Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 66: The sixty-sixth day of love


The two had been in a delicate state of "I know you know me, I know you know me, I know you know I know me". They both knew in their hearts that the other knew that he was the one in their dreams, but neither of them broke the paper first, and they were both waiting for a more suitable opportunity.

After Lu Ning finished speaking, he raised his eyes and looked at Jing Yi quietly.

Jing Yi didn't expect that Lu Ning would choose to reveal his identity at this time. This was a sudden surprise for him.

A smile spread across his eyes, and he was about to say something when Lu Ning slowly extended his hand to him, saying with a smile, "Hello, friend."

Jing Yi understood immediately. Lu Ning acknowledged her identity, but she did not intend to directly translate their relationship in the dream into reality.

They are still lovers, but it is still only in dreams.

But Jing Yi soon let it go. In reality, the two of them didn't have much contact, let alone a serious confession, not even a casual confession.

She called him friend and seemed to have no problem with it.

Jing Yi stretched out his hand and quickly shook Lu Ning's hand gently.

This was not their first handshake. When he first arrived at the Heartbeat House, he had a brief handshake with Lu Ning, but this time, there was a little difference from the first handshake. If you want to know what was different, it was probably that the two of them were much more familiar and closer than they were then.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt that they could hardly eat enough of the melon.

Why did Teacher Lu and Teacher Jing suddenly shake hands? Was it because Teacher Jing had just subdued Shen Wan with a fishing net

I have to say, Teacher Jing was really handsome just now! The movements of throwing the fishing net were crisp and neat.

Teacher Lu seems to know a lot about the wrong child incident! Could it be that the truth was really guessed by a certain netizen

Isn't Shen Wan a rich lady? She's throwing tantrums and making no sense at all. Is she a rich lady

How could a family that could do such a thing as swapping children be a good family? Facts have proved that even if Shen Wan received the best education since childhood, the bad nature that was naturally brought to her bones could not be changed.

Shen Rong soon found out about this huge farce. He rushed over immediately and took Shen Wan and Shen Chuchun away.

Because the matter had not been completely resolved, the cousins Lu Ning and Shen Rong did not have much time to talk. They just greeted each other hurriedly.

This scene caught the eyes of the spectators and immediately led to a lot of speculation.

Shen Rong and Lu Ning didn't seem to be too close, and they didn't even talk much.

The possibility of a marriage has been denied by one of the parties involved, Shen Rong. Could it be that the two are truly in love

I am still more inclined to believe that they are cousins and am waiting for an official announcement.

Although the arrival of Shen Chuchun and Shen Wanxing destroyed the warm and happy atmosphere on the scene, the director had no intention of changing the subsequent love segment.

After dinner, the guests and mentors of "Heartbeat Index" got into a spacious nanny car. The nanny car was spacious enough, and with one less guest, it seemed even more spacious and comfortable.

The nanny car has a clear destination and drives in a certain direction.

Yao Hanhan joked, "Director, you didn't even tell us we were going to do it now, you're not going to sell us out, are you?"

After spending so many days together, the director and the others had already become close friends. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "How dare I sell you out? Even if I dare to sell you out, no one would dare to buy you out, right?"

Nuonuo nodded seriously and said, "That's true. Who would dare to accept our teacher Lu? Teacher Lu is good at verbal violence and has maximum combat power." Nuonuo has become much more active in recent days. She sometimes throws in some jokes and occasionally makes fun of Lu Ning.

When the others heard this, they all laughed out loud.

Seeing that it was getting dark outside and they hadn't reached their destination yet, Meng Heng crossed his arms and guessed, "I feel like the production team has used a big trick."

The director did not deny it. He said with emotion, "Isn't this the second to last day of the variety show recording? I have to leave some good memories for you, the audience, and the big family of "Heartbeat Index"?"

Nuonuo's face was full of anticipation, "Is it a big surprise?" The director had said before that the program crew had prepared a surprise for them, but at that time this surprise was equivalent to a blank check and no one was looking forward to it.

Now that they saw the program crew had made such a big fuss, they couldn't help but feel a little excited.

The director chuckled and said nothing more.

While a few people were chatting and laughing, the nanny car finally stopped in front of a brightly lit store.

As soon as the car stopped, several dating guests in the car hurried to the window, each vying to look outside.

As soon as they saw what kind of store this was, Yao Hanhan and Nuonuo both exclaimed subconsciously.

“It’s actually a bridal shop!”

"There are so many beautiful wedding dresses here!"

The director laughed and said, "Get ready to get off the car. This is the gift from the production team to you. Tonight, the entire show will be paid for by the production team."

After saying that, the director thought about the situation of the guests who were in love, and said with a smile, "Guests with couples can take wedding photos together, and guests without couples can take individual wedding photos." Nowadays, many people take individual wedding photos. To some extent, individual wedding photos are similar to artistic photos.


