Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 3: The third day of love


However, Lu Ning still didn't quite understand. Was she trying to borrow the other party's merits

The merit system is like wide noodles and tears. Merit is something you can’t borrow even if you want to.

Lu Ning:

You can only share. You must have played games, where v10 players can share skins with friends. Even if you have never charged a dime, as long as you have a v10 friend, you can enjoy the silky feel of Honor Collection skins. As the friend who can share skins, what do you think is the first step you should take

Lu Ning understood this and said, "Add v10 as a friend."

If you are not even a friend, then you naturally cannot share the skin of the v10 boss, and the same applies to sharing merits.

The Merit System's baby voice carried a hint of appreciation, that's right.

After knowing what he should do, Lu Ning quickly closed his eyes and prepared to sleep, and successfully entered Jing Yi's dream with the help of the merit system.

As soon as she entered the other person's dream, Lu Ning found herself in a simple and bright room, which looked like a temporary lounge. Lu Ning looked around casually. There was nothing special, just a clean room. But soon she had no time to pay attention to her surroundings, because she was attracted by a golden halo not far away.

Is that the merit that a good person of ten generations possesses

At first glance, it seems to be shoulder to shoulder with the sun, so dazzling that it is impossible to look directly at it.

Because of this ball of golden light, Lu Ning quickly found the target. It was too easy to recognize, as if there were four big words "Ten Generations of Good People" on his head.

She subconsciously walked towards the golden light.

The next second, a cool and pleasant voice like rain falling on moss rang out in the dream, "Xiao Mu?"

Xiaomu? Who is Xiaomu

Lu Ning didn’t know, but it didn’t matter to her. She came into the dream this time to make friends with the Tenth Generation Good Man. “Um, I…”

But she only had time to say a few words before a chubby figure rushed over to the door and shouted, "Brother Jing, I bought the coffee!"

Lu Ning looked at him carefully from the side. Xiaomu was a young man who looked simple and naive, with a lot of flesh on his face. He looked kind and was probably Jing Yi's assistant.

After he handed the coffee to Jing Yi attentively, he wiped the sweat off his forehead with his sleeve. At this time, he seemed to have just noticed Lu Ning's existence and asked curiously, "Who are you?"

Lu Ning coughed lightly and said, "I'm the new assistant."

Xiaomu tilted his head, "But, it seems we haven't hired an assistant."

Lu Ning's expression remained unchanged. "Maybe you remembered it wrongly."

Xiao Mu exclaimed, "No way."

Lu Ning displayed perfect acting skills at this moment, "You must have remembered it wrongly."

Unfortunately, the acting skills don't seem to be of any use.

While she was arguing with Xiao Mu, that cool and pleasant voice sounded again, "Sorry, I don't have an assistant. Please leave."

Lu Ning:

As these words fell, the scene in front of Lu Ning began to become unreal little by little.

Lu Ning widened her eyes slightly. She wanted to say something else, but the dream quickly shattered into pieces.

This means that this dream has ended.

When Lu Ning woke up again, it was already daybreak. The scattered sunlight shone through the curtains, indicating that it was already late at this time.

Recalling the scene in her dream, she rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked, "How is it, have you added me as a friend?"

The Merit System was silent for a few seconds, and instead of answering, asked, "What do you think?"

Thinking of Jing Yi's words "Please leave", Lu Ning had a bad feeling in his heart, "Not added?"

Hmm. Perhaps realizing that his tone was too cold, the Merit System said, "It's actually normal. Think about it. There are many people who want to add V10 bosses in the game. In order to avoid being disturbed, some bosses simply closed the channel for adding friends. You are lucky. At least you can still actively send friend requests for others to receive, right?"

Lu Ning, who had never been rejected before, was not comforted.

She said, “Let’s find someone else.”

The merit system didn't say much. After searching for a while, it said that there are many people who have done good deeds in three lives, but there are only a handful of people who have done good deeds in ten lives. In addition to Jing Yi, there is also an old man. But the old man is old and can't keep up with the trend. Host, are you going to enter the old man's dream tonight

That's not necessary.

Lu Ning: ... No, facing challenges head-on is my style.

Good job, host!

After Lu Ning had tidied herself up, she received a call from Sister Xu.

On the phone, Sister Xu tried to persuade her again, "I know it's hard for you to give up Boss Pei all of a sudden, but a forced melon is not sweet. If you give up this melon, you will have more sweet melons."

Lu Ning nodded seriously, "You are right, Sister Xu."

Sister Xu sighed, "Since you listened to my words, you just need to follow what the other two mentors say today. Remember, flatter people and eat dog food happily." Pei Xi was already very impatient with Lu Ning because of Lu Ning's entanglement. If he went against his wishes again, Pei Xi would only hate Lu Ning more and more.

If he went along with Pei Xi and praised his fairy-tale love with Mu Baozhu, Pei Xi might become friendlier to Lu Ning.

Lu Ning said without any hesitation, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ning didn't take the conversation to heart at all.

