Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 61: The sixty-first day of love


The guests in the audience couldn't help but whisper to each other.

"Six standards? What standards?"

“I’ve never heard of it.”

“It’s probably a topic among young people.”

"Isn't six a bit too many? Do young people these days have such high standards?"

While people off the field were whispering to each other, the "acceptance speech" on the field was still going on.

Jing Yi coughed lightly, "Except for one question that I don't have an accurate answer for, I can try my best to do the rest."

At first, Lu Ning was still wondering which one would have no answer without him, but soon, she had a rough idea in her mind.

Could it be the physical one? My friend, you don't have to be so honest.

Jing Yi raised his eyes slightly, and his gaze was accurately fixed on a certain figure in the audience. "So, Miaomiao, can I get the accurate answer from you?"

It was probably the first time that Jing Yi said something so bold and straightforward that it was almost reckless. He held the microphone with a little force, and his knuckles turned slightly pale. At this moment, not only his ears were red, but even his neck was red. At a glance, his whole body was red.

Even at such a long distance, Lu Ning could sense Jing Yi's uneasiness.

The people in the audience were confused, "What's the answer?"

"Maybe only 'Miao Miao' knows the answer."

"So now the question is, who is Miaomiao?"

Others couldn't understand, but Lu Ning heard it clearly.

These words are probably similar to asking for sex.

At this moment, not only Jing Yi felt awkward, but even she felt a little awkward.

What about Jing Yi who once coldly said "no need to find an assistant", asked her to leave directly, and simply kicked her out of the dream decisively

What about Jing Yi, who didn’t even look at her for a second in real life

Where did they go

After saying that, Jing Yi let go of the microphone, holding the Best Actor trophy in his hand, walked down the stairs step by step, and strode towards Lu Ning.

The guests in the audience all followed his movements closely.

"Is it Li Miao or Shen Miaomiao?"

“Probably not.”

"Look, the new best actor is walking by. I can't see the face of the girl in front of him, but she looks very unfamiliar."

After a while, Jing Yi walked in front of Lu Ning.

Looking at him from a close distance, Lu Ning felt that he was so red that he looked like he was being steamed.

Jing Yi coughed lightly and said, "At this awards ceremony, I won my first Best Actor trophy."

Lu Ning hummed.

In reality, after Jing Yi won the Best Actor trophy, he only celebrated with Xiao Mu.

This day is special and important to him. It is the turning point of his career and the day when he reaps the rewards of his hard work.

Unexpectedly, this time when he entered the dream, he happened to be facing such a moment that was extremely important to him.

So, he decided to make a decision at this important moment that would affect the rest of his life.

He was ready to make his intentions known.

The reason why Jing Yi didn't say it directly on the stage was because he was worried that the stars in the audience would make a scene. You know, people in the circle are just as eager to watch the show as those outside the circle.

Although he wanted others to witness this moment, he didn't want their booing to morally blackmail her.

He hoped that any decision she made would be made just because she wanted to.

So, when he was on the stage, he just expressed his thoughts in a tactful way. Others couldn't understand him, but he knew that she must have understood him.

At this moment, only he and Lu Ning could hear the conversation here.

The other stars were all one meter away from them. Although many stars wanted to stand up from their seats, they at least remembered that they were at an important awards ceremony.

The conversations in the audience became more and more intense, and many stars who were far away even stood up from their seats to watch the scene. They always felt that something exciting was about to happen.

In such a noisy environment, the next second, a tense and slightly tense sentence was clearly heard by Lu Ning, "Miao Miao, I like you, will you be my girlfriend?"

Although he had expected this, Lu Ning's heart still beat slightly when he heard this.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she looked up at the person in front of her.

Accustomed to Jing Yi's cold and indifferent expression, this was the first time she saw the emotions of nervousness and anticipation on his face.

He waited for her answer patiently and expectantly.

The noise from the people around him faded away quickly like the tide.

Then, she clearly heard her own answer, "Miao Miao is willing."

When Lu Ning woke up the next day, Jing Yi's confession was still lingering in her ears.

At the last graduation party, he had already said once in a message that he liked her, so it didn't seem unexpected that he confessed to her this time.

Lu Ning thought about his answer and sighed softly.

Jing Yi should have heard the hidden meaning in her words.

In real life, her name is Lu Ning, nicknamed Ning Ning.

Only in his dreams was she Miaomiao, his and hers.

Her answer was, "Miao Miao is willing."

This means that although she agreed, they are currently just a couple limited to dreams.

When Lu Ning got up, the lively voice of the Merit System sounded as expected, "You two have reached level 800 intimacy. Congratulations! Victory is just around the corner. Go for it!"

Lu Ning hummed.

