Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 23: The twenty-third day of love


What does it mean when it rains it pours? That's it.

No one spoke for a while, whether in the live broadcast room or in this long corridor.

The cameraman looked confused, and the audience in the live broadcast room were also confused.

Where is Mu Baozhu, who exudes the aura of a fairy and is so beautiful? Who is the person in front of me with a face full of acne

Give the little fairy back to them quickly!

The early spring wind was still a bit chilly, blowing on Mu Baozhu's unprotected face. The wind blew on her pimples, which were a bit itchy and painful. Mu Baozhu stared blankly at the people in front of her who looked dazed. She slowly looked down, and after seeing the mask on the ground rolled several times by the wind, she finally realized what had happened.

Her mask fell off!

It actually fell at such a time and place!

As soon as she realized what was happening, Mu Baozhu immediately stretched out her arms to cover her face, her voice filled with panic, "Don't look!"

Pei Xi was probably the slowest to react. He had been supporting Mu Baozhu and paying attention to the condition of her buttocks. She was not suitable for walking in this condition, but only for lying down and resting. So by the time he reacted, Mu Baozhu had already covered her face.

Pei Xi bent down to pick up the mask. Mu Baozhu didn't care that the mask was dirty after falling to the ground. She turned her back and put it on in a few seconds.

‌When she turned around again, she was still the same Mu Baozhu with charming features and graceful temperament.

This amount of time was enough for Mu Baozhu to calm down. "Sorry, I have pimples on both sides of my face recently."

Shen Rong was silent. He was not familiar with Mu Baozhu, and the scene just now had such a strong critical effect on him that the versatile Shen Rong was at a loss for words for the first time.

Pei Xi smiled and touched her head, saying, "Our Baozhu is still cute even if she has a few pimples on her face."

Pei Xi was able to say this without any pressure because he didn't see the real situation on Mu Baozhu's face. Is it just a few pimples? That's obviously not the case, her face is full of pimples!

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't know that Pei Xi didn't see her whole face at all, and they were all very emotional when they heard this.

His actions helped Mu Baozhu gain some favor from the audience.

I believe Pei Xi truly loves Mu Baozhu.

I don’t know whether it’s cute or not, but Pei Xi’s performance just now was pretty good. Suddenly I felt that they were a little sweet.

A few viewers felt that they had a good couple feeling, but most of the viewers were still immersed in the scene just now and couldn't extricate themselves.

It was so funny, I felt like Mr. Shen was frightened.

Don't mention it, I was also scared by Mu Baozhu just now, luckily she put on the mask again. But why is Mu Baozhu not as fairy-like as she was at the beginning

I'm not the only one who thinks she's not pretty enough

The image of my face full of acne just now dealt a heavy blow to my heart. I need to drink some water to calm down.

Calm down +1.

What should I do if I can’t forget the scene full of pimples

I guess the whole scene will be played on loop in my mind for the next few days...

Mu Baozhu didn’t know what comments netizens posted.

She smiled with her eyes curved.

There's nothing wrong with having acne, it just means she's still young.

Otherwise, why are pimples called acne

Mu Baozhu slowly regained her previous composure, "Mr. Shen, is there anything you like to eat? I'll ask my aunt to make it tomorrow. My father feels sorry for me being in the hospital, so he asked my aunt to bring me food every day. My aunt is very good at cooking, you can try it."

In Mu Baozhu's opinion, although she did not have the same surname as Lu's father, and had always called him uncle at Lu's father's instruction, it was nothing for an adopted daughter to call her adoptive father "father" in front of outsiders.

Shen Rong is a serious person. Although he is wearing a hospital gown, he is tall and still looks very imposing.

For Lu Beicai's sake, he was quite polite to Mu Baozhu, "Is it too much trouble?"

Mu Baozhu waved her hands quickly, her voice sweet, "It's not a big deal, it's just something I can do."

Lu Beicai's character and ability have always been highly respected in the financial circle. The other party's daughter was so enthusiastic, so he had no reason to refuse. Shen Rong nodded, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

After talking with Shen Rong, Mu Baozhu signaled Pei Xi to take her to Grandpa Jing's ward.

She wants to capture both Mr. Jing and Shen Rong's connections, and not let either of them go.

Half an hour ago, Jing Yi's assistant Xiaomu hurried to Beijing from other places.

He had been filming in the mountains for a few days, and rushed over as soon as he heard the news that his grandfather was in the hospital.

Old Master Jing is a person who can't sit still. When Jing Yi entered the ward, he saw the old man sitting upright on the bed, wearing a pair of reading glasses, and handling the affairs at hand seriously.

