Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 55: The fifty-fifth day of love


When Lu Ning and his group returned to the jumping hut, the living room was almost empty.

Several family doctors were surrounding Shen Chuchun. Two doctors were checking her ankle injury, while the others were waiting nearby. In addition to the doctors, her life assistants were also around. One brought her tea and water, while another asked her if she needed anything else.

When Yao Hanhan saw this, she couldn't help but smack her lips and said, "As expected of the Miss Shen family, it's great to have money." Even she couldn't help but sigh, "It's great to have money." After seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room shouted "envy" and "The Shen family is so rich."

Seeing Lu Ning, Shen Chuchun raised her eyelids in complaint. She complained with a look of dissatisfaction, "Teacher Lu, I asked you to help me just now but you refused." She is said to be weak and fragile, but could she be more like Lin Daiyu than Lin Daiyu

Isn't it just a random excuse

Lu Ning frowned slightly. Was this moral blackmailing her in front of the live broadcast audience

"Is your leg broken?"

Shen Chuchun's expression changed instantly. What did he mean by that? Was he cursing her leg to be broken

She raised her voice and said, "It's just a sprained ankle!"

Lu Ning uttered an "oh" and looked at the doctors around Shen Chuchun. She said expressionlessly, "Looking at the posture, I thought your leg was broken."

Legs are broken...

It’s not working…

Upon hearing this, Yao Hanhan secretly covered her mouth, afraid that she would laugh out loud.

Sure enough, it was the familiar recipe of Teacher Lu.

Shen Chuchun lifted her hair and sneered, "Is this the situation? It's just a small scene. You have seen the scene when I studied abroad before. That was a big scene."

At that time, half of the family came to see her off, and even her grandfather came from the nursing home to see her off.

You know, her grandfather has not been in good health in recent years, so he has handed over the family business to her cousin.

This shows how high her mother's status is in the Shen family.

Woo woo woo, I'm so envious. This is a real little princess, different from the pampered one like Mu Baozhu.

Shen must have been spoiled since she was a child, and her family was not short of money, so she could have developed such a personality.

But if you can be a princess, who would refuse

Lu Ning nodded, "You and Nuonuo should switch."

Shen Chuchun frowned slightly, "What are you thinking?"

"The person who was paired with Nuonuo before was Zheng Shu. Obviously, you and Zheng Shu are a better match."

The two of them, one is the Master of Versailles and the other is bking, aren’t they a perfect match

Thinking of Zheng Shu, the rich young man who had nothing to offer except his family background, Shen Chuchun's face turned unhappy. Who was being insulted by saying that she and Zheng Shu were a good match

She pretended to be asking for advice, but her words were not gentle at all. "Teacher Lu, you are so sharp-tongued. My daughter won't be able to get married in the future. As for children, it's better to be gentle so that boys will like her more."

Lu Ning raised her eyebrows slightly. Before she could say anything, a cool and indifferent voice sounded beside her.

"Mr. Lu, please take care of yourself."

Jing Yi was not good at speaking. He usually didn't talk much and he almost never embarrassed others. This time he took the initiative to speak up for Lu Ning, which shocked others.

Why do I feel like my brother is a blowhard

Just now you said that Teacher Lu was likable, and now you say that Teacher Lu is good. This is undoubtedly exaggeration!

Woo woo woo, suddenly I feel that my brother has become down-to-earth.

Is my brother going to step down from the altar

Shen Chuchun thought of Jing Yi speaking for Lu Ning. She had no way to refute the movie star whose fans were very strong, so she could only vent her anger on the life assistant beside her.

She threw the cup to the ground and complained, "The water is so hot, are you trying to scald me alive?"

This is obviously a challenge.

The assistant looked at the broken ceramic pieces on the ground and said hurriedly, "Ms. Shen, I'll go get you a new one right away." She knew that Miss Shen was in a bad mood, because the water she handed her was warm and not hot at all.

Shen Chuchun never hides her arrogance, and she never hides her excellent family background.

