Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 44: The forty-fourth day of love


Give a shout out to Teacher Lu!

Teacher Lu is the eternal God!

The audience in the live broadcast room was happy, but Shen Chuchun was not. She didn't expect Lu Ning to say that she was pretending in front of so many people! Is she really going to start a dyeing factory just because she is given a little face

She had never suffered such injustice in her life. She sneered and said, "Teacher Lu, just wait for me."

Lu Ning hummed expressionlessly and replied seriously, "Okay, I'll wait."

Shen Chuchun, who was choked by Lu Ning's words for the first time, immediately left the living room in her seven-centimeter high heels.

After arriving at a quiet place, she called Shen Rong directly.

After a while, the call was connected. Without waiting for Shen Rong to speak, she said, "Cousin, do you know that Lu Ning just said that I was pretending, and asked me if I knew that I was pretending like this. Being a mentor in a dating variety show is really amazing..."

Before Shen Chuchun finished her last word "了", Shen Rong interrupted her coldly and said, "Shen Chuchun, if you have nothing to do, just go home!"

This was the first time that Shen Rong lectured her in such a serious tone, without showing any mercy.

Shen Chuchun was stunned, "Cousin..."

Shen Rong on the other end of the phone pinched his brows and said in a cold tone, "Don't make trouble, don't cause trouble, remember?"

Shen Chuchun was unwilling to accept it, but Shen Rong's tone didn't sound right today. She didn't dare to offend him, so she could only verbally agree. She said reluctantly, "I'll remember."

But after hanging up the phone, Shen Chuchun didn't take Shen Rong's warning to heart at all. She was still full of fighting spirit. She was just a love mentor. Did she really think she was an important person

On the other side, the secretary beside Shen Rong asked softly, "Mr. Shen, aren't you going to tell her about Ms. Shen Wan?"

Shen Wan is Shen Chuchun's mother and Shen Rong's nominal aunt.

Why is it famous? Because just one day ago, Shen Wan was unwell and went to the private hospital run by the Shen family for a physical examination. It happened that this time that she was found to have no blood relationship with their Shen family.

The doctor kept it a secret from Shen Wan and only informed Shen Rong. After Shen Rong knew about this, he immediately arranged for a DNA test. He placed an expedited order and the results came out in a few hours.

At this moment, the DNA test report was right next to him.

There were a lot of professional terms on it, but Shen Rong skimmed over them all. He only read the conclusion on the last line, which showed that it did not support the idea that Shen Wan and the Shen family were related.

Shen Wan has no blood relationship with him, so Shen Chuchun naturally has no blood relationship with him either.

Since Shen Wan is not the daughter of the Shen family, then where is his real aunt? Where is she now? Is she doing well

Shen Rong knew nothing about these questions.

He stood up and took the DNA test form. "I will make a decision after I explain this to Grandpa."

Shen Chuchun felt bad after being scolded by his cousin, and went on strike in the afternoon of his first day.

The director couldn't do anything with this troublesome young lady, he could only treat everything as it was before, as if there was no new guest at all.

In the afternoon, the director started the free dating mode, and the guests could date whoever they wanted.

Male and female guests pair up randomly, drink their own coffee in the Heartbeat Hut, watch TV series and chat.

The guests had their date in the living room, and the mentors watched them in the mentor room.

During the break, Lu Ning received a call from his father.

On the phone, Lu's father told her that Qingming Festival was coming soon, and asked her to set aside one day on that day to visit her mother in the cemetery.

Lu Ning agreed readily.

Lu Ning didn't know much about her original mother, and the novel didn't focus much on her. She only knew that she was a very gentle person, who seemed to have suffered a lot before meeting Lu Beicai, and finally found happiness after meeting Lu Beicai.

Unfortunately, this happiness is also short-lived, fleeting like fireworks.

Lu Beicai has been thinking about his deceased wife for many years and has never remarried.

In many ways, Lu Beicai can be considered a good father and a good husband.

Unfortunately, the original body's mother died too young and died of illness before she could enjoy her life.

At night, Lu Ning fell asleep for the first time.