Most of the dating guests who participated in "Heartbeat Index" are arrogant and narcissistic. The program team provided them with such a good opportunity to take wedding photos, how could they miss it

Yao Hanhan and Nuonuo got out of the nanny car first. They were very excited and rushed to the bridal shop screaming.

Next came Meng Heng, Xin Nancheng, and Zheng Shu.

The love coach was the last to get off the bus. Su Xiaoxiao looked at the brightly lit bridal shop in front of her with envy, "It's so beautiful."

This bridal shop uses a full glass design, and the structure inside can be clearly seen from the outside. Near the door, the shop's treasures are placed - two extremely beautiful wedding dresses. These two treasures are not for sale, but only for appreciation.

Shi Lun called Su Xiaoxiao, "Let's go in and take a look."

After Su Xiaoxiao and Shi Lun entered, Jing Yi politely made a "please" gesture to Lu Ning, "Teacher Lu, please."

When Lu Ning arrived at the store, Yao Hanhan had already picked out a white wedding dress.

The staff member next to her was about to take her to the dressing room to change into her wedding dress. Before going in, she reminded Meng Heng, "Hurry up and pick a suit. Remember to pick something nice. Oh, and match it with me."

Meng Heng smiled and said, "Okay, got it." Meng Heng quickly picked out a blue striped suit.

The white wedding dress and the blue striped suit should be considered a good match.

Su Xiaoxiao has temporarily chosen a gradient blue wedding dress. There are so many beautiful wedding dresses out there, and she likes the others, so she prepares them one by one.

When several dating guests were busy choosing wedding dresses and suits, a few uninvited guests suddenly came to the door.

A few young men came.

However, this group of people was obviously centered around the man standing in the front. The man greeted Jing Yi and said, "Cousin, long time no see."

Jing Yi raised his eyes and after seeing the face of the person in front of him, a hint of surprise flashed across his eyes, "Bo Jin?"

The man called Bo Jin nodded, smiling, "It's me."

Jing Yi frowned slightly. After not seeing him for a few months, his cousin who had always been idle seemed to have changed drastically.

Not only did he look much more handsome, but his aura also became stronger. If he hadn't heard the other person's voice hadn't changed, he would have almost thought that the man in front of him was a substitute for his cousin.

Bo Jin used to be a typical second-generation rich kid, with a few pimples on his face. He wasn't ugly, but he definitely wasn't good-looking either. He had a bit of a lazy vibe about him, neither high nor low, and he took a sinecure at his family's company, playing games every day.

Now, Bo Jin's facial features have become much more three-dimensional, his eyes are bright, and when the corners of his lips are slightly raised, he inexplicably has a somewhat evil and charming feeling.

Jing Yi just felt that the person in front of him was extremely unfamiliar.

Bo Jin was a resident of the old house, and he was the one who locked him in a room with a fierce dog when he was a child.

Because of that incident when they were kids, Bo Jin had been behaving himself in front of him in recent years. Unexpectedly, after not seeing him for a while, he had become a lot tougher.

Could it be that something happened in the meantime that he overlooked

Bo Jin walked in slowly from the door, his hands lightly passing over each wedding dress. He looked at Jing Yi and asked frivolously, "Which one do you like, cousin? I'll give it to you."

Is this guy the cousin of Teacher Jing? His tone of voice really deserves a beating.

He's obviously not good at talking, but I'm somehow attracted to him? Something's wrong with me. Why am I becoming more and more obsessed with looks

It's normal to be attracted by looks, he is really handsome!

Because of Bo Jin's high-profile behavior that almost attracted hatred, almost everyone in the bridal shop focused their attention on him. And he obviously liked the feeling of being noticed.

When Lu Ning was secretly observing him, the Merit System suddenly spoke, detecting the energy scattered from the portable space.

Lu Ning:

The merit system did say before that after the portable space was destroyed, some energy was scattered, but the impact was not great. After she entered the dream a few more times, this matter could be completely resolved.

The Merit System said it was not a big problem, so Lu Ning thought it was really not a big problem. But then he met someone randomly and found that he had the energy of a portable space

“What are the specific impacts?”

The specific impact is that he will be affected by the energy and become more handsome, and develop a blind self-confidence, making it easier for girls to like him.

After hearing this explanation, Lu Ning didn't know what to say.

It is indeed a golden finger that plunders other people's fortunes and makes people more beautiful. Even after being destroyed, the energy it radiates can only make people more handsome or beautiful, and it has no other greater use.

For most people, this golden finger is like chicken ribs.

However, no matter whether it is Shen Chuchun, Mu Baozhu, or the Bo Jin in front of him, they are obviously not ordinary people.