She was the only child of Mr. Shen since childhood. This identity alone was enough for her to do as she pleased in most situations. She never cared about other people's opinions. As long as she was the daughter of the Shen family, others would flatter and coax her.

She is not afraid of friends. Anyway, there are many people trying to get close to her.

Most of the living room was occupied by Shen Chuchun's people, and other guests could only find an empty place to stay.

No matter what others said, in their hearts they all felt that Shen Chuchun was too overbearing.

Isn't it because they rely on the Shen family to do whatever they want? A male guest thinks he is a man and can't lower himself to argue with Shen Chuchun, while the other guest's family background is not as good as Shen Chuchun's, so he can't argue with her.

Those who directly confronted her verbally were just a few words.

Seeing that there were no empty seats in the living room, Lu Ning went outside the dance room. Seeing her go outside, Jing Yi followed her. After one of them left, the other guest mentors followed her out. For a moment, only Shen Chuchun and her people were left in the dance room.

Seeing the cameraman following her and leaving, she pursed her lips in hatred.

She looked at the orthopedic surgeon beside her, "How's your ankle?"

The doctor carefully considered and said, "It's not a big problem, but it's best to walk less in the next few days."

Shen Chuchun said irritably, "Walk less? Are you going to let me just lie in bed for a few days?"

The doctor hurriedly explained, "Not really. If you walk more, your recovery will be slower. Besides, your ankle is sprained, so it will hurt to walk."

Shen Chuchun looked proud and said, "Then prepare a wheelchair for you so you don't have to walk."

"Okay, Miss Shen."

While Lu Ning and others were resting outside, the audience in the live broadcast room was still arguing heatedly about Shen Chuchun.

Many viewers envy her for being able to do whatever she wants and live her life as she pleases.

Many viewers felt that she had an overly bad temper and was not polite at all, which made it seem like she had poor upbringing.

Just my personal opinion.

Su Xiaoxiao cued Lu Ning who was standing beside her, "Teacher Lu, Shen Chuchun just said that children should be gentler, so that they will be more popular. What do you think?"

Lu Ning did not answer, but asked in return, "If all the children in this world were gentle and the same, what would you think?"

The thought that if all the living beings in this world spoke softly and had gentle tempers, Su Xiaoxiao felt creepy just by imagining this scene.

Lu Ning said calmly, "Everyone is unique. Everyone has their own personality and chooses a lifestyle that makes them comfortable. It's best to be themselves.

The meaning of our existence is not just to please others and be popular with others. Life is only a few decades long, so it is also important to please yourself.

In my opinion, the premise of wanting to convince others is to do it yourself first. Shen Chuchun has done it herself, so what position does she have to teach others how to do it? There is no need to put her words on the table. "

Lu Ning's words were almost as blunt as saying "treat it as if she farted."

Su Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this. Shen Chuchun's words just now made her feel uncomfortable. But she was just a love mentor who had just become a little famous through "Movie Index".

She didn't dare to offend Shen Chuchun, and couldn't refute her on the spot, so she could only express her values through Lu Ning's mouth.

Fortunately, this time, Teacher Lu still did not disappoint her.

On the second day, as soon as the guests gathered, the director announced a big news.

The director sighed, "The filming of "Movies and TV" has been going on for 13 days. According to the live broadcast progress, it is now in the later stage of the variety show recording. During this period of time, the relationship between the male guests has steadily warmed up through the daily love interaction. At this sweet moment, the program team decided to invite the guests' families to the scene."

At this point, the director paused for a moment.

The guests present looked at each other in bewilderment. Was he going to meet his father directly

They originally thought that they came here just to fall in love, and it would be fine if it worked out, but it didn't matter if they came here or not. But the program crew made such a big deal about it, and in order to get more attention and traffic, they even invited their families

The director coughed lightly, "Meeting the families is a necessary step for couples to get along to a certain extent. As a dating variety show, "The Love Index" naturally has to include meeting the families. We have sent invitations to the families of all the guests. Of course, the choice of whether to come or not is up to the families."

Shen Chuchun frowned slightly.

