Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 58: The fifty-eighth day of love


What was originally a happy wedding was ruined by Mu Baozhu.

However, the mood of the guests was greatly affected.

The director and assistant director of "Heartbeat Index" decided to give the newlyweds a generous gift in the name of the program crew to get rid of the bad luck.

The two newlyweds were able to hold their heads down. As half-insiders, they usually ate a lot of gossip, but they didn't expect to eat gossip at their own wedding today.

Ordinary people who are particular about things might feel uncomfortable after what happened to Mu Baozhu. But they felt that today was a unique wedding.

Lu Ning knew that the newcomers had suffered an unprovoked disaster. Mu Baozhu came here for her today, and the innocent newcomers were just implicated by her accidentally. So Lu Ning paid for an extra gift on top of the generous gifts prepared by the program team.

Considering that all the decorations at the wedding venue were damaged by Mu Baozhu's car, Lu Ning deliberately added, "All is well."

Immediately afterwards, Jing Yi also brought a gift.

Seeing that they had already given gifts, the other two love mentors did not want to be left behind and also gave money.

Woohoo, if I can get a gift from my brother, I'd be happy no matter how big the problem is at the wedding!

The "Heartbeat Index" program team and the four dating mentors all gave gifts, making the wedding worth it.

Many years later, the bride, who had both a son and a daughter, recalled the past day.

She just felt that the sky was very blue, the wind was very warm, and the love mentors were very cute.

Although there was a small incident during the wedding, fortunately, everything was perfect in the end.

After the wedding, everyone prepared the Heartbeat House.

On the way there, Lu Ning was still holding the bouquet in her hand. Except for the time in her dream, this was the first time she touched the bouquet in real life.

She had experienced for the first time in real life something that she had only experienced in dreams.

If she were to rate this experience, she thought she would probably give it a 9. Another point was that Mu Baozhu deliberately made trouble. Her appearance ruined the romantic and warm atmosphere of the wedding.

There was a faint scent of flowers in the air.

Lu Ning lowered her eyes and tried hard to figure out when Jing Yi discovered her identity and where she had revealed her true identity.

After thinking about it carefully, she realized that something strange had really happened during this period of time.

She sent the tomato and egg noodles she cooked herself to Grandpa Jing and Jing Yi in the name of her aunt.

After seeing Lin He, who had given Jing Yi medicine, she complained that he was old and ugly, and that he still wanted to participate in "Heartbeat Index" which was full of young people at such an old age.

After meeting Chen Da, who had said bad things about Jing Yi behind his back, she deliberately made things difficult for him and asked him to drive to Yanhe Road to buy her American coffee. When he came back with the coffee a few hours later, she had already left.

In fact, these things are not eye-catching when viewed individually, and each one is very ordinary.

But when you add all these things up, they become strong evidence in the eyes of someone with a keen eye.

After thinking about it, Lu Ning still didn’t think that what he had done was too obvious. He could only say that Jing Yi was too attentive.

How can an ordinary person, taking a bite of mushy tomato and egg noodles, taste the same flavor as in the dream

But Jing Yi tasted it.

Although Lu Ning guessed that Jing Yi probably knew that she was Miaomiao, she had already made up her mind.

Lu Ning was not going to self-destruct until he had completely resolved the issue of the portable space.

To some extent, Shen Chuchun is even crazier than Mu Baozhu.

Especially now that she knows that Shen Chuchun is not Mr. Shen’s granddaughter.

If what was said was true, then Shen Chuchun would not know what crazy things he would do at that time.

So, let’s limit the dream to a slightly longer duration.

When the group arrived at the Heartbeat House, Shen Rong's family doctor had already arrived, but he was disguised as Shen Rong's friend.

Others just thought that he was here to find Shen Rong and didn't think of anything else.

Although Lu Ning's mother is most likely Shen Rong's aunt, everything is still unknown before the DNA test results come out.

Shen Rong never made a big fuss about something before it was concluded. From the time he discovered that Shen Wan's identity was different until now, the only people who knew about it were him and Mr. Shen, Lu Ning and Lu Beicai.

Of course, doctors and investigators are not included in this group. They are not considered parties involved.

The three of them went to Shen Rong's room together.

Lu Ning cooperated very well throughout the whole process.

Seeing Shen Rong standing aside and waiting patiently, Lu Ning suddenly asked, "Does Shen Chuchun know about this?" Although she was not sure whether she had any relationship with the Shen family, it was a foregone conclusion that Shen Chuchun had no relationship with the Shen family.

Shen Rong said calmly, "Not yet. Once the matter is investigated, I will formally inform them of the matter." After that, Shen Rong looked at Lu Ning, "I guess that day is not too far away."

Just today, the people he sent to investigate obtained a key piece of information.

In the hospital where the two gave birth, there was a nurse who was Shen Wan's biological aunt. On the day they gave birth, this aunt happened to be on duty.

Not long after that incident, she resigned from the hospital. Later, she did some small business outside. Later, she got married and had a son. Life was not good, but it was OK.

In terms of conditions, Shen Wan's biological mother has the ability to swap the two babies. If this incident is really not an accident, then her helper is this nurse.

The good news at the moment is that the aunt is still alive and they can get useful evidence from her.

After hearing this, Lu Ning had a rough idea in his mind.

After a while, the family doctor said, "OK." He smiled and said, "It's a little late today, and I have other things to do. You will know the results tomorrow morning at the latest."

When they left the room, the expressions on the three of them were calm.

When Shen Chuchun saw them coming downstairs, he asked hurriedly, "Cousin, is he here to stay overnight?"

Looking at the suitcase in the young man's hand, Shen Chuchun felt uneasy for some reason.

Shen Rong put his hands in his pockets and said, "Yes, but it's not convenient for me to stay here. Let him find another place to live."

Shen Chuchun was still not giving up. "It's ok that you just came into the room with your friends, but why did you bring Teacher Lu with you?" After saying that, she looked at the two of them suspiciously. "Could it be that you came here for her this time? Otherwise, you are so busy, how would you have time to record a variety show?"

I have to say that Shen Chuchun is telling the truth to some extent.

However, when these words fell into the ears of other people who were not aware of the situation, they took on a somewhat erotic tone.

Jing Yi looked at Lu Ning quietly, then slowly lowered his eyes.

Shen Rong shouted in dissatisfaction, "Shen Chuchun, what nonsense are you talking about?" After that, he patted the family doctor on the shoulder and said, "Let's go."

The family doctor nodded and soon left with his suitcase.

Shen Chuchun opened her mouth. She wanted to stop him, but by the time she stood up from the wheelchair, the family doctor had already walked away.

In the evening, the term #慕宝珠# became a hot search.

Today, Lu Ning called a ball "Mu Baozhu", and all the audience who were waiting in the live broadcast room heard it.

The audience couldn't believe that this woman who looked to be in her early fifties was actually Mu Baozhu.

The matter about Mu Baozhu on the Internet has caused a lot of speculation.

Some netizens with wild imaginations even imagined a melodramatic scene where mother and daughter exchanged identities.

After seeing this, Lu Ning contacted Lu's father immediately and asked him to send someone to remove the hot search.

Now that Mu Baozhu has gotten the attention she deserves, there is no need to discuss her further.

Let Mu Baozhu's name slowly fade out of everyone's sight.

The memory of the Internet is very short. If Mu Baozhu is not mentioned for a few months, she will soon be forgotten by forgetful netizens.

That night, Lu Ning hesitated for a long time, but finally decided to fall asleep as usual.

Lu Ning felt that their current situation was a bit like "I know that you know, and I know that you probably know that I know", but neither of them chose to say it directly.

Maybe they are all waiting for a more suitable opportunity.

The location of her dream this time was even more special. She went directly to Jing Yi’s graduation party.

A graduation party was held in an open space. The venue was decorated with great care and fluorescent lights flashed everywhere. At the front, there was a banner swaying in the wind. It read "Wish the 20xx Computer Science School graduates a bright future!"

She had known Jing Yi before and knew that he graduated from the computer department of a well-known domestic university. After graduation, he did not choose to join the family business or work in a related field, but chose to enter the entertainment industry and become an actor.

His career spans a wide range, but facts have proved that no matter what he does, he can do it well.

When Lu Ning arrived, the graduation night was filled with a faint sadness of parting.

The female host stood on the makeshift stage, her voice choking with sobs, "Four years have passed by in a flash. Soon, we will all go our separate ways and pursue our own futures."

The male host continued, "Here, we wish all the graduates here a bright future in advance."

The female host tried to smile. "After four years of college life, do you have any unfulfilled wishes? Do you have anything to say?"

The male host smiled and said, "I guess, there must be. If there is, you should hurry up and don't let your college life leave any regrets."

The female host tried to suppress the sadness of parting in her heart. "Today, we have opened a special channel for all the graduates present. You can scan the QR code on the screen to enter the school's message platform. At that time, your messages will be displayed on the screen one by one. If there is anything you want to say but dare not say, you can say it in a special way."

The male host smiled and said, "Do you think it's romantic? Do you think it's special? You need to enter your student ID number to log in to the platform, so the messages displayed on the screen are all real-name."

