Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 63: The sixty-third day of love


Lu Ning looked around and knew that this was a cramped elevator room. At this moment, the elevator had obviously broken down and stopped working, stuck in a position that was neither going up nor down, making it impossible for people to leave immediately.

The lights in the elevator kept flickering, as if they were about to go on strike at any moment. If you ignore the heat of the people behind you, this place feels a bit like a scene from a horror movie.

In reality, Jing Yi was trapped alone in the elevator that was on strike for nearly an hour. He immediately called the elevator's internal line for help, but unfortunately the maintenance personnel were stuck in traffic and arrived late.

The elevator signal was bad, and soon even the flashing lights would stop working completely.

So, for the next hour, I could only stay alone in this small and dim elevator room, waiting patiently for the arrival of rescue workers.

After this incident, I didn't take the elevator again for a long time. If I really needed to go to a high floor, I would walk on my own two feet.

The malfunctioning elevator was also unstable. Just as Lu Ning was about to say something, the elevator shook violently again.

She subconsciously grabbed whatever she could around her.

"Don't be afraid."

When the elevator returned to normal, Lu Ning realized that she had been holding Jing Yi's arm tightly. The words "Don't be afraid" he said seemed to still linger in her ears.

Lu Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

The elevator shook for a while, and now it was slightly stable. Just as she was about to let go, she heard a crackling sound, and the unreliable lighting was completely scrapped, and the elevator instantly became pitch dark.

An environment where something could go wrong again at any time can make people feel uneasy.

Although Lu Ning knew clearly that this was just a dream and this scene was just a repetition of something that had happened before, when she thought of Jing Yi having faced such a dangerous situation alone, she inexplicably developed an uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

A sexy voice sounded in her ears, "Now, it seems more suitable to do bad things."

The elevator room is dark and quiet with only two people in it, so you won’t be disturbed by others…

Lu Ning's eyes widened slightly in the darkness, "What?"

In a second, her voice was completely drowned out.

This was a completely different kiss from the last time they acted together.

During the scene, Jing Yi's performance was still very immature, like a child who had just learned to walk, stumbling and groping all the way. No one was there to help him, so he could only rely on his instincts.

But after acting together twice, it was as if his Ren and Du meridians were suddenly opened up, all his immaturity and naivety disappeared, and his progress was astonishingly fast.

Is this how fast the movie emperor learns

Lu Ning had been surprised once before, and this time, she was only more surprised.

If Guo Jingyi could only get one point for his performance last time, then this time, Lu Ning would give him six points.

Although it is still some distance away from the full score of 10, it is still a passing score.

Although the elevator might shake again at any time, Lu Ning had no time to consider these issues.

Even the discomfort of being in a dim environment disappeared without a trace.

Just when Lu Ning felt that his lips were about to swell up, the late maintenance worker finally arrived.

Various concerned questions came from outside.

"How's the noodle man?"

"Can you speak?"

Jing Yi, who always felt that they came too slowly in reality, felt for the first time in his dream that they came too quickly.

When Lu Ning woke up the next day, he consciously raised his right hand and touched his lips.

In reality, her lips are in great shape and show no signs of swelling.

But in the dream...

Not only were her lips swollen, but she was also lightly bitten at the end of the dream.

It didn't hurt. But that novel feeling remained in her heart for a long time.

Is this what it feels like to be in a dream-like relationship

The Merit System is tired of praising someone. It has seen so many scenes of intimacy skyrocketing that it is almost numb to it.

Seeing the host touching his lips with his hand, it rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "Did you kiss?"

Lu Ning only regarded the merit system as a bunch of data and didn't even see it as a person. When she heard this question, she just answered with a frank "hmm".

The Merit System gossiped, so, are you two still a dream-limited couple


The Merit System said with emotion, it’s impossible that both of you have babies in your dreams, but you still call each other Mentor Jing and Mentor Lu in reality, right

Lu Ning denied it subconsciously, "That's impossible."

Let’s not talk about the fact that dreams are just a reappearance of scenes that happened in reality, let’s talk about giving birth…

It's not something that can be done with just a kiss.

However, thinking of Jing Yi's amazing learning speed in the dream, and the scenes in the dream becoming more and more exciting, she suddenly didn't dare to think about it any further.

On this day, when Lu Ning went upstairs, Shen Chuchun was already in the living room of the Heartbeat House.

Seeing her coming downstairs, Shen Chuchun looked gloomy.

According to the intimacy between Lu Ning and Jing Yi, she only needs to enter the dream once more to completely destroy the portable space.

So even though he received such a cold look, Lu Ning didn't feel too nervous.

The friends who came to assist the love guests have all left, and the previously lively Heartbeat House has returned to its normal state.

