Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 39: The thirty-ninth day of love


Fan benefits are not urgent and do not need to be fulfilled immediately.

So Lu Ning didn't take it to heart. She hung up the phone with Sister Xu and went to bed immediately. She had just fallen asleep during her nap, so Lu Ning decided to take a rest tonight and give herself a break.

After the afternoon nap, Lu Ning regained some of his luck. This means that his luck with Mu Baozhu is only 35% left. It can be said that success is in sight!

The next morning, Lu Ning woke up at about the same time as usual. After washing up, she opened the door and happened to meet Yao Hanhan who was also going downstairs, so the two of them prepared to go for breakfast together.

The hotel provided free breakfast, which was included in the accommodation fee. There were a lot of varieties of breakfast. After Lu Ning selected some of the dishes, he sat at the table and prepared to enjoy them.

At this point, other guests also came downstairs one after another. Soon, the big round table where Lu Ning and Yao Hanhan had breakfast was almost full.

When Lu Ning was about to finish breakfast, the hotel receptionist came towards their table with a beautifully packaged box in her hand, smiling.

As soon as she came over, the receptionist looked at Lu Ning and asked, "Excuse me, are you Teacher Lu Ning?"

Lu Ning looked up and saw a strange face wearing hotel clothes. She didn't understand what he meant and simply replied, "It's me. What's up?"

The visitor introduced himself with a smile and said, "Teacher Lu, this is what I mean. I'm the front desk clerk at the hotel. Someone sent you a gift this morning and asked me to pass it on to you."


The other guests and mentors looked at each other, feeling a little sad.

Can mentor Lu Ning receive gifts carefully prepared by fans just by staying in a random hotel

Yao Hanhan said hurriedly, "Teacher Lu, open it and take a look. This packaging looks so exquisite. I wonder what else is inside."

Others also joked, "Yes, Mr. Lu, please open it and take a look."

Lu Ning himself was not very interested in this gift.

Su Xiaoxiao said sourly, "Why, Professor Lu, can't you appreciate this gift?" The logo on the outside of the packaging bag represents an international luxury brand. This gift would probably cost at least five figures.

Lu Ning glanced at her calmly and said, "If Teacher Su wants it, then I'll give it to you."

Su Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, a little incredulous, "Give it to me? Really?"

Lu Ning looked indifferent. She didn't know who sent this gift. She never accepted gifts from strangers. "Yeah."

Seeing Lu Ning say this, Su Xiaoxiao stood up excitedly and walked to Lu Ning's side. Before opening the gift, she did not forget to confirm with Lu Ning one last time, "Then I'll open it, okay? If it turns out to be a good thing, you can't take it back."

At this time, Shi Lun joked, "Teacher Lu is the daughter of the Lu family. How could she look at ordinary things?"

When Su Xiaoxiao heard this, she felt that this was indeed the case. Lu Ning said that he was giving it to her, so he definitely meant it.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaoxiao unwrapped the complicated ribbon bit by bit with anticipation, and then opened the exquisite packaging box.

Just as she was looking at the box with anticipation, she suddenly screamed, and in panic, she subconsciously threw away the box in her hand!

Everyone asked, "What happened?"

"What's that?"

Just as others were getting curious, Yao Hanhan pointed to the ground and said in a trembling voice, "Look!"

The others looked in the direction Yao Hanhan pointed.

The box that Su Xiaoxiao threw to the ground contained a blood doll. This doll was specially customized according to Lu Ning's real appearance, and people could tell at a glance that this doll represented Lu Ning.

The doll was nailed to the cross, with tears and blood on its face and scars all over its body, looking extremely scary. The scariest thing was that there was a date written on the doll, and this date was exactly the same as the date of birth shown in the encyclopedia for Lu Ning! At this moment, a big cross was drawn under the date with a red pen.

Su Xiaoxiao was so frightened that her heart was pounding, and she still hasn't recovered from the shock.

This is not a gift at all, it's clearly a vicious curse!

The audience who saw this scene in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Are you an anti fan

It seems that our teacher Lu is really popular, he even has anti-fans!

