Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 42: The 42nd day of love


After saying "ruthless", Xiaomu looked at Jingyi lovingly, "Brother, you are not being played, are you?"

Jing Yi subconsciously retorted, "She is not that kind of person."

Xiao Mu patted his shoulder, "Okay, brother, since you said so, let's have a good talk. You don't know her real identity, right? Besides, do you have her cell phone number? Do you know where she lives? Do you know what she does for a living? If you want to find her, where should you look for her?"

Jing Yi knew nothing about these questions.

A trace of confusion appeared on his handsome face.

Xiaomu knew the answer when he saw his silence. Who on earth had deceived his brother without his knowledge

He looked distressed and said, "Brother, you...really, have been played completely."

Jing Yi lowered his eyes, "She must have her own reasons."

Xiaomu: ... What's the reason for this? Xiaomu scratched his head and didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he asked, "Brother, what are you going to do now?"

"Keep looking, or wait."

In the afternoon, all the guests and mentors of "Heartbeat Index" got on the car back to the Heartbeat House.

This time they chartered a bus and accommodated everyone at once.

When the bus was halfway through its journey, it suddenly broke down.

The driver got out of the car and checked it several times. After getting back in, the car still wouldn't start.

Everyone in the car was getting impatient, and Zheng Shu said bluntly, "What a crappy car. I've never ridden in a car that costs less than seven figures, okay?"

Lu Ning knew that the car's breakdown was most likely not related to the car itself, but to Mu Baozhu. Mu Baozhu's bad luck began to take effect. At the beginning, she also encountered this situation.

The driver scratched his head and said, "Forget it, this car is probably not available, you should call another car."

Another taxi

Then we have to drive a car to pick them up, and I don’t know how long it will take on the road.

Zheng Shu cursed, "What's going on? What's wrong with you?"

Seeing his bad attitude, the driver's tone also became bad, "How should I know? Get off the car quickly."

Zheng Shu looked unhappy, "Do you know how much time you are wasting like this?"

While Zheng Shu was still arguing with the driver, Lu Ning was the first to get out of the car.

The bus broke down in a less-traffic-filled national highway. Both "Idol 123" and "Heartbeat Index" have their headquarters in remote suburbs, which means the way back is also remote.

The director made a phone call, but it would take at least an hour to send another car to pick them up. During this hour, the group of people could only stand on the side of the road in the wind.

Yao Hanhan joked, "Then what should we do? Why don't we just have a picnic nearby?"

The director stroked his chin and considered the suggestion seriously. "It's not impossible to have a picnic."

Lu Ning stood by the road, listening to them talking about how to spend the next hour. At this time, a low-key nanny car stopped in front of Lu Ning. The next second, the passenger window slowly lowered, and Xiao Mu's head popped out from inside, "Teacher Lu, why are you here?"

Lu Ning was a little surprised to see him. She didn't expect to meet them here.

She simply replied, "The car broke down."

Xiao Mu said, "The car broke down. Can't drive anymore?"


Xiaomu smiled kindly on his chubby face, "Then let's take you back. You're going back to the Heartbeat Cabin, right?"


At this time, the rear window of the nanny car slowly lowered, and soon, Jing Yi's handsome face appeared in her sight.

A familiar voice sounded.

"Teacher Lu."

"Teacher Jing."

Jing Yi opened the back door of the car. He lowered his eyes slightly. Lu Ning couldn't see the emotion in his eyes. "Come on."

Lu Ning glanced at him, weighed the pros and cons in her mind and quickly made a decision, "Thank you." If there's a car to ride in, it would be a waste not to take it.

When Lu Ning was about to get in the car, he called out, "Yao Hanhan, are you coming?"

Yao Hanhan was surprised when he was suddenly called.

After she realized what was happening, she quickly replied, "Come on, come on." How could she miss the chance to get up close to her idol!

So, the others watched as Lu Ning and Yao Hanhan got into the movie emperor's car. Then, the door closed and the car sped away, leaving them with only the rear end of the car emitting exhaust fumes!

Mu Baozhu looked at the exhaust gas with jealousy. If her appearance had not decreased, then she should be the one sitting in the nanny car now!

As for Pei Xi, he looked at the car that was almost invisible with a puzzled expression.

How did the little girl who had always been following him closely become so familiar with other men

The space in the nanny car is not too cramped and the air is fresh and smells good.

Even so, Yao Hanhan felt a little restrained.

She secretly glanced at Jing Yi who was sitting opposite her. Sure enough, the male god was so handsome no matter from which angle he was viewed.

The curtains in the car were drawn and the light was dim, which made Jing Yi's sharp features and deep eyes look even more prominent. Yao Hanhan was almost drowning in his looks.

Although he had already thanked him, Lu Ning thanked him again, "Sorry for bothering you."

Jing Yi lowered his eyes and smiled. His smile was very faint, but very nice. "Don't bother me, it's just..."


Jing Yi looked directly into Lu Ning's eyes, "I heard that Mr. Lu is a good cook, I wonder if I can have some noodles with him?"

Free noodles

Lu Ning was slightly startled.

Therefore, Jing Yi still had doubts about her in his heart.

Yes, she had asked her aunt to send a bowl of noodles to Grandpa Jing before, and that bowl of noodles was made by her.

She hadn't thought too much about it at first. After seeing that he wanted to eat noodles on Weibo, she happened to have such an opportunity, so she wanted to let her friend eat the noodles she cooked in real life. But she didn't expect Jing Yi to have such a picky taste that he could taste the flavor of her cooking when eating a bowl of noodles, and he even called his aunt to ask a few questions.

Tomato and egg noodles is a very common delicacy, and many people can cook it. She has also eaten tomato and egg noodles cooked by others, and she personally thinks that the taste of others' is similar to hers.

She also didn't know how Jing Yi could tell the difference.

If she had known that Jing Yi could taste it, she might not have asked her aunt to deliver the noodles.

Lu Ning nodded, "Of course."

Yao Hanhan has a say in this topic. Before, when Mu Baozhu and the others made glutinous rice balls for dinner, Lu Ning did not eat their glutinous rice balls, but made herself a bowl of noodles. She and Xin Nancheng also ate the noodles cooked by Lu Ning. She said with a smile, "The noodles cooked by Teacher Lu are really delicious."

Jing Yi glanced at Lu Ning and asked politely, "Is it okay today?"

Lu Ning readily agreed, "Of course."

After discussing this topic, the car fell into silence for a while.

It was the first time that Yao Hanhan saw her idol so closely. She had a lot to say in her heart. She mustered up the courage to break the silence, "Mr. Jing, can you please give me an autograph?"


Xiaomu handed the paper and pen to Jingyi, and Jingyi quickly signed his name on it.

Yao Hanhan was delighted to get her idol's autograph. Suddenly, she remembered something. "Teacher Jing, where were you originally planning to go?"

Before Jing Yi answered, Xiao Mu couldn't help but interrupt and said, "We were planning to go to the airport at first, but then the plan changed. We decided to find a place to stay first." As for why the plan changed, it was because Jing Yi suddenly thought of the bowl of tomato and egg noodles that tasted exactly the same as in his dream.

If he remembered correctly, that bowl of tomato and egg noodles was sent by Lu Beicai's aunt.

Are there so many coincidences in this world

So, he came here to find an answer.

Soon, the nanny car stopped in front of the Heartbeat Hut.

There were staff members staying in the room, and as soon as they arrived, the staff quickly opened the door for them.

Although the staff knew that the car had broken down, they didn't know that Lu Ning would come back with Jing Yi! The mentors of the dating variety show were not very famous, and when they suddenly saw a very popular actor, the staff were excited.

Lu Ning didn't explain too much, just said that he got a ride in Jing Yi's car. They didn't have lunch, and now it was almost one in the afternoon, and everyone was hungry.

Lu Ning quickly entered the kitchen, and soon Jing Yi followed in.

"Teacher Lu, do you need help?"

Lu Ning lowered her head and washed the vegetables carefully. "No, thank you."

There was no sound behind him for a while. After a few seconds, Jing Yi's voice was heard again in the kitchen, "Although it is presumptuous to ask this, can you please cook tomato and egg noodles?" He had only eaten tomato and egg noodles in his dreams, and he was afraid that he could not tell the difference between anything else.

An expected request.


After that, Lu Ning quickly put the food into the pot and mixed the seasonings in the bowls. She prepared four bowls in order, one for her, and the other for Jing Yi, Xiao Mu, and Yao Hanhan.

While the noodles were still not cooked, Lu Ning fried four poached eggs in a frying pan.

By the time she finished frying the poached eggs, the noodles were cooked.

Lu Ning picked up the noodles and poured them into four bowls one by one, then sprinkled tomatoes and poached eggs on them.

Soon, four bowls of fragrant tomato and egg noodles were freshly prepared.

Lu Ning invited others to come and eat noodles.

Yao Hanhan quickly picked up the tomato and egg noodles. She lowered her head and took a sip of the soup. Then, she sighed comfortably, "It still tastes familiar! It's delicious!"

After Yao Hanhan, Xiao Mu actively picked up the bowl of noodles that looked delicious. Today, I followed my brother to get the noodles from Teacher Lu. It was worth it!

After they all finished eating, Jing Yi quickly picked up his bowl of tomato and egg noodles.

His heart began to pound.

For a moment, his hands were shaking slightly.

Soon, he will know whether his guess is right or not.

He picked up a handful of noodles with chopsticks and slowly put it into his mouth with great anticipation.

Unfortunately, as soon as he finished eating, he felt that something was wrong.

The taste is different.

This bowl of noodles is a bit saltier, and the soup base and seasonings are also different.

He looked at Yao Hanhan standing beside him, "Did you eat the same flavor last time?"

Yao Hanhan was puzzled when she heard this question. "Yes, that's the taste! The taste of the noodles cooked by Teacher Lu himself!"

In this world, most people's taste buds can only be described as ordinary and they cannot distinguish the subtle differences. To Yao Hanhan, this bowl of noodles was no different from the previous bowl that Lu Ning cooked herself!

However, in Jing Yi's opinion, the gap is obvious.

This bowl of noodles is indeed a delicious bowl of noodles.

‌… They are different after all.

After eating the tomato and egg noodles, Jing Yi thanked Lu Ning, "Thank you, Professor Lu, for your hospitality." However, his attitude was much colder than at the beginning.

Lu Ning put the bowl into the dishwasher and smiled, "You're welcome."

After Jingyi and Xiaomu left, other guests and mentors had almost arrived.

The air still had the aroma of tomato and egg noodles. Su Xiaoxiao looked envious and asked, "Have you finished your lunch?"

It was Yao Hanhan who answered her, "I'm done eating."

After saying that, Lu Ning and Yao Hanhan went outside to bask in the sun. As for the other guests, some ordered takeout, some cooked their own food. For a moment, everyone in the Heartbeat House was busy with their own things.

When walking to the front, Lu Ning did not ignore Mu Baozhu's hateful eyes. She didn't know that Mu Baozhu even hated Lu Beicai. If she knew, she would probably say, "A little kindness will bring resentment." If Lu Beicai hadn't adopted Mu Baozhu, there would be no Mu Baozhu today. Unfortunately, she forgot all those good things.

For a selfish person like Mu Baozhu, once she encounters something a little bit unpleasant, she will forget all the kindness others have shown her in the past.

As evening approached, the guests finally performed the long-awaited love task again.

This time, the guests chose to do the love task assigned by Lu Ning - dancing. Every minute, they changed partners. Every time they changed partners, the male and female guests had to look into each other's eyes for 15 seconds. Because there was an extra male guest, Su Xiaoxiao still played the female guest this time.

Soon, the music started, and Zheng Shu immediately stepped forward and extended his hand to Mu Baozhu, "Baozhu, please."

Mu Baozhu glanced at Pei Xi, who looked unmoved, so she could only start a social dance with Zheng Shu. Then, Meng Heng and Yao Hanhan, Xin Nancheng and Nuonuo, and Pei Xi and Su Xiaoxiao also started dancing.

There are roses of various colors planted in front of the Heartbeat House, and there are also colorful balloons in front of the house. As the sun sets, a spring breeze blows across the cheeks of a group of young men and women. They dance in the dreamy scene. It must be said that the scene at this moment is very beautiful.

Woohoo, I really want to participate in “Heartbeat Index”!

This moment is so dreamy!

But soon, a slow voice sounded on the field, directly breaking the beauty of the moment, "Zheng Shu, you lsp, where are you putting your hands?"

As Lu Ning finished speaking, many people in the live broadcast room noticed Zheng Shushou's position.

One of his hands was tightly holding Mu Baozhu's hand, and the other hand was placed right on Mu Baozhu's buttocks.

Generally speaking, male and female guests will use gentleman's hands when ballroom dancing.

Even when placed on the waist of the female guest, their hands will be slightly suspended in the air.

It’s actually lsp!

If Teacher Lu hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have noticed it!

I didn't realize that he is not only a Versailles master, but also an LSP!

Zheng Shu, who was named, moved his hand away as if on fire.

By ballroom dancing with his favorite goddess, he was indeed thinking of taking advantage of her.

Although Mu Baozhu has become much uglier recently, Zheng Shu always remembers how she looked when he first met her.

Her eyes were swollen because she was stung by a wasp, which would heal in a few days; she wore a mask on her face because she had acne, which would heal soon after applying medicine.

As for Mu Baozhu's figure - she is now a little plump, not as thin as before, but Zheng Shu likes plump ones. When he hugged Mu Baozhu, his hands consciously moved down. He saw that Mu Baozhu did not refuse, and his movements became more bold.

Actually, his action was not too extreme. Aren't there enough people who take advantage of girls these days? He is not the only one.

Generally, even if someone sees it, no one will say it on the spot.

Unfortunately, he forgot about Lu Ning, a person who didn't play by the rules and couldn't tolerate even a grain of sand in his eyes!

Zheng Shu defended himself, "I didn't notice it."

Lu Ning had an expression that said, "Keep on quibbling." "You just did something that only an LS would do."

The position where Zheng Shu placed his hands just now was really wrong.

It's clearly taking advantage!

Zheng Shu still wanted to argue, "I just couldn't help myself."

"Just can't help myself?"

Zheng Shu was afraid that Lu Ning would reveal his thoughts on the spot, so he had to give in and said, "I'm sorry, I will pay more attention next time."

Although there were some minor incidents in the middle, this love mission was successfully completed.

However, Lu Ning did not notice the Shura field that appeared frequently in the original novel at all.

Not to mention the Shura Field, Lu Ning could hardly see any sparks between the male and female protagonists.

It seems that the current development has deviated greatly from the original plot.

That night, Lu Ning fell asleep again.

As soon as she fell asleep, a musty smell entered her nose.

Just as she was about to speak, a body came up from behind her, "Shh."

After Lu Ning recognized that it was Jing Yi's voice, he stopped moving and said nothing, but subconsciously looked around.

If she guessed correctly, this should be the equipment room in the middle school.

The equipment room is filled with various balls, basketballs, bowling balls, volleyballs, badminton...

The equipment room hasn't been ventilated for a long time, so the smell isn't very good.

She was just about to ask Jing Yi why he didn't let her speak, when suddenly, the voices of two young men and women were heard a few steps away from them.

A girl complained unhappily, "We are already in our third year of high school and are already adults. It's not considered premature love anymore. Why does the teacher still want to catch us with our love affairs?"

The next second, a boy's rough voice rang out, "Who knows? Maybe they are worried about affecting the enrollment rate."

The girl's voice sounded unconvinced, "Who said that falling in love will affect study? These teachers are really old-fashioned. What era is it now? They are still focusing on love issues."

The boy lowered his voice and spoke in an ambiguous tone, "Why rush? We will graduate from the college entrance examination soon anyway. Besides, we have been secretly dating in the equipment room without being discovered."

The girl laughed sweetly, "Humph, Chen Da, give me your head!"

The boys and girls thought that there was no one in the equipment room. They didn't know that there were two uninvited guests in the equipment room today.

The entire equipment room was not actually big enough, but there were too many sundries piled up inside. Not to mention that in the middle of the equipment room, there was a thick mat that was only used for jumping. At this moment, this green mat was standing there so blatantly that the boys and girls ignored the person behind the mat.

In fact, when this scene happened in reality, Jing Yi was the only one hiding behind the green mat. He didn't know whether to go out or stay. He felt awkward and confused. As a senior high school graduate, he originally wanted to go into the equipment room to get a badminton racket and leave, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

As it happened, he knew the two people behind him. If he didn't know them, he would have just walked out. But, they were both his classmates.

The door of the equipment room was closed by the two boys and girls, and the room seemed even darker and more ambiguous.

It was obvious that the boy and girl were still in love, and they felt like they had been separated for three years.

Popping sounds were soon heard in the room.

Lu Ning's face was a little surprised. She didn't expect that her friend's student life was so colorful and she could even encounter such a grand scene in the equipment room.

Thinking of her friend's shy nature, she deliberately turned around and wanted to take a look at her friend's expression.

As a result, when she turned around, she saw her friend looking at him seriously.

If you ignore his red ears, he might look a little calmer.

Lu Ning sighed slightly in his heart.

The couple behind probably don’t know that there is a single person in the equipment room.

Originally, this was just a dream, and Lu Ning could have just grabbed her friend's hand and left.

Lu Ning felt that this might not be able to eliminate Jing Yi's embarrassment.

So, this time, she planned to accompany him through this dream in this equipment room.

Seeing the noises outside getting louder and louder, Jing Yi's ears were getting redder and redder. Lu Ning had no choice but to cover his ears with the back of his hands and mouthed, "Don't listen."

Although he covered his ears with his hands, the intermittent sounds from the equipment room still reached Jing Yi's ears.

The next second, Lu Ning felt that his ears were also covered.

Great, that's fair.

Lu Ning actually felt that the couple below would not really do anything, at most they would just kiss.

As for other things, someone could come in here at any time, so I don’t think they have the courage to do so.

When this dream came back to her, Lu Ning's thoughts inevitably went back to her student days.

What was she doing in her senior year of high school

Maybe he is busy studying and doing exercises non-stop.

Most of the time, she wouldn't even participate in physical education classes.

Before she traveled through the book, she did not have a life as comfortable as her original self. She had to work to earn her living expenses very early on, and in the process, she learned various survival skills.

She has seen all kinds of people since she was very young, so she can see through the true nature of others at a glance.

The audience joked that she was an expert in identifying bitches.

Why did she become an expert in identifying bitches

Because in her previous life of 24 years, she had seen many green teas, and at the beginning, she had suffered a lot at the hands of green teas. Slowly, she began to learn to identify green teas and stay away from them.

Lu Ning's thoughts suddenly returned to the past.

At this time, the kissing outside came to a temporary end, and the sound of their conversation came into her ears intermittently.

The girl said, "Oh, Jing Yi in the class, what a waste of such a pretty face."

The boy sneered, "Why, you like his face?"

The girl chuckled, "Jing Yi's face is indeed very handsome, and there are countless girls who like him. However, he looks too wooden and dull, and he doesn't have many friends around him. I guess he doesn't even know how to kiss a girl. I don't like this kind of personality."

The boy laughed, "He's such a boring nerd who only knows how to study, how can he compare to me? Honey, don't you agree?"

Hearing this conversation, Lu Ning frowned.

What does this mean

They are just in love, why do they have to drag Jing Yi down with it

Lu Ning was somewhat dissatisfied and wanted to go out and confront the couple face to face.

Unfortunately, she knew clearly in her heart that this was just a dream, a reappearance of reality. Even if she went out to warn them, it would not help the reality. After all, this was just a dusty past in Jing Yi's memory.

Lu Ning was very dissatisfied when his friend was described as dull and boring.

She was so focused on listening to the noise coming from behind that she didn't pay attention to her friend in front of her.

By the time she realized the breath in front of her was getting closer, Jing Yi's face was already within reach.

Lu Ning raised her eyes slightly and looked at Jing Yi with some surprise.

It was obvious that Jing Yi was very nervous, his eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings, so beautiful that it was amazing. Then, a polite and restrained kiss, like a dragonfly touching the water, gently landed on her forehead.

The next second, Jing Yi's slightly trembling voice rang out in the room, "I can do it, too."

Lu Ning was stunned on the spot.

Is it because of that girl's

Is Jing Yi afraid that she will dislike him like that girl

A surge of anger rose in Lu Ning's heart.

She really wanted to rush out and tell that girl to shut up, but unfortunately, she couldn't do that now.

Because at this time, the scene in front of me began to blur.

She knew that this dream was over.

Before the dream ended, what remained in Lu Ning's sight was Jing Yi's serious and flushed handsome face.

After waking up the next day, Lu Ning felt a slight headache.

The next second, the scream of the merit system stimulated her head even more. Ah, the intimacy level has risen to 50 levels! Honey, congratulations! Ah, the fortune has returned to 8%, only 20% is left, I don’t know what to say!

After shouting, the Merit System rubbed its hands in excitement, "What did you do this time?" If it had a tail, it would probably be swinging it happily at this moment.

Lu Ning ignored the merit system that was so excited that it was incoherent. She rubbed her temples, took out her cell phone, and quickly searched all the TV series, movies, and variety shows that Jing Yi had participated in since his debut.

You don’t know until you check, and you’ll be shocked when you do.

Jing Yi has never participated in any variety shows. As for TV dramas, he has only played two roles, both as the male lead. And two years ago, he won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor for one of the TV dramas.

He has filmed the most movies. However, whether it is a TV series or a movie, he always plays the role of the male protagonist without a CP.

In other words, even in TV dramas and movies, he has never been in a relationship!

Thinking of the slightly trembling words "I can do it too", Lu Ning actually felt a little sorry for his innocent friend.

However, this touch of heartache was quickly replaced by anger.

She remembered that among the people who spoke ill of Jing Yi in her dream, there was one named "Chen Da."

She remembered it well, that's how girls call their boyfriends. When he mentioned Jing Yi, there was a hint of disdain in his tone, as if he was superior.

With this information, Lu Ning quickly searched for information about the middle school class that Jing Yi was attending. This information was easy to find.

After Jing Yi became famous, many of his high school classmates uploaded their high school graduation photos on social media.

She found Jing Yi in the graduation photo. However, she only knew his name, not his appearance, so the graduation photo was of little use.

Finally, based on various interactions among friends on Weibo, she locked on to Chen Da.

His current Weibo name is "Dadazi King", a very non-mainstream name, probably not past the middle school period.

She visited Chen Da's Weibo homepage and saw that apart from a few likes, he hadn't posted many posts.

However, there is a selfie of Chen Da in it. It can be seen that the photo is quite old. It was probably uploaded when he was young and he forgot to delete it.

Lu Ning noted down the man's appearance.

As for the girl who said Jing Yi was dull and boring, she hadn't found any relevant information yet. She and Chen Da had probably broken up, otherwise Chen Da wouldn't have mentioned his girlfriend at all on Weibo, right

After searching for so much information, it was already late.

The staff came to urge Lu Ning to go downstairs.

She could only put down her phone temporarily, get up and prepare to wash up.

However, just as Lu Ning entered the bathroom, a shocking scream suddenly came from the second floor of the villa.

Lu Ning was preoccupied with something and was caught off guard, and she almost dropped the toothbrush in her hand!

She simply didn't brush her teeth and walked out of the room in her pajamas. Coincidentally, other guests and staff heard the sound and gathered outside a room on the second floor.

She held the handrail on the third floor and leaned out to look at the situation on the second floor.

The director knocked on the door timidly.

What went wrong with this little ancestor Mu Baozhu

He knocked on the door just once when a hoarse and impatient voice came out from inside, "Get out! Get out! Ahhh!"

At this time, Pei Xi stepped forward and said impatiently, "Baozhu, can you please stop making trouble!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Ning had only one thought in his mind, "Heh, man."

I still remember the first time Mu Baozhu screamed because of acne on her face, Pei Xi rushed to the door of Mu Baozhu's room to care for her and love her.

As a result, not long after that, Pei Xi lost his patience with Mu Baozhu.

Facts have proved that a man like Pei Xi can never truly love someone, because the only person he truly loves is himself.

After hearing Pei Xi's voice, Mu Baozhu was like a drowning person grabbing a piece of driftwood.

Previously, Pei Xi said that she is the cutest even with pimples!

This time, he will definitely say the same thing!

Yes! He will!

Thinking of this, Mu Baozhu opened the door and ran into Pei Xi's arms regardless of anything.

As a result, seeing Mu Baozhu's honor at the moment, Pei Xi subconsciously took several steps back.

Not to mention Pei Xi, even Lu Ning, who had been watching the show on the third floor, was a little surprised after seeing this scene.

After one night, Mu Baozhu became as fat as a ball!

Mu Baozhu was fat when she was a child, and she became even fatter when she grew up. Since she got the portable space, she relied on the spiritual spring to become a slender beauty. After watching her for a long time, even she herself forgot that she was once a fat person.

Unfortunately, things gained through hard work will eventually be lost one day.

Lu Ning felt only irony when looking at the scene before him.

Mu Baozhu, she has simply returned to her truest self.

Mu Baozhu looked at Pei Xi with tears on her face, "Brother Pei."

Pei Xi stepped back subconsciously, a hint of disgust unconsciously showing on his face, "Baozhu, why have you become so..."

How could I gain so much weight in just one night!

Zheng Shu, who was standing by, almost vomited out his overnight meal.

He likes plump ones, but he definitely doesn't like fat ones like this! Mu Baozhu looks like this now, so she should weigh at least 160 pounds, right

You know, she is only 1.65 meters tall!

Mu Baozhu kept backing away from Pei Xi. When she was in pain and distress, she just wanted to keep the man who once said that he would always treat her well.

She didn't know where she got the strength from, but she rushed over and grabbed Pei Xi's pants tightly.

She now weighs 160 pounds and is very strong. Pei Xi, who was unexpectedly hugged, was unable to break free immediately.

Then, something even more unexpected happened.

His pants were torn in front of everyone...


Suddenly, the colorful shorts underneath were revealed.

Everyone: …