Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 62: The sixty-second day of love


Weiwei covered her mouth and exclaimed, "No money? Chunchun, did you take the wrong card?"

Shen Chuchun heard the slight noise, straightened his back, and said firmly, "It must be your machine that is broken. Change it."

The salesgirl knew that it had nothing to do with their machine and that it was definitely not broken, but since the customer requested it, she had to borrow a card machine from next door.

After a swipe, it turned out to be exactly the same as before.

She said politely but not awkwardly, "Ma'am, there is really no money in the card. Do you have any other cards?"

Shen Chuchun snatched the card from the salesgirl. She glanced at the card number and saw that it was her card. If she remembered correctly, there should be seven figures of pocket money on this card. How could there be no money at all

She barely suppressed the uneasy feeling in her heart and took out a card. She had quite a few cards in her card wallet, and each of them had a lot of money in it.

"Swipe this one, it will definitely work this time." She said confidently, but this card was the same as the previous one, with no money in it.

The scene was filled with awkwardness.

Weiwei exclaimed, "How could this happen? Chunchun, do you want to call home and ask about the situation?"

Shen Chuchun was annoyed by Wei Wei's noise and said impatiently, "Shut up!"

After that, she looked at the salesgirl next to her and said calmly, "I'm Shen Chuchun, Shen Rong is my cousin, and Shen Fuwang is my grandfather. I'll take this watch first, and you can go to Shen's Group to ask my cousin for it later. We are a big family with a lot of money, and we won't let you down with this small sum of money."

The salesgirl couldn't help but roll her eyes inwardly.

It sounds good, it's a small amount of money. If it's a small amount of money, why can't she take it out

The salesgirl smiled and said, "We don't allow credit here."

Shen Chuchun asked back in disbelief, "No?"

The salesgirl nodded, "No."

Shen Chuchun got angry, "Isn't it just a broken watch? I don't want it! I will never come to this crappy restaurant of yours again!"

On the way back, Shen Chuchun's phone kept vibrating, but she was too busy thinking about what happened just now to check her phone. She guessed that maybe there was something new in the group, so they sent messages so frequently.

Weiwei wanted to play with her phone for a while, but Shen Chuchun was sitting next to her, looking unhappy, so she didn't dare to play with her phone in front of Shen Chuchun. But thinking about how Shen Chuchun swiped two cards just now and there was no money in the cards, Weiwei sneered in her heart.

She felt that the so-called daughter of the Shen family was just like that. She said nice things, saying how favored her family was and how rich it was, but in the end, she couldn't even afford a five-digit watch. She was not even as good as her.

When the two returned to the Heartbeat House, the guests in the Heartbeat House were already having a barbecue with the love mentor.

I took a sniff and said, "It smells so good. Are we having barbecue for lunch?"

Everyone in the Heartbeat Hut looked at Shen Chuchun who came in from the door with different expressions.

Yao Hanhan and Nuonuo both had complicated expressions. They originally thought that Shen Chuchun was a real rich girl, but they didn't expect that she was just a thief who occupied the magpie's nest.

The two never expected that they would encounter such a heavyweight melon today.

But they were all just bystanders, and in front of Shen Chuchun, the person involved, they didn't want to add insult to injury or anything, so they simply remained silent.

Everyone in the Heartbeat House had already read the latest statement released by the Shen Group a few minutes ago, but Shen Chuchun mentioned in the statement was kept in the dark.

Weiwei also didn't know anything about what was happening on the Internet.

She touched her belly and said coquettishly, "You deliberately seduced me!"

At this moment, Sea King Xinnan would certainly not ignore the beauty. He asked, "Why are you tempted? You can eat it too."

She shook her head slightly, "No, I'm too fat. I want to lose weight, so I can't eat anything too greasy."

Xin Nancheng looked at Weiwei's thin arms and legs and fell into silence.

Yesterday she only ate fruit for dinner and I didn't say much. She didn't eat greasy food for lunch either. You said she was too fat? I don't understand this.