Anti fans actually gave Teacher Lu a voodoo doll!

Anti-fans are extreme black fans. They are irrational and do extreme things. They are unwelcome in the entertainment industry. However, some of the audience's words are indeed correct. Only very popular stars have many anti-fans. Most of the popular stars in the circle have anti-fans, and many stars have received some written threats.

Lu Ning took a step closer to the voodoo doll and looked down at it carefully.

When the staff of Heartbeat Index saw it, they hurriedly said, "Teacher Lu, we can take care of it." After that, the staff hurried to find a dustpan and a broom. Even they didn't dare to touch it directly with their hands.

If it was another female star standing here, they would probably cry out of fear, and some of them might even start crying and playing the victim. But Lu Ning was not afraid, she just thought it was ridiculous, "The person who gave me this gift should be in the live broadcast room now, so I'll just say a few words."

"It's the 21st century now. Read more books whenever you have time instead of being obsessed with feudal superstitions."

"You have the skills to make dolls, why don't you go to a construction site and move a few bricks? At least you can make money by moving bricks. What's the point of making dolls?"

"It's so ugly, stop annoying people."

Hahahaha, as expected of Mr. Lu, his way of scolding people is so refreshing and unconventional.

The guy who delivered the doll, Teacher Lu is calling you to go to the construction site and move bricks!

When I saw this doll just now, I was so scared that my heart was pounding and I felt terrible. But after listening to what Teacher Lu said, I am not afraid at all. What’s going on

Because Instructor Lu has a special charm that stabilizes the morale of the troops!

Special Charm +1

But the person who gave the doll as a gift is really wicked!

At this moment, in a dressing room in the film and television city, Xiaomu was full of indignation, "Anti fans are really disgusting!"

Even Jing Yi, who is spotless, still has many anti-fans. These anti-fans are irrational and bite whoever they catch like mad dogs, just to annoy people.

Jing Yi was once followed by an anti-fan and was almost kissed by him. After that, every time he attended an event, he was accompanied by at least eight bodyguards. His grandfather felt that eight bodyguards were not enough and wished that he would be surrounded by bodyguards.

Jing Yi felt that these people could not be called fans at all.

Hearing the word anti-fan from Xiaomu, Jingyi frowned slightly, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Mu's fists hardened. "Someone actually gave Teacher Lu a voodoo doll. Ah, I, a grown man, can't stand it. How dark must this person's mentality be?"

In ancient times, witchcraft was prevalent and witchcraft dolls were considered ominous. In recent years, there have occasionally been witchcraft plots in costume dramas.

I didn’t expect that thousands of years later, there are still people using voodoo dolls to curse others.

Not to mention that the voodoo doll that Lu Ning received was extremely disgusting in appearance. Wouldn’t most girls be scared on the spot when seeing such a scary thing

Although Teacher Lu is very good, she is a girl after all! The person who gave this thing is simply not a normal person!

Xiaomu watched the live broadcast with a nervous look on his face, "Don't be afraid, Teacher Lu, I will always support you!" Ever since seeing Teacher Lu's heroic figure driving a go-kart, Xiaomu has been lingering in the live broadcast room of "Heartbeat Index" from time to time.

When the voodoo doll appeared this time, he happened to be watching the live broadcast.

Xiaomu wished he could get into the camera.

At this time, a very recognizable voice came from the live broadcast room, "Then I will say one thing... Go to the construction site to move bricks... Stop coming out to annoy people."

Jing Yi was slightly stunned when he heard the voice. He turned around and asked in a tense voice, "Who is talking?"

Xiao Mu scratched his head in confusion. He looked away from the live broadcast and replied blankly, "Ah, that's what Teacher Lu said."

"Teacher Lu?"


This was not the first time Jing Yi heard the three words "Teacher Lu" from Xiao Mu. This female star was like a dark horse, appearing in front of the audience in an unstoppable manner.

With her unique personal style and straightforward painting style, she attracted many fans in a short period of time. Even Xiaomu, who usually doesn't chase stars, has become her loyal fan.