Jing Yi's cold face showed some disapproval, "Grandpa, the doctor told you to rest more."

Mr. Jing glanced at him and said unhappily, "You don't care about the company's affairs. What will happen to the company when I have free time?"

Mr. Jing is already 70 years old this year. His health is not as good as when he was young. He not only has high blood pressure, but also diabetes. No matter how much he refuses to admit his old age, time is still unforgiving. Once he fell ill because he was too tired from work and did not take high blood pressure pills in time.

Jing Yi sat down on the chair next to Grandpa Jing, and said helplessly in his cool voice, "Grandpa, your health is important."

Grandpa Jing took off his reading glasses and said the same old thing, "If you give me a good great-grandson, I will take him with me and not care about the company. Now I don't have a great-grandson, and you don't care about the company, so what's the point of me?" Although he said that he disliked Grandpa Jing, he always showed some affection to his eldest grandson in public and in public.

The grandparents and grandchildren have depended on each other for more than 20 years, and both sides are each other's most important relatives in the world.

Being despised by Mr. Jing, Jing Yi said nothing.

After saying that, Grandpa Jing added slowly, "Forget about great-grandchildren. I don't even have a girlfriend right now. When can I hold my great-grandchild in my arms?"

But the grandfather and grandson often mentioned this issue in the past two years. In the past, when it came to this time, Jing Yi would pretend to be deaf and dumb, and Grandpa Jing would just nag a few words and would not really force him to do anything.

However, Jing Yi's performance today was a little different from before.

Old Master Jing had lived for so long that he had already become a wise man. He was a little surprised, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Jing Yi did not refute. But for someone like Jing Yi, not refutating was the worst situation.

Old Master Jing showed some interest. "Is there really a situation? Which girl?"

"I don't know." It wasn't that he was being perfunctory, but Jing Yi really wasn't very clear about the identity and origin of the person in his dream.

In the dream, they were already familiar and close enough. She was unique and special to him. But before today, he was not sure whether she really existed in reality.

Until he heard the words from her mouth, "Friend, I will cook tomato and egg noodles for you next time."

This sentence reveals too much information.

He had only posted on Weibo that he wanted to eat tomato and egg noodles. After he posted on Weibo, she said one sentence to him when she came into her dream again, which meant that she not only knew who he was clearly, but also kept following his Weibo updates.

Realizing this, Jing Yi's ears turned slightly red.

Among so many people paying attention to him, one of them is her.

Mr. Jing coughed lightly, "Then when will you know?"

This is a question that Jing Yi cannot answer for the time being.

She appeared in his dreams so many times, but unfortunately every time he woke up the next day, he could not remember what she looked like.

Although he couldn't remember her appearance, he clearly remembered her cold and beautiful face, her recognizable voice, and the feeling she gave him.

Who is she and why does she appear in his dreams every day

He will know all this sooner or later.

Grandpa Jing did not force his eldest grandson to answer. To him, the fact that his eldest grandson was in good condition was already a great improvement compared to before.

He put on his reading glasses again, "Have you had dinner yet?"

Jing Yi said honestly, "No." He only had breakfast today and didn't have time to eat lunch because he was in a hurry.

Old Master Jing pointed to the side and said, "The auntie from the next ward sent it. It's a lot. I'm old and I don't eat much at night. You can eat the rest."

Jing Yi went to get the insulated lunch box and asked, "The next ward?"

Without even looking up, Mr. Jing explained, "You've heard of Lu Beicai, the executive president of the Lu Group, right? It's Lu Beicai's daughter. I heard she hit her head while driving a go-kart, so she's in the hospital for a few days for observation."

Jing Yi hummed.

He was slightly stunned after opening the thermal food box.

Master Jing glanced at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jing Yi was a little uncertain, "Tomato and egg noodles?"

"Yes, the noodles are cooked well. It will definitely taste better if you eat it right after it is cooked. Try it. The cooking auntie has pretty good skills." Even the picky Grandpa Jing said so, which means this bowl of noodles must be delicious.

Jing Yi picked up a piece of chopsticks and took a bite.

As soon as he tasted it, he was a little dazed.


So similar.

"On the surface..."

Just as Jing Yi started talking, there was some noise coming from outside. It was very noisy and he had no idea what was going on.

The noise gradually died down, and several messy footsteps approached them.

Jing Yi frowned and looked towards the door. The next second, there was a knock on the ward door.

Mr. Jing said, "Come in."

The person opened the door, and the next second, two young men and women walked in.