After breakfast, the director said with a smile, "Guests, there are only three days left for the recording of Heartbeat Index. On the last day of the variety show, the production team has carefully prepared a little surprise for you, so please look forward to it."

After that, the director brought out a love task for the guests to choose from.

In addition to watching a midnight love movie, the other two love tasks are "the male and female guests participate in a sport together" and "go to the kindergarten and let the love guests experience the feeling of being a nanny for a day."

After several dating guests discussed it, they decided to do the dating task that Su Xiaoxiao had just updated.

Yao Hanhan covered her mouth and laughed, "I really want to see what Meng Heng looks like as a nanny."

Nuonuo interjected, "I heard that boys become very patient after they have daughters. I really want to know how the male guest spoils his children."

Meng Heng laughed, "I've never taken care of a child before, so I'm quite curious."

The director said at the right moment, "Then you can take care of the children as much as you want today."

Meng Heng waved his hands and said, "No, no." The child is an angel, but the father is a devil. One person cannot bear it.

The program team selected Wenquxing Bilingual Kindergarten.

Today is Sunday. When the "Heartbeat Index" team arrived at the kindergarten, there were only a few children there.

The program team took the guests' situations into comprehensive consideration and deliberately reduced the difficulty of taking care of children.

When he saw there were only three children, Meng Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

The teacher in the kindergarten entrusted the three children to us and said, "Remember to make them a cup of milk powder later. If any of the children cry, it may be because they have urinated. You must help change their diapers immediately, otherwise they will feel uncomfortable."

When the three male guests heard the word "diapers", they were overwhelmed.

The master quickly handed the venue over to us.

After a while, a little child started crying and said in a baby voice, "I'm hungry and thirsty."

Meng Heng picked up the crying child and walked to the kitchen resignedly. When Yao Hanhan saw him, she immediately followed him in.

It wouldn't be too hectic for two dating guests to take care of one child.

Hearing the words "hungry, thirsty", Lu Ning also felt a little thirsty. She hadn't drunk much water since breakfast in the morning.

She looked around and asked, "Is there any water?"

Su Xiaoxiao and Shi Lun shook their heads, "No." They came in a hurry and forgot to bring anything to drink.

Jing Yi stood up and went into the kitchen without saying a word.

When I entered the kitchen, Yao Hanhan and Meng Heng were arguing about the question of "add milk powder first and then water" or "add water first and then milk powder".

Jing Yi heard their questions and said calmly, "First, add some warm water to the bottle, then add the milk powder to the warm water, and finally shake it evenly."

As soon as they heard this standard answer, they stopped arguing immediately.

Seeing Jing Yi enter the kitchen and looking for something, Yao Hanhan subconsciously asked, "Teacher Jing, what are you doing here?"

Jing Yi said without even turning his head, "Make milk powder for the kid."

Is it the same as them? Yao Hanhan didn't think much about it and thought that maybe the other children were hungry.

However, she carelessly ignored the question of why it was the dating mentor who made the milk powder instead of other dating guests.

After Yao Hanhan and Meng Heng prepared the milk powder, they handed the warm bottle to the crying child.

As soon as the child got the bottle, he stopped crying and happily poked at it with his little mouth to drink.

At this time, Jing Yi also made a glass of milk.

Yao Hanhan saw him using a cup to hold the milk and couldn't help asking, "Teacher Jing, why don't you use a bottle? It's not very useful without a pacifier, right?"

"It doesn't matter. This little boy is a few months older than three."

After saying that, Jing Yi went out with the freshly brewed milk.

When Yao Hanhan walked out of the kitchen carrying the happy child, she happened to see Lu Ning drinking milk.

I saw Lu Ning drinking more than half of the milk in one breath. It seemed that he was very thirsty.

She looked around carefully.

No, there was no such thing anywhere else. Only Teacher Lu had a glass of milk at hand.

So, Lu Ning is the kid who is a few months older than three years old that Jing Yi mentioned

She calculated with her fingers and found that this was about 250 months older than three years old.

Thinking of this, Yao Hanhan couldn't help but be surprised. When did Teacher Jing become so skilled

‌ and Teacher Lu, they are somehow sweet

According to this calculation, can she also be considered a child who is a few months older than three years old

Lu Ning had just finished drinking the milk when Yao Hanhan came over and said jokingly, "Little boy, have you finished your milk?"

Lu Ning:

She blinked blankly, "Did I steal the kids' rations?"

Jing Yi coughed lightly and explained, "I made adult milk powder. I didn't steal the milk powder from the children."

Yao Hanhan winked at Lu Ning playfully and left with a smile.