Her father was a live-in son-in-law, so she took her mother's surname.

Many years ago, her parents divorced and she lived with her mother. Recently, her mother has not been in good health and has been staying in a private hospital at home. Could it be that the program team invited her mother

Thinking of this, Shen Chuchun said with an unhappy look on her face, "It's not very convenient for my mother."

When the director heard this, he hurriedly said, "Oh, please stop. We don't want to disturb your mother."

Shen Chuchun's complexion looked much better.

But the director quickly said, "The person we invited is your cousin, Mr. Shen Rong."

Shen Chuchun's face turned ugly again, but she calmed down when she thought of her cousin's temper. This kind of variety show was boring in her cousin's eyes, so he must be unwilling to lower his status to participate.

"The invitation time is tonight, maybe you will be able to see your family soon."

Guests: …Oh.

There doesn't seem to be anything to look forward to.

After announcing the news, it is time for today's love interaction session.

The guests have been doing love tasks for a long time, so today the director brought out the blackboard with the love tasks posted on it and let the guests choose freely.

There are three love missions above.

One is the "Watching a Midnight Romance Movie" arranged by Shi Lun.

One was arranged by Su Xiaoxiao: “Go to the beach to sunbathe, and the male guests apply sunscreen to each other.”

The last one was arranged by Jing Yi: "The male guest finds the real owner of the crystal shoe by the size of the crystal shoe."

The guests discussed with each other, and Yao Hanhan particularly wanted to choose "watch a romantic movie at a midnight show". She felt that this love task was not romantic.

At midnight, in the dead of night, watching a touching love movie with a male guest would probably be a unique experience.

But Shen Chuchun is different.

She took a fancy to the task assigned by Su Xiaoxiao.

Of course, she didn't want to apply sunscreen on the male guest, she just wanted to go to the beach and sunbathe.

Shen Chuchun was a bossy person, so she decided directly, "Let's go to the beach to bask in the sun. It just so happens that I went to the beach a while ago."

The city is naturally close to the sea, and the program crew needs to drive for three hours to the nearest sea.

Su Xiaoxiao saw that her love mission was chosen, even though it was Shen Chuchun, the spoiled little drama queen, who chose the mission, she still had some expectations in her heart. The love mission she designed at the beginning could be said to be tailor-made for Pei Xi and Mu Baozhu, and she spent a lot of thought to make their relationship warmer.

Who would have thought that after more than ten days of recording the variety show, both of them would be temporarily unable to participate in the recording of the dating variety show due to various reasons

I heard that Pei Xi had a hard time these days. The wound on his buttocks was still healing, but something big happened in the company and he was unable to cope with it for a while.

Mu Baozhu was even more desperate. It was said that she left alone and no one knew where she went. The director was afraid that something had happened to Mu Baozhu, so he called the police, and they have not found her yet.

《Movement Index》It was noon when the group arrived at the beach. At this point, the sun was scorching and it seemed like it would get people sunburned at any moment.

Su Xiaoxiao had already considered this situation, so she specially added the point of "male guests applying sunscreen to each other" in the task.

Su Xiaoxiao was extremely excited when she thought of the scene where the male guests applied sunscreen to each other.

However, although Mu Baozhu and Pei Xi no longer participated in the recording, the previous tradition was still passed down.

This task is a two-way choice. As long as one of the male guests is unwilling, the "applying sunscreen to each other" segment will be automatically cancelled.

Shen Chuchun looks down on other male guests, so naturally she won't cooperate.

She brought three assistants with her. The wheelchair was not convenient to turn on the beach, so she asked them to carry her to the beach to sunbathe. After sunbathing, Shen Chuchun was too lazy to care about others.

Nuonuo and Zheng Shu are just business friends.

They could choose not to operate, and of course they chose not to operate.

In the end, only Yao Hanhan and Meng Heng chose to apply sunscreen to each other.

The two can be said to be the sweetest couple among the three pairs of male guests.

Meng Heng squeezed out a little sunscreen, dipped a little on his index finger, and while Yao Hanhan wasn't paying attention, he smeared it on her face.