Mu Baozhu introduced herself immediately, "Grandpa Jing, I live next door to you, Baozhu. I wonder if the noodles my aunt brought just now suit your taste?"

Before Grandpa Jing could say anything, Jing Yi had already spoken first, "Who is doing this?"

Old Master Jing looked at his eldest grandson with some surprise.

Mu Baozhu thought Jing Yi didn't like the taste of noodles, so she said hurriedly, "It's my aunt who made it. What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"No problem, she's still here?"

Mu Baozhu was stunned. "Yes."

Jing Yi put down the lunch box, stood up and said, "I want to go see her."

Mu Baozhu had a lot of questions in her head. Although she didn't understand why Jing Yi wanted to call the aunt who cooked noodles, she still said, "No need to be so troublesome, just ask her to come over." After that, she asked the staff to call someone.

After a while, the aunt from home came over with a puzzled look on her face.

Jing Yi looked at her and asked, "Did you cook the noodles?"

The aunt thought of Lu Ning's instructions and nodded, saying, "It's me." Miss Lu asked not to mention her name, so she had no choice but to agree.

After that, the aunt asked uncomfortably, "Is the noodle not tasty? Is it because it's mushy?"

Jing Yi felt a little regretful and disappointed, but he still said politely, "No, the noodles are delicious, thank you."

Not her.

None of them were her.

Mu Baozhu repeated what she had just said to Shen Rong to them, "Anyway, my father loves me, and my aunt brings me meals every day. The meals cooked at home are clean and hygienic, so we don't have to buy meals specially."

In fact, Grandma Jing doesn't really need anyone to bring her food.

Why would you take advantage of the Lu family for no reason

It’s not like no one brings him food.

However, Jing Yi agreed before Old Man Jing did, "Okay, thank you."

After hearing this answer, Mu Baozhu looked very satisfied. "You're welcome. I won't bother you anymore."

The audience in the live broadcast room were all screaming.

Just now, it was all Jing Yi's voice! Previously, people on the Internet had been saying that Grandpa Jing was Jing Yi's real grandfather, and that if he wasn't famous, he could inherit the family fortune. It turns out that what they said on the Internet was true!

Let’s take a look at the best actor!

The cameraman knew the right way to take advantage of the popularity, and he took the opportunity when Mu Baozhu and Pei Xi left to quickly record a few seconds in the ward. When recording, he deliberately avoided Grandpa Jing and only filmed Jing Yi.

Although it was only a few seconds, Jing Yi's fans were satisfied to see it.

Brother is still so handsome!

My brother's face is amazing!!!

After Mu Baozhu and Pei Xi left, Old Master Jing looked disapproving, "What did you agree to do? It's obvious that the girl wants to hook up with us."

Old Master Jing saw through Mu Baozhu's little tricks at a glance.

She is too young and her ambition is clear on her face.

In fact, not only Grandpa Jing, but Jing Yi and Shen Rong also knew it clearly.

Shen Rong was polite to her only for Lu Beicai's sake.

Jing Yi has his own purpose.

He simply replied, "There's something I want to know."

Why does this bowl of noodles taste exactly the same as the one she makes

It's a coincidence, or it's not a coincidence.

He would always figure these out.

After saying that, he carefully finished the bowl of slightly cold tomato and egg noodles, mouthful after mouthful.

On the other side, everyone in the Heartbeat Hut also watched the scene where Mu Baozhu's mask was blown off by the wind.

Yao Hanhan was extremely surprised, "Why is it so sudden?"

It was sudden that Mu Baozhu's face was covered with pimples.

Her mask was suddenly blown off by the wind. It happened very suddenly.

This scene created a comedic effect and almost made Yao Hanhan laugh to death.

In fact, the most confused person among all people is Mu Baozhu herself.

If it wasn't a live broadcast, Yao Hanhan would have burst into laughter.

Nuonuo was a little impressed by Mu Baozhu. She had an extremely strong heart. If it were her, she would have died long ago.

Mu Baozhu, however, was able to continue socializing as if nothing had happened. It must be said that she is also a ruthless person.

In the live broadcast room, Pei Xi also spent money to hire internet trolls and black fans.

These black fans haven’t been very noticeable recently, but they would occasionally pop up to pick trouble and disgust Lu Ning.

Baozhu is worthy of being Baozhu. Not only does she have Pei Xi to protect her all the way, but now she has become friends with two big guys. She is simply a winner in life.

Is Teacher Lu envious

Teacher Lu has nothing, he must be envious to death.

It's really pitiful that Teacher Lu has no connections and no resources.