When the new nanny was busy taking care of the baby, a fully armed man dressed in black suddenly walked in at the kindergarten gate.

‌Walking in a certain direction without saying a word.

A staff member noticed me and immediately asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Without saying a word, he walked towards Lu Ning with a clear goal.

When the others were confused, they saw a reflective dagger suddenly pulled out from somewhere. The dagger shone with a cold light, and looked dangerous and cold.

Ah, this guy has a knife!

Run away!

How did this person get in? Teacher Lu, be careful!

Just as he was about to stab Lu Ning with the dagger in his hand, a foot suddenly stretched out from the side and kicked his hand hard.

After a second, the dagger fell to the ground, bounced several times, and finally fell silent.

When the other staff members saw that the tools used in the crime were gone, they reacted quickly and subdued the suspect immediately.

The director took off the man's hat.

Behind the hat was a face so ordinary that it would be unrecognizable if it blended into a crowd.

Lu Ning had no impression of this face.

She didn't remember what she had done to this person to make him hate her so much, to the point of wanting to do something illegal.

After his hat was taken off, the man said with a crazy look on his face, "It's all your fault! Why don't you die? If you died, Baozhu wouldn't be so miserable! It's you who hurt Baozhu."

When they heard the name Baozhu, everyone in the field fell silent. Judging from the man's appearance, he was probably a die-hard fan of Mu Baozhu.

Fanatics just don't make any sense.

He might think that it was Lu Ning who harmed Mu Baozhu like this.

However, in the eyes of everyone in the Heartbeat House, Teacher Lu had suffered an unprovoked disaster.

Mu Baozhu's current situation is entirely her own fault.

Lu Ning suddenly thought of something, "Were you the one who sent the voodoo doll before?"

The man laughed wildly, "Yes, I made a lot of voodoo dolls at home, and I stab them every day, but why haven't you died yet?" After saying that, he seemed to be even crazier, "If you die, Baozhu will be the same as before."

‌The house is filled with dolls made in the image of Lu Ning.

At midnight, when the yin energy is at its strongest, the evil spirit will be stabbed. But it is useless. All those methods on the Internet that use metaphysics to harm people are all scams!

Lu Ning said calmly, "I told you before, it's the 21st century now, you have to believe in science."

The man was furious. How could all the methods passed down by his ancestors be useless? It was precisely because they were useless that he took the risk and chose to do it himself.

Unfortunately, the dagger was kicked away before he could get it. Thinking of this, he glared at Jing Yi who was standing beside him fiercely.

It was this nosy person who ruined our good deed!

Receiving this look, Jing Yi just hung up the phone call to the police and said calmly, "If you have anything to say, go talk to the police."

Ah, that was so exciting just now.

Woo woo woo, my brother’s reaction was so quick, his kicking movement was crisp and neat, so handsome.

He is worthy of being the man I have been a fan of for three years. He never lets me down!

Am I the only one who thinks that my brother was too nervous about Teacher Lu just now

The attacker was quickly taken away by the police.

After the person was taken away, Yao Hanhan patted his chest with a look of fear and said, "It's terrible. But if it is the person who sent the voodoo doll before, then for Teacher Lu, today, a potential danger has been resolved. Thinking about it this way, it's not a completely bad thing."

The person who sent the voodoo doll has been hiding behind the scenes, and no one knows when he will appear and attack Lu Ning again.

It's like two shoes, one has already fallen, and I don't know when the other one will fall completely.

If the other shoe is not dropped, it will always be remembered.

Now, the other shoe has finally dropped.

Upon hearing this, Nuonuo said with full approval, "Yes. This way, we can completely solve the problem."

The news of Lu Ning being attacked by anti-fans spread quickly. Not long after, Shen Rong and Shen Fuwang heard about it.

Mr. Shen was very angry. "Before, they gave me a voodoo doll, but this time they used a knife directly. Are all kinds of people attacking my granddaughter?"

Shen Rong soothed him, "Grandpa, don't be angry. Anti-fans have always been boycotted by people in the circle. Now that a big V has spoken out, should we make a statement to express our attitude?"

Previously, the two planned to hold a dinner for Lu Ning and her mother to officially recognize them. Although Lu Ning's mother is no longer with us, the necessary cards cannot be lost at all.

But now someone is trying to endanger Lu Ning's life. Shen Rong feels that it is time to disclose Lu Ning's identity in advance, speak for her, and stand up for her.

Master Shen said in a deep voice, "I'll leave this matter to you."

Shen Rong agreed to come and said he would definitely fulfill his mission.

So, when many big Vs on the Internet criticized the bad behavior of anti-fans attacking celebrities, the Shen Group, which has never been involved in entertainment gossip, actually spoke up for Lu Ning!