Is this called fat? Does this girl have no concept of fat or thin

Yao Hanhan asked from the side, "Weiwei, how tall and how heavy are you?"

She pursed her lips and smiled, "I'm only 1.66 meters tall, but I weigh 90 kilograms. I'm really fat."

This is too pretentious.

Hehe, with this height and weight, you say you are fat and want to lose weight. What are you trying to show off

It reminded me of my former best friend, who had lost weight, but she kept saying I was fat in front of a chubby girl like me. Later, I decided to become her gay friend.

Teacher Lu, go ahead! This person is more powerful than a plastic bag! It's time to punish her!

Lu Ning, who was cueed by countless viewers in the live broadcast room, was grilling some big chicken legs.

The big chicken legs she roasted were oozing with oil, and the surface was golden, looking extremely crispy and fragrant. She used a small brush to brush the sauce on them, and then sprinkled cumin powder and other condiments on them. After a while, the rich aroma had spread to the noses of everyone in the room.

Many guests who smelled the fragrance swallowed subconsciously.

This smells so good. Isn't Mr. Lu's cooking skills so good

Among all the dating guests, Yao Hanhan and Lu Ning have the closest relationship. She was just about to go up and ask for a bite of delicious food, but she saw that Weiwei was one step faster than her.

"Teacher Lu, can you give me a chicken drumstick?"

Hearing this voice, Lu Ning slowly raised his head.

Standing in front of her was Weiwei, who had just said she wanted to lose weight.

Lu Ning's eyes swept over her, and after a few seconds, she said lightly, "No."

He frowned slightly, looking dissatisfied, "You are not willing to do this, Teacher Lu is too petty."

Lu Ning stretched out his right index finger and shook it, "I'm not being mean, I'm doing this for your own good."

When everyone heard this, they perked up a bit. Why not give her the chicken leg? Is it for Weiwei's own good

Lu Ning said slowly, "You are too fat. Look at your arms and legs. They are all covered with fat. You can't eat high-calorie foods anymore. Wait until you are as thin as a paper man."

Hahahaha, is this wave of reverse operations possible

Didn't Weiwei openly say that she was fat, but secretly showed off her good figure? But Teacher Lu didn't play by the rules and said that she was fat.

I’m not laughing anymore. Look at Weiwei, her face looks so ugly. She’s just pretending and continues to pretend.

She gritted her teeth and retorted, "Teacher Lu, if I'm not mistaken, your arms are thicker than mine, right?" Then, why can she eat even though she is fatter than her, but she can't

Lu Ning raised his head slightly, with a calm expression, "Yes."

Weiwei didn't expect Lu Ning to admit it so straightforwardly. She almost choked on it. "Then how do you eat?"

Lu Ning said, "Because I'm not afraid of getting fat. And there's a saying, have you heard it before? Being able to eat is a blessing. I don't want to lose weight at all. I just like to eat delicious food."

Hahaha, Teacher Lu already has a perfect figure!

Indeed, being able to eat is a blessing, and what the old saying says is a little bit reasonable.

Let this little bit of pretense hit a wall, right

Weiwei looked pale and went to Shen Chuchun for comfort.

They are best friends after all. Shen Chuchun can't just watch her being bullied by Lu Ning, right

But at this moment, Shen Chuchun was staring blankly at a certain interface on Weibo.

On this interface, there is a statement that Shen Group had just released not long ago.


Shen Moumou and his mother Shen Mou have no blood relationship with Mr. Shen Fuwang.

The Shen Group will file a lawsuit against Beijing Jing Women's and Children's Health Hospital soon.

The local police have opened a case for investigation.

We have been waiting for the truth which has been missing for nearly fifty years!

Although her name was not directly typed in the statement and was replaced by Shen Moumou, anyone with a discerning eye knows who Shen Moumou is referring to.

Before she participated in "Heartbeat Index", she had already made her family background known to everyone. Coupled with the current popularity of "Heartbeat Index", she could guess what netizens would say without even looking at the comments below.

