Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 69: The sixty-ninth day of love


Pei Xi's first reaction when she heard this was that it was impossible. Lu Ning was Shen Fuwang's granddaughter? How could it be possible

He and Lu Ning grew up together. Her mother passed away when she was very young. In his memory, there was only a vague shadow of Lu's mother. He didn't have a deep impression of Lu's mother. He only remembered that she was not in good health, had a bad relationship with her family, and had little contact with her family after marriage.

Pei Xi calmed down and asked, "Did they say Shen Fuwang will welcome his daughter and granddaughter back tomorrow?"

The secretary said confidently, "Yes. That's what people say outside."

Lu's mother had been dead for so many years, how could Shen Fuwang welcome her back? Therefore, Shen Fuwang's granddaughter could not be Lu Ning!

Pei Xi had been denying it in his heart. It didn't make sense that he was disabled and his life was getting worse, but after Lu Ning stopped chasing him, his life was getting better.

His face was filled with anger. "There are so many true and false news out there. How can you not distinguish them?"


People in the industry said it with great confidence. Out of rigor, he did not use an affirmative tone just now, but only used the word "seems". Unexpectedly, even with such rigor, he would still be criticized by his boss.

Pei Xi had a gloomy face. "Tomorrow is my only chance. Take me to his home at three in the afternoon."

Tomorrow is the big day for the Shen family. At least one of the two male owners of the Shen family, Shen Fuwang and Shen Rong, will be outside to welcome guests. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he just happened to be able to block someone.

The secretary nodded respectfully and said, "Okay, Mr. Pei."

After Lu Ning went downstairs, he quickly reunited with the other tutors.

The other dating guests soon appeared in the Heartbeat House with suitcases in their hands.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Ning subconsciously thought of the scenes when he graduated from college. At that time, the dormitory became empty little by little, and the roommates left the dormitory one by one, pushing their suitcases. They said "bye" in their mouths, and then everyone went back to their hometowns, and it was really goodbye.

Before she traveled through the book, they were busy starting new lives and never met again.

After today's farewell, she may not have any more opportunities to meet this group of ordinary people in the future.

The director smiled and said, "All good things must come to an end. After today, the first season of Heartbeat Index will be officially finished."

Yao Hanhan and Nuonuo both showed expressions of sadness and reluctance on their faces.

The director applauded and said, "I wish you all a bright future, and may you all do better in your respective circles!"

The guests and mentors also applauded.

“The future will definitely get better and better!”

"Let's get together more often if we have the chance."

"Teacher Lu, please don't forget about us right away!"

The emotional audience in the live broadcast room almost burst into tears after hearing these farewell words.

But they knew very well that, just as the director said, all good things must come to an end, and this live broadcast love story between ordinary people has finally come to an end.

The guests and mentors hugged each other gently, which perfectly ended the first season of "Heartbeat Index".

When Lu Ning pushed her luggage out of the Heartbeat Hut, her luggage was quickly taken away by Jing Yi.

The two of them tacitly said nothing, one pushed their luggage in front, and the other followed silently behind.

Outside, Sister Xu had already arrived.

Jing Yi helped to carry the luggage, and Sister Xu looked flattered, "Teacher Jing, thank you for your help."

"No trouble."

After moving the luggage, Lu Ning prepared to get in the car.

Jing Yi called her, his eyes sparkling, "Teacher Lu, come back."

Lu Ning nodded and said, "Let's go home." After she got in the car, it drove quickly towards home.

Sister Xu sighed, "Are you familiar with Teacher Jing?" She was so familiar with him that Jing Yi even helped her carry her luggage. Most people wouldn't even dare to think about this kind of treatment.

Lu Ning thought for a moment and said, "Familiar." They were boyfriend and girlfriend in the dream, how could they not be familiar with each other

Sister Xu didn't expect Lu Ning to answer so straightforwardly. She was so frank that Sister Xu didn't have anything else to ask. She just asked, "What are your plans next?"

Lu Ning thought without hesitation, "Go home and inherit the family company and be my own boss."

Ms. Xu:

"What's going on? Are you quitting the entertainment industry?"

"No more mixing."

Sister Xu thought Lu Ning was being petty. After all, this young lady always did whatever she wanted.

She couldn't help but persuade him earnestly, "You are on a roll now. You finally became famous. You can probably win awards by making any movie. If you take on another variety show, you may reach a new peak in your career."

Lu Ning said word by word, "Sister Xu, I'm not interested in being a celebrity." Being a celebrity means that every move is always exposed to the public, and there is no freedom at all.

She still prefers a free life, where she can say whatever she wants and do whatever she wants.

Sister Xu looked at her seriously, "Seriously?"

"Very serious."

Sister Xu looked at Lu Ning for a long time. After making sure that what she said was sincere, she sighed and said, "Okay. But I have accepted a few variety shows and been a guest star a few times before. It won't take up too much time, just a few days at most. Otherwise, I will have to pay a lot of liquidated damages."


After arriving home, Lu Ning received a call from Shen Rong, who informed her that the