The Merit System rubbed its hands excitedly. It didn't ask any more questions because it knew that even if it asked Lu Ning, he wouldn't say much. But this time it guessed wrong.

Lu Ning directly revealed, "In my dream, I was with him."

Merit system:

It’s actually like this!

No wonder! No wonder the intimacy grows so fast every time! That's why.

I understand the merit system.

After washing up, Lu Ning went downstairs. As soon as she reached the living room, she met Jing Yi, who had just come downstairs. "Teacher Jing, good morning."

Jing Yi glanced at her, as if he wanted to say something but hesitated. But in the end, he said nothing, asked nothing, and just lowered his eyes, "Teacher Lu, good morning."

Seeing this scene, the Merit System felt that it didn’t understand again.

Its voice is weak. Didn’t you say you were together

Lu Ning hummed and replied in his mind, "Yes."

But you just looked...

The Merit System did not continue to speak, but Lu Ning took the initiative to help it complete the sentence, "It looks like an ordinary business relationship?"

Yes… that’s right.

Lu Ning said slowly in her heart, "I told you, I was with him in my dream."

Merit System:…

So they are not together in real life

Its host really knows how to have fun!

Miaomiao really wants to be with Jingyi.

But what about Lu Ning? Lu Ning himself said he didn't know.

The benefits of dreams stand out at this moment. In dreams, there are no constraints, she doesn't need to consider others, doesn't need to consider annoying people, doesn't need to worry about danger, she can do whatever she wants.

Most importantly, she knew clearly that there was a limit to the number of times she could enter a dream. After at least two times and at most three times, she would not have to enter a dream again. Once the dream ended, the dream limit would naturally end completely.

No pressure, no burden.

But reality and dreams are different.

In reality, she still has Shen Chuchun watching closely, and she doesn't know if Jing Yi's tribulation in the book has completely passed. She has too many things to consider.

Thinking of the stars sitting in the audience in the dream, Lu Ning asked, "Do all the people who appeared in the dream have any impression of this dream when they wake up the next day?"

The Merit System thought for a moment and replied, No. No more than five people can remember their dreams.

Otherwise, if everyone had the same dream in one night, wouldn't that be too strange? It's hard to guarantee that others wouldn't think too much.

Hearing this answer, Lu Ning breathed a sigh of relief. If everyone remembered the same dream, wouldn’t it be a mess

“Are these five people random?”

Except for you and Jingyi, the other people who can remember their dreams are random.

Lu Ning nodded to show that he understood.

Today’s breakfast is the same as yesterday’s dinner. The dating guests, their friends, and mentors eat together in the living room.

There was a sumptuous breakfast in front of Lu Ning, but unfortunately she couldn't eat it. She could only wait until the morning love interaction was over before she could enjoy the food.

When she was drinking orange juice yesterday, she deliberately turned her back to drink it. It was really inconvenient.

Jing Yi put a peach blossom pastry on her plate. He looked up at Lu Ning, his eyes focused on her face, "Is Teacher Lu's face not completely healed yet?"

After all the fortune that Mu Baozhu had taken away from Lu Ning returned to her, her appearance underwent a qualitative change.

In order not to attract attention, Lu Ning deliberately wore a mask. When others asked her about it, she made up an excuse.

Now, she has been wearing a mask for some time.

Hearing Jing Yi's question, she hummed vaguely.

Jing Yi lowered his eyes slightly. In the dream, he couldn't see her face clearly, he only remembered the rouge-colored teardrop mole at the end of her eye; in reality, he had never looked at her carefully. At first, he didn't know she was Miaomiao, and didn't look closely. After knowing that she was Miaomiao, she had already put on a mask to cover her face.

At this time, Zheng Shu's good brother put his arm on Zheng Shu's arm, looking like a good brother, and said, "I didn't have time to talk to you yesterday, but today I have plenty of time, so I have to tell you about my good brother.

As for him and I, it can be said that we grew up together. My brother is a generous person and is extremely good to his girlfriend. He gives her bags, cars, and whatever she wants.

So, girls don’t need to worry about anything, just be bold and be with my brothers!”


You are so generous, why did you break up with your ex-girlfriend

Ah, Master Versailles, look at me! I can do it!

Zheng Shu's good friend Anan couldn't help but cue Lu Ning, "I heard that Teacher Lu labeled my brother a 'Versailles Master'. When we heard this title, we laughed so hard. How should I put it? Teacher Lu may not understand my brother. My brother has had such a good life since he was a child that sometimes he doesn't even realize it.

Being a Versailles master is better than having no qualifications to be a Versailles master, right? Teacher Lu, what do you think? "

Lu Ning was originally staring at the breakfast in front of her. After being cueed, she raised her head and said lightly, "After listening to what you said, I think my previous definition of him was indeed a bit hasty."