Jing Yi had not taken this name to heart before, but now that he thought about it carefully, he was surprised to find that this name had appeared around him quite a few times.

If he remembered correctly, the one who confronted Lin He yesterday was this Teacher Lu.

At that time, he was still surprised in his heart, wondering when did such a special person appear in the entertainment industry, so special that it is easy to be remembered.

He had never heard of Teacher Lu's voice before, and today was the first time he heard it. As soon as he heard it, he felt that this voice was very familiar, and it was almost exactly the same as the voice he often heard in his dreams.

Jing Yi's heartbeat quickened, "She screamed?"

Xiao Mu said hurriedly, "Teacher Lu's name is Lu Ning. Ning is the Ning in 嘤咛. Although her voice is very soft, Teacher Lu herself is very strong and never whimpers." After hearing this, Xiao Mu couldn't help but feel very curious. What would happen if Teacher Lu whimpered? It would probably be very cute!

She's whimpering with an expressionless face, but it seems a bit exciting

Other voices were soon heard in the live broadcast room.

But that unique voice just now kept echoing in Jing Yi's ears.

The voice is so similar, could it be her

In the dream yesterday, he had just told her that he had been drugged and told her Lin He's name. That night, she directly confronted Lin He and criticized him in front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room, and made Lin He a hot topic.

So, Teacher Lu, could it be her

Jing Yi didn't know, there was too little information, so he couldn't confirm it directly. The behavior of confronting Lin He was also consistent with the style of Lu after participating in the dating variety show. He couldn't be sure whether the other party was doing it for him.

Because the world is so big, there are people with similar voices, so he needs more information.

No matter what, he wanted to see her first.

"I want to go back to Beijing. Please help me book a plane ticket."

Xiao Mu was completely confused, "No, brother, there are only a few scenes left for your role, why are you going to Jing City now?"

Jing Yi didn't say anything specific, "Something happened."

Xiao Mu scratched his head and said, "Okay, I'll book a flight for you tonight."


After saying that, Jing Yi quickly remembered one more thing, "Also, that anti-fan."

Xiao Mu exclaimed, "What?"

“You can ask the director of the dating variety show to assign her an extra staff member recently.” Regardless of whether she is Miao Miao or not, as a colleague, he should do his part in boycotting anti-fans.

Although Xiaomu didn't know why Jing Yi suddenly intervened in this matter, it did not affect his immediate agreement. He was happy to hear Jing Yi's suggestion.

These anti-fans are capable of anything. If there is no staff to protect them, who knows what they will do next. "Okay, I'll contact them right away."

On the other side, the staff quickly disposed of the voodoo doll.

When Mu Baozhu saw this scene, she felt very happy. Wasn't Lu Ning very happy? Look, someone finally punished her.

Thinking of this, Mu Baozhu couldn't help but say, "It seems that there are a lot of people who hate Teacher Lu. Maybe it's because Teacher Lu has been too high-profile recently."

Lu Ning glanced at Mu Baozhu indifferently.

Mu Baozhu felt a little nervous, but in front of the camera in the live broadcast room, she did not back down, but asked again, "Isn't it? Teacher Lu, I don't mean to say that sometimes you have to be low-key. After all, there is a saying that goes, be low-key in life and high-key in work. There is nothing wrong with being low-key in life."

No one else spoke for a moment.

Lu Ning said to the audience in the live broadcast room, "Do you know what is called yin and yang? Do you know what is called kicking someone when he is down?"

Hahahaha I don’t know.

Is the long-awaited lecture by Professor Lu about to begin again

Move your stool and get ready for class!

Lu Ning said expressionlessly, "That's the performance of this female guest. She vividly demonstrated what it means to be sarcastic and to kick someone when he's down."


That's right. After being given the voodoo doll, Mr. Lu was already upset. But this woman is still saying that Mr. Lu is too high-profile. Isn't this a case of victim blaming

There's really no need to say such things in this situation.

Indeed, no need to +1

Lu Ning continued, "Every girl has the right to live the way she likes. She can be sexy, high-profile, and lively. When she is threatened, you should think about how to protect her instead of stopping her, changing her, and making her no longer look like herself."

Woohoo, you are so right.

Sometimes if you dress a little bit sexy, you will be criticized. Wearing a beautiful dress is to please yourself. What we need is understanding and protection, not prevention.

Teacher Lu is truly a spiritual mentor, what he said makes so much sense.

I was not a fan of Teacher Lu originally, but after hearing these words, I decided to join him without hesitation!

Because of this little incident, the atmosphere in the car was a bit depressing on the way back to the Heartbeat House.

The people in the car still remembered the horrible voodoo doll and some of them were still in shock. However, Lu Ning didn't take it to heart.

She has become popular too quickly recently, maybe she got in someone's way. There is nothing else to criticize about her, so the other party can only come to scare her. Who knows if the person who gave her the voodoo doll is a real anti-fan? Maybe this is just a common tactic used by peers in the circle, and in the end, the anti-fans will take the blame.

After arriving at the Heartbeat House, the director announced a lunch break to allow the guests to adjust their mindsets before resuming the live broadcast in the afternoon.

When Lu Ning was basking in the sun outside the Heartbeat Hut, Yao Hanhan followed her and asked curiously, "Teacher Lu, are you really not afraid?"

Lu Ning lay on the recliner, "Just a clown."

Yao Hanhan really admired Lu Ning's mentality. If it were her, she would probably still be crying now.

At this time, Pei Xi walked out of the Heartbeat House. He had a clear goal and walked straight to Lu Ning. When he got to Lu Ning, he said calmly, "The hotel's surveillance was destroyed." According to the hotel receptionist, the man was wrapped up very tightly and his appearance could not be seen. At that time, the receptionist thought he was a die-hard fan and didn't think much about it.

Now that the surveillance has been destroyed, the clues are temporarily cut off.

Lu Ning was somewhat surprised at Pei Xi's change of attitude.

You know, Pei Xi only had eyes for Mu Baozhu before, and he always looked down on her. As a result, not only did he take the initiative to ask her if she had a conflict with Lin He yesterday, but he also sent someone to watch the hotel's surveillance video today

Could it be that Mu Baozhu was too ugly recently, so Pei Xi was shocked by her ugliness? After all, after Mu Baozhu was stung by a wasp, her squinting eyes had not recovered yet.

After being stung, the recovery period is very long.

Unlike Mu Baozhu, Lu Ning has become a little prettier recently because of her improved luck.

In comparison, the difference in their appearance is quite obvious.

Lu Ning couldn't figure out whether Pei Xi was beginning to dislike Mu Baozhu, but since she couldn't figure it out, she simply stopped thinking about it.

She said indifferently, "Oh."

After delivering the message, Pei Xi did not stay here for long and left soon.

Soon, in the afternoon, the director announced a message to the guests, "Guests, mentors, I have good news for you!"

Yao Hanhan asked flatteringly, "What good news?"

The director chuckled and said, "Guess."

Zheng Shu crossed his arms and looked uninterested. "I can't guess. Could it be that we can walk on some red carpet again?"

The director shook his head, "No, no, no, this has nothing to do with the red carpet or the charity concert."

Nuonuo smiled coquettishly, "What on earth is that? Director, please stop keeping us in suspense!"

The director glanced at the guest and decided not to keep him in suspense.

He said excitedly, "'Heartbeat Index' is about to have a dream collaboration with 'Idol 123'!"

In some games, in order to gain more attention and traffic, they will choose to collaborate with other brands. Generally speaking, collaboration is a win-win situation, and it benefits both parties.

However, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the collaboration between variety shows before

Nuonuo jokingly said, "Director, we are going to a talent show, can we debut with you?"

The director laughed, "I'm not sure whether you can make your debut, but it will increase your popularity. As for whether you can seize this opportunity, it depends on you!"

After that, the director explained the rules of this variety show linkage in detail, "The linkage will not last too long, about three and a half days. After all, ours is a love variety show, and theirs is a talent show. To put it bluntly, the two parties have nothing to do with each other. The guests are equivalent to flying guests, and as for the love mentors..."

