Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 51: The fifty-first day of love


After being held tightly for several minutes, Pei Xi really began to lose his patience.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn’t know what was going on. They all screamed in delight and were addicted to the sweetness.

Su Xi and Shi Lun hurriedly remembered their duties and started to blow the flute with their eyes closed.

Su Xiao, "What kind of fairy tale love is this!"

Shi Lun, "This scene of affectionate embrace made me realize the pure beauty of love."

Su Xiao, "Maybe, this is true love!"

Shi Lun, "No wonder they say true love is priceless and hard to come by. I'm envious of Xizhu and her couple."

After the two of them finished, Su Xiao forgot to cue Lu Ning, "Teacher Lu, what do you think of this scene?"

After the cue, Su Xi prepared himself mentally.

Based on Lu Ning's previous temper, she would definitely go against them this time.

After so many times, Su Xiaoxiao has figured out Lu Ning's routine. She is almost used to being confronted and refuted so often.

It must be said that people's ability to adapt is really strong. At the beginning, she was angry at Lu Ning's lack of cooperation, but now, she has begun to look forward to what Lu Ning will say later.

In her opinion, this time would definitely be no different from the previous times.

But this time, she was destined to be disappointed.

Lu Ning crossed his arms and commented expressionlessly, "This couple is such a perfect match. Please lock them together forever!"


Not only were the guests and mentors present at the event confused, but even the audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed that it was unbelievable.

Has Teacher Lu been replaced

Teacher Lu actually started praising Pei Xi and Mu Baozhu as well

Ah, this is truly a breakthrough of the century.

Do you know why, but I feel a little happy

‌Delight +1

In fact, I would rather listen to Teacher Lu scolding others.

At this moment, Lu Ning truly felt that Mu Baozhu and Pei Xi were a good match.

The two of them are more selfish, cold-blooded and worse than dogs.

After all, they are not good people. How can they be a perfect match, a rotten pot and a rotten lid

People like this should be locked up to prevent them from harming his good boys and girls.

Mu Baozhu looked at Lu Ning.

Through thick black glasses, Lu Ning could clearly see Mu Baozhu's expression, but she must not look very pretty.

If it were someone else, Lu Ning would have stepped forward to stop Mu Baozhu immediately.

However, since it was Pei Xi whose fortune was robbed by Mu Baozhu, Lu Ning was not anxious at all.

Of course, she would also have to watch Pei Xi die because of Mu Baozhu.

However, her third dream was so urgent. Before her third dream, she wanted to see Pei Xi suffer more misfortunes, the more unlucky he was, the better.

No wonder there is an old saying that things change over time. Pei Xi was so cruel to his original self in the plot, and this cruelty was given to him by Mu Baozhu in this life.

Pei Xi and Mu Baozhu, the two of them, one is a man and the other is a woman in the book. Who would have thought that they would end up becoming enemies

One seamlessly connected with the new female guest, and the other, after being heartbroken, cruelly wanted to kill the other.

No wonder they are like a family, these two are essentially the same kind of people. When there is no conflict, they can be the sweetest couple, sweet and happy every day, but once there is a conflict, the relationship between them is so fragile that it can be easily hit.

After hugging him tightly for a while, Mu Baozhu let go of Pei Xi.

The luck in plundering today is already much worse, there is no need to hold on any longer.

Mu Baozhu didn't speak a word, and her temperament seemed much more gloomy. The guests didn't know the reason, but they felt that she had become a little more unpredictable.

Lu Ning guessed why she was talking.

Age not only affects appearance and body, but also affects a person's voice.

As we age, our voices get duller, so why do so many celebrities get surgery on their voices when they get older? They do it to make their voices sound younger.

Mu Baozhu's real age now is fifty-three, but the voice of this age sounds exactly the same as her own when she was twenty-three.

When she was thirty-eight, the effect on her vocal cords was not that obvious, and she could still get away with it. Now, once she speaks, everyone will notice that something is wrong. To avoid being questioned, she simply keeps silent.

She finally spoke, probably because it was the last thing she wanted to do to maintain her dignity.

In the afternoon, while Jing Yi was away, the director announced a piece of news to his guests and mentors, "The Qingming Festival is coming in a few days, and we will give the guests a day off to visit the graves. It just so happens that the movie actor's birthday is in these few days, so we decided to celebrate his birthday in advance. Everyone can take advantage of this afternoon to go shopping for gifts. In the evening, we will eat cake together to celebrate the movie actor's birthday."