Weiwei, who came over to ask Shen Chuchun for help, also read the statement.

She exclaimed, "Chunchun, you actually..." Shen Chuchun is not a member of the Shen family

Shen Chuchun's hand was shaking as she held the phone. No wonder there was suddenly no money left in the card! Not even a penny left!

It turned out that her cards were all frozen!

Because she was not a real member of the Shen family, they took back everything they had given her!

This is indeed the style of the Shen family.

They are protective and xenophobic. She had once enjoyed a lot of happiness because of their protectiveness and xenophobia. No matter what she did wrong, they would tolerate her and pamper her. But she didn't expect that she would become the "outsider" in the "xenophobic" now.

Thinking of this, Shen Chuchun looked at Lu Ning with a crazy look on his face, "You knew it a long time ago, right? You have been watching my good show, right?"

Before, she felt that there was another deeper meaning in what Lu Ning said. Originally, she could have deceived him on the surface, thinking that Lu Ning was just jealous that she was the favorite of the Shen family.

However, after this happened, she couldn't think of any other explanation except that Lu Ning knew about it long ago!

The director hurried over to smooth things over, "Shen Chuchun, calm down, the live broadcast is on."

Shen Chuchun didn't care whether the live broadcast was on or not. She cried and laughed, "You all know it, right?"

After hearing this question, everyone fell silent.

Faced with such a scene, they didn't know what to say.

There were only two people in the whole audience who were not affected at all, they were Lu Ning and Jing Yi.

Lu Ning didn't care, but Jing Yi only had eyes for one person.

Lu Ning handed a roasted chicken leg to Jing Yi, who was standing next to him, and Jing Yi took it readily.

When the others saw this, they hurried over, fearing that they would be a step late and lose the chicken leg.

Lu Ning gave Yao Hanhan and her best friend a big chicken drumstick.

After giving away three of them, Lu Ning spread his hands and said, "The remaining one is mine. If you want to eat it, go grill it yourself."

Everyone drooled and went back to the grill in front of them with regret and helplessness.

If they had known that Teacher Lu's barbecue skills were so good, they should have established a good relationship with her before. Otherwise, now they can only smell the delicious food and drool, but can't eat it.

Shen Chuchun, who saw this scene, felt it was extremely ironic.

In the eyes of others, perhaps a chicken leg roasted by Lu Ning is more important than her.

At this time, Weiwei went to help Shen Chuchun, "Chunchun, stop crying, I'll help you go back to your room to rest."

Shen Chuchun subconsciously waved Weiwei's hand away, "Get lost!" Don't think that she didn't see the look of anticipation in her eyes.

Feeling a little aggrieved, she tried to help her out with good intentions, but Shen Chuchun showed no appreciation at all.

Shen Chuchun went back to her room crying and called her mother outside. When the others saw her leave, they had different thoughts in their minds, but they didn't show anything on their faces.

Online, Shen Group’s statement has sparked a lot of speculation.

"Sue the hospital. It must be a mistake, right? Shen XX is Shen Chuchun, and Shen is Shen Wan, right?"

"The truth of the past fifty years is that the wrong child should be Shen Chuchun's mother."

"I have a question. Teacher Lu said before that she was 'afraid that someone might take over my position', so she should have known about this in advance?"

"What makes me curious is that only Shen Wan and Shen Chuchun appear in the statement, and no one else is mentioned. So who is the real daughter of the Shen family?"

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, some people are falling from the clouds all of a sudden, while others are about to soar into the sky.”

"What nonsense is the one above? Soaring to the sky, isn't that what he deserves?"

The online discussions did not affect other guests of "Heartbeat Index".

After everyone finished eating the barbecue, the director quickly took out the blackboard from before, on which were three love tasks.

Originally, it should have been the stage of DIY gift, but Shen Chuchun obviously came back empty-handed, and the materials bought by the other guests were also very ordinary, nothing special, so the director simply skipped the previous DIY gift segment and went straight to today's love mission.

The three romance missions are:

The male and female guests watched a midnight love movie together.