It was Lu Ning who promised Sister Xu, so what does it have to do with her, Niu Hulu Lu Ning

Those two mentors just brag with their eyes closed, but she is different, she just tells the truth.

Lu Ning went to the tutor's room to have breakfast. Just like the night before, she still had little communication with the other two tutors.

The entertainment industry is the most realistic place.

The two mentors had obviously formed a group. They knew why Lu Ning was here, and since Lu Ning was someone that President Pei hated, they would naturally follow President Pei's footsteps and make their attitude clear.

After breakfast, the guests got up one after another.

In the camera, Mu Baozhu went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, but someone arrived earlier than her.

Mr. Pei, who has never done any housework, has been patiently preparing a loving breakfast for Mu Baozhu.

Seeing Pei Xi, Mu Baozhu was a little surprised, "So early, Pei Xi."

Pei Xi gave Mu Baozhu a domineering smile, "Morning, Baozhu." He deliberately put on a little bear apron in front of Mu Baozhu and asked, "What do you want to eat in the morning?"

The tall man wearing a cartoon apron brings an inexplicable contrast of cuteness.

Mu Baozhu's fair and delicate face showed a pure and beautiful smile like a little deer, "Anything is OK?"

"Sure. As long as I can, and as long as you want."

As soon as the domineering president's words came out, the instructors' room was filled with crazy flattery.

"Oh my god, that's so overbearing and sweet!"

"I don't know what job this male guest does in real life. If he is also a CEO, that would be really cool."

"Ahh, I really want to take the place of the orb."

Because the variety show has just started recording, the identities of the guests, apart from their names, are still kept secret.

Of course, this confidentiality only applies to some viewers.

As for the mentors, they are fully aware of the information of every guest, and they are just pretending to be ignorant for the sake of variety show effects.

Not only the mentors, but even the audience in the live broadcast room were screaming with sweetness.

"The real-life boss, you deserve it."

"I feel like this couple is so sweet."

"Ah, come at me! Just kiss me!"

Pink bubbles began to emerge from both the live broadcast room and the tutor's room.

At this time, a voice without any emotion sounded slowly.

"Superman is not as awesome as him."

As soon as these words came out, the tutors fell silent again.

A few passers-by in the live broadcast room sent out barrages of “Hahahaha”.

After being interrupted twice in a row, Shi Lun questioned with some dissatisfaction, "Are you here to cause trouble on purpose? Everyone is screaming and feeling sweet, don't you feel the same way?"

Lu Ning shook his head, "I don't think so."

Shi Lun and Su Xiaoxiao both looked unhappy. At this time, Lu Ning continued to say slowly, "I only saw a male peacock trying hard to spread its tail feathers, and it was too hard."

How should I put it? The fact that the domineering president's quotes have existed for so long must have its advantages.

It’s not that this sentence is not sweet enough, but that the timing is not right.

In the variety show, today is just the second time Pei Xi and Mu Baozhu meet.

Last time, they just exchanged each other's names.

This is their second meeting.

The two of them were only at the stage of just getting to know each other, but Pei Xi actually made a domineering confession to Mu Baozhu, "As long as I can, as long as you want."

Sometimes, the same sentence will have different effects at different time periods.

Pei Xi really overdid it.

Lu Ning didn't mean to ruin the show, but she really didn't find it sweet.

After she said this, some viewers couldn't help but agree.

"The male guest is indeed a little anxious."

"As the old saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"It still has to be gradual. Only when the relationship slowly warms up will it feel sweeter and more beautiful."

"Is the instructor in love? Why is he always bragging without thinking?"

Of course, in addition to some of the comments that echoed the sentiment, there were also some black fans who jumped up and down because they knew about Lu Ning’s dark history of pestering Pei Xi.

They said that she turned love into hate, and that she was jealous of Mu Baozhu, so she said that on purpose.

However, all negative comments were automatically filtered out by Lu Ning.

Why should you let the comments of haters affect your mood

At this time, other guests also appeared on the screen one after another, and the previous topic naturally passed.

Just when Lu Ning was about to turn her attention to other guests, she suddenly discovered that Mu Baozhu was wearing a piece of crystal clear jade that looked extremely extraordinary.

If she remembered correctly, it was a New Year's gift that the original owner had begged and pleaded with everyone and spent a lot of money to buy from a collector. This piece of jade was priceless and had great meaning.

The original owner gave it to Pei Xi as if it were a treasure, but unexpectedly Pei Xi gave it to Mu Baozhu.

Lu Ning was a little itchy. The original owner only left her a few thousand yuan, and she donated all of it yesterday.

Because the money is not much, the effect is not obvious.

Originally, she thought that the original owner's father was a wealthy man, so why did the original owner have so little money

It turned out that they were all given to Pei Xi.

Thinking of his empty wallet, Lu Ning quickly came up with an idea.

Didn't Pei Xi look down on the original owner? Didn't he think the original owner was troublesome

In that case, let’s return all the gifts given by the original owner.

It just so happened that she had been having a hard time recently and was short of money.