"It makes people have a kind of blind self-confidence." In other words, doesn't this person have any idea about himself

No wonder Bo Jin looked so arrogant and was not polite at all when facing Jing Yi. It turned out that he had no idea who he was.

Jing Yi said calmly, "No need."

Bo Jin shrugged. "Really? Don't be polite to your cousin. It's just a wedding dress and a suit. Your cousin can still afford these little things."

Jing Yi ignored him.

Bo Jin didn't care. He took the initiative to walk in front of the camera and greeted the hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room.

He waved at the camera with a pretentious smile on his face, "Hello, everyone. I'm Bo Jin. Bo means Bo in mint, and Jin means Jin in Southern and Northern Wei and Jin. I'm Jing Yi's cousin."

The audience in the live broadcast room were very enthusiastic.

Bo Jin has a portable space scattering energy, this energy is equivalent to adding a "charming buff" to him. Before adding this buff, he was just an ordinary man, so ordinary, but always very confident. After adding such a buff, his tail is almost up to the sky.

Ah, Bo Jin, is it? Nice name, and he is so handsome!

Woohoo, I love this new little brother.

It’s a pity that "Heartbeat Index" is about to end, otherwise it would be very suitable for the little brother to participate in a dating variety show.

Bo Bo can play the role of a domineering president. I feel you are very suitable for this role.

Seeing the comment at the end asking him to film a domineering CEO, Bo Jin responded, "Really? I do intend to enter the entertainment industry recently." After saying that, Bo Jin looked at Jing Yi provocatively.

Jingyi has been a good student, well-behaved and sensible since he was young. He has always been the child of other people's families. As Jingyi's cousin, he is naturally always compared with others.

It was okay once or twice, but after too many times, Bo Jin became impatient.

In addition, he was always outdone by Jing Yi, and Bo Jin gradually became furious.

Seeing Jing Yi doing better and better in the entertainment industry, winning more and more awards and making more and more money, while he was still unknown and living an ordinary second-generation rich life, his heart became more and more unbalanced.

However, he found that things had taken a turn for the better.

When he woke up this morning, he found that he had become more handsome. He was not just handsome, but he looked like a completely different person. His skin, facial features, and temperament had all improved significantly.

Although I don't know why this change happened, it's always a good thing to become more handsome. It's said that girls change a lot when they grow up, but who says that boys don't change a lot when they grow up? He did too, but it was a little late.

After Bo Jin became handsome, he immediately locked Jing Yi's position through the "Heartbeat Index" and was the first to show off. After being suppressed by Jing Yi for so many years, he finally turned the tables. Shouldn't he seize the time to rub Jing Yi's limelight

Whatever Jing Yi can do, he can do too.

If Jing Yi can become the best actor, he can definitely do it now.

When the dating guests had chosen their wedding dresses and were preparing to take wedding photos, Bo Jin had been interacting with the audience in the live broadcast room.

"What? I don't have a girlfriend. I'm still young."

"Well, I've always been single and never been in a relationship. After all, in my heart, career is the most important thing."

"Yeah, my love history is very simple, just like Jing Yi's."

"It would be great if everyone could like me."

These words are full of lies, and Bo Jin can only deceive the audience who are influenced by the "heartthrob buff". Some audiences are simple-minded and young, and such groups are easily influenced by the buff.

The older you are and the more experienced you are, the less likely you are to be influenced.

Lu Ning is not very old, but she has rich experience, so she was not affected at all.

She didn't want to say anything at first. After all, he was Jing Yi's cousin. She didn't know the specific relationship between the two, so she didn't say anything for the time being. Sometimes, relatives involve many aspects.

Until Bo Jin said lightly, "Let me tell you a little secret, our actor Da is super afraid of dogs!"

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed great doubts about this matter.

My brother is afraid of dogs

Puppies are so cute, why is my brother afraid of them

My brother is afraid of dogs? He never showed this before.

I don't believe it. Why do you say that

Bo Jin explained lightly, "Because when he was a child, he was almost bitten by a pit bull. After that, he became very timid and didn't dare to get too close to dogs." Did you hear that? The man you have liked for so many years is a coward who doesn't even dare to get close to a dog!

When Lu Ning heard the word "pitbull", his expression changed instantly.

She looked carefully at Bo Jin in front of her.

His appearance was greatly enhanced by the energy scattered from the portable space, and he could be described as handsome.

There weren't many traces of his childhood on his face, but just based on what he said, Lu Ning knew that he must be one of the two boys who did bad things when they were young.

When he was a kid, he did something bad and almost got an innocent kid bitten. So many years have passed, and he still dares to talk about this incident out loud

Who gave him the courage

Lu Ning probably had some understanding of Jing Yi's personality. She knew that he was not good at quarreling with others. His upbringing, identity, and status did not allow him to argue with others in public.

