Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 37: The thirty-seventh day of love


As soon as Lu Ning heard the voice, a passionate figure came up from behind him and hugged him tightly from behind, with his furry head rubbing against his neck.

The warm breath came all over the place. The temperature in the narrow car rose instantly.

Lu Ning never expected that he would encounter such a scene in his dream this time. It was so unexpected that he was caught off guard.

What happened to Jing Yi

Lu Ning, who was always calm, was a little confused for the first time. He didn't dare to move, "Friend, what's wrong with you?"

Jing Yi's voice was no longer as cool as before, but rather a little fiery. He might be feeling uncomfortable, so his voice sounded intermittent, "Someone put drugs in the water I drank."

Lu Ning:

Is it so exciting right away

Lu Ning frowned, "Who is it?"

Jing Yi took a deep breath, "A partner."

Lu Ning had no expression on his face.

This is just a dream, it's not real anyway. Without even turning his head, he said coldly, "Oh."

Jing Yi's voice sounded aggrieved, "Miao Miao, I feel bad."

This was the second time Jing Yi expressed his discomfort in front of Lu Ning. However, he acted righteously and did not even turn his head.

Lu Ning said word by word, "My friend, who told you to drink so much? Tell me the truth and I will avenge you!"

Anyway, I am in a dream now, so beating someone is not against the law. If I really meet that person, I will immediately go up to him and give him a good beating.

It's time for this evildoer to accept the beating from society!

Jing Yi was slightly surprised when he heard this, but a subtle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The scene in his dream today was exactly what he had experienced in real life.

That was exactly half a year ago.

The partner had known him for quite some time and knew that he did not drink alcohol, only beverages or water, so he put drugs in his water in advance. He was not prepared, so he ended up in this situation.

The partner is a man, and I obviously don't have any thoughts about him.

However, the partner's girlfriend has liked him for a long time, so the partner did such a stupid thing for his girlfriend.

Fortunately, it was not Xiaomu who accompanied him that day, but an experienced agent. When the agent saw that something was wrong with him, he immediately took him away.

In reality, it was him and his agent sitting in the car, and the agent took him to the hospital immediately.

As for the dream, the agent disappeared, and was replaced by him.

Does this mean that, in the dream, ‌ is his only antidote

Seeing that Jing Yi was still silent, Lu Ning had no choice but to ask again, "Who is that guy? I'll help you teach him a lesson!"

Jing Yi laughed softly.

In the car, the laughter sounded particularly hoarse and pleasant.

In reality, he and the partner had already settled their accounts. If the other party dared to do something tricky, he would certainly not pretend that nothing had happened, but—

If you really want to know, there's no harm in telling you that word.

Jing Yi whispered a word in Lu Ning's ear, and then said, "I don't know what you do, but if you meet this person one day, remember to stay away from him." This is also the main purpose of Jing Yi's willingness to tell her the word.

Lu Ning wrote this word down.

After writing it down, I couldn't help but ask, "How are you now?"

Jing Yi didn't say what the situation was, he just said in a hoarse voice, "Just let me hug you."

So Lu Ning stopped talking.

When the dream was about to end, the two of them still maintained the posture of hugging each other from behind. The atmosphere was peaceful and passionate. The two different atmospheres mixed together, yet somehow seemed very harmonious.

When Lu Ning woke up, it was just getting dark outside. He glanced at the time and it was exactly six o'clock in the afternoon.

The Merit System's baby voice sounded very excited, "The intimacy has skyrocketed! Skyrocketed! The intimacy has increased a lot after the dream ended! What on earth did you do to him?" The Merit System was anxious to know the answer to this question.

Lu Ning shrugged. He had always ignored the Merit System in the past, but this time, he answered her for the first time, "It's nothing. He and I just hugged each other for a whole dream."

Merit system:

Lu Ning felt that he and Jing Yi might be a relationship limited to dreams. In the dream, they could talk about anything, but in reality, they were only slightly better than strangers.

However, I did remember the word "" that Jingyi told me.

I couldn't help but search it on the Internet. Oh wow, this thing actually exists

The merit system is speechless, it definitely exists, the scenes in the boss’s dream are actually the reproduction of reality.

Lu Ning:

In other words, did Jing Yi really succeed in drugging someone in real life

So in reality, do your friends take advantage of you

Thinking of this, Lu Ning frowned tightly.