In the tutor's room, Lu Ning naturally also saw several comments from black fans.

Lu Ning really didn't understand the thinking of this group of haters. Apart from other things, there was just one thing she really didn't understand. "Just asking Auntie to deliver food once means you've become friends with the boss?"

Of course, they have obviously built a bridge of friendship.

Lu Ning followed their thoughts and said, "Then if I deliver food to Lu Beicai once, he will be my father?"

Hahahaha, you are crazy about wanting to be the boss’s daughter, right

If you have the ability, go and give it to her. If Lu Beicai can recognize her as his daughter, I will perform a handstand and eat dog shit.

Add me in as well. If Lu Beicai can accept her as his daughter, I will perform a handstand to wash your hair.

If I could meet Mr. Lu, I would call him dad!

Lu Ning picked up a pen and paper and wrote down the IDs and screen names of the netizens one by one. "They said that if Lu Beicai recognized me as his daughter, one of them would stand upside down to eat dog shit, one would wash his hair upside down, and one would call me dad. All the viewers in the live broadcast room are witnesses."

You sound like a big boss's daughter. It's already night time, what are you daydreaming about

Just because you all have the surname Lu, it doesn't mean you can get in touch with Mr. Lu.

I feel ashamed for your dad!

Lu Ning didn't take those negative comments to heart.

The more they think it is impossible now, the stronger the reaction on the Internet will be when the fact that she is Lu Beicai's daughter is exposed.

She was actually looking forward to seeing Mu Baozhu's expression on the day when it would be exposed.

Her expression will definitely be very interesting then.

After leaving Grandpa Jing's ward, Pei Xi felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart.

Whether it was Jing Yi or Shen Rong that they met today, both of them were outstanding people.

If his sense of crisis was not strong enough before when Su Fu and Zheng Shu were surrounding Mu Baozhu every day, then now after Jing Yi and Shen Rong appeared, his sense of crisis was stronger than ever before.

Whether in terms of family background or appearance, he had no advantage over them.

After arriving at Mu Baozhu's ward, Pei Xi suddenly smiled and said, "Baozhu, I'll show you a treasure."

After all this walking around, Mu Baozhu was actually a little tired.

Now she just wanted to close her eyes and have a good rest.

But Pei Xi always gave her all kinds of goodies in the past. Thinking of this, she forced herself to cheer up and asked cooperatively, "What treasure?"

Could it be that Lu Ning gave him something valuable again

Lu Ning was a fool. She didn’t know that every time she carefully selected a gift for Pei Xi, it actually ended up in her hands.

Every time, Mu Baozhu would feel a secret sense of superiority in her heart.

Lu Ning was simply played around by them.

Some gifts she didn't like were just left in a corner to gather dust.

There were some things she liked, such as the eight-digit jade on her neck, which she wore all the time. One reason was that jade could easily show her status, and the other was that it was particularly effective in stimulating Lu Ning.

However, since participating in the dating variety show, Lu Ning is not as impulsive and brainless as before.

While Mu Baozhu was thinking about her worries, Pei Xi suddenly took off his shirt in front of her, revealing his upper body with six pack abdominal muscles.

Mu Baozhu was stunned for a moment, "What are you doing?"

Today's accidents happened one after another, and the cameraman was a little numb.

He somewhat understood what Pei Xi meant.

The baby that Pei Xi is talking about is probably himself.

Indeed, you can’t expect a man in love to have his IQ always online.

In front of Mu Baozhu, Pei Xi was just a young man who wanted to win the favor of his sweetheart.

He tried every possible means, like a peacock spreading its feathers desperately to attract Mu Baozhu's attention.

The audience in the live broadcast room were extremely excited when Pei Xi suddenly took off her clothes.

Suddenly undressing!

A bit exciting!

Pei Xi put his left hand behind his back, supported his body with his right hand, and did 100 push-ups in one breath on the ground.

It is said that doing push-ups is the exercise that best demonstrates a man's physical strength and power.

Pei Xi has a gym at home and he spends an hour or two exercising every day, so he thinks he has good physical strength.

After doing a hundred push-ups, Pei Xi was slightly sweaty.

He stood up and wiped his face with the short-sleeved shirt he had just taken off.

Mu Baozhu looked drowsy, and she thought it was some treasure.

Pei Xi said meaningfully, "Baozhu, the older you are, the less physically fit you are. The one who looks cool and aloof may not have the right figure or physical strength. Someone like me is just right."

There is a lot of meaning in his words.

The older one refers to Shen Rong, who is in his early thirties. There is a saying that men lose their physical strength faster once they are over thirty.