After a few seconds, Yao Hanhan turned into a little kitten.

Meng Heng laughed while dodging the attack from Yao Hanhan.

Ah, Yao Meng CP is so sweet!

Today's dog food is delicious!

This bite of candy hit the spot!

When the audience in the live broadcast room were screaming in sweetness, Jing Yi came over with a freshly unpacked sunscreen.

His ears were red and others didn't know if it was because of the sun or something else.

Jing Yi coughed lightly, "Teacher Lu, do you want to apply sunscreen?"

Upon hearing this, Shi Lun and Su Xiaoxiao immediately turned their gossipy eyes to them.

Not only Shi Lun and Su Xiaoxiao were surprised, even Lu Ning herself did not expect Jing Yi to ask her if she wanted to apply sunscreen.

Lu Ning recalled it carefully.

She carefully recalled all the major and minor events that had happened in the past month since she entered the book, and she felt that there was a high probability that she would be exposed.

Since her identity has been exposed, why does Jing Yi treat her specially

Lu Ning said calmly, "Apply it."

The sun at the beach is really too hot. If you don’t apply sunscreen, your skin will easily get sunburned.

After a sunburn, it takes some time for the skin to repair.

Generally speaking, celebrities pay attention to the condition of their skin.

Jing Yi asked Lu Ning to lift the baby up, and Lu Ning did so calmly.

The next second, Jing Yi patiently and carefully applied the sunscreen on her back, then touched her red ears and used his fingers to gently blend them for her.

His movements were very professional, and clearly not at all gorgeous, but yet, this scene looked very seductive and alluring.

Helping with applying sunscreen and stuff, this is too good!!!

Su Xiaoxiao, Shi Lun:

Live broadcast audience:

Lu Ning felt that Jing Yi probably had an indissoluble bond with her.

In the dream, after her back was injured, Jing Yi kissed away the bloodstains on her back.

In reality, he covered her body with sunscreen.

Obviously, the scene in the dream was different from the reality, but her back felt just like in the dream, as if it was burning.

Maybe the midday sun was too strong.

After applying it on both lips, Jing Yi gently asked Lu Ning if he wanted to apply it on his face.

Ignoring the two gossiping eyes around him, Lu Ning said expressionlessly, "Just do it yourself."


Why does his tone seem to carry a hint of disappointment

Su Xiaoxiao took out the sunscreen with a sour look on her face and applied it on herself.

‌She suddenly realized that the clown was actually herself.

Just as she finished applying it, Shi Lun came over and said, "Teacher Su, give me some, please. Don't wear sunscreen."

As a male singer, he is very strict with his skin care. He relies on his face to make a living, so he also has to apply sunscreen.

For a moment, the only sound the instructor could hear was Shi Lun slapping his face hard to spread the sunscreen all over his face.

After completing today's love mission, Lu Ning took the initiative to find Yao Hanhan.

She asked Yao Hanhan to choose the one assigned by Jing Yi the next time she does a love mission.

Lu Ning recalled carefully and realized where she had given herself away. By then, Jing Yi's reaction would probably allow her to confirm that she had been exposed.

At the masquerade ball in her dream, she gave her dancing shoes to Jing Yi.

If he recognized that she was Miaomiao in his dream, he would definitely show it when the guests were doing the love task he assigned.

On the way back, the atmosphere in the car was particularly warm.

Yao Hanhan looked expectant, "I wonder if my family will come."

She and Meng Heng were almost on the verge of breaking that layer of window paper.

Whether Meng Heng is right for her and whether her family will approve of her dating Meng Heng are all questions she is unsure of.

On the one hand, she hoped that her parents could come to the scene, but on the other hand, she didn't want them to come.

Expectations are because she needs her parents to help her keep an eye on things.

She didn't expect it because she was afraid that her family would not treat them the same.

When Yao Hanhan was full of anxiety, Zheng Shu crossed his legs and said, "My parents are on a business trip abroad, so they probably won't come."

