Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 64: The sixty-fourth day of love


This is the first time that Shen's Group has publicly supported a female celebrity, and a female celebrity with considerable influence. This is totally unlike the style of Shen's Group.

What is the style of Shen Group? Probably, it doesn't touch the entertainment industry, doesn't have much contact with male and female celebrities, and even chooses champion athletes from the sports world as spokespeople.

Shen Group v: We strongly condemn the bad behavior of anti-fans who hurt celebrities. This incident today must not be tolerated! Shen Group's legal team is ready to strike at any time! Teacher Lu, don't be afraid, keep walking on the flowery road, we will always protect and support you!

When netizens saw this statement, they all started to eat melons.

When did Shen and Lu Ning become so close

The person above forgot, but Shen Rong reposted Teacher Lu’s Weibo to support her.

After all, Shen Rong represented an individual, and now it is the Shen Group that is representing. The two are not the same concept.

I have a bold guess.

I also have a bold guess.

Netizens have imagined that the Shen and Lu families are about to marry and form a perfect alliance.

Shen Rong was at a loss for words when he saw the marriage proposal message. He immediately replied, "No."

Lu Ning is his cousin. If people really misunderstand that they have a relationship, it wouldn't matter if his reputation is ruined. But it would be bad if Lu Ning's reputation is ruined.

Lu Ning is now in the rising period of her career. Female celebrities are prone to attracting public attention. If Lu Ning is pushed to the center of public opinion because of him, it would be a case of good intentions turning into bad results.

The netizen who was picked up by Shen Rong was both excited and confused. He was excited because Shen Rong personally replied to him, and he was confused because the two families were not planning to get along

It is obvious that the two of them are a good match in terms of family background, age and appearance.

Suddenly, another idea popped up in his mind. This idea could satisfy the netizens' desire for more than the previous one.

I have a bolder guess.

After seeing this, other netizens asked him to stop keeping the secret.

The netizen replied excitedly, could it be that Lu Ning’s mother was the child who was taken away by mistake that year

When Shen Group stood up for Lu Ning, Lu Ning and other guests and mentors of "Heartbeat Index" were still in Wenquxing Bilingual Kindergarten.

The group of cute little kids just now were surprised, crying and hiccuping, looking cute and pitiful. Several dating guests were in a hurry to comfort them.

Meng Heng and Yao Hanhan were the most patient of the three pairs of guests. Yao Hanhan immediately took out a lollipop and Meng Heng took out a storybook. The two tried their best to attract the attention of the cute little baby. After a while, the cute little baby was tired of crying and finally stopped crying. But she was still twitching, and her eyes were red from crying, like a pitiful little rabbit.

Seeing that she stopped crying, Yao Hanhan quickly handed her a lollipop. The cute little girl finally forgot what had just happened and started giggling happily again while sipping the lollipop.

Children have short memories. In some ways, they are the most carefree. Even if something happens to them, they will quickly forget it.

Nuonuo and Xin Nancheng were not as patient as them, but they tried their best to comfort the crying child, hugging and kissing him. After all this, the child finally stopped crying.

The third group of guests, Zheng Shu and Shen Chuchun, have the worst tempers among all the dating guests.

Zheng Shu hated to see children cry. When he saw a child crying, his head would throb. Seeing that the child kept crying and had no intention of stopping, he stood aside with an impatient look on his face.

What? You said the child is still crying? Who cares if the child cries

As for Shen Chuchun, her temper was even worse than Zheng Shu's. She had a bad temper to begin with, and she thought Lu Ning would be injured to some extent, but in the end Lu Ning was unscathed, which made Shen Chuchun even angrier.

She couldn't help but get angry at the crying child, "Why are you crying? What's there to cry about?"

Shen Chuchun is so fierce. She is really spoiled.

Now she is not a member of the Shen family anymore, why is she still so arrogant

She is used to being arrogant and thinks the whole world has to obey her. She even scolds children. She is really not a human being.

Zheng Shu was not much better than her. They were both the same, and both thought they were the eldest son and the eldest daughter. No wonder they were always in the same team.

The director couldn't help but remind him, "The child is still crying, you two should comfort him more."

Shen Chuchun looked impatient, "Coax? Is he worthy of it?"

The child next to her was crying so hard that she could hardly breathe, and her belly was swelling and swelling. It was so pitiful to see. If her parents were here, they would probably be heartbroken.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room could hardly bear to watch it anymore.

Shen Chuchun was already spoiled, and with so many things happening recently, her mentality collapsed and her temper became even worse.

At this time, Lu Ning couldn't bear it anymore, so he picked up the child and patted his back gently.

Jing Yi went to the kitchen and made a cup of warm milk.

The two of them, one holding the other and coaxing the child, had perfect tacit understanding and soon coaxed the child into submission.

Why do I feel that Professor Lu and Professor Jing have a good CP feeling

Actually, I also...

In fact, I have long noticed that there is something wrong with their aura, so I thought of a CP name for them. Yi (Yi) Lu (Lu) Love You CP Go!

Love you all the way, isn’t this CP name too sweet

Yao Hanhan couldn't help but come over and ask, "Teacher Jing, I feel like you're very capable, so have you ever taken care of a child?"

Jing Yi shook his head, "No." He explained, "Sometimes when we are filming, there are children in the crew. They will learn it after watching it many times."

Will you learn it if you watch it more

Lu Ning once again expressed surprise at Jing Yi's amazing learning speed.

She paused for a moment to show her respect.

At seven o'clock in the evening, "Heartbeat Index" ended a full day of recording.

Yao Hanhan was almost exhausted after taking care of the baby for a whole day.

When she was in the car, she felt completely relaxed. Taking care of a baby is harder than hard labor. It is not easy for the fathers and mothers in the world.

In the afternoon, the child she and Meng Heng were taking care of had diarrhea. They were both novices and looked flustered when changing the diaper.

Fortunately, the diaper was finally changed successfully with the guidance of several other love mentors.

But it’s just a process, so it’s better not to mention it.

Meng Heng's hand even accidentally touched the inside of the diaper, and he later washed his hands for nearly ten minutes.

After comprehensive testing of the three male guests, Meng Heng is the most reliable. The other two look like they are here on vacation and don't look like nannies at all. I don't know if they will change in the future.

But when he thought of Teacher Jing, Yao Hanhan smacked his lips.

Among all the men in "Heartbeat Index", Teacher Jing is the most careful and patient one.

In the future, he will probably become a qualified and super good dad.

His wife is responsible for being beautiful, while he is responsible for taking care of the children and supporting the family.

When Yao Hanhan thought of the scene he imagined, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

When returning to the Heartbeat Hut, Shen Chuchun suddenly called Lu Ning.

"Teacher Lu, let's talk."

Lu Ning stopped and asked, "What do you want to talk about?" Upon hearing this, the other guest mentors also stopped in tacit understanding. A group of people looked at Shen Chuchun who was speaking.

Everyone recording the variety show knew that Shen Chuchun and Lu Ning didn't get along. At one point, Shen Chuchun said that she wanted to talk to Lu Ning alone, and it didn't seem like everything was alright.

Shen Chuchun paused for a moment and said, "Sit on the stool outside first. I'll go to the kitchen and make you a glass of water."

Soak in water

Could Shen Chuchun be so kind

Lu Ning just stood there quietly watching her perform.

Jing Yi frowned slightly, "Teacher Lu, do you need help?"

Lu Ning shook her head. She didn't need help at the moment. She wanted to see what Shen Chuchun wanted to do.

After a while, Shen Chuchun came out with a cup of steaming boiled water.

It can be seen that the cup of boiled water must have just been boiled, otherwise the steam would not be so obvious. Shen Chuchun said it was so hot, and unexpectedly prepared to throw the cup filled with boiling water at Lu Ning.

However, just as Shen Chuchun was about to make a move, her fingers were suddenly burned by the cup. She subconsciously loosened her grip, and the entire cup of boiling water spilled on her calves and feet, with only a small portion of the boiling water flowing onto the ground.

The lethality of a large cup of boiling water is amazing. Shen Chuchun's foot was injured again not long ago. And this time the injury was obviously more serious than the previous one.

She was stunned for a few seconds, then let out an earth-shattering scream.

"My legs, they hurt..."

When the director heard the shrill scream, he hurried out of the living room.

When he saw this scene, he was overwhelmed and said, "Auntie, what did you do again?"

Shen Chuchun was in so much pain that tears came out.

It was freshly boiled water, which she had originally intended to use to deal with Lu Ning, but unexpectedly it all hit her.

Severe burns may lead to disability!

Shen Chuchun's eyes were blurred with tears. She gritted her teeth and said, "Quick, send me to the hospital!"

The director quickly called the driver and asked him to take her to the hospital.

It turned out that this driver was the one who was scolded by Shen Chuchun and told to get out last time. The driver still remembered the humiliation that day, so he refused directly.

There was no other choice, so the director could only choose a staff member with a driver's license to take Shen Chuchun to the hospital.

Shen Chuchun's calf was throbbing with pain, and the pain in her entire calf didn't feel like her own.

She didn't understand why every time she tried to harm Lu Ning, she ended up being the one who got hurt.

After Shen Chuchun was sent to the hospital, the other guest mentors returned to their rooms in silence.

Before going to bed, Lu Ning received a call from Pei Xi.

Of course, Pei Xi was using someone else's phone. His number had long been blocked by Lu Ning.

As soon as the call was connected, Pei Xi's tired voice came clearly into Lu Ning's ears through the microphone, "Ning Ning."

When Lu Ning heard this name, she almost got goose bumps all over her body. She naturally recognized that it was Pei Xi's voice. She hurriedly said, "No, just call me by my full name. What do you want?"

Pei Xi hesitated for a moment on the other end of the phone, then he said in a desperate tone, "Are you familiar with Shen Rong and Shen Fuwang from the Shen Group?"

Lu Ning frowned slightly, "Why are you asking this?"

Seeing that she didn't deny it directly, Pei Xi felt a little hopeful. "Can you introduce them to me? I want to find them for something recently, but..."

Lu Ning interrupted him calmly, "No."

Her refusal was so decisive that Pei Xi was unable to react for a moment.

Pei Xi panted, "You don't need to do too much, you just need to help me introduce someone, I can do the rest myself." Pei Xi still had some confidence. As long as he could get in touch with Mr. Shen Fuwang, the current dilemma would be solved.

Lu Ning's answer remained the same, "No."

Pei Xi was silent for a long time on the other end of the phone. "In the past, no matter what I asked for, you would agree to it. You never rejected me!"

Hearing this, Lu Ning said calmly, "Really?"

"Yes, if you were like this, you would definitely agree to my small request immediately." After saying that, Pei Xi asked, "Lu Ning, what's wrong with you? Why have you become so strange to me?"

Lu Ning's voice became calmer and calmer. "It's a pity that Lu Ning, who once loved you so much, is completely dead."

Dead. No longer in the true sense of the word.

The Lu Ning now is no longer the Lu Ning he is familiar with, nor is she the Lu Ning who loves him so much that she has lost herself.

Hearing this, Pei Xi was shocked, "Lu Ning, you..."

Was this sentence a curse on herself, or did it mean that she had completely let go of the past? Pei Xi had no answer. He only knew that his heart was in turmoil.

Lu Ning didn't give him another chance to speak. She hung up the phone and blocked the number, doing the whole thing in one go.

Where did Pei Xi get the confidence to ask her for help in the introduction

How could she possibly introduce a Zhongshan wolf to her cousin and grandfather? In the original book, the original body's fate was a lesson for her! She couldn't and would never repeat the same mistake!

Although she received a call from Pei Xi before going to bed, which slightly affected Lu Ning's good mood, she still chose to fall asleep that night.

As soon as he fell asleep, Lu Ning found himself in a place similar to a hotel.

The floor was covered with a fluffy red carpet that stretched from the beginning of the corridor to the end of the corridor. The window of the corridor was half open, and cold wind blew in from outside, blowing on Lu Ning.

When the wind blew, Lu Ning shivered subconsciously.

The wind was so cold and biting that in my dreams it was either snowing or it was the dead of winter.

If she guessed correctly, this place should be the top floor of the luxury hotel, which is where the legendary "presidential suite" is located.

She took a quick look and found that there were many rooms here, and each room was closed, so that people could not see what was going on inside.

There were so many rooms that she didn't know which one to go to find Jing Yi. She didn't dare to knock on the door casually. If someone was living in another room and the person living there happened to be inconvenient, wouldn't that be embarrassing

Just when Lu Ning was hesitating, the sound of light footsteps suddenly came from nearby.

The floor was covered with thick red carpet, so it wouldn't make too much noise when you stepped on it. The surroundings were quiet, and Lu Ning would immediately catch the sound of footsteps.

Lu Ning was standing at the end of one side of the corridor. She thought it was Jing Yi who came.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and just as she was about to go upstairs and take a few steps, a figure in cool clothes suddenly appeared in her sight.

However, the girl in scantily clad clothes had her back to her, so she didn't notice her presence.

Lu Ning felt a little curious, so she didn't go upstairs, but stayed where she was and continued to observe silently.

The girl stopped in front of a door.

The wind in this season is definitely not friendly, blowing on people's exposed skin, it feels like a knife cutting. But this girl doesn't seem to feel the cold at all, she is also a typical example of only caring about style and not temperature.

She was only wearing a suspender and hot pants, looking very cool. If Lu Ning had not just felt the wind blowing in from outside, she would have thought that the time point in the dream was summer when she saw the girl's dress.

I saw a girl raised her hand and knocked gently on the door a few times.

After a while, the door in front of her was opened.

As soon as she saw the person in the door, the girl smiled brightly, "Jing Yi, my agent told me you were here, I didn't expect you weren't here."

Jing Yi in the room never expected that after opening the door, he would see someone else instead of his girlfriend.

In reality, this scene actually happened.

At that time, he was filming on the set and stayed in a room arranged by the hotel. That day, it was already very late when he finished work. Soon after he checked into the hotel, someone came to knock on the door.

He thought it was a hotel staff, or at least a crew member of the production crew, so he didn't think much about it and opened the door.

To his great surprise, the person standing outside the door was not a hotel staff member, nor a crew member, but an actress from the same crew.

He could no longer remember the actress's specific name, but the way she was dressed at the time was deeply engraved in his mind.

The temperature was below zero that day.

In such cold weather, an actress dressed in summer clothes came to knock on his door, and her intention was self-evident.

At that time, he naturally sternly rejected the actress's offer of sex and quickly closed the door.

At this moment, a feeling of anxiety rose in his heart.

There was nothing between him and the actress, no matter in the dream or in reality. But if Miaomiao saw this scene, she would definitely think too much.

Thinking of this, Jing Yi immediately prepared to close the door.

However, the actress was relentless.

"Jing Yi, my agent asked me to act with you. You know, my acting is terrible, so I really need to act with you. Otherwise, if I do too many NGs tomorrow, I will definitely be scolded by the director."

Jing Yi said coldly, "If you are not acting right, please leave immediately."

Hearing such cold words suddenly, the actress looked unconvinced, "It won't take up too much of your time."

Jing Yi lowered his eyes and glanced at her. "What kind of play are you acting in if you don't even take the script? Please leave."

The actress thought that no one would reject her, so she didn't prepare a script to be used in her excuse.

After all, the romance within the crew is an unspoken secret between male and female actors, so why would they need to pay attention to the details

However, she never expected that Jing Yi not only rejected her, but also pointed out that she did not bring the script.

Come on, it's not like she's really here to act opposite him!

The actress was about to say a few more words when she saw the door in front of her slammed shut in front of her mercilessly.

The actress knocked on the door a few more times without giving up, but unfortunately the door seemed to be welded shut and would not open again.

Seeing that Jing Yi was so stubborn, the actress could only leave in anger.

After the actress left, Lu Ning slowly took a step forward.

At first, she was still worried about not knowing which room Jing Yi lived in, but she didn't expect the clue to be delivered to her door so quickly. Although the way the clue was delivered was a bit special, it saved her a lot of time.

Lu Ning walked to the position where the actress had just stood.

He raised his hand and knocked gently on the door.

After knocking a few times, there was no movement in the room.

Lu Ning had no choice but to raise his hand and knock again.

After a long while, the door was finally opened.

"Didn't I tell you to leave immediately..." After Jing Yi saw Lu Ning, the voice behind him slowly disappeared.

He pulled Lu Ning over and brought her directly into the presidential suite.

The next second, he closed the door. With a click, the door locked automatically.

In the luxurious and quiet luxury hotel, the air is slowly warming up.

Jing Yi lowered his eyes and looked at his girlfriend in front of him, and smiled gently. His cool voice was like the temptation of a devil, and it seemed to carry some deep hint.

A sexy and elegant voice sounded in her ears, "It's getting late and the dew is heavy. I wonder what time my girlfriend will come to see me. What's the matter?"