The male and female guests participated in a sports game together.

The male and female guests tell each other at least one advantage and disadvantage.

The last love mission was just updated by Su Xiaoxiao this morning.

The five dating guests discussed and chose the third dating task. They were actually quite interested in the second dating task as they had been staying in the Heartbeat Room recently and had fallen behind in their exercise.

However, they had just finished eating barbecue and their stomachs were full, so it was not suitable for them to exercise.

Meng Heng was the first to come. He smiled and said, "Yao Hanhan is warm and friendly, full of positive energy. She is like a little sun, making people feel warm. Her only shortcoming is that she has no shortcoming."

Yao Hanhan pursed her lips and smiled. She thought for a moment and said, "Meng Heng's shortcoming is that he is not careful enough in small matters, but his advantages are also obvious. He is independent-minded in general, and he is reliable and sincere, giving people enough sense of security."

After Yao Meng CP finished talking about each other's strengths, it was Nuonuo and Xin Nancheng's turn.

Nuonuo stared at Xin Nancheng's mixed-race face and said without hesitation, "Xin Nancheng is handsome! The only downside is that he is too handsome!"

Hahaha, yes, being handsome is also a big advantage.

There is really nothing to say about Xin Nancheng's face. Except for being slightly inferior to Jing Yi, no one else can beat him in terms of appearance.

Xin Nancheng coughed lightly, then he looked at the petite Nuonuo and flattered her, "Nuonuo is so cute. The downside is that she's too cute!"

Hahaha, isn’t this too simple

Is this a disadvantage

‌This? ‌This? Can the sentence be shorter

Shen Chuchun didn't agree, so Zheng Shuo spontaneously skipped this love task.

Seeing that this segment ended so quickly, the director hurriedly said, "Teacher Lu, please give some comments."

Lu Ning was a little confused. "What are you commenting on? Commenting on their business promotion?"

Is mutual promotion in business possible

Hahaha, Teacher Lu is so real.

The director waved his hands hurriedly, "No, Mr. Lu can comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the dating guests. How should I put it? Hearing comments about you from other people can help you understand yourself better, and also help you better understand how others see you. If you have shortcomings, improve them. If you don't have any shortcomings, keep doing it."

Lu Ning nodded, "Okay."

Her eyes swept across the five dating guests, and several guests subconsciously straightened their backs. Even their best friends and good brothers became subconsciously nervous.

"The guests have already mentioned their strengths, so let me talk about their weaknesses. Let's talk about Meng Heng first."

Meng Heng quickly perked up.

"Meng Heng's values are a bit low." Normal people would rather wear wet clothes than wear the shirt of a female guest's ambiguous partner. But Meng Heng wore Pei Xi's shirt and walked around in front of Pei Xi. This eventually led to the first argument between Pei Xi and Mu Baozhu.

Ahh, I almost forgot about this.

Indeed, Meng Heng's three views should be strengthened.

After that, Lu Ning continued to comment on Yao Hanhan, "I personally think that sometimes your desire to win is too strong. In life, too strong a desire to win will make people tired. Sometimes you can also relax appropriately. You know, it is best to relax in moderation." Lu Ning discovered this accidentally. She saw Yao Hanhan and Nuonuo playing cards together before. Yao Hanhan lost, and then he started to feel depressed.

In Lu Ning's opinion, this was a very childish behavior.

Upon hearing this, Yao Hanhan nodded quickly, "I'll remember that, Teacher Lu."

"Xin Nancheng's weakness is that he takes feelings too lightly and plays with the world." Although Xin Nancheng said before that he liked to flirt with girls, he didn't really do anything with them. But the fact that he flirted with so many girls verbally was enough to show his indifference to feelings.

"Zheng Shu, your weakness is that you are too naive."

Hahahaha, I never thought that Master Versailles would actually evolve into a naive person!

I laughed so hard. Teacher Lu is so good! He always looks at problems in a unique way.

"Nuonuo, the downside is that it's too mediocre and not easy to remember."

Although it hurts, it is all true.

