Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 30: The 30th day of love


The smell was so overbearing that it rushed into the nostrils of the guests.

The first person to react was Zheng Shu. He made a "yue" gesture and frowned, "Who is it? Are you going to let me eat properly?"

Xin Nancheng put down his chopsticks, looking uncomfortable.

Su Fu complained, "It's really disgusting."

Even Pei Xi wore a mask of pain on his face. He glanced at Lu Ning and asked solemnly, "It's you, isn't it?"

As these words came out, everyone else's eyes turned to Lu Ning.

Most people had a look of anticipation in their eyes, except Yao Hanhan and Xin Nancheng, who had a bit of concern in their eyes.

Lu Ning opened a wet wipe, covered her nose with it, and was too lazy to pay attention to Pei Xi.

Lu Ning had a rough idea of who had farted, but he wondered what expression Pei Xi would have when he found out who had farted.

During this time, the stinky farts kept popping up rhythmically, and soon the whole living room was filled with the unpleasant smell of stinky farts.

Zheng Shu was getting a little impatient. "I advise the person who farted to come out. He has seriously affected other people's meals!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Baozhu stood up with a pale face, covered her stomach with her hands, and hurried to the bathroom.

In an instant, everyone understood.

Pei Xi, Zheng Shu, and Su Fu's faces suddenly turned ugly. Especially Su Fu and Zheng Shu. Su Fu just complained that the person who farted was disgusting. He thought it was Lu Ning who farted, or at least someone else. He never expected that the person he complained about was actually his goddess.

The same goes for Zheng Shu. He was also making things difficult for the person who farted and asked him to stand up himself.

Yao Hanhan looked like she was eating melon. "What did she eat?"

Lu Ning glanced at the plate of pumpkin pie and replied, "Who knows?"

After a while, Mu Baozhu came out of the bathroom with a pale face. As soon as she came out, Pei Xi came forward and asked, "Sister, how are you?"

"I..." Mu Baozhu had just said one word when she bent down, covered her stomach and ran to the bathroom again.

Everyone felt something was wrong at this time.

Nuonuo, "I think she had a stomachache, but what everyone eats is pretty much the same."

Yao Hanhan examined the food on the table and asked, "Which dish is problematic?"

Nuo Nuo, "We must clarify this matter. If there is a problem with the food, we must ask the five-star hotel for an explanation."

Yao Hanhan, "Yes, if it is really a problem with the chef of the five-star hotel, how can we dare to continue ordering meals there in the future?"

Mu Baozhu, who had just come out of the bathroom, happened to hear this conversation. If they really went to confront the chef, they might find out that she had tampered with the food.

If they really found out that she put laxatives in pumpkin pie, who would dare to get along with her without any scruples in the future

Thinking of this, Mu Baozhu hurriedly said, "It's not the chef's fault, it's me."

Everyone looked at her at the same time.

"I've been a little constipated lately, so I took some laxatives, but I didn't expect it to work."

Mu Baozhu had no words to grievance. She had originally wanted to deal with Lu Ning and make her unable to attend the dinner party, but she didn't expect that she would end up taking the laxative herself.

But she couldn't say anything now and had to desperately find excuses.

After she explained it this way, everyone understood.

After only such a short period of time, Mu Baozhu couldn't help but go to the bathroom again.

Within half an hour, she had gone to the bathroom three times, which showed that she had taken the laxative effectively. However, in the eyes of others, even if she was really constipated before, this scene was still pitiful.

Through this incident, the image of Mu Baozhu as a "little fairy" that had always remained in everyone's mind has completely disappeared.

In their eyes, she was just an ordinary person who ate grains and went to the bathroom every day.

Forget about her fairy-like aura. There isn't even a little bit of it left now. Not only that, every time people think of her, they probably can't help but recall the scene of her farting non-stop.

When Mu Baozhu came out of the bathroom again, Nuonuo handed her the remaining half of her honey with a considerate look on her face, "Don't take medicine in the future. Drink a glass of honey water every morning. It's very effective."

Yao Hanhan went to the kitchen and found some bananas, "Remember to eat fruits regularly."

Mu Baozhu looked unhappy.

However, I have to agree to the reasons I found even if I have to kneel down.

She smiled reluctantly, "Okay, thank you."

Lu Ning didn't have anything to give, so she smiled and said, "Next time you should stand up as soon as possible, so as not to be called disgusting."

When Lu Ning said this, the scene that Su Fu had deliberately forgotten was brought back to his mind.

Just now, he was the one who said loudly that people who fart are disgusting.

Mu Baozhu's face didn't look good.

When Su Fu saw the goddess's expression, he knew in his heart that he probably had no hope.

There was originally going to be a love interactive game in the evening, but because Mu Baozhu was not feeling well, the game was cancelled.

Seeing that there was no activity in the evening, Lu Ning went back to her room.

When she was sleeping, she could vaguely hear the sound of flushing in the toilet downstairs.

Pei Xi seemed to be constantly asking Mu Baozhu how she was doing, but Mu Baozhu couldn't help but go to the toilet after saying a few words.

Lu Ning felt that this might be a restless night, so she did not fall asleep and just slept like usual.

In the early hours of the morning, she was awakened by the sound of a car starting at the door of the Heartbeat Cabin.

The Heartbeat House was built in the suburbs. There were not many houses nearby, and in the early morning hours, one could hardly hear the sound of cars entering or leaving the house.

After a while, the car drove away.

Lu Ning turned over in bed. Mu Baozhu probably couldn't bear it anymore and had to go to the hospital.

Mu Baozhu probably never thought that she would die. She wanted to take a laxative, but in the end it fell on her own head.

Lu Ning was almost tired of saying "you deserve it".

She ignored Mu Baozhu and went to sleep.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Mu Baozhu and Pei Xi had not returned yet.

When she went downstairs with a refreshed look on her face, Yao Hanhan came up to her and gossiped, "They didn't come back all night. I guess Mu Baozhu's condition is pretty serious."

How can you not be serious? You must have taken an excessive amount of laxatives.

The body protection of merit is like a shield, protecting her firmly and rebounding all damage.

If Mu Baozhu wants to hurt her, she will only suffer the consequences.

Neither of them mentioned Mu Baozhu again.

I postponed the interactive love game last night, so I can’t postpone the game this afternoon.

The director quickly announced the rules of the game.

"Truth or Dare, I believe everyone has played this game before, but our truth or dare today is different. It is not random, and we don't need to toss empty bottles. Today's guests can ask each other questions, and each person can only have one chance to ask a question, so please seize the opportunity. Of course, if the selected guest does not want to answer the question, he or she can choose the dare. The content of the dare is in the box, and you can randomly draw it."

After the rules were announced, several guests looked at each other.

Obviously, they have nothing to ask others. The male guest has no interest in the female guest. Since he has no interest, he naturally has no questions to ask.

The female guests knew that the male guests were all Mu Baozhu's bootlickers, and they didn't want to be bored, so they simply didn't bother to join in the fun.

However, the scene fell into an awkward silence.

At this time, Xin Nancheng suddenly raised his hand, "Director, can the guest ask the mentor the truth?"

The director sighed, "Okay."

This dating variety show was originally designed to serve Pei Xi. Since Pei Xi and the person he is pursuing are not here, the guests can do whatever they want.

After the director said yes, Xin Nancheng quickly asked his own question, "Teacher Lu, what is your first impression of me? Do you think I'm handsome, or something else?"

Lu Ning looked uninterested. "First impression?"

"Right." Xin Nancheng looked very expectant. Could it be that Lu Ning's first impression of him was just that he was the Sea King? Was there no other impression at all? For example, she thought he looked pretty good.

Lu Ning said without any expression, "He is not a good person."

Xin Nancheng almost thought he was wrong.

He looked suspicious of everyone. This was the first time he doubted his appearance. He had always been invincible among women because of his mixed-blood face. He had lived for 22 years, but this was the first time he had heard a comment like "not a good person".

"Don't I look like a nice person?"

Lu Ning supported his chin with one hand and said calmly, "This is the second question."

This is absolutely the most genuine truth, without any water mixed in.

Hahahaha, you don't look like a good person.

Xin Nancheng was completely confused. It was probably the first time someone said that to him, hahahaha.

Teacher Lu is really sincere and never says polite words!

Xin Nancheng's question might have touched upon some kind of barrier, and soon, Yao Hanhan followed up by asking Lu Ning a question.

"Teacher Lu, what do you think of me?"

Yao Hanhan really wanted to know how she was viewed by outsiders.

Lu Ning commented calmly, "A star-chasing girl."

Yao Hanhan couldn't help but laugh out loud when she saw this comment.

This can be said to be a very accurate review.

Every time she acted infatuated with her male god Jing Yi, it was seen by Teacher Lu.

After Yao Hanhan finished asking, Zheng Shu sneered, "Since the other two guests have asked, I will also ask a question to Teacher Lu."

Lu Ning nodded and motioned for him to ask.

Zheng Shu crossed his arms and looked unhappy. "Teacher Lu, do you know that you are annoying?"

The question Zheng Shu asked was no different from a direct provocation.

The audience in the live broadcast room were very angry and were all waiting for Lu Ning's answer.

Lu Ning uttered "Oh?" and replied calmly, "I don't know." Then she added, "No matter how good I am, I can't be more annoying than the Versailles master who lives off his parents, right?"

Hahahaha, Teacher Lu is awesome! Zheng Shu is good for nothing except his appearance!

Hahahaha, living off your parents! Exactly!

Master of Versailles! That’s right, this Zheng Shu is dressed very well, very Versailles!

If he could not inherit the family property, Zheng Shu could only work as a bricklayer on a construction site.

All three guests asked Lu Ning questions, and Nuonuo couldn't help it.

"Teacher Lu, what about me? What is your first impression of me?"

Lu Ning glanced at her and told her the truth, "You are quite ordinary, and I don't usually pay much attention to you."

Hahahaha, I’m dying of laughter.

That’s right, among all the guests, Nuonuo’s presence is really not strong.

Nuonuo had an expression of disbelief on her face, hahaha.

Teacher Lu 1v4, not losing, so strong!

When it was Su Fu's turn, he backed off.

He didn't want to bring humiliation upon himself, so he gave up the opportunity.

However, there is a penalty if the guest gives up the opportunity to ask questions. The penalty is to draw a big adventure from the big adventure box.

Su Fu drew "Jumping Goose."

He looked pale. How was it different from public execution to make a man do the goose dance

But everyone asked questions except him, so he could only follow the dare.

He closed his eyes tightly, stood on tiptoe, put his arms around his waist, and began to dance the goose dance.

The music teacher played a background music, and Su Fu danced a short section of the Little Goose and then stopped quickly.

After reading it, Lu Ning commented sincerely, "It doesn't look like a goose, but more like a clumsy duck."

Hahahaha, it’s really clumsy!

Sure enough, even if he gave up asking questions, Su Fu couldn't escape the fate of being criticized!

However, Mr. Lu’s evaluation is really true.

I almost died of laughter watching Su Fu dancing.

This probably explains his dark history.

After today's love interaction session ended, it was soon time for lunch.

After lunch, Mr. Lu’s men came to the door.

A nanny car stopped in front of the Heartbeat Hut, and then a group of stylists got out one after another.

Seeing this big scene, Yao Hanhan was surprised, "Oh, what are these people here for?"

Lu Ning said calmly, "They are here to see me."

Soon, the leader came over to Lu Ning and asked, "Miss Lu?"


"Mr. Lu asked us to style you."

Lu Ning nodded, "Come with me."

After that, she led the group back to her room.

There were only Yao Hanhan and Lu Ning nearby. So when he said "Mr. Lu", besides Lu Ning, only Yao Hanhan was there.

Although Yao Hanhan didn't know which Mr. Lu he was, it didn't stop her from looking excited.

Both Lu Ning and Mr. Lu have the surname Lu. Could it be that Lu Ning's family background is actually unusual

Thinking about what she had accidentally heard Su Xiaoxiao say behind Lu Ning's back that his family background was ordinary, Yao Hanhan didn't tell anyone what she had seen.

Maybe, Teacher Lu will surprise everyone soon!

While Lu Ning was doing her hairstyle in the room, Mu Baozhu was still lying in the hospital.

She took too much laxative and ended up hurting herself.

Mu Baozhu watched helplessly as time passed by.

With red eyes, she looked at Pei Xi beside her, "Brother Pei, can you take me to the dinner?"

Pei Xi looked embarrassed.

He also wanted to take Mu Baozhu with him, but if Mu Baozhu moved, she might go to the bathroom again.

He said helplessly, "Sister, why can't you wait a little longer? You took too much laxative yesterday, and your condition is not stable yet. If you are fine, I will definitely take you with me."

Mu Baozhu clenched her fists tightly.

This laxative was originally prepared for Lu Ning, but something went wrong and ended up harming her.

She knew Pei Xi was right. She couldn't even walk now. If she did, she would have to go to the bathroom again.

She was unwilling, helpless and regretful that she couldn't go to the dinner party.

Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

By the time Mu Baozhu was regretting so much that her intestines were about to turn green, Lu Ning had already finished styling her entire body.

She changed into a fitted black suit, low-heeled black leather shoes, and had her black hair straightened. Her facial features had become more delicate and cool recently, and she looked dashing and heroic.

Even though her looks are not the best in the entertainment industry, her temperament is definitely the most special.

The stylist looked at her work with satisfaction and asked, "Ms. Lu, is this okay?"

Lu Ning glanced at himself in the mirror and nodded, "Not bad."

The person in the mirror looked about 60% like her in her previous life.

Although they still don't look 100% alike, and aren't as pretty as before, their temperaments are very close.

There is a hint of nobility in the coldness.

I'm very proud, and you scumbag don't deserve me.

When Lu Ning went downstairs with the styling team behind him, Lu Beicai's assistant was already waiting at the door of the Heartbeat Hut.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiaoxiao said sourly, "Did Mr. Lu get a leg up?"

Naturally, the biological father is also considered a big shot.

Lu Ning replied openly, "Yes."

Su Xiaoxiao was choked by such an honest "yes" and felt even more sour in her heart.

But she thought, Lu Ning was really stupid. She actually admitted in front of the audience in the live broadcast room that she had clung to someone powerful. Wasn't she afraid of being criticized

At this time, Lu Ning got into the car specially sent by Lu's father, despite the envious and complicated looks from others.