As for the one who looked aloof at home, he was referring to Jing Yi.

Jing Yi has never shown off her body in front of the camera.

Generally speaking, male celebrities have good bodies, and most of them will show themselves in front of various cameras.

As a man, who doesn’t have a competitive spirit

When I was young, I would compete to see who had the bigger one when going to the toilet!

But Jing Yi always wears formal clothes tightly.

No matter what the fans asked, he remained unmoved.

So Pei Xi subconsciously concluded that Jing Yi's figure was not very good.

Because he is not good enough, he dare not show off.

He is different, he has a great body and can show it off in front of the camera.

Mu Baozhu glanced at Pei Xi and didn't respond.

Pei Xi was her best choice before. But after meeting more high-quality men, he is no longer her best choice.

So Mu Baozhu just smiled and said, "That's hard to say."

In the Heartbeat House, Lu Ning also saw a live broadcast.

Who says that only women’s IQ will drop after falling in love? It’s obvious that men are no less disappointed.

There were many people in the live broadcast room saying that Pei Xi had a good figure.

Lu Ning didn't intend to say much. After Pei Xi took off her clothes, she just glanced at him casually and then looked away.

But when she heard the sentence "Maybe the one who looks aloof has a bad figure and lacks physical strength", she immediately understood that Pei Xi was referring to Jing Yi.

When she entered the dream for the second time, Jing Yi had just taken a shower and was only wearing a bath towel. That time, she accidentally caught a glimpse of Jing Yi's figure.

Jing Yi is obviously thin when he is dressed, but has muscles when he is undressed.

The muscles on his body are not exaggerated, but thin, but they are obviously powerful, and combined with his healthy skin tone, they are just the right amount of sexiness.

Lu Ning wanted to see how good the figure of Pei Xi, the girl who slandered Jing Yi, was.

After carefully measuring, Lu Ning frowned slightly, and blurted out the thought in his mind, "Isn't it just a boiled chicken with six-pack abs?"

Su Xiaoxiao, Shi Lun:

Lu Ning didn't mean to say that, it was just that Pei Xi's skin was very white, and the shape of his abdominal muscles was not very obvious, it was all thanks to his deep breathing.

Overall, the family is not very harmonious.

It looks more like a boiled chicken that has finally developed abdominal muscles.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha I'm dying of laughter. Teacher Lu's comments are always so accurate and on point!

Speaking objectively, Pei Xi's skin is indeed too white and his abdominal muscles are too shallow.

Ah, it seems that Pei Xi actually has the potential to be a gigolo!

The public opinion in the live broadcast room was suddenly changed by Lu Ning.

After Lu Ning finished speaking, he was too lazy to watch Pei's play anymore.

When Lu Ning was getting ready to go to bed at night, he received a call from his aunt.

Her aunt asked her on the phone whether she wanted to continue delivering meals to Mu Baozhu tomorrow.

Lu Ning thought for a moment and said, "Send it."

Let the aunt deliver the meal, Mu Baozhu's side is secondary, the main thing is that she can be the first to know about Mr. Jing's physical condition.

If Mr. Jing was in poor health, the people who would be most sad would definitely be her friends.

"Still cooking noodles?"

"No need, you can choose the dishes from whichever one you choose, as long as the dishes from all three restaurants are the same."

"I understand, Miss Lu."

After that, the aunt continued to talk about everything that happened today. After hearing Jing Yi specifically ask the aunt if she cooked the noodles, Lu Ning was a little surprised.

How powerful is Jing Yi's sense of taste? Did he find that the tomato and egg noodles tasted the same as the bowl he had in his dream

However, Lu Ning didn't take this little thing to heart.

She would not take the initiative to tell Jing Yi her identity, but she would not deliberately conceal her identity either.

Just let it be.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ning prepared to go to bed again.

She didn't expect that the effect of entering the dream yesterday was so good.

Mu Baozhu not only fell, but also showed her acne-covered face in front of so many people. The mask being blown away sounds incredible, but when luck is down, anything can happen.

Thinking of Mu Baozhu's confused and frightened look in the camera, Lu Ning felt relieved and entered Jing Yi's dream again.

As soon as he successfully entered the dream, Lu Ning felt something was wrong.

It was very dark all around, with no lights on, and only faint moonlight coming in from outside.

She felt the water around her and found that it still had a little residual warmth.

Not too cold.

She reached out her hand in the darkness and touched something next to her. It was cold, like tile.

By this time, she probably already had some guesses in her mind.

This time, she probably, possibly, perhaps, fell into the boss's bathtub!