"Please all graduates be careful with your language, some inappropriate words may be blocked."

"Okay, now everyone can scan the QR code."

Lu Ning was watching quietly from a distance.

When she graduated from college, she did not attend the graduation party.

At that time, she was busy making money and could not make it in time, so she ended up missing her only college graduation party.

Afterwards, she occasionally felt regretful.

During her four years at university, there was only one graduation party, but she was unable to attend it.

But no matter how much she regretted it, she had missed it. She could never make up for her regret. Even if she was admitted to graduate school in the future, when she graduated, she would attend the graduate school graduation party, not the college graduation party.

Unexpectedly, what she missed in reality, she encountered again in her dream.

Although it was Jing Yi's graduation party, she felt it so strongly in her dream that it was as real as if it was also her graduation party.

A certain regret seems to have been fulfilled.

While Lu Ning was watching from the sidelines, graduates from the Computer Science Department scanned the QR code and left messages on the platform.

Soon, various messages began to scroll on the bright screen.

Zhuzhu, I have been your roommate for four years. I am very lucky to have gained such a precious friendship in college. After graduation, we should keep in touch. When I get married, I will ask you to be my bridesmaid. Communication Engineering Class 1, Xu Nuo

In fact, there is a sentence that I have kept in my heart for many years. I have always been too timid to say it out loud. Soon, we will graduate from college. Taking advantage of the last chance, I want to say to you, give me a chance to be with you, take care of you, and love you, okay? Network Engineering Class 2, Li Qiang

Seeing this long comment, various booing voices soon rang out at the scene.

Lu Ning watched the excitement quietly from the side.

At that time, she saw a boy with a crew cut walking up to a petite girl holding a bouquet of flowers.

The girl looked flattered and obviously didn't expect such a surprise tonight.

The two quickly hugged each other.

Lu Ning smiled inwardly.

I didn't expect to see lovers finally get married on the spot. Obviously, Li Qiang had been secretly in love with the girl for many years, and the girl was not completely heartless to Li Qiang.

At this time, the message on the screen continued.

However, the screen seems to be dominated by the most handsome guy in the courtyard.

Computer College's campus hunk, I like you, I like you very much, do you know that? Electronic Science and Technology Class 1, Mu Rou

Campus lover, I like you too, I like you very much! I will always love you! Thank you for having you in my university life, because of you, every day is so exciting! Software Engineering Class 2, Shen Xuan

Campus hunk, although you are aloof and seem hard to get along with, I just love your personality. I hope you will get better and better in the future. I don't know who will take you in in the future! Yu Rou, Class 2 of Communication Engineering

Although we were roommates for only half a year, this experience has become a memory I will treasure for the rest of my life. Li Ban, Class 3, Communications Engineering

Campus lover, if there is a chance, let's watch a short movie together. Communication Engineering Class 3, Zhou Xian.

Lu Ning was still wondering who this courtyard hunk that was constantly mentioned was, until she saw the messages from two acquaintances, and she understood immediately. It turned out that the courtyard hunk they were talking about was her friend Jing Yi.

I didn't expect Jingyi to be so popular during his college years.

Everyone took advantage of the little time before graduation to express their feelings desperately, as if if they missed it once, they would never have another chance to express their friendship.

Clearly, the scene before his eyes had happened several years ago, but looking at the clear and lifelike scenes, Lu Ning couldn't help but feel a little sad about the separation.

Graduating from university means that everyone goes their separate ways. If you don't work hard in the same city, the chances of meeting each other in the future will be very slim.

Maybe the next time we all get together will be when we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the school. When that time comes, the young and bold faces we see now may bear some traces of time.

As Zhou Xian's words slowly scrolled across the screen, various laughs rang out at the scene.

"Hahaha, Zhou Xian is such a jerk, he wants to drag the yard grass to watch that kind of thing all day long."

"He thinks he's going to graduate soon, so he's not afraid of being embarrassed, right?"

"Hahaha, these two messages are enough to make me laugh for several years."

But soon, the playful laughter was replaced by exclamations and shock.

There was even a small commotion at the scene.

Miaomiao, I like you. Communication Engineering Class 3, Jingyi

A barrage of comments slowly rolled across the screen, and the scene was like boiling water, the atmosphere became more heated than ever before.

Before, there was a faint sense of parting sadness in the air, but now...

The scene was almost entirely filled with heartbroken people and heartbroken souls.

"Miaomiao, who is this? Is there anyone named Miaomiao in the Communications Engineering Class 3?"