Is it Lin He

‌Remember it.

When Lu Ning went downstairs to have dinner, he happened to meet Meng Heng who was also coming downstairs.

He had just had a fight with Pei Xi, and both of them had bruises on their faces. After such a short period of time, the scars on Meng Heng's face had turned purple and he looked quite miserable.

Maybe because Lu Ning stared at his face for a little too long, Meng Heng hissed and complained to Lu Ning, "This Pei Xi is really ruthless."

Lu Ning agreed with this.

Pei Xi's fists all hit Meng Heng's face, which was really cruel.

Meng Heng sighed, "I didn't really do anything with Baozhu. If there was something between me and you, that would be exciting."

Lu Ning: …

Lu Ning felt that Meng Heng really had the potential to star in "The Temptation to Go Home".

‌ glanced at him calmly and said, "You are really sexy."

Meng Heng was thick-skinned and just smiled when he heard it, "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for the compliment."

Because there was no romantic interaction in the afternoon, the director decided to take all the guests and mentors to the night amusement park to have some fun in the evening.

The light was not good at night, and it was not easy to see other people's appearances, so Mu Baozhu appeared at the assembly point fully armed. In addition to the mask and thick bangs, she also wore black sunglasses, which could be said to cover her entire face.

This short period of time is enough for me to adjust my mindset. I still want to become famous with this dating variety show!

Tonight, ‌ is going to perform well in the amusement park and attract a lot of fans.

Because Pei Xi and Meng Heng had just had a fight in the morning, and both of them were pretty violent, the atmosphere in the car was awkward, and Yao Hanhan and Su Xiaoxiao acted as the role of livening up the atmosphere. Fortunately, their efforts had some effect, and the atmosphere in the car was finally not so tense.

We chatted all the way to the entrance of the city's largest amusement park, and people got off the car one after another.

Even at night, there are still many people in the amusement park.

However, there is no need to queue for most of the projects.

When the guests were about to disperse, Nuonuo suddenly suggested, "Let's go to the haunted house!"

"Haunted house?"

Nuonuo nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, the haunted house."

The director thought that a haunted house would be a good choice because it would be dark inside. In such a dim environment, wouldn't the brave ones be able to protect the timid ones? Wouldn't the love between the male and female guests be able to sprout

With this in mind, the director waved his hand and said passionately, "Let's go, let's go to the haunted house."

There were hardly any people queuing in front of the haunted house, so it was soon the turn of the "Heartbeat Index" group.

Yao Hanhan was not very courageous, so she suggested in a low voice, "Should we go together?"

Zheng Shu sneered, "There are no ghosts in this world. Those who are afraid of ghosts are just hypocritical ghosts."

Hearing this, Yao Hanhan, Nuonuo and others all looked unhappy.

Yao Hanhan said angrily, "If you get scared later, don't scream if you have the guts."

Zheng Shu crossed his arms and said confidently, "I'm not afraid of ghosts, and I won't be scared."

After a few minutes of arguing, seven guests and three mentors entered the haunted house together.

As soon as they entered the haunted house, they felt the temperature dropped a lot.

Mu Baozhu said with some fear, "Brother Pei, I'm scared."

Pei Xi immediately said, "Sister, I will protect you!"

At this time, Lu Ning said slowly, "What are you afraid of?"

Mu Baozhu looked timid, showing her green tea attitude to the fullest, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm afraid there are ghosts here."

Lu Ning said with a sigh, and sincerely suggested, "As long as you take off your mask and sunglasses, you won't be the one who gets scared."

Everyone: !!!

Hearing this, Yao Hanhan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room who had the honor of seeing Mu Baozhu's acne-prone face and squinty eyes couldn't help but laugh.

As expected of Mr. Lu, he always hits the nail on the head!

Hahaha, take off the mask and sunglasses, the ones who are scared are the staff of the haunted house!

"So," Lu Ning asked sincerely, "are you going to pick them?"

Mu Baozhu: …

What are you picking? How can you pick it

She had originally thought of using green tea tactics to attract a wave of fans, but she didn't expect that she would fail before she even achieved success. This path was directly blocked by Lu Ning.

Mu Baozhu was so angry, but there was nothing she could do.

After they walked for a while, an unpleasant scream suddenly came from nearby.

Many people were startled by the ugly scream.