It was inconvenient for him, but it was convenient for her.

Thinking of this, Teacher Lu spoke expressionlessly.

"You like to act young? It's a pity that you don't look young at all. I guess you are almost 10. At this age, and you look like a scumbag, you said you have never been in a relationship, is that possible?"

"Is career the most important thing to you? Then tell me what career you have now?"

"Drinking business? Picking up girls business?"

Because of Lu Ning's real and straightforward remarks, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but laugh.

Familiar feeling, familiar pleasure.

Teacher Lu always hits the nail on the head!

My brother is already 27 years old. He is his brother's cousin, at most the same age as his brother. How dare he say that he is young

This person really likes to pretend to be young.

Bo Jin looked very unhappy. "Teacher Lu, what do you mean?"

Lu Ning's expression was calm. "It's nothing. I just don't want to see innocent girls being deceived by your illusions."

Woohoo, some scumbags really like to lie to others! There are many sisters who have been deceived.

If Mr. Lu hadn't said that, I would have almost been fooled by him and thought he was really simple-minded.

Bo Jin took a deep breath and said, "Teacher Lu, what grounds do you have to say that I am a scumbag?"

Lu Ning glanced at him indifferently.

Her eyes were cold, and being stared at like this would really put a lot of pressure on people. Just when Bo Jindu was about to break out in a cold sweat, Lu Ning took a step forward unexpectedly and pulled the collar of his short-sleeved shirt down a little.

As soon as he pulled it down, the strawberry mark on his chest instantly appeared in front of countless viewers in the live broadcast room.

Such fresh and dense strawberry marks can tell at a glance what a crazy night he had yesterday.

Ah, what a scumbag! You call this never having been in a relationship

Well, maybe he thinks that just having sex without talking about love is the same as never having been in love.

After the sister upstairs said this, he seems to have become even more of a scumbag.

Lu Ning actually discovered this strawberry mark by accident.

When Bo Jin made some movement before, his collar moved slightly downwards. She had sharp eyes and noticed it immediately.

I have to say, these strawberry marks are extremely dense.

You can tell at first glance that this is a playboy.

When Bo Jin saw that his strawberry marks were exposed, he took a step back and explained, "It's just that my skin is a little allergic recently."

Seeing his mental quality, Lu Ning couldn't help but applaud him. However, although Lu Ning's action looked like applause, it was obviously mocking.

"Then your skin allergy is quite unique."

Seeing that he had not had a good start today, Bo Jin coughed lightly and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." After that, he left with his group of brothers in a mighty manner.

After Bo Jin left, several dating guests quickly forgot about him and took beautiful wedding photos one by one.

There are wedding photos and individual photos.

After taking pictures, the group returned to the Heartbeat Hut.

When Lu Ning was about to go back to her room, Jing Yi stopped her.

He looked at her, wanting to say something but stopping himself several times. Just when Lu Ning thought he was going to say something, he still said nothing.

Finally, Jing Yi just said, "Teacher Lu, good night."

"Good night."

After returning to her room, Lu Ning sighed softly. She guessed that Jing Yi might want to thank her, but she had said in her dream before that friends don't need to say thank you too much. For her, today's matter was just a piece of cake.

Thinking of this, she washed up and lay down on the bed again.

Tonight, she was still ready to fall asleep.

If the energy scattered by the portable space is not completely dissipated between heaven and earth, who knows how many people will lose their sense of their own weight.

Even if someone has a good temper and doesn't like to show off, if they suddenly become good-looking now, they will feel a clear sense of loss if they change back in the future. If they have never obtained it, it is not a big deal. The fear is that after obtaining it, they will return to the same state.

This will make people even more frustrated.

Therefore, we still have to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

When she fell asleep that night, Lu Ning was surprised to find herself in a noisy and brightly lit bar, with colorful lights spinning arrogantly everywhere.

The music in the bar was blasting, and the dance floor was full of men and women dancing enthusiastically. The scene looked particularly passionate and hot as they danced.

Lu Ning couldn't help but feel a little curious. In such an occasion, it seemed a bit inappropriate to be with Jing Yi.

Could it be that her dream lover also had a time when he was young and frivolous

Thinking of this, Lu Ning felt a little curious.

She was just about to look for Jing Yi among the crowd when an impatient voice suddenly came from not far away from her, "Hey, I'm calling you. Why are you in a daze? Why don't you fill my glass of wine?"

These words rumbled in Lu Ning's heart like thunder.

This sentence was so familiar to Lu Ning that she would never forget it in her life.

When she was working in a bar to earn money in college, someone mistook her, a resident singer, for a bartender. Not only did they ask her to help pour drinks, they also asked her to sit next to them and drink with them!

So, this time she didn't enter Jing Yi's dream, but her own dream