Anan smiled with satisfaction, "Right? My brother, he obviously..." Very good. Before Anan could finish the rest of the sentence, Lu Ning continued calmly, "I have discovered new characteristics of him. He is not a simple Versailles master. He is a Versailles master who is stupid and rich!"

Everyone: …

Audience in the live broadcast room: Hahahaha.

It's amazing, is this Anan here to assist

Hahaha, why does he have to be so pessimistic

Very good, Zheng Shu’s image has become more vivid in my mind.

After that, Lu Ning asked the audience in the live broadcast room, "So, why did this foolish and wealthy Master Versailles break up with his ex-girlfriend?"

So curious!

A blind guess, because Zheng Shu is a scumbag

I don't think so. How should I put it? Compared with other boys who are good at pua, cheating, and cold violence, Zheng Shu is relatively simple.

Anan coughed lightly and asked Zheng Shu beside him, "Can you tell me why you broke up with your ex-girlfriend?"

Zheng Shu pursed his lips and said, "Let's not talk about it."

Come on, is there anything you can't say

The more this happened, the more curious I became.

Curious +1

Lu Ning rested his chin on his hands and asked calmly, "Did you break up because I cheated you of your money and your sex?"

Anan subconsciously replied, "How did you know?" After he finished answering, he realized what he had just said! He actually betrayed his brother unconsciously!

Zheng Shu, who was standing by, looked pale. It was over. His not-so-glorious past had been known to others.

Lu Ning said calmly, "I guessed."

Ah, Teacher Lu is amazing! He even guessed it right!

But just now, Teacher Lu commented that he was a fool with a lot of money, so it doesn't seem surprising that he was cheated of his money and sex

Not only did he cheat people out of money, he also cheated people out of sex. Hahahaha. I didn't expect Zheng Shu had such a past.

Suddenly I felt that Master Versailles was both stupid and cute.

Anan exclaimed. He originally wanted to keep it a secret for his good brother, but when he saw that Lu Ning had guessed it, he couldn't help but complain on his good brother's behalf, "You don't know how greedy that woman is. She tricked my good brother into a lot of money. My brother only realized that he was cheated after he was dumped. He wanted to save face, so he didn't go out of his way to get the money back."

Zheng Shu couldn't stop him, as Anan revealed his past in front of the live broadcast room.

Hahahaha so exciting.

As expected, the stupid man has a lot of money and comes quickly. Hahaha, he is really stupid.

While the audience in the live broadcast room were still laughing, Lu Ning suddenly said, "Are you two just fake brothers?"

Upon hearing this, Anan's expression changed, "What do you mean?"

Lu Ning commented, "The brotherhood between you two doesn't seem very solid." If they were true brothers, they would never reveal all their secrets in such an occasion.

This behavior doesn't look like what a true brother would do. This man's behavior looks a bit like that of a green tea lover.

He said he was doing it for the good of his brothers, but in the end he did things that were not in the best interest of his brothers.

After saying that, she turned her gaze away from the two of them with a lack of interest.

I didn’t realize it before, but after Professor Lu said this, I finally discovered it.

After meeting plastic sisters, I finally met plastic brothers!

These two are definitely plastic brothers!

Anan doesn't seem to be here to assist but to sabotage.

Zheng Shu's expression changed at this time.

While netizens were still discussing, the director hurriedly said, "The next one to assist, please come."

Xinnancheng's friend Hu Zi took over the conversation.

His nickname is Hu Zi, because he has a full beard on his face. His hair and beard are very thick and brown in color, and he looks like a typical foreigner.

He is indeed a foreigner, and a foreigner who speaks rather poor Chinese.

Fearing that he might make more mistakes, Hu Zi acted very cautiously, "My brother is a gentleman. One time, I went on a summer trip with him..."

Xia Liu? Gentleman? How are these two related

Hahahaha, is the one who wants to sabotage my brothers here again

I’m dying of laughter, is this another melon

What bad things did the two of them do

At this time, Lu Ning's calm voice sounded again, "He probably wants to say go downstairs."

Upon hearing what Lu Ning said, Hu Zi said quickly, "Yes, yes, yes, I meant to say go downstairs, but the pronunciation was a little off."

Ah, Teacher Lu can even hear this. At first I thought this bearded guy was deliberately causing trouble.

You are worthy of being my mentor Lu, the eternal God!

"A lady sprained her leg, and my brother rushed her to the hospital immediately."

Is this a gentleman? OK, barely.

Aquaman's game.

After saying this, Hu Zi didn't dare to speak any more.

Soon, it was Nuonuo’s best friend’s turn.

Nuonuo's best friend is shy and doesn't like to talk much. "Nuonuo is usually very cute in life. She is sincere and a very good girl."

After that, it was Yao Hanhan’s best friend’s turn.

Yao Hanhan's best friend was the last one to assist. She was different from Nuonuo's best friend, she had a generous personality and was witty and humorous.

"At first, I was not optimistic about Hanhan participating in this dating variety show. I thought dating variety shows were just like other variety shows, with scripts and the male and female guests dating each other, which was more of a show.

But I didn’t expect that this dating variety show is different from all other variety shows.

Here, I have to cue Mr. Lu. "

Half of the guests’ friends cue Lu Ning, and everyone is almost used to it.

Yao Hanhan's best friend said excitedly, "Teacher Lu is so special. Teacher Lu, please be brave. I will always support you!"

Lu Ning nodded, "Thank you for your support."

Yao Hanhan’s best friend succeeded in chasing her idol, and the smile on her face became a little more genuine.

She went on to say, "I never thought my bestie would find the right person on Heartbeat Index. I am so happy for her."

She is currently in the stage of starting a business, and I hope her future significant other can support her, encourage her, and accompany her. If she can do these things, she will definitely respond with the same sincerity, and she will not let anyone regret it. "

Hearing this, Yao Hanhan was so touched that she hugged her best friend.

Woohoo, this is a true best friend.

In stark contrast to the plastic brothers just now!

In the afternoon, the director announced today’s interactive love game - DIY gifts.

"There are only four days left to record "Heartbeat Index", and you have been together for 16 days. In these 16 days, you have lived under the same roof, cooked together, taken photos together, and completed countless love tasks together.

As the show is about to end, why not DIY a gift and give it to the one you love.

While your good brothers and girlfriends are here today, if you can't make up your mind, you can ask them for advice.

Looking forward to seeing the finished product of your gift.”

After announcing the interactive dating game, the program team gave each guest a sum of 1,000 yuan.

"You can use this money to buy what you need. Go for it!"

Shen Chuchun's sprained ankle has healed. When she received the bank card issued by the program team, she looked disdainful and said, "What can you buy with a thousand yuan these days?"

Weiwei was afraid that she would be criticized by Teacher Lu again, so she quickly said, "The value of a gift lies in the thought behind it."

Shen Chuchun didn't agree with this statement. The more expensive the gift, the better. A cheap gift naturally represented a cheap thought.

Shen Chuchun sneered, "From childhood to adulthood, I have never received a gift worth less than five figures, never ridden in a car worth less than seven figures, and never worn jewelry worth less than six figures."

Before I knew it, I took out my fingers and started counting.

Pull out your finger +1

Five digits, six digits, seven digits. No wonder Shen Chuchun is so arrogant. Who gives her the capital to be so arrogant

Lu Ning said calmly, "But some people have never had enough to eat or wear since they were young. They have to take care of their parents and two younger sisters. They even want to split up the two dollars they need to pay for the bus."

Shen Chuchun snorted coldly, "Who can I blame? I can only blame her bad luck. Do you want to blame me for being too lucky? It's a pity that I have a good luck that others can't even envy."

Lu Ning still had no expression when he heard this, "If it's not yours, it will never be yours."

Shen Chuchun felt a little flustered for some reason. She hurriedly said, "What do you mean? If you keep saying that, I'll have my legal team come over tonight!"

After making these harsh remarks, Shen Chuchun and Weiwei took a car to the city center to buy gifts, and the others left soon after.

But on the way, Zheng Shu and Anan had a big fight.

The cause was that Anan revealed all his shameful past.

Anan was not convinced, "How could I say this? If you want to blame someone, blame Lu Ning. She guessed it, and I didn't say it on my own initiative!"

Zheng Shu asked, "She guessed it at first, but what happened later?"

Anan looked nonchalant, "She's already guessed it anyway, so what if I just tell her directly?"

The two of them were arguing so much that they almost came to blows.

As soon as Shen Chuchun arrived in the city center, he went straight to the largest shopping mall.

DIY gifts are out of the question.

How could these three male guests in the Heartbeat House be qualified to receive the gifts she made personally

The best she could do was spend money on the finished product.

If she wanted to buy the finished product, the money the program team gave her would definitely not be enough.

But she has never been short of money.

She carries a lot of cards with her, so if she sees something she likes, she can just swipe the card.

Soon, Shen Chuchun took a fancy to a men's watch that was priced at five figures.

But five figures are nothing to her.

She took out her card cheerfully and prepared to pay, but the next second, the shopping guide said to her with embarrassment, "Sorry, ma'am, there is no money in your card."

Shen Chuchun:

At this time, a hot search on the Internet caused crazy discussion.

The cause was that Shen Group issued a statement.

Coincidentally, this statement is related to Shen Chuchun.