figure, even the big yellow dog is deeply attracted to her, how charming she is. Although there is charm in the words, in fact, there is a bit of intention to watch the show.

Pei Xi spent money to suppress the hot search, but even though he spent the money, the hot search could not be suppressed. It was weird. He didn't know that this was Mu Baozhu's bad luck.

Previously, he asked Xin Nancheng to find a way to embarrass Lu Ning but failed.

He had no choice but to go up by himself.

When several guests gathered together to chat, Pei Xi suddenly revealed, "In fact, there is one thing that many people should know. Lu Ning likes me very much and always chases me, which makes me feel distressed."

As soon as these words were uttered, the effect was like a deep-sea mine exploding.

Pei Xi was at his wit's end. He couldn't find anyone else to embarrass Lu Ning, so he had to expose the truth himself.

He was telling the truth, and he was not afraid of Mr. Lu questioning him.

Even if there was anyone to blame for this, it couldn't be him. He could only blame Father Lu for not educating his daughter well. She was so young, so why did she choose to be a licker? If he and Baozhu had a daughter in the future, he would definitely not want his daughter to chase after another man.

In the living room, Pei Xi continued, "But if you don't like it, you don't like it. Love is something that cannot be forced. I came to participate in this dating variety show to find true love. At the same time, I also hope that Teacher Lu can give up on me completely and give me freedom. Her love is too deep, and it often makes me feel suffocated."

"Teacher Lu, I'm sorry, but can you please let me go? I really don't like you."

In front of countless people in the live broadcast room, Pei Xi bluntly said that he didn't like Lu Ning. If his original body was still there, he would probably be heartbroken.

There are so many comments in the live broadcast room that it’s almost dazzling.

What? Teacher Lu is actually a bootlicker? I can't tell.

I don't believe it! Teacher Lu doesn't look like the kind of person who is desperate and crazy about love.

Hi, women, once they meet someone they like, their IQ and EQ become negative. I originally thought that Teacher Lu was special, but it turns out he is just an ordinary person.

Su Xiaoxiao in the tutor's room deliberately pretended to be surprised, "Teacher Lu, this can't be true? Are you really such a bootlicker?"

Even Shi Lun looked at her in surprise.

Lu Ning had the calmest expression among everyone.

This is indeed what the original body had done, and many people knew about it. Now that she has traveled into this body, she will not deny the past of her original body.

She just felt sorry that her original body loved the wrong person.

Lu Ning spread his hands and said, "When I was young, I had a bad vision and couldn't tell a human from a dog. I mistook a scumbag for a good person. But fortunately, everything is over now."