Lu Ning heard about this from the female mentor of "Idol 123" not long ago, so she was not too surprised when she heard the director say that he would celebrate the birthday of the movie emperor in advance.

Lu Ning had already thought about what gift to give to Jing Yi, but most of his guests looked confused.

"Ah, what does the movie emperor like?"

"He probably lacks everything."

"He must be in need of something. But giving him a gift is more important than showing your thoughtfulness."

At this time, Yao Hanhan came up to Lu Ning and asked, "Teacher Lu, have you decided what to give as a gift?"

Lu Ning hummed. Yao Hanhan didn't ask what it was, in order to avoid losing the surprise.

Several people acted separately.

After Lu Ning arrived in the city center, she went straight to a store. After buying the gift, she soon arrived at the Heartbeat House.

When she arrived, all the other guests were still in the city worrying about choosing gifts. Lu Ning was the first one to arrive.

The director team kept it a secret from Jing Yi, and the staff deliberately took him to the park alone, saying that it was to let him feel the breath of spring up close.

Jing Yi has never participated in a variety show. But he has never eaten pork, nor has he ever watched a pig run. Thinking that his birthday is coming soon, the director deliberately let him go out alone, probably to give him a birthday surprise

For other people, Jing Yi had no surprises.

But he was very curious about what Lu Ning would give him. Perhaps it would be a gift that he would never forget.

After half an hour, the guests arrived one after another.

The Heartbeat House was also decorated much differently. At this moment, the floor of the Heartbeat House was covered with colorful balloons and ribbons, and the seven characters "Happy Birthday to Jingyi" were posted on the wall. In the middle of the Heartbeat House was a long table with an eight-layered giant cake on it.

Everything that needed to be prepared was ready, and the director asked the staff to bring Jing Yi here.

As soon as he came in, the guests and mentors shouted at him, "Surprise! Happy birthday!"

Jing Yi was already prepared. He nodded to them, "Thank you everyone."

If it were any other star, the next scene would have been the emotional one that moved the audience. However, the director knew Jing Yi's personality and understood that he liked to act, so he didn't intend to arrange any emotional plot.

The next step was to give gifts. Yao Hanhan gave a basketball signed by a foreign star player. Qian Yi had shared a video of him playing basketball on Weibo, so he must like basketball. Yao Hanhan thought that this gift was a good choice.

All the other guests gave ordinary gifts, nothing special. Even Pei Xi and Mu Baozhu didn't give any gifts. One of them was out of personal aversion and regarded Jing Yi as the strongest competitor, and the other was fifteen years older and not in the mood, so they went for a walk in the city center and finally came back empty-handed.

Since Jing Yi came to Heartbeat Index to be a love mentor, there have been many more of his fans in the live broadcast room. The fans complained that Pei Xi and Mu Baozhu did not send gifts, but soon, they no longer had the heart to complain about the stingy Xizhu couple. Because it was finally Lu Ning's turn to send a gift.

Many people looked at Lu Ning expectantly. They didn't know what the teacher Lu, who had always taken an ordinary path, would give them this time.

Lu Ning just took out an exquisite box from his pocket. The box was made of plain board without any logo on it. It was impossible to tell what the gift was from the box, which left people with plenty of anticipation and imagination.

She smiled and said to Jingyi, "Come, open it and take a look."

Jingyi opened the gift box with a look of cherishment on his face.

The next second, the golden light coming out of the box almost blinded the eyes of everyone present.

Lu Ning only gave Jingyi a whole set of gold jewelry. The gorgeous lights above the Heartbeat House shone on this whole set of gold, and the reflected glittering golden light was more dazzling than diamonds.

The guests were all shocked. On the one hand, they thought this gift was very special. On the other hand, this whole set of gold was so beautiful, it seemed like an exclusive custom-made one. But if it was really a custom-made one, it would definitely need to be booked in advance. In other words, did Teacher Lu prepare a birthday gift for Jingyi a long time ago

Lu Ning looked at the gift he had given with satisfaction.

When she first entered the dream, Jing Yi gave her the impression of a blinding golden light. At first, she couldn't even see his face clearly because the golden light was too bright. Was it appropriate to give him this whole set of glittering gold as a birthday gift?!