Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 24: The twenty-fourth day of love


It was pitch black all around; Lu Ning could neither see nor hear anything.

The surroundings were quiet and peaceful, with a faint mist in the air. In a trance, she seemed to be able to hear the croaking of frogs and cicadas in the distance.

It seems that the season in Jing Yi’s dream was midsummer.

The clothes Lu Ning was wearing were all wet. She had no choice but to tentatively grab the edge of the bathtub with her hands, exert a little force with her feet, and slowly stand up.

She left this moist and ambiguous environment and went to find Jing Yi.

However, some mint shower gel fell into the bathtub. Lu Ning couldn't see clearly under her feet, and she accidentally stepped on the slippery shower gel.

She didn't step firmly and fell forward subconsciously.

In a split second, many ideas flashed through Lu Ning's mind, for example, would it be painful to fall in a dream

Or does the pain feel less intense or even nonexistent in dreams

Before she traveled through the book, Lu Ning had a good sleep quality, usually sleeping until dawn. She would occasionally dream, but her dreams were also ordinary. Therefore, she was really curious about what would happen if she fell in a dream.

Maybe because she was in a dream, Lu Ning was fearless. When she woke up, she would be a brave man again.

She was ready to fall, but after a few seconds, the pain she expected did not come.

She fell into a warm and moist embrace.

In the dim light, a slight groan came from above her head.

Lu Ning was slightly stunned, and asked tentatively, "Friend? Is it you?"

Perhaps several seconds had passed before she heard a clear and cool voice from above her head. If she listened carefully, the voice seemed a little unstable, "It's me."

In the darkness, Lu Ning didn't notice that Jing Yi's ears had turned red. She thought she had hurt him, so she quickly stretched out her legs, found a place to hold on, and stood up.

But in the next second, she immediately felt uncomfortable.

The gentle touch is like the texture of skin, warm to the touch, with a little moisture.

She probably, possibly, maybe, touched her friend's pectoral muscles.

Not to mention, it feels quite tasty.

Lu Ning calmly took back the phone and found a new place to put it.

Then, as if nothing had happened, she asked, "Why didn't you say anything just now?" If Dao Jingyi was here, she wouldn't have been so anxious to stand up.

Jing Yi lowered his eyes, trying to ignore the touch on his chest just now, "Sorry, I fell asleep."

I am usually very busy with work, and I often fall asleep while taking a bath.

But I didn't expect that the scenes that happened in reality would always be repeated in dreams.

For example, on my last birthday, it was actually a repetition of the days I experienced when I was young. In fact, until the delicious food on the table was cold, I didn’t wait for my grandfather who was still out socializing to come back.

But in the dream, I ate the first bowl of birthday noodles in my life.

If I remember correctly, the scene in my dream today was something I experienced one day in midsummer last year.

At that time, I had been working non-stop for more than 20 hours. After finishing work, I fell asleep in a hot bath.

But the difference is that she is not actually there.

Xiaomu was away that day and no one woke him up. He soaked in cold water all night and fell ill the next day.

The imperfection in reality seems to become perfect in dreams.

After hearing this, Lu Ning knew what was going on. She didn't know what to say.

Mr. Jing was hospitalized because of his intense work. As his grandson, he was no less capable than him. They were both workaholics. When he started working, he forgot everything else.

When thinking about the sudden accident in the book, Lu Ning reminded out of friendship, "Making money is important, but taking care of your body is more important." Although he didn't know what the accident was, it was always right to let him pay more attention to rest and not overwork.


The humid air was filled with the aroma of Darjeeling tea and mint. It was dark and people's faces could not be seen clearly, so Lu Ning didn't realize that Jing Yi was so hot that he was sweating all over.

Lu Ning remembered what she had said to him at the end of her last dream and prepared to get up, "Is this the kitchen?" She was a person who kept her word, so if she said something, she would naturally do it.

Jing Yi said with his red ears, "No."

This is the bathroom of the hotel, where I stayed temporarily when I was rushing to travel last year. There is only a bedroom outside, and there is no kitchen.

Jing Yi lowered his eyes and looked at the blurry shadow in front of him. He could only roughly catch a glimpse of her figure through the faint moonlight, "I have eaten."


Jing Yi said that she had a bowl of tomato and egg noodles, which tasted exactly the same as the ones she made.

But at this time, the dream time quickly ended and the picture began to become blurry.

Jing Yi said, she was leaving.

Just like every time before.

Taking advantage of the last bit of time, he grabbed her arm and said seriously, "I'll find you."

Lu Ning opened his mouth. "My friend, this is not necessary."

But before she could say anything, the dream ended completely.

Lu Ning was awakened by the excited voice of the Merit System.

Oh my god, the intimacy has increased by 20 levels! Now your intimacy has reached level 38! What on earth did you do? The merit system can only help Lu Ning enter the dream, but it can't follow him, so it doesn't know what happened in the dream.

It only knew that every time it entered a dream, the intimacy would increase, and the speed at which it was increasing was so fast that it was stunned.

Maybe it has little experience.

Although it was just a bunch of cold data, it didn't stop it from expressing surprise. You know, when Lu Ning entered the dream for the first time, she just greeted the boss and was kicked out of the dream by the extremely vigilant boss. The second time she entered the dream, she barely established a friendship with the boss.

The results are here!

However, after the sixth time entering the dream, the intimacy between the two of them increased by 20 levels!

This is simply unheard of.

What on earth did the boss Lu Ning do

I have to say, the merit system is really curious.

Lu Ning's ears hurt from the excited voice, and scenes from her dream flashed through her mind again and again.

She always felt a little unsatisfactory.

While she was in the dream, she didn't have time to think about it carefully, but after waking up, she finally realized what that strange thing was.

After she accidentally touched Jing Yi's pectoral muscles, she retracted her hand in time and put it in another place.

But at this moment, the place where her buttocks were placed didn't seem to be much better than her pectoral muscles.

The benefits of not being exposed were fully demonstrated at this moment.

As long as you don't know who she is, the embarrassment cannot extend from the dream to reality.

So Lu Ning was only embarrassed for less than a second before he recovered as if nothing had happened.

Look, the vest still can’t be taken off.

At least not yet.

If she didn't get exposed, she could still move freely in Jing Yi's dream. But once he knew who she was, she might not be able to be as free and easy as before.

She wasn't going to sleep tonight.

The dream scenes were more exciting and unpredictable each time. She had no idea what the next dream would be like.

Lu Ning woke up, got up from the bed, and asked, "How much fortune did you get back?"

Another 10% return! Congratulations!

Lu Ning calculated that after recovering another 10%, her luck with Mu Baozhu was still 50%. Almost halfway.

As long as her luck is not snatched away again, the urgent situation at the beginning will be alleviated a lot, and she will have room to give herself a day off tonight.

With that in mind, Lu Ning got up and washed up with a relaxed look on his face.

On the other side.

There was chaos in Mu Baozhu's ward early in the morning.

The reason was that when Mu Baozhu was washing her face in the morning, she unexpectedly discovered that she also had acne on her forehead.

You know, before that, she only had a lot of pimples on both sides of her cheeks.

Although she has a lot of acne, as long as she puts on a mask, her eyes and eyebrows are as pure and charming as before, and her whole body is filled with graceful charm.

As long as she wears a mask, she is still Pei Xi, and the goddess that everyone desires but can only be admired from afar and not touched.

But now, she has pimples on her forehead. It's so ugly that even if she wears a mask, it won't be of much use.

Mu Baozhu locked the door and cried bitterly in the bathroom. She didn't know what happened. Everything was going so smoothly before. She relied on plundering Lu Ning's fortune to become more and more prosperous. She was full of fairy spirit and any man she met would become her slave.

But now, everything has changed.

Pei Xi had no idea what happened to Mu Baozhu in there. Mu Baozhu's buttocks had not fully recovered yet, so she should still lie down and recuperate.

But every time she asked 2 people to go into the bathroom to wash up, and no one could follow her in.

Even Pei Xi can't do it.

She was crying in the bathroom, and Pei Xi, who was outside the door, could only worry.

‌ knocked on the door hard, making it bang loudly, "Baozhu, what's wrong with you? Open the door quickly!"

Mu Baozhu cried for a while before she calmed down a little.

There was a hint of viciousness in her eyes.

She must not give in. She is far from losing!

She can do it!

At this point, Mu Baozhu stood up and took out a pair of scissors from the drawer.

She used to have a middle part in her hair, but because she had a particularly beautiful forehead, which was considered a plus point for her, she had never been willing to cover her forehead with her hair.

She doesn't like bangs, which lower her looks. Her looks are indeed more suitable for a middle part. But now is different from the past. She has a lot of pimples on her forehead, and she can only rely on bangs to cover them.

So she picked up the scissors with a determined look and closed her eyes tightly.

She remembered everything that happened today.

These hairs will grow back sooner or later, and those that are lost will be regained by her too!

As she was thinking this, she became cruel and took out a pair of scissors to cut off a large section of the hair on both sides.

At the door, Pei Xi's worried voice continued to come in, "Baozhu, say something!"

"Baozhu, what's wrong with you? Don't make me worry!"

Mu Baozhu ignored Pei Xi, she was concentrating on trimming her bangs. Just when Pei Xi was about to break in, Mu Baozhu finally opened the door.

When she walked out of the bathroom door for the last time, she had a large, thick fringe on her head, which completely covered her originally full and beautiful forehead.

She still had the mask on her face, revealing only a pair of lively and watery eyes.

Pei Xi looked at her innocent and pure eyes like Bambi, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, "You scared me to death, Baozhu, what are you doing in there?"

Mu Baozhu smiled coquettishly at him, "I suddenly changed my hairstyle. A new hairstyle changes my mood. Brother Pei, do I look good with bangs?"

Pei Xi looked at it carefully, and then commented sincerely, "It's good-looking."

Mu Baozhu is bright and dazzling with her forehead exposed. Mu Baozhu with bangs and a pair of innocent and beautiful doe eyes adds a bit of childishness.

In Peixi, Mu Baozhu looks good whether she shows her forehead or covers it. But after growing bangs, her appearance is closer to her real age, and she looks very tender.

Mu Baozhu pursed her lips and smiled.

She said, "We have been away from the Heartbeat House for more than two days, I am going back now."

Pei Xi disapproved, "Your injuries haven't fully healed yet."

Mu Baozhu held her waist and tried to suppress the urgency in her heart. She said softly, "But, I'm going home. At worst, I can just continue to lie on the bed after returning to the Heartbeat House." After that, she tugged at Pei Xi's sleeve and said coquettishly, "Brother, brother, are you okay? Are you okay?"

Mu Baozhu has a very sweet voice. Although she is already in her twenties, when she pinches her throat to speak, she sounds like a baby. Very well behaved and sweet.

Pei Xi was completely fooled by this trick. When Mu Baozhu acted like a spoiled child, he couldn't say anything in protest.

"Okay, okay. All up to you."

Before leaving, Mu Baozhu did not forget to say goodbye to the two bosses seriously.

It was not easy for her to establish relationships with them, so she was unwilling to give up these two connections easily.

Shen Rong vaguely heard Mu Baozhu crying in the morning.

However, he and Mu Baozhu were not familiar with each other, so even if he heard it, he would just pretend not to hear it and would not ask any other questions.

Hearing that she was leaving, he said in a lukewarm manner, just the right amount of politeness, "Congratulations on your discharge."

Mu Baozhu smiled coquettishly, "Thank you. I also wish you a speedy recovery."

After leaving Shen Rong's ward, Mu Baozhu went to Mr. Jing's ward.

When he heard that she was leaving, Mr. Jing didn't say anything at all.

Mu Baozhu looked around and didn't see Jing Yi. She felt a little regretful, but she had more important things to do, so she could only leave early with regret.

As soon as Lu Ning went downstairs, she learned from Xin Nancheng that Mu Baozhu's group would be back soon.

Lu Ning was a little surprised. Only two days had passed and they were going to return from the hospital? Was Mu Baozhu's injury healed

However, after hearing the 10% fortune report this morning, Lu Ning felt relieved.

Perhaps something happened to Mu Baozhu again, so he couldn't wait to take the fortune back from her.

It seems that Mu Baozhu has to go back as soon as possible.

Lu Ning didn't take it to heart. She ate breakfast leisurely in the living room as usual.

The breakfast at Heartbeat House tastes good and is nutritious.

Lu Ning was very satisfied with his breakfast.

She thought Mu Baozhu would take a while to come back, but before the director's speech started, Mu Baozhu, Pei Xi, Zheng Shu, and Su Fu appeared at the door of the Heartbeat House.

After a few days, the mentality of many guests has changed significantly.

Mu Baozhu greeted everyone in the Heartbeat House in a delicate voice, "Hello, everyone."

She knew that the fairy spirit in her was gone, which was like she had fallen from heaven to earth and was no longer a fairy in heaven.

She felt resentful in her heart, but she quickly came up with a solution.

She had been following the high-end fairy route before, but after the fairy buff disappeared, she could no longer act like a fairy as before.

So, she changed her style and started to play the role of a spoiled little sweetheart.

Her current look is very soft, with bangs, long hair, innocent little eyes, and a pretty little skirt, just the right size for a delicate little sweetheart.

The character of the little fairy is popular, and the little sweetheart is also loved by straight men and otakus.

Seeing Mu Baozhu following the pedestrians back, everyone in the Heartbeat Hut had unhappy expressions.

Xin Nancheng didn't have any big reaction, and Yao Hanhan and Nuonuo didn't become very warm either.

But Mu Baozhu didn't care about their reactions at all, she only cared about Lu Ning. She was discharged from the hospital early just for Lu Ning.

The three mentors had been staying in the mentor room before, but Mu Baozhu was hospitalized for a few days. The director felt that the friendship between the mentors and the guests needed to be expressed, so he specially asked the three mentors to go downstairs to greet Mu Baozhu.

Mu Baozhu glanced at the three instructors and greeted each of them, "Hello, Instructor Su."

Su Xiaoxiao was flattered. She asked with concern, "Okay, okay, how are you?"

Mu Baozhu looked a little pitiful, "Much better, thank you Teacher Su for your concern."

Next is Schlun.

"Hello, Teacher Shi."

Shi Lun also acted politely. This was the woman that the sponsor liked, so he could only praise her carefully. "Hello, Miss Baozhu. I haven't seen you for a few days. Miss Baozhu has become more beautiful."

When Mu Baozhu heard this, the smile on her face froze.

Appearance is what she cares about most, but Shi Lun just keeps bringing up things that are irrelevant.

Shi Lun had no idea that his flattery had backfired.

Finally, it’s Lu Ning.

A vicious look flashed across Mu Baozhu's eyes, and her voice was as sweet as if it was soaked in honey. "Hello, Teacher Lu."

When Lu Ning heard this voice, he begged sincerely, "Are you still speaking in a mixed tone?"

Mu Baozhu's face was frozen, and her voice was almost choked, "What?"

Lu Ning frowned and asked sincerely, "Aren't you tired of talking like this?"

After most of Mu Baozhu's luck disappeared, the sound of her voice actually changed a lot.

She used to have an excellent voice, and whatever she said sounded nice.

But after only 50% of Lu Ning's luck came to her, her voice was no longer as pleasant to the ear as before.

If her voice was S-level before, now it is A-level, which is a direct downgrade.

Her voice doesn't sound sweet enough, but when mixed with words it becomes very sweet, sticky and seductive.

Therefore, Mu Baozhu always speaks in a low voice.

But no one had ever said this to her face before!

She smiled awkwardly, "Teacher Lu, stop joking."

Lu Ning shrugged. Who was joking with her

Honest mentor Lu praised sincerely, "Sister, you are really good at pinching."

As the words “Sister, you are really good at pinching” were uttered, the comments in the live broadcast room grew at an exaggerated speed.

Hahahahahahaha you are quite good at clamping.

I'm not strong! The first thing I felt was not the sound but...

Actually, I am also... dirty.

But what Teacher Lu said is true!

I couldn't help but try to clamp my voice hahahaha, so funny, so funny!

Why does Teacher Lu always pay attention to things that I can't! Teacher Lu is so awesome!

Teacher Lu can always see through appearances and see the essence! Teacher Lu is awesome!

The voice of the clip is very pretentious! Why does it feel like Mu Baozhu is not as fairy-like as before

Pei Xi said unhappily, "Lu Ning! What do you mean?"

When questioned by Pei Xi, Lu Ning took out the oil-absorbing facial tissue from his pocket without changing his expression.

Pei Xi felt something was wrong and subconsciously took a step back. "What are you doing?"

Lu Ning gave him a look that said, "You're asking for nothing." "I'll use my hands to suck the oil for you."

Seeing that Pei Xi didn't accept it, Lu Ning was not anxious, "It seems that you really need this."

Pei Xi has been accompanying Mu Baozhu in the hospital these days and has not taken a shower.

So not only is my face oily, my hair is actually quite oily too.

Pei Xi was breathing rapidly, he was angry.

When he refused to take it, Mu Baozhu jealously stretched out her hand to take it.

She wanted to take this opportunity to contact Lu Ning, but Lu Ning did not give her this chance. She quickly withdrew her hand.

Mu Baozhu's face was full of regret.

But remembering what she had said to Pei Xi before, she winked at Pei Xi.

Pei Xi, who had successfully received the signal, coughed lightly and said, "Teacher Lu, Baozhu wants to talk to you alone. I'm sure you won't refuse to give her this opportunity, right?"

Lu Ning was not surprised to hear this, "Just me and her?"

"Yeah, just you and her."

Lu Ning looked at Mu Baozhu.

Mu Baozhu is still young, and her ambitions and desires are clearly shown on her face.

However, Lu Ning, who was protected by the great boss's merits, did not feel at all uneasy.

She nodded and said, "Okay. Where can we talk?"

Mu Baozhu said impatiently, "Let's go to the rose garden behind the Heartbeat House."

"It's too far." Lu Ning pointed in a certain direction, "That's it."

There was an open space over there, just a few meters away from the heartbeat hut.

Roses have always been easy to hide people, so Lu Ning is still a little vigilant.

Mu Baozhu didn't care where she was. She went to the Rose Garden because she did it behind others' backs and didn't want others to know what she was doing.

Since Lu Ning asked to talk here, she had no objection.

When Lu Ning was about to walk to the open space with Mu Baozhu, Xin Nancheng suddenly said, "I'll just watch from here."

Lu Ning was a little surprised to hear this. She didn't expect Xin Nancheng to stand by her side.

She did not reject Xinnancheng's kindness, but she would not be grateful either.

If she had not been sharp enough at the beginning, Xin Nancheng might have succeeded in discrediting her.

No matter how much goodwill he showed her in Xinnan City, it could not cover up the fact that she was once Pei Xi's accomplice, and he wanted her to be ruined.

If it were anyone else, they would have succeeded.

Lu Ning would not contact or trust people who changed their stance temporarily.

After walking to the open space, Lu Ning looked at Mu Baozhu carefully.

She had thick bangs, revealing only a pair of beautiful, innocent doe eyes.

Lu Ning didn’t know what happened to Mu Baozhu today, but it must not be a good thing.

Lu Ning agreed to let Mu Baozhu come over to see what she was really up to. A thief can steal for a thousand days, but you can never be on guard against thieves for a thousand days.

Standing in the sun is always less active and more passive than hiding in the dark.

Instead of rejecting Mu Baozhu's request for a private conversation, it would be better to agree to her directly.

So, Lu Ning asked, "What are you talking about?"

Mu Baozhu didn't say anything. She pounced towards Lu Ning ferociously like a tiger pouncing on its prey.

She was determined to achieve her goal today. No matter what, she would seize Lu Ning's power today and take back her fortune!

Only by regaining her luck can her appearance return to what it was before!

Lu Ning quickly dodged to the side.

Mu Baozhu changed direction and rushed over, but at this time, her hips, which had not yet fully recovered, suddenly hurt. She lost her balance and fell straight to the ground.

Mu Baozhu screamed subconsciously.

Lu Ning, who was standing beside her, looked in the direction where she fell.

The next second, she accidentally found a pile of dog shit.


Lu Ning was standing by and saw with his own eyes that Mu Baozhu's face hit the fresh and hot dog shit.

Even at such a distance, Lu Ning seemed to smell the odor of dog shit.

Not to mention Mu Baozhu herself, even Lu Ning was slightly stunned.

Mu Baozhu suddenly performed a dog-eating-shit act in front of her.

She just said -

Well done!