Shen Chuchun blew a breath on her nails. "My cousin is very busy. He is worth several million per minute. He will definitely not take the time to participate in this kind of variety show."

Both of them were somewhat certain that their families would not come.

It occurred to them that as soon as they arrived at the door of the jumping hut, they saw their family standing at the door.

Zheng Shu looked surprised, "Dad?"

Shen Chuchun was surprised, "Cousin?"

Zheng Shu's father laughed out loud, walked up to and hugged Zheng Shu, who was looking very surprised.

Unlike the warm scene of father and son reuniting here, Shen Rong's attitude towards Shen Chuchun was cold.

He glanced at Shen Chuchun indifferently, and quickly shifted his gaze to Lu Ning who was not far away.

Evidence uncovered during the investigation showed that there were only two women who gave birth in the hospital on the same day.

One is his grandmother.

There is another one, and that is Lu Ning’s grandmother.

It is particularly regrettable that Lu Ning’s grandmother and mother have passed away for many years.

The two people directly related to this incident are no longer with us. It has been so long since the incident that it is difficult to thoroughly investigate what happened.

Therefore, if he wanted to confirm whether Lu Ning's mother was his biological aunt, he could only come to Lu Ning to seek the answer.

This time, three of the six guests came from other countries.

They are Zheng Shu, Shen Chuchun, and Meng Heng's family.

Yao Hanhan's parents were unable to be at the scene. Yao Hanhan felt complicated, relaxed, and lost.

Shen Rong walked a few steps towards Lu Ning, "Teacher Lu, nice to meet you."

Lu Ning nodded to him, "Mr. Shen."

Shen Rong smiled and said, "I heard that every time Professor Lu meets a guest or a mentor, he will give an evaluation of his first impression. I wonder what your first impression is like with Professor Lu."

Upon hearing this, Shen Chuchun looked at her cousin in surprise.

Lu Ning said in a bland tone, "Logically speaking, I never judge my family." It's mainly because it's necessary.

Shen Rong made a gesture of "you can talk about it", "It doesn't matter, I'm just a little curious."

Lu Ning nodded and commented, "Boss Shen has a strong aura and looks fierce at first glance."

Shen Rong has a strong personal aura, and he is the kind of person that others can tell at a glance is a winner in life. Unlike Jing Yi, Shen Rong has had a smooth life since he was born.

People like him have too strong aura and carry a bit of danger. His appearance is fierce, and there is really no relationship between him and gentleness.

Shen Rong was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud.

It looks fierce.

Everyone who had met him said that he was a rare talent, a child of destiny. This was the first time he had heard such an honest and realistic evaluation.

When he first met Lu Ning, he actually developed a slight liking for her.

So when Lu Ning was slandered by netizens for being "supported by a middle-aged boss", he came to Lu Ning's aid and took the initiative to repost her Weibo post and stand up for her.

Before his affection for her could mature, he discovered that she might be his cousin.

I have to say, the world is truly amazing.

You never know if your new friends will become your relatives one day in the future.

As a group of people walked in, Shen Chuchun asked, "Cousin, why are you here?" while asking the assistant behind her to push her wheelchair forward.

Shen Rong said indifferently, "Something."

Shen Chuchun said pitifully, "Cousin, look, everyone is injured."

Shen Rong lowered his eyes and glanced at her. "Isn't it just a minor injury?" Shen Rong already knew about Shen Chuchun's injury.

Shen Chuchun pursed her lips. She looked aggrieved as she put on eye drops for Lu Ning in front of Shen Rong, "This little injury is already a big one for you. Cousin, you know, she refused to help even when Teacher Lu asked her to. She is so old, how could she have suffered such an injustice!"

Hearing this, Shen Rong suddenly said in an ambiguous tone, "Being loved by everyone, living the life you want, and not having to please anyone else, this is the treatment that belongs to the children of the Shen family."

Shen Chuchun uttered a "ah" in confusion. She didn't understand what Shen Rong meant by saying this.

This is the treatment that belongs to her, isn't it