Shi Lun looked expectant, "What will the love mentor be like?"

The director said the most crucial information today, "The love mentor will be swapped with the talent show mentor!"


The instructors looked at each other.

Su Xiaoxiao and Shi Lun were both incredulous, "Director, is this true?"

The director laughed, "Of course it's real, realer than gold."

"As we all know, the lineup of mentors for Idol 123 is extremely strong. There are five mentors in total, including professional mentors for vocal music, dance, etc. At that time, Idol 123 will select three mentors to come to our dating variety show. As for the three of you mentors, you can go to Idol 123 to be mentors!"

Shi Lun was so moved that he cried when he heard this.

How long has he been waiting for such an opportunity

Although he is a singer, he came to a dating variety show to be a dating mentor.

Does he like dating variety shows? Of course not. It's just that he is not famous enough, so talent shows won't choose him.

Although "Heartbeat Index" is very popular now, he still wants to step onto the stage and be a singer. He didn't expect that the opportunity he dreamed of would come to him in this way.

As a mentor for a talent show, is he afraid that no one will invite him to sing in the future? This is no different from a pie in the sky!

Su Xiaoxiao was also extremely excited.

The only one who acted the most indifferent in the whole audience was Lu Ning.

Whether it is linked with the variety show or not, it makes no difference to her. She will be what she should be. She will remain what she was before.

The director raised a finger and pointed out the key points that the instructors needed to remember. "Remember, you only have three and a half days, and two professional instructors will remain among the five instructors to continue to comment. So, whether you are here to make a cameo appearance or to make a splash is up to you."

Shi Lun looked eager to try, "When do we set off?"

"Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, two afternoons and one afternoon. During this period of time, everyone will have to work hard to catch up."


One is currently the most popular dating variety show, and the other is currently the most popular talent show. These two popular variety shows have a dream linkage, and no one can guess how much influence they will have in the end.

In the evening, the guests ate hot pot in the open space in front of the Heartbeat Hut.

With the moonlit sky overhead and the warm spring breeze blowing on their faces, the guests felt extremely comfortable and the atmosphere was unexpectedly harmonious.

Isn’t this the life I long for

I envy you so much.

A rare scene, hahahaha.

Lu Ning lowered his head and ate the beef roll quietly. At this time, Mu Baozhu suddenly asked in a sweet voice, "Brother Pei, why don't you help me pick up the food?"

Before, when Mu Baozhu was hospitalized, Pei Xi fed her meals personally. This sweet scene was widely circulated, and the Xizhu CP became a legend for a while.

But during these days, Mu Baozhu could clearly sense that Pei Xi's attitude towards her had become colder. Not only did he not feed her with his own hands, he even stopped picking up food for her.

After Mu Baozhu was stung by a wasp, she felt regretful and anxious. She knew she was no longer a fairy, and after Pei Xi became cold to her, she felt very frightened.

Mu Baozhu lowered her eyes and said sadly, "Brother Pei, I know that Professor Lu liked you very much in the past. You two are a perfect match. Do you suddenly feel that she is better than me? It doesn't matter to me. I understand. Even if you ask me to withdraw, I can do it."

Although she said "I'm fine", the mask on Mu Baozhu's face was soon soaked with tears, making her look pitiful.

An audience member asked in the live broadcast room, what does this imply

Implying that Pei Xi was cold to her because of Teacher Lu

Here it comes, Green Tea Quotes, late but here it comes.

Teacher Lu! I'm new here, is this green tea

Lu Ning happened to see this comment asking whether Mu Baozhu was a green tea.

She took a sip of water and said calmly, "No."

Wasn't she like that before

After that, she slowly explained, "Times have changed, sister. Generally, those who can be green tea, regardless of their appearance, at least have a pair of eyes that look innocent when they look at people. Mu Baozhu doesn't quite meet the criteria at the moment."

Mu Baozhu: …

Others: !!!

Audience: Hahaha!