Everyone looked back and found that the one who screamed was Zheng Shu, who had previously said that he was not afraid of ghosts.

Yao Hanhan asked with an unhappy look on his face, "Why are you screaming?"

Zheng Shu covered his pounding heart and said with a look of fear, "Just now it seemed like something was crawling towards my feet."

Lu Ning said in a calm voice, "What are you afraid of? It could be a mouse or a cockroach."

After hearing this, Zheng Shu became even more scared. As a grown man, he couldn't help but let out a whimpering sound of fear. As a second-generation rich man who had never done any housework, he was most afraid of disgusting things like rats and cockroaches.

At this time, Lu Ning said slowly, "What's there to be afraid of? You're such a hypocrite." He directly responded to what Zheng Shu had just said about Yao Hanhan.

Teacher Lu: I never hold grudges, because I take revenge on the spot!

What a hypocrite!

Hahahaha, you’re being slapped in the face!

On the correct way to slap someone in the face!

Zheng Shu, who was slapped in the face, didn't dare to say anything afterwards.

Because of these two little incidents, the rest of the journey was completed uneventfully.

Even after walking out of the haunted house, Yao Hanhan still hadn't reacted, "Is this the end?"


Yao Hanhan sighed, "I didn't expect this haunted house isn't scary at all."

Audience: No, the haunted house in this amusement park is still scary!

Because Instructor Lu is so good at dispelling the horror atmosphere, the haunted house doesn’t seem scary at all!

After the haunted house, the guests played a lot of projects.

When the park was about to close, a group of people left through the exit.

There are many hotels near places like amusement parks, which are convenient for tourists to stay overnight.

The guests of "Heartbeat Index" generally do not stay overnight outside.

But it was a bit late today, so Pei Xi suggested that they just stay in a hotel.

Seeing that the sponsor had spoken, the director naturally had no objection.

As they entered the hotel, a pot-bellied man came towards them with a young girl.

"Boss Pei, what a coincidence."

Pei Xi shook hands with the man, "Boss Lin, what a coincidence indeed."

President Lin glanced at the other people, laughed, and said half-seriously, "'Heartbeat Index' is really popular recently. I want to be a guest."

Maybe it was because he had just heard the word "Lin" from Jing Yi's dream in the afternoon, so Lu Ning was very sensitive to the surname Lin at this moment. He carefully looked at the appearance of the middle-aged man in front of him and matched it with the one he searched on the Internet.

But to ensure everything went well, he still asked the director beside him, "Director, do you know this guy?"

The director hurriedly said, "Yes, I know him, Lin He, Mr. Lin, the producer, and he is also in the industry."

"A kernel, a walnut kernel? A girl?"

Although it was unclear why Lu Ning asked so clearly, the director still answered dutifully, "Yes, it's him. He does have a daughter."

Very good. The information is correct.

After knowing that this person was the despicable villain, Lu Ning said calmly, "I'm afraid not."

When Mr. Lin heard this, he said "Oh" and asked with great interest, "Why not? If you need funds, I can invest, as long as you can let me be the male guest."

Lu Ning spoke frankly, "You are old and ugly, and most importantly, you don't look like a good woman."

How dare a scumbag like you participate in a dating variety show?!

As soon as Lu Ning finished speaking, one could hear a pin drop.

Lin He's expression darkened instantly, and he said sinisterly, "Teacher Lu really dares to say anything."

Lu Ning's expression was calm, "It's just the truth."

The audience in the live broadcast room was completely excited because of this sentence.

Hahahaha, Teacher Lu is really the best!

‌Said what I wanted to say!

If this guy really participates in a dating variety show, I will vomit my overnight meal!

Hahahaha, although it’s really nice to look at the problem from Teacher Lu’s perspective, the question is whether Teacher Lu will get into trouble

It’s okay, the young lady can afford to offend!

Lu Ning had figured out Lin He's identity in the afternoon. After weighing the pros and cons, he found that he could indeed afford to offend this man.

In the dream, I told my friend that if I met this guy, I would beat him up on the spot.

Unexpectedly, the very night I said this, I encountered the same thing in real life.

Fighting is not good.

In front of the camera in the live broadcast room, you still have to be polite.

But this does not affect his intention to disgust Lin He with the truth.

People like Lin He probably don't know much about him because they have been praised for so long.

In this case, let him have a good understanding of himself and have some idea in his mind!