Among the five guests, Nuo Nuo has the least presence.

After Lu Ning finished his comments, he was about to take a break when he heard Nuonuo ask, "Teacher Lu, what should I do if I want to have a higher sense of presence?"

Twenty-six days later, Lu Ning's image in the minds of the guests has been completely established.

Although they didn't say anything verbally, they all respected her in their hearts and were willing to seek advice from her.

When Lu Ning heard this question, he answered, "Enrich your appearance and make it better. When you are dazzling enough, you can't be mediocre even if you want to."

Upon hearing this, Nuonuo nodded solemnly.

She usually only knows how to cosplay. Apart from cosplay, she has no other special skills.

Teacher Lu was right. Only by improving her appearance could she have a higher sense of existence.

After commenting on the dating guests, Jing Yi on the side suddenly calmed the situation and asked, "Then Mr. Lu, what about me?"

You? You what

Hahaha, brother, are you here to look for comments

What kind of evaluation will this conference get

Lu Ning was silent for a while and said, "Teacher Jing, you are a very good person." A good person for ten generations, a benefactor, such a person with golden light of merit all over his body must be very good.

Jing Yi: This is the day to get the good guy card.

Hahaha, I laughed. This is the second nice guy card, right

He is a little different. He was a good guy before, and now he is a very good guy. Hahahaha, what did my brother do to make Teacher Lu think that he is a very good guy

After the day's love mission was over, Shen Chuchun did not come out of the room where she was waiting.

While other guests were waiting for dinner in the Heartbeat House, Lu Ning received a call from Shen Rong.

She deliberately found a deserted place and answered the phone.

In the phone call, Shen Rong's tone was somewhat intimate, "People on the Internet are asking who the real daughter is. My grandfather is going to hold a dinner party for you and officially announce your and my aunt's identities to everyone. What do you think?"

Lu Ning understood what Shen Rong meant.

In the statement, Shen Group did not disclose the identity of the real daughter. At first, Lu Ning thought that her mother was no longer alive, so they decided not to make it public.

It seemed that Mr. Shen Fuwang valued her mother more than she imagined.

It's not that he doesn't want to make it public, but he wants to make it public in a more solemn way.

Lu Ning asked, "Have you talked to my father?"

"We have discussed it. My uncle-in-law is in favor of revealing my identity, but he said he needs to hear your opinion. So I came to ask you now."

Lu Ning hummed, "Okay."

Mother Lu didn't have much happiness in her life. When she was young, she was sucked dry by her adoptive mother's family, and later after she married Father Lu, she died early.

Although it is a bit too late for her to recognize her identity now, she still needs to keep everything that belongs to her.

Mr. Shen and Shen Rong were busy preparing for this public-identity dinner.

As for Lu Ning, she fell into a dream again.

In the afternoon, Shen Chuchun looked at her with a frightening look.

It was a kind of desperate madness, as if wanting to drag the earth down with it. It was much more terrifying than Mu Baozhu's original madness.

As the adopted daughter of the Lu family, Mu Baozhu was originally blinded by the lavish life. But she knew in her heart that she was just an adopted daughter, and all this should not belong to her. She didn't even have the last name Lu.

Shen Chuchun and Mu Baozhu are different.

For more than 20 years before, Shen Chuchun had always been regarded as the real daughter of the Shen family. She enjoyed everything superior, but suddenly fell from the clouds. It was not unusual for her to be upset.

However, she had an extreme personality. After she suddenly learned that Fangxiao had no relationship with the Shen family and that her biological grandparents were poor people from the bottom of society, she suddenly became mentally unbalanced.

After she becomes mentally unbalanced, no one can guess what she will do.

Lu Ning sighed.

As soon as she finished sighing, she successfully fell asleep.

In the enclosed space, the aroma of Darjeeling tea filled the air.

At this moment, Lu Ning only felt a body approaching from behind.

A cool and hoarse voice sounded beside her ears, "Girlfriend, a good person wants to do bad things, what should I do?"

Lu Ning: