Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 65: The sixty-fifth day of love


Lu Ning’s purpose for entering a dream each time is actually very clear: to increase intimacy and gain merit.

However, after hearing Jing Yi's words, she realized that the time and place of this dream were indeed too ambiguous.

Judging from the behavior of the actress just now, the temperature is almost zero, even if it has not passed zero.

What do most people do during this time

Most people should be asleep. Some of those who are not asleep may be busy working, watching short videos, or having a pleasant nightlife.

Seeing that she hadn't answered yet, Jing Yi leaned closer and urged her gently, "Hmm?"

If she ignored his slightly hot ears and neck, Lu Ning would have thought that he had really been completely reborn.

The temperature in the room rose slightly.

This is the presidential suite that the crew specially prepared for Jing Yi. I don’t know what the crew’s staff were thinking, but the suite has everything you need, both useful and unused.

The dim and ambiguous light illuminates every corner of the room. In the center of the room is a king-size bed covered with roses, and under the bed are also various fresh petals.

In the dead of night, something seemed to be clamoring to break out of the ground.

Lu Ning was not panicked at all. Not to mention that Jing Yi was definitely more nervous than her, just because this was a dream, she had no psychological burden. Once she woke up, everything in the dream would not appear in reality.

Jing Yi coughed lightly, "Such a beautiful scene..."

Lu Ning raised his eyes and looked at Jing Yi in surprise.

Beautiful scenery? What will he say next

Generally speaking, when seeing a beautiful scene, people would say don't waste it. Could it be that Jing Yi would say the same

Hearing Jing Yi's tense voice, with a hint of nervousness audible to the naked ear, "Why don't we sleep together for a while?"

This? This

Lu Ning didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She thought Jing Yi would say something, but she didn't expect him to say this. But considering his personality, saying this must be a big breakthrough for him.

Lu Ning acted calmly and said, "Okay."

As a human being, you can take a break occasionally. Why stand when you can lie down

Before lying down, Lu Ning thought she would be as calm as water. After all, she had a dream before in which she and Jing Yi were lying together.

It was that time when Jing Yi got drunk. When drunk, he was very cute and well-behaved. He lay quietly in bed most of the time.

But after lying down, Lu Ning realized that she was wrong. Her heart was not as calm as she had imagined at first.

This time was different from the last time. This time, Jing Yi was not drunk, and he knew exactly what he was doing.

It was the first time she slept in the same bed with Jing Yi.

The crew members did their job well. In order to let Jing Yi have a good night, they even sprayed perfume on the bed. The scent of rose petals was not unpleasant, but rather very special. Most couples' suites were not as well done as this.

The bed in the presidential suite was naturally very soft. Not long after she lay down on it, she was embraced in a warm embrace.

The refreshing scent of Jing Yi, coupled with the fragrance of roses in the room, combined to form a unique smell.

This is what it feels like to lie down with your boyfriend.

Lu Ning blinked, feeling somewhat curious, "Are you going to do something bad?"

After a few seconds, she heard that familiar cool voice above her head, which sounded a little muffled, "You didn't do anything bad."


"The dream time is too short." Does the short time imply that it is not enough

Lu Ning:

Excuse me, what bad thing do you do that takes so long

Lu Ning didn't say anything else. She found a comfortable position in Jing Yi's arms, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Lu Ning spent half a day in the kindergarten taking care of her friends in the afternoon and was really tired. Although the dating guests took care of their friends most of the time, when the dating guests encountered difficulties, they needed the dating mentor to help. Speaking of which, the mentors had a hard time in the afternoon.

It’s not mainly physical fatigue, but mental fatigue.

Children cry easily, and at this time, you need a lot of patience and time to make them happy. However, some of my friends have a stubborn temper, and the more you comfort them, the more they cry.

In addition, some friends were frightened in the afternoon, so several guests and mentors put more energy into taking care of them.

After a busy day, Lu Ning was so tired that she didn't want to talk anymore. She just wanted to have a good rest.

"Go to sleep."

A gentle voice sounded in her ears, and she fell asleep without any burden.

When Lu Ning woke up the next day, she couldn't tell the difference between reality and dreams. There was nothing she could do because every dream seemed too real, so real that it seemed as if she had truly participated in Jing Yi's life at that stage.

In her dream, she slept comfortably in Jing Yi's arms.

After waking up, she subconsciously looked to the side.

No. There was only empty air beside her, no Jing Yi.

At first, Lu Ning thought that dreams were dreams and reality was reality. However, with so many dreams, how could it be possible that reality would not be affected at all

At this time, the Merit System's excited voice sounded, "The single intimacy has still increased by 101 levels! The intimacy between you and the boss has exceeded lv999, which has reached the maximum level, and has reached the standard for the portable space to be destroyed!"

Lu Ning nodded, "So, the portable space has been destroyed?"

The merit system was a little uncertain, "It should be! But I need to see Shen Chuchun to confirm the details."

After such a long time together, Lu Ning probably has some understanding of the merit system. Like her, a novice host, it is probably also a new system and has little experience.

Thinking of this, Lu Ning didn't ask any more questions. She got up, washed, and then went downstairs.

When she went downstairs, Shen Chuchun was still receiving treatment for burns in the hospital.

Shen Chuchun's burns were not serious this time, and she might need to undergo plastic surgery on her legs. Without seeing Shen Chuchun, she was not sure whether her portable space had been completely destroyed.

But Lu Ning wasn't that worried.

In her opinion, even if the portable space was not completely destroyed, its fate had already run out and it would not be able to make any big changes.

After breakfast in the morning, the director mentioned the interview that I had mentioned before.

"I've mentioned before that the live streaming platform invites you to attend their third anniversary offline event and accept a brief interview. The time is tomorrow." After saying that, the director looked at Lu Ning on the side, "Lu, the platform asked if you can show your face. They mean that it's best to show your face."

I haven’t seen our teacher Lu for a long time, and I miss him very much.

Teacher Lu, please show your face soon!

We don't mind your ordinary looks! After all, Mr. Lu has an interesting soul that is unique in the world, and this is a priceless treasure.

Lu Ning said vaguely, "We'll talk about it when the time comes."

There are only two days left for the recording of "Heartbeat Index". After the recording of this love variety show is over, she may become a backstage actress or go back to take over her family's company. After retiring, even if she shows up, it should not cause much waves.

According to Lu Ning, it would be best if he showed up after "Heartbeat Index" was over.

The Internet has a short memory. Once the popularity of "Heartbeat Index" has passed, and she won't have any new works coming out, she will probably be forgotten by the public soon.

Then she can start a new life.

After the interview, it was soon the turn of today's love interaction session. The director smiled and began to stir up emotions, "As everyone knows, today is the penultimate day of the program recording. As it is drawing to a close, you must have a lot to say to him/her. Today, the program team will give you this opportunity. You can say whatever you want to say. If you miss it, you won't have such a good opportunity next time. Don't leave yourself with regrets."

The first couple to start were Meng Heng and Yao Hanhan.

The two stood facing each other, with a vast sea of romantic roses behind them.

Yao Hanhan smiled and said, "I didn't expect it would be so fast. We have spent 21 happy days together. When I first saw you, I thought you were unreliable, but after spending so much time with you, your image in my heart has become higher and higher. When we were taking care of the children together yesterday, you were also very patient and positive. I hope we can have more opportunities to get to know each other in the future."

The smile on Meng Heng's face became more obvious. "I believe there will be another twenty-one days between us, and the next twenty-one days, and countless twenty-one days."

Is this a success

Woohoo, it feels like "Heartbeat Index" is really about to end, and the guests have started to express their love to each other.

Yao Meng CP, go for it!

After Yao Hanhan and Meng Heng finished what they wanted to say, it was Nuonuo and Xin Nancheng's turn.

The first to speak was Xin Nancheng.

"Although this trip back to China was short, it was special to me. Here, I left many deep memories and met many new friends, including Nuonuo. I cherish this friendship very much and hope that our friendship will last forever."

She nodded softly, "What Xin Nancheng said is exactly what I want to say. Here, I have grown, experienced many things that I have never experienced before, and also got the sharing of life experience from Teacher Lu. This experience is rare and precious, and I will treasure this experience in my heart."

Well, this couple is totally fucked.

It was very obvious before that the relationship between the two was purely business.

But before it was made clear, they still had the possibility of a happy ending, but now it is completely impossible. Xin Nancheng is also very cruel, directly talking about friends and friendship. He is worthy of being the King of the Sea, and he is never easily moved.

Although Shen Chuchun was not there, the director still let Zheng Shu say a few words.

Zheng Shu seemed to be in low spirits. "When I first came to the Heartbeat Room, I thought thirty days was a long time. I didn't expect that today is already the twenty-ninth day since I came to the Heartbeat Room.

I participated in "Heartbeat Index" with the purpose of finding a girlfriend, but unfortunately I didn't have enough luck with the female guests and failed to successfully hold hands with any of them. However, this experience was interesting enough, and this trip was worth it. "

Okay, this pair is also be (badending).

Three pairs, no, actually it should be four pairs of guests, and among the four pairs there was one pair with a happy ending.

In fact, I really hope they can be together. After all, neither of them is a good person. They are a perfect match! So they don't have to harm others.

Just as Zheng Shu finished speaking, a noisy sound came from the door of his room.

The staff's shouts mixed with the exclamations of others.

The director suddenly became nervous. Could it be another anti-fan? Their "Heartbeat Index" really had a bad fate.

If there was another one, his fragile heart wouldn't be able to take it.

The noisy sounds outside were getting closer and closer, and it was obvious that the troublemakers were about to pass by.

"Is Lu Ning in there? Get out of the way!"

The sound was not quiet and was heard by several dating guests and mentors present.

Lu Ning frowned slightly when she heard this voice. She didn't remember hearing this voice before.

After a while, a weak middle-aged woman came in. She was pale and looked not in good health, but she was full of energy. Behind her was Shen Chuchun, who was sitting in a wheelchair.

As soon as she saw Shen Chuchun, Lu Ning immediately knew the identity of this middle-aged woman—Shen Chuchun's mother, and the person who had taken away her mother's decades of life.

"Lu Ning, that person wearing a mask is you, right?"

Lu Ning nodded, "It's me, what's the matter?"

The middle-aged woman coughed violently a few times. "My daughter's legs will be affected for the rest of her life. Why are you hurting her like this?"

When Lu Ning heard this, she found it unbelievable. Shen Chuchun wanted to harm her, but ended up harming herself, and her mother thought she was the one who harmed Shen Chuchun. Is this the opposite of reality? She didn't expect it to happen in front of her.

Jing Yi frowned and said, "Your daughter's leg injury is her own problem. What does it have to do with Teacher Lu?"

The middle-aged woman looked at the two of them with hatred, "My daughter said that her leg injury was caused by Lu Ning! You caused my daughter to have a lifelong scar on her leg, you will not die a good death!"

This is a very vicious curse.

The faces of the people present were not looking good.

Lu Ning acted very calmly, "You robbed another woman of her life. The tragedy of her life all stemmed from your mother. I don't believe you didn't know about it all these years. If there is anyone who deserves a miserable death, it's obviously you."

Upon hearing this, Shen's mother, who was already in poor health, showed deep hatred on her face. Patients like her were the most particular about this kind of thing. Lu Ning cursed her to die a bad death, which was like a thorn in her heart, making her extremely uncomfortable.

Lu Ning was not being so mean on purpose. It was just that Shen Rong had found out more things recently.

Shen's mother and her two younger sisters all have a genetic disease. This disease is more likely to be passed on to girls than boys, and the onset time is uncertain, it may occur very early or very late.

After giving birth to her eldest daughter, Shen's mother began to think about exchanging her daughter with another family. Everyone in the family was in poor health, so wouldn't they need someone to take care of them? She didn't know when her daughter would get sick, so if she found a healthy baby, wouldn't she be a free babysitter when she grew up

Not only does hiring a nanny outside cost money, but it may not be comfortable to work with you.

So she exchanged her own daughter with Shen Fuwang's daughter.

Mother Lu has had to take care of the daily life of the whole family since she was very young. She has been responsible for the family's three meals a day since she was four years old. She has shouldered a lot of responsibilities at such a young age.

Since she was not her own daughter, Shen Chuchun's grandmother naturally had no feelings for her and ordered her around without mercy, making her do all the dirty and tiring work. However, as an adult, she would not allow herself to be tired at all.

Because of the hardships she had suffered since childhood and long-term malnutrition, Lu Ning's biological mother was not in good health. After giving birth to Lu Ning, her body became weaker and weaker, and she passed away early.

It can be said that Mother Lu could have had a happy life, but it was all destroyed by the selfishness of Grandma Shen Chuchun! Even when she left, she didn't know that she had been working like a slave for her enemy.

She has been kept in the dark all her life!

Lu Ning looked at the frail middle-aged woman in front of him and said calmly, "Those who do evil will be punished sooner or later."

In fact, retribution has already come.

Shen Chuchun's grandmother died of illness a long time ago. She wanted to have a son, but in the end, she didn't have a son, but three daughters.

As for Shen Chuchun's mother, she inherited a family disease and now her health is beginning to deteriorate.

Thinking of this, Lu Ning looked at Shen Chuchun who was standing beside him. Shen Chuchun was also a girl, and she probably inherited the family disease.

Lu Ning asked in his heart, "Has Shen Chuchun's personal space been destroyed?"

The Merit System's excited voice sounded, "Destroyed!" However, there is a kind of energy overflowing, which may have an impact on ordinary people.

"What impact? Is it a big impact?"

The impact is not big. It will be fine after entering the dream once or twice.


Lu Ning had just finished communicating with the Merit System when Shen Chuchun's mother suddenly jumped up and grabbed her.

"What retribution? There will be no retribution for me! There will absolutely be no retribution for me!"

Lu Ning dodged while questioning, "Can you honestly say that you knew nothing about your mother swapping two babies?"

Shen Chuchun's grandmother had lived in poverty all her life. Seeing her own daughter living so well, how could she not take the initiative to contact her? Especially at the last stage of her life, when she urgently needed money for hospitalization.

Shen Rong found out that during that period, Shen Chuchun's grandmother received the best treatment in the country.

She is so poor, how could she afford such a high fee

‌It may be that Shen’s mother gave her this money.

Lu Ning and Shen Rong both guessed that Shen Chuchun's mother had known for a long time that she was no longer a member of the Shen family, but she had kept the news a secret. If her genetic disease had not started to flare up this time, they might have been deceived by her all their lives.

Mother Shen felt more and more resentful, and at this moment, she wanted to grab Hua Luning's face.

Nothing will happen to her. She is so rich and has so many things to do. How can anything happen to her?! She has lived a good life for so many years, and she will continue to live a good life like this!

Just when Shen's mother was about to risk everything to deal with Lu Ning, she saw something that looked like a fishing net covering her entire head.

Lu Ning subconsciously looked over there.

Seeing Jing Yi holding a fishing net in his hand, he controlled Shen's mother expressionlessly. He had a cold temperament, and he would not look vulgar even if he was holding a fishing net in his hand.

It was the fishing net that surprised Lu Ning.

If she remembered correctly, the urban management officers used this kind of net to catch dogs that could not be leashed.

In a certain video, the police seemed to be using a similar net to control unruly people.

Because Shen's mother had a hood over her head, the staff quickly subdued her.

For a moment, some were calling the police, some were crying, some were screaming, and the scene was in chaos.

The one who was crying was Shen's mother, and the one who was screaming was naturally Shen Chuchun.

But no one paid any attention to them.

At this time, Jing Yi slowly walked to Lu Ning's side, "Teacher Lu, are you okay?"

Lu Ning raised her eyes to look at Jing Yi's concerned expression, and an impulse inexplicably rose in her heart. This impulse came suddenly, but she couldn't ignore it.

The portable space has been destroyed, the male and female protagonists have received their due end, and she should have completely rewritten the fate of the cannon fodder female supporting role.

There was no other threat to her life.

Her destiny is in her own hands.

Thinking of all this, Lu Ning wanted to follow his heart and decided to self-destruct.

"Actually, I am Lu Ning, also Miao Miao."

Jing Yi:!!!