As soon as she fell asleep, she heard the continuous sound of fireworks. The fireworks bloomed enthusiastically in the sky, which sounded very lively.

Lu Ning first adapted to the environment, and then she looked around carefully.

Although this room is decorated very luxuriously, it looks extremely unfamiliar, with a sense of low-key luxury everywhere.

She was the only one in the room. She did not rush to find Jing Yi, but opened the window and looked outside first.

The fireworks outside the window bloomed exceptionally brilliantly, one after another, lighting up the entire sky like daytime.

She hadn't seen such a lively sky for many years.

So, this dream was a re-enactment of the Spring Festival a few years ago? Apart from the Spring Festival, she couldn't imagine any other day in the year that would be as lively as this day.

Only after knowing the approximate time did Lu Ning plan to go out to look for someone.

As soon as he opened the door, Lu Ning was roughly sure of his guess.

The decoration style of this villa is obviously outdated and is rarely seen nowadays. However, this decoration style was popular for a long time many years ago.

So, she is now in the place where Jingyi used to live

This villa exudes a sense of age everywhere, and she slowly walked down the spiral staircase.

As she approached the kitchen, she seemed to hear some noise coming from inside. She subconsciously took a few steps towards that side, and then saw Jing Yi who was cutting vegetables attentively.

He was wearing a black apron in front of him, and his posture when he lowered his head to cut vegetables looked serious and handsome.

Noticing her arrival, Jing Yi quickly said, "It will be ready soon."

Lu Ning did not leave, but asked, "What are you cutting?"

“Dumpling filling.”

Lu Ning probed, "Is today the third day of the lunar year?" If it is the third day of the lunar year, then there is indeed a custom of eating dumplings in many places.


It is the Spring Festival indeed.

However, the atmosphere in the villa was completely different from the bustling outside. The villa seemed too quiet and cold, revealing a bit of loneliness.

While Jing Yi was still cutting the meat filling, Lu Ning wandered around the villa's living room. It was obvious that the New Year's goods were well prepared, including melon seeds, peanuts, candies, and all kinds of delicious food. Unfortunately, the New Year's goods seemed to be only used for decoration and were not put to use. There was no sign that they had been eaten.

Lu Ning casually opened a candy and ate it. If she remembered correctly, she had eaten this candy in real life, but this candy was soon discontinued.

Unexpectedly, once she entered the book, she tasted the flavor of her childhood again.

Lu Ning turned on the TV, and the noisy sound of the TV finally made this old villa, which was full of traces of age, a little more lively.

Soon, Jing Yi's meat filling was cut, and the next step was to make dumplings.

Lu Ning took the initiative to move over and said, "I'll help too."

Jing Yi raised his eyes and glanced at her, a smile spreading in his eyes, "Okay."

This was the first time that Jingyi made dumplings with another person on New Year's Eve.

Although it was only a dream, a certain lack seemed to be filled.

The Jing family has the habit of eating dumplings on the third day of the lunar year, but Mr. Jing does not pay much attention to the sense of ritual. He always asks the aunt who cooks at home to make a few dumplings, and eats them casually in the evening, and that's the third day of the lunar year.

Jing Yi never knew what it felt like to make dumplings with another person.

But now, he knew.

Perhaps, it is a feeling similar to "Every year is the same as this day, every year is the same as this day".

Although this sentence is mostly used for birthday wishes, there seems to be no problem using it in the current context.

I hope every Spring Festival will be like today, and I hope to have someone by my side every year.

Lu Ning is very good at making dumplings. She put the filling on the dumpling skin and pinched it with her fingers. Soon, a beautiful Yuanbao dumpling was formed. Lu Ning held the Yuanbao dumpling in her palm and asked her friend, "Does it look good?"

Jing Yi smiled softly, "It looks good."

Jing Yi only knew how to make the simplest dumplings, so Lu Ning taught him how to make Yuanbao dumplings.

"Like this, and then like this." She demonstrated. "Do you understand?"

Jing Yi has a strong learning ability and soon, a decent Yuanbao dumpling was formed in his hands.

Lu Ning picked up the tray full of dumplings and said, "Put them in the pot quickly." If she didn't, she was afraid that this dream would end.


Lu Ning turned back subconsciously, "What?"

The next second, Jing Yi raised his hand and gently wiped the corner of her eye.

There, a red teardrop mole is bright and tempting.

Before, no matter how hard he tried to remember her face, her appearance was only vague in his mind.

But at this moment, he clearly saw the rouge-colored teardrop mole at the corner of her eye for the first time, and remembered it deeply.

This teardrop mole is so beautiful, bright and vivid.

The warm fingertips slowly brushed across the corners of his eyes. Lu Ning was stunned for a moment, "What's wrong?"

Jing Yi lowered his eyes and quickly withdrew his hand, "There's dumpling powder on that, I'll wipe it off for you."

Lu Ning said "oh" and didn't take it to heart.

As she was holding a tray full of dumplings and preparing to put them into the pot, her dream began to become blurry again.

She subconsciously turned around to see her friend's expression. She had been busy for most of the day, but in the end she didn't even get to eat a single hot bite in her dream, and she didn't know what her friend's expression would be.

She looked back with a hint of joking, and when she looked back, her eyes met her friend's in the air.

The corners of Jing Yi's lips slightly raised.

He looks a little cold when he is not smiling, but when he smiles, he is like a blooming spring flower.

"See you next time, Miaomiao."

When Lu Ning woke up the next day, he thought of the last sentence of the dream, "See you next time", and felt like his friend had grown up.

These were her lines before, but Jing Yi unexpectedly snatched her lines this time and took the initiative to say see you next time.

Lu Ning lay on the bed for a long time. She thought that the Merit System would soon start talking excitedly like before. However, this time, she waited for a long time and the Merit System did not make a sound.

She had a bad feeling in her heart, "Merit system?"

After a few seconds, the Merit System's listless voice finally came to mind.

Lu Ning pursed her lips and asked tentatively, "How much of your luck has returned this time?"

All are back.

Lu Ning was shocked, "What? They're all back?!"

She didn't seem to do anything in the dream, she just made dumplings with Jing Yi and taught him how to make dumplings. She thought her performance in the dream was just ordinary, but the remaining 20% of her luck came back

Merit system, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first

Lu Ning quickly calmed down and said, "Let's hear the good news first."

The merit system's baby voice was very excited. The good news is that all your fortunes have returned. From now on, even if Mu Baozhu meets you, she will not be able to rob you of your fortune!

This is indeed good news.

Lu Ning then asked, "What about the bad news?"

The little voice of the merit system quickly became low. The bad news was that Mu Baozhu had changed people to plunder your fortune. Originally, you could get back 6% of your fortune this time in the dream, but Mu Baozhu changed people to bind, so all the fortune she plundered from you was returned.

Lu Ning: !!!

"Can she bind someone else?"

If she could afford it, she could change the person she was bound to at any time. However, every change would cost a lot.

Lu Ning thought about the fact that Mu Baozhu had been away for a whole day yesterday, so she asked, "Who did she bind herself to?"

It is not clear at the moment, but whoever becomes unlucky next will most likely be the new unlucky person.

Lu Ning got up with a heavy heart.

If Mu Baozhu were bound to Pei Xi, she would probably celebrate and be happy.

Unfortunately, from yesterday till now, Pei Xi has been staying in the Heartbeat House, has not left, and has not had any contact with Mu Baozhu.

For some reason, Lu Ning had a not-so-nice guess in his heart.

But she couldn't believe it.

She always thought, Mu Baozhu couldn't be so cruel, right

Facts have proved that Mu Baozhu is really so cruel.

Lu Ning had just finished washing up and changing her clothes when she received a call from Lu's father's assistant.

As soon as she saw the incoming call, Lu Ning pursed her lips.

She adjusted her mood and quickly answered the phone.


A slightly panicked voice came from the other end of the phone, "Is this Miss Lu Ning?"

Lu Ning held the phone tightly, "It's me."

"It's like this. Mr. Lu was accidentally hit by a car when he went out this morning. He is now in the hospital to treat his injuries. Do you have time to come over now?"

When Lu Ning heard about the car accident, he knew that his previous guess had come true.

Her voice was tight, "Okay, I'll be right there."

Lu Ning rushed to the hospital as soon as possible. When she went downstairs, she met Pei Xi who happened to be coming down for breakfast.

Pei Xi was shocked to see her in such a hurry.

After two seconds, he reacted and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Lu Ning left without even giving him a glance.

On the way, the Merit System took the initiative to comfort her and said, don't worry too much, Mu Baozhu can't take away too much fortune in one night. Your father will only have some skin injuries or fractures, and his life will not be in danger.

When Lu Ning heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn’t expect that Mu Baozhu was really tied to Lu’s father!

Mu Baozhu first plundered her fortune, and then after suffering a lot of losses at her hands, she went to plunder Lu's father's fortune.

The original body and Father Lu really owed her!

If Father Lu hadn't adopted her, how could she be who she is now? Not only was she ungrateful, she even wanted to kill both of them! I've seen bad people, but I've never seen someone as bad as Mu Baozhu.

On the way to the hospital, Lu Ning asked the Merit System, "So, does my dad also need to enter his dream?"

Lu Ning originally thought that the merit system would say yes, but unexpectedly, the merit system gave an answer that was beyond her expectations.

No need. The intimacy increased by 50 last time, and it increased by 60 this time. The intimacy between you and the boss is now lv213. When the intimacy reaches lv400, the portable space will be out of her control and separated from her. When the intimacy reaches lv600, the portable space will be directly destroyed!

Lu Ning's face was indifferent and he said coldly, "Then just destroy it." It's better to destroy this harmful thing as soon as possible!

According to the current rate of increase in intimacy, she will be able to make Mu Baozhu lose the golden finger of portable space in at most three times!

I don’t know what kind of expression Mu Baozhu would have without the golden finger.

If she does too many things to improve her luck, she probably won't be able to walk independently.

After arriving at the hospital, Lu Ning met Lu's father in the ward where Mu Baozhu had stayed last time.

He looked fine, but his face was a little pale. His foot was in a cast and his head was bandaged, making him look disheveled and old.

Seeing her coming over, Father Lu was very surprised, "Ningning?"

Lu Ning took a quick look at Father Lu's condition and knew what was going on. Just as the Merit System said, Father Lu's injury was not serious and his life would not be in danger. Mu Baozhu's portable space did not have such a powerful ability.

Lu Ning felt relieved a little, "I just received a call from your assistant. He said you were in a car accident, so I came here."

Father Lu looked relieved, "Dad is fine."

Lu Ning frowned slightly, "How did you get hit?"

Father Lu sighed, "The driver was driving while fatigued." It's not easy to be a worker, but driving while fatigued is still not advisable. If it wasn't him today, someone else would have gotten into an accident.

Lu Ning responded, indicating that she understood. After she sat down, she realized that Father Lu had been secretly observing her.

Seeing that Father Lu was staring at her face, she asked casually, "Dad, what are you looking at?"

The next second, Father Lu asked cautiously, "Ningning, did you have plastic surgery?"

Lu Ning frowned, "What?"

Father Lu thought he had brought up a topic that made Lu Ning unhappy, and hurriedly said, "It's not plastic surgery. Now people say it's something else, micro-... yes, micro-surgery."

Lu Ning still didn't respond.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Father Lu quickly changed his words, "Dad remembered it wrong, it wasn't micro plastic surgery, look at Dad's memory. It should be something else, yes, medical beauty, yes, many girls have done this, hyaluronic acid or something like that."

Lu Ning then realized that her appearance had probably changed a lot, so her father thought she had had plastic surgery.

No wonder the driver kept stealing glances at her in the rearview mirror on the way here.

No wonder Pei Xi looked so shocked when he saw her in the morning.

Because she was preoccupied with something, she washed up in a hurry in the morning and didn't even look at herself in the mirror carefully. She didn't even pay attention to what she looked like.

Lu Ning quickly stood up from his seat and said, "Dad, I'm going to the bathroom."

Father Lu nodded cautiously.

Soon, Lu Ning entered the bathroom.

She saw herself in the mirror.

The person in the mirror was very familiar to her.

After all, she had this face for many years in her previous life.

This face is about 60% similar to the original one, but not completely similar.

It was as if the skin smoothing, filter and other functions were suddenly turned on based on the original image, and then it was refined with PS, and it suddenly became delicate and beautiful.

The most obvious change was that there was a bright teardrop mole at the corner of her eye. The original body did not have such a teardrop mole on its face.

She touched the teardrop mole at the corner of her eye and said, "The me of yesterday and the me of today are two completely different people."

Merit System has a weak voice, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Quantitative change leads to qualitative change. After Lu Ning got her fortune back, her appearance changed slightly each time. Many viewers thought she looked better, but this change was still within their acceptable range.

They would think, oh, Teacher Lu has become more attractive and looks much more beautiful than before.

But that’s all.

But after her luck came back, she seemed to have turned on a cheat code overnight, and her appearance improved by several levels.

With a face like this, she will probably dominate the hot searches again.

The merit system said weakly, but, this is your face.

At this moment, Lu Ning realized very clearly that she would continue to live in this world in the future, with this body. As for her original body, maybe she went to her world. I hope they can both be wonderful in their new world.

After Lu Ning walked out of the bathroom, her father quickly looked at her. Seeing that there was no displeasure on her face, he said, "Dad didn't mean to say anything bad about you just now. Dad was just too surprised. Everyone loves beauty. It's normal to want to be beautiful. It's nothing."

If Mr. Lu knew something about the current beauty technology, he would know that the recovery period for plastic surgery is not short at all. If Lu Ning really had plastic surgery recently, the stitches on her face should not have been removed yet. How could she be so natural and perfect like she is now

Lu Ning didn't explain anything, because she really didn't know how to explain it.

Just saying that she became prettier overnight? If she dares to say it, others must believe it too.

The father and daughter chatted for a while before Lu Ning mentioned Mu Baozhu, "Where is Mu Baozhu?"

Seeing Lu Ning calling Mu Baozhu by her full name, Father Lu sighed slightly, "She cried here for most of the night yesterday."

Lu Ning understood it quickly. She looked enlightened and asked, "Cry in your arms?"

Hearing this, Mr. Lu's face was a little embarrassed.

But last night Mu Baozhu was determined to stay in his arms and couldn't be driven away.

He thought that she was his daughter after all, and he couldn't really push her away.

Lu Ning thought for a moment and said, "Dad, whether you believe it or not, I will only say this once."

Seeing Lu Ning's serious tone, Father Lu's expression also became serious, "Go ahead."

"Mu Baozhu has bad intentions towards us father and daughter. It was me before, and now it's your turn."

It is hard for anyone to accept the fact that the adopted daughter he had raised for many years has ill intentions towards him.

Father Lu couldn't accept it either.

He subconsciously wanted to argue that Mu Baozhu was not that kind of person.

However, after seeing Lu Ning's serious expression, he chose to remain silent.

"I know you don't believe it, so let time prove it. If possible, don't let her touch you. It shouldn't be difficult to do this."

Father Lu took this to heart. He saw that Mu Baozhu was too sad last night, so he let her cry all night, and he would definitely not do that again in the future.

"If I'm not mistaken, she'll come and get close to you from time to time. Don't let her touch you, that's all."

After saying that, Lu Ning left a message saying "have a good rest" and then put on a mask and left.

She didn't pay attention when she came, so in order to avoid trouble when she left, she chose to wear a mask.

As soon as Lu Ning opened the door of the ward and walked a few steps outside, he saw the department manager who came to report to Lu's father.

The department manager obviously knew Lu Ning. He stopped and greeted her.

Lu Ning originally planned to leave after saying goodbye.

However, at this moment, she happened to notice a familiar face.

She asked the department manager beside her, "Who is this?"

The department manager looked in the direction she was looking. As soon as he saw her, he hurriedly explained, "This is the deputy manager of our department."

Lu Ning said, "What's your last name?"

The department manager had a lot of questions in his mind, not knowing what Lu Ning meant. Before he could answer, the person next to him introduced himself enthusiastically, "Hello, Miss Lu. My last name is Chen, Chen Da."

Chen Da was filled with excitement. This girl was the eldest daughter of the Lu Group. If she liked him, wouldn't it be a great success for him

Thinking of this, Chen Da's expression became more enthusiastic and flattering.

Lu Ning didn't expect that the world was so small.

Chen Da, who had said bad things about Jing Yi behind his back, was actually working as a deputy manager in her company, and she happened to run into him. She recognized him at first and asked for his name just to confirm.

Lu Ning was already a little upset because of Mu Baozhu, and Chen Da just bumped into her. She nodded and said, "I just happen to be a little thirsty. Deputy Manager Chen, can you help me buy a cup of coffee?"

Chen Da didn't expect that Lu Ning asked his name for this reason.

He quickly responded, "I wonder what kind of coffee Ms. Lu would like to drink?"

"American coffee, three parts sugar. Oh, and I want the American coffee from Starbucks on Yanhe Road."

Along the river road

It’s an hour’s drive from here!

The department manager was a little confused. At first, he thought Chen Da's spring was coming. But now looking at Miss Lu's attitude, it doesn't seem like she is interested in him.

To be honest, it seemed like he was deliberately making things difficult for Chen Da.

However, Miss Lu has never been to the company. When did Chen Da offend her

The department manager couldn't figure it out, and Chen Da himself was even more confused. He met Miss Lu for the first time today, and as soon as they met, he was asked to buy coffee. There was a Starbucks store nearby, and it only took five minutes to walk there, but Lu Ning wanted to drink from the one along the river road.

If you go there to buy coffee, it will take at least two and a half hours to go there and back.

It is impossible to refuse unless he wants to be bullied every day in the future.

Chen Da suppressed his unhappiness and said quickly, "Okay, Miss Lu, I'll be there right away."

What Lu Ning did was not excessive.

Chen Da had said bad things about Jing Yi behind his back before, so now she was just using her status to make things difficult for him.

When she asked Chen Da to buy her coffee at Yanhe Road, Jing Yi happened to come to visit his grandfather. He originally wanted to go back to the film and television city, but he had already applied for three days of leave, so he simply wanted to wait until the leave was over before going back.

Mr. Jing had originally wanted to be discharged from the hospital a long time ago, but after he was discharged he would definitely be busy with work, so Jing Yi let him stay for a few more days to take good care of his body.

When Jing Yi came over, it happened that Lu Ning was asking Chen Da's name.

As soon as Chen Da's name came out, Lu Ning quickly asked him to help buy coffee, and specifically asked for the American coffee that Yanhe Lu Xing's father had.

Her challenge was direct and undisguised.

Maybe they feel there is no need to hide.

She seems to have always been like this.

Whether in dating variety shows or in daily life, she is always straightforward and open. She never hides anything, and even when she is making things difficult for others, she is always open and aboveboard.

There was a conversation going on over there, so Jing Yi didn't go over for the time being.

He didn't expect to meet his old classmates here.

If he hadn’t dreamt about the equipment room in high school the last time he entered the dream, he probably wouldn’t have remembered this old classmate.

He didn't attend any class reunions after graduation.

He has had almost no contact with his former classmates in recent years, and they have gradually become people from two different worlds.

Seeing this scene, Jing Yi was a little surprised. Did Chen Da offend Teacher Lu

He politely did not move forward, and when he was about to look away, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the teardrop mole on Lu Ning's face.

His gaze stopped instantly.

That teardrop mole is bright, charming and attractive.

Whether in shape, size or position, it is exactly the same as Miaomiao in the dream!

Tomato and egg noodles, Lin He, and now Chen Da.

At this moment, Jing Yi was finally sure!

"Miao Miao, I found you..."