"I don't believe it. Did someone steal the phone of the courtyard hunk? I don't believe he sent this message personally."

"Wow, my campus idol, I always thought you would never fall in love with anyone, but you suddenly did something like this when we are about to graduate. My heart is about to break."

"There are many people named Miaomiao in the entire computer department. Students of the computer department, with your excellent professional skills, I believe you will be able to identify people with the word Miao in their names very quickly!"

All of a sudden, everyone at the graduation party started looking for this girl named Miaomiao.

It was Lu Ning's first time, and she didn't know how to react. When did her friend, whose ears would turn red when she spoke to him at first, become so stupid!

At this time, Lu Ning seemed to realize something.

She subconsciously looked in a certain direction.

Soon, her eyes met Jing Yi's eyes in the air.

It was the second time she saw his eyes so bright.

The first time was when they had a kissing scene during their last dream.

At that time, his eyes were just like they are now, so bright that they seemed filled with countless stars.

The same gaze, ardent, hot, bright, and focused, as if no one in the world could compare to hers.

For the first time, Lu Ning felt like he had gone off the deep end in his dream.

When Jing Yi saw her, he strode towards her.

In reality, a graduation party was just an ordinary one for him. There was nothing special about it, and nothing special enough for him to remember it.

From beginning to end, the excitement belonged to others and had nothing to do with him.

Zhou Xian also cue him in front of all the graduates, saying that he wanted to watch a movie with him. However, his reaction was too indifferent, so after joking for a while, the others stopped joking.

He watched others confess their love crazily in the little time before graduation. He watched the ecstasy on their faces.

He seemed to be isolated from the excitement and seemed out of place in the atmosphere.

However, this time of dreaming became less boring because of her presence.

Many graduates noticed Jing Yi. They followed Jing Yi's footsteps and slowly turned their attention to Lu Ning who was not far away.

For the first time, Lu Ning felt that things were out of control.

She didn't expect that during her dream, Jing Yi would confess his love to her directly through the school's message platform.

In her more than 20 years of life, there were many people who confessed their love to her.

In fact, she could be said to have been confessed to since she was a child.

However, all the other confessions combined did not have as much power as Jing Yi's one confession.

Just when Jing Yi was about to walk in front of Lu Ning, the scene in front of him began to become empty little by little.

This dream ended so unexpectedly.

When Lu Ning woke up the next day, he still remembered the scrolling barrage of comments.

Maybe it was because he was in a dream, or maybe it was because this was the privilege of being the most handsome boy in the courtyard, so the first message Jing Yi sent was colored, making it particularly special among the rest.

This was the first time that Lu Ning realized what it felt like to have his nickname appear in front of so many people.

The merit system screamed like a chicken. Aaaaa, the intimacy increased by 101 levels! 101 levels! This is the upper limit of the intimacy increase! There is no more! Intimacy level 718!

Lu Ning automatically blocked the sound of the merit system.

She felt that she needed to sort out her thoughts. She had indeed guessed what one of her friends was thinking before, but guessing was not the same as being true.

In one of her dreams, her friend confessed his love to her directly.

Lu Ning felt his brain was a little confused, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

On the other side, Zhou Xian called Li Ban early in the morning.

"Brother, this is really weird. I actually dreamed about what happened in college last night."

Li Ban was shocked. "What a coincidence! I dreamt about that too."

They both burst out laughing at the same time.

Zhou Xian said with emotion, "Maybe I subconsciously miss my college days."

A few years later, he has married and had children. The youthful days can never be forgotten. Sometimes, people always say that they miss their college days, but are they really missing college? Maybe they are also missing the young and immature self at that time.

Li Ban took the initiative to bring up the topic, "By the way, the school's 100th anniversary will be in a month. Will you attend then?"

Zhou Xian said as if it was a matter of course, "Why not?" If you miss such a big event, you will regret it for three years. At that time, he would not only go by himself, but also bring his wife and children with him.

"I'm participating too. I wonder if our hospital's grass ginseng will participate."

Zhou Xian thought of the scenes in his dreams and made a bet with Li Ban, "Let's make a bet. I guess he will go, and he will bring his girlfriend with him."

Li Ban clicked his tongue twice, "Great, brother, I thought so too."

The two rough guys didn't think of other aspects, let alone the mysterious aspects such as dreaming. They just thought that they might have had a prophetic dream, so they made a bet. In the end, because they guessed the same thing, they couldn't continue the bet.

They both laughed out loud at the same time.

"Then let's wait until the school anniversary."

Although they did not mention the name in the dream to each other, they both remembered it clearly.

It would be really interesting if Jing Yi really found a girlfriend named Miao Miao!