Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 41: The 41st day of love


The instructor who was speaking had a pair of extremely beautiful peach blossom eyes.

Not long ago, Jing Yi had just looked at this pair of eyes from a close distance from bottom to top.

These eyes are transparent, clear, and dust-free, as if everything is visible in her eyes.

After hearing her slightly dull and hoarse voice, he quickly pushed her away because he was not used to being too close to strangers.

He didn't expect that this world is so small. Today, he not only met the person who saved him on the night of the charity concert, but also found out that she was the mentor Lu Ning that Xiaomu had always mentioned.

At this time, the conversation between the instructor and the trainees was still going on.

The female trainee obviously didn't take Lu Ning's words "restrain your ambition" to heart. She looked disdainful and said, "Whether you are a big star or a small star, who doesn't have ambition? Doesn't Teacher Lu have ambition?"

Lu Ning hummed, and said calmly, "No."

Female trainee: …

Good-natured laughter rang out in the arena. Xiao Mu laughed three times in support, "As expected of Mr. Lu. But Mr. Lu really looks peaceful and has no desire for the entertainment industry."

The host smiled and said, "Okay, this is the end of the communication between this trainee and the instructor. Are there any other trainees who want to say hello to Instructor Lu?"

At this time, another male trainee stood out. He had makeup on his face and looked like a handsome young man.

Ah, here he comes, here he comes, the green tea boy is here!

Sure enough, Ning Cha would never miss any opportunity to get in the spotlight!

Ning Cha looked at Lu Ning expectantly, "Teacher Lu, I practiced dancing alone in the practice room all night last night. I'm so tired now. Can you give me a hug?"

What is Ning Cha implying? Implying that the other brothers don't work hard, but he works hard and practices dancing alone for an entire night

As soon as he comes, he wants a hug.

Lu Ning sat upright in the instructor's chair and said, "Straighten your tongue first, I can't hear you clearly."

Hahahaha, is it okay if I can't hear you clearly

It's so funny. It turns out that only the master of bitch identification can punish the green tea bitch!

Hahaha, hurry up, Teacher Lu asks you to straighten your tongue!

Ning Cha's expression changed. He blinked a few times, and soon his eyes were red. "It's like this, Teacher Lu. I grew up in a poor village, where the educational resources are very backward. When I was a child, in order to go to school, I got up before dawn every day, and then climbed over a whole mountain to get to school..."

Starting to play the victim again!

Ah, it's obviously a trainees' stage, why does it have to be so sentimental

I can't stand this, I'm getting goosebumps.

Hearing this, Lu Ning made a pause gesture and said, "I suggest you participate in a sensational talk show, such as "My Past". There, you can give full play to your talents. As for here, talent and strength are more important."

Ning Cha wanted to continue talking, but Lu Ning followed up with another sentence, "Is your tongue so curled because you rap too much

Hahahaha tongue curling!!!

It was so funny, Ning Cha was completely confused!

Sure enough, our instructor Lu never plays by the rules!

Lu Ning looked at Ning Cha with some curiosity, "So, can you skr?"

Ning Cha: “…No.”

Lu Ning said, "Look, your tongue is straightened now, isn't it? It sounds much more comfortable this way."

"Hahaha." Laughter rang out among the contestants, and Ning Cha returned to the trainee team with an unwilling look on his face.

After the interaction between the mentors and trainees, the host said with a smile, "Today is the first day of the dream collaboration between our "Idol 123" and "Movies Index". In addition to the three dating mentors, there are also seven male and female guests. So, is there any guest who wants to come on stage and have a friendly battle with our trainees?"

As soon as the host finished speaking, Mu Baozhu raised her hand.

"Okay, a female guest has raised her hand actively. Then please invite this female guest to come on stage."

Mu Baozhu was wearing a mask and sunglasses, and she walked onto the stage with full confidence.

As for the trainees, a lively girl with a round face stood out.

The host asked, "Couple, please introduce yourself first. What is your name?"

Mu Baozhu raised her chin slightly, "Mu Baozhu."

"Okay, so does Baozhu want to battle with our contestants in singing or dancing?"

After saying that, he handed the microphone to Mu Baozhu's mouth again.

Mu Baozhu spoke clearly, "Dance."

The host exclaimed at the right moment, "Dancing, has Baozhu ever learned dancing?"

Mu Baozhu smiled and said, "Yes, I have learned it. I have been learning dance and piano since I was a child."

The host looked at the other trainees in surprise, "It seems that the guests who come to battle today are very strong. Who will perform first?"

Mu Baozhu made a gesture to invite him first, "This trainee goes first."

The round-faced girl quickly agreed, "Okay."

Mu Baozhu let the trainee perform first not because she was generous, but because she wanted to be the one who amazed the audience.

If the person who comes on stage at the beginning is an excellent dancer, the reaction on the scene may not be too strong because there is no comparison.

If the person who performs first has mediocre dancing skills, but the one who performs later wows the audience, then a strong contrast will appear immediately.

The female trainee performed a dance that was very popular among a domestic girl group.

Shaking the head, twisting the waist, and doing standard waves, these common dance moves of girl group dance immediately ignited the atmosphere of the whole audience.

After the dance ended, there was warm applause from the audience.

Mu Baozhu, who had watched the whole thing from the side, had a rough idea in her mind. The trainee who came out to compete with her had thick thighs and calves, and his figure was not as good as hers. His dancing level was only average, so he was not to be feared at all.

Thinking of this, Mu Baozhu prepared to go on stage to perform with full confidence.

The host interrupted for a moment, "Well, is this how you perform?"

Mu Baozhu pushed the sunglasses on her nose and said, "Yes."

Although the host found it strange, he did not force her to show her face. "Okay, then please start your performance, Baozhu."

Mu Baozhu just happened to know how to dance the female trainee just did.

Since you have already jumped, you might as well jump the same way.

Only by dancing the same way can we clearly distinguish the difference between them.

Thinking of this, Mu Baozhu confidently told the music teacher to play the song.

The music started, and the whole audience was behind her, ready to turn around.

She can do this basic movement with ease.

Today, she will definitely attract everyone's attention and be the most beautiful one!

Thinking of this, Mu Baozhu quickly shook her head. She did this action very well, with perfect strength and angle.

As a result, because she did it so well, her sunglasses suddenly flew off.

The next second, the pair of swollen, squinting eyes suddenly appeared in the sight of everyone present.

Mu Baozhu: …

All the contestants subconsciously took a breath of cold air.

No wonder he wears sunglasses, his eyes are so funny!

There was deliberately suppressed laughter on the field.

The sunglasses fell off, and Mu Baozhu was a little panicked. She wanted to pick up the sunglasses and continue the performance. As a result, she stepped on something when she twisted her waist. She lost her balance and prostrated herself on the spot with a thud, and her head hit the ground heavily.

Even with the background music, most people who are close enough can still hear the “bang”.

on site:…

For a moment, only the music continued and no one spoke.

I don't know how many seconds passed before Lu Ning said calmly, "There's no need to be so polite."

The host laughed awkwardly twice and quickly pulled Mu Baozhu up.

After Mu Baozhu got up from the ground, she immediately put on the cracked fragment. Then, when no one noticed, she ran towards Lu Ning without saying a word.

At this moment, Mu Baozhu had only one thought in her mind, that was it was all Lu Ning's fault!

If Lu Ning still let her have whatever she wanted like before, then she wouldn't have embarrassed herself in front of so many people!

She will always be so beautiful, so fairy, and so lucky!

Damn Lu Ning!

Mu Baozhu really wanted to strangle Lu Ning to death.

Just when she was about to rush to Lu Ning, she was stopped by Xiao Mu who appeared out of nowhere.

Xiao Mu quickly said to the others, "What are you looking at? Come and help." This person had a clear goal and went straight to Lu Ning. Who knew if she would do something to Lu Ning out of anger

At this time, other staff members also reacted and surrounded Mu Baozhu.

Mu Baozhu, who was surrounded by people, quickly calmed down from her rage.

She hasn't completely lost yet.

She still has a chance!

Even if she really couldn't do anything to Lu Ning for the time being, at worst...

At worst, she could just use that method.

She would never resort to that method unless she had no other options.

In this world, if you want to get something, you have to pay for it. The more you get, the more you pay. Now, she has reached the end of her rope and has to resort to that method.

How much has she suffered and lost face at the hands of Lu Ning since she participated in the dating variety show

Mu Baozhu didn't even dare to count them.

But it doesn't matter. The one who laughs last is the real winner!

When Xiaomu and the staff subdued Mu Baozhu, Jing Yi walked over to Lu Ning and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

A familiar cool voice sounded nearby.

However, unlike most of the times before, Lu Ning only heard this voice in her dreams. Today, she heard this voice in reality.

In fact, after seeing Xiaomu, Lu Ning guessed that Jing Yi might be nearby. But she never expected that Jing Yi would take the initiative to come over and talk to her.

This doesn't seem to be consistent with Jing Yi's personality.

Will he initiate conversation with people he doesn't know well

Lu Ning said calmly, "It's okay."

She replied while cueing the merit system in her mind, "He recognized me?"

Merit system, no. After that, the merit system explained the mechanism of the system. When I first entered the dream, I told you that you can have fun in the dream. No matter what you do in the dream, the other party will not recognize you in reality. Because the system has an intervention mechanism, it is absolutely impossible for him to remember your face.

The Merit System would never think that someone could use their voice to find someone because they couldn't remember faces. In this world, there are always more solutions than problems. It's just that it's very difficult to find someone by voice. In this world, there are people with similar voices, and voice cannot be the only basis for judgment.

Lu Ning nodded. The problem between Mu Baozhu and Pei Xi had not been resolved yet, so she had not yet considered extending the friendship in her dream to reality.

Jing Yi wanted to say something, but at this moment, a concerned voice suddenly came from behind them, "Ningning."

When Lu Ning turned around, she was surprised to find that the person calling her was her stepfather, Lu Beicai.

This was the first time she saw Lu Beicai after she entered the book.

Although Lu Beicai is middle-aged, he is still very elegant. As a CEO who often attends various big occasions, he usually behaves calmly. But at this moment, he walks towards Lu Ning eagerly, "Ning Ning, Dad heard that something happened here, how are you?"

Lu Ning didn't expect that Lu Beicai was also here.

She shook her head and said, "I'm fine." Then she asked, "Dad, why are you here?"

Lu Beicai replied, "Dad was inspecting a construction site nearby, and it's very close to here. I thought you were here, so I came to see you."

Lu Ning said "oh", it seems that Father Lu still cares about his daughter very much.

At this time, Mu Baozhu walked towards Lu Beicai with an eager look on her face, "Dad." In front of the camera, she did not call Lu Beicai uncle, but called him dad. After all, he was her adoptive father. Although he asked her to call him uncle before, she could call him dad now.

Father Lu was a little surprised to see Mu Baozhu dressed like this, "Baozhu."

As soon as she saw her relatives, Mu Baozhu threw herself into Lu Beicai's arms and started crying.

Today, in front of so many people, she lost face again.

Again and again.

Even though she was mentally strong, she couldn't bear it at this moment.

The others looked at each other in bewilderment after seeing this scene.

What did they hear? Mu Baozhu actually called Lu Beicai dad

Isn't her last name Mu? Could it be that she took her mother's last name

If there are two daughters in a family, one with the father's surname and the other with the mother's surname, then it is indeed very common. So, is this also the case with Mu Baozhu

Lu Beicai looked at Mu Baozhu in his arms with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

How to say it, Mu Baozhu has no blood relationship with him after all. She is so old now, it doesn’t seem appropriate for her to hug him like this in front of so many people.

Although Lu Beicai wanted to push Mu Baozhu away, he didn't have the courage to do so because of her self-esteem.

At this time, someone in the room asked quietly, "What is the relationship between Mu Baozhu and Mr. Lu? Father and daughter? Then why is her last name Mu?"

Lu Beicai happened to hear these words. In order to avoid others misunderstanding that he and Mu Baozhu had an improper godfather-goddaughter relationship and affecting her reputation, he coughed lightly and explained, "Well, Baozhu is my adopted daughter."

Hearing this, everyone had different thoughts.

No one on the field said anything to their faces, but there was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

Adopted daughter

Doesn’t that mean Mu Baozhu and Teacher Lu are sisters

What kind of sisters are they? Aren't they not related by blood

Before, Mu Baozhu seemed to be hyping up the character of a fair, wealthy and beautiful woman, but it turns out that she is just someone’s adopted daughter.

It's so funny. His biological daughter is right here, yet he still uses her background as a gimmick every day.

Who first spread the rumor that Teacher Lu had an ordinary family background

After hearing what the above person said, I suddenly felt terrified when I thought about it.

Mu Baozhu suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention.

Originally, she should be happy because she was the center of attention, but now she is not happy at all.

Lu Beicai actually announced in public that she was his adopted daughter!

Even without seeing other people's expressions, she could tell by just imagining that they must be watching her show.

They will definitely think, oh, so she is just an adopted daughter.

Because of Lu Beicai's words, she began to hate him.

She hates this father and daughter!

Lu Beicai was busy with work, so he only stayed here for a while before leaving.

Not long after Lu Beicai left, Jing Yi also left.

Just now, he heard Lu Beicai call Lu Ning "Ning Ning".

Generally speaking, fathers call their daughters by their nicknames, and once a nickname is decided, it is rarely changed.

This also means that Lu Ning’s nickname is not Miaomiao, but Ningning.

In addition, Lu Ning's attitude towards him was too indifferent, which was completely different from Miaomiao's enthusiastic attitude towards him in his dream, so Jing Yi put her aside for the time being.

As soon as Jing Yi left, the news that he appeared on the scene of "Idol 123" appeared on the hot search.

Netizens with wild imaginations speculated on the reason why Jing Yi appeared there.

Considering the photos of tomato and egg noodles, braised pork cake, etc. that he had previously posted on Weibo, and considering that the actress he had recently worked with happened to be the female mentor of "Idol 123", many netizens had an incredible guess in their minds.

In the costume drama that Jing Yi has not yet finished filming, I remember Wen Yu played a small cameo role in it.

The two of them had contact for quite a while while filming the costume drama.

Wen Yu previously showed off her cooking skills on the variety show "Good Life" and received unanimous praise from the guests.

Among the five mentors of "Idol 123", three are male mentors and two are female mentors. Among the female mentors, except for Wen Yu, the other one is already married and has children!

Although there are girls among the trainees, it seems that they have no chance to interact with Jing Yi.

After this process of elimination, I can only conclude that Jing Yi went to "Idol 123" for Wen Yu!

After Jing Yi's agent learned about the online comments, he quickly asked the studio to issue a clarification statement. The statement silenced some people, but there were still a small number of Wen Jing (Jing) CP fans on the Internet.

What was said online was so convincing that even Wen Yu, who was a temporary love mentor on "The Action Index", almost believed it.

While reading the comments online, Wen Yu asked the married female tutor beside her, "Do you think Jing Yi is really coming for me?"

The female tutor shrugged. "It's not impossible. After all, he's already 26, and next week is his birthday. He's another year older."

When Lu Ning accidentally passed by them, he happened to hear this conversation.

It turns out that Jingyi’s birthday is coming soon

As a friend, she had cooked longevity noodles for him in her dreams. In reality, why not give him a gift as well

On the other side, Xiaomu yawned loudly in the car, "Brother, where are we going now?"

Jing Yi thought for a while and said, "Let's go back to the film and television city first."

There are still too few clues now, and he needs more information.

At this time, Jing Yi suddenly asked Xiao Mu a question.

"If you meet a friend online, you are already very familiar with each other and seem to have a good relationship, but the other person is always unwilling to tell you his or her real identity in real life, why do you think this is?"

Hearing this question, Xiaomu looked at Jingyi in horror, "Brother, what's going on? Are you in an online relationship?"

Jing Yi lowered his eyes, his voice cold and indifferent, "No."

Xiaomu couldn't help but think in his heart that the faster he denied it, the more guilty he felt.

Xiaomu asked with a gossipy look on his face, "How far have you talked now?"

Jing Yi coughed lightly, his ears turned red, "She called me brother."

Xiaomu resisted the urge to roll his eyes in his heart.

Nowadays, let alone brothers, girls even say "husband" all the time, right? "Dear, baby", these are just catchphrases.

Xiaomu knew that his brother was innocent, but after hearing these words, Jing Yi's level of innocence still greatly surprised Xiaomu.

“Are you just chatting online?”

Jing Yi lowered his eyes, "No. We have met many times." Meeting in a dream is also considered meeting.

Xiaomu's face was full of surprise.

The two met and had many contacts, but they did not tell each other their true identities!

He didn't even think about it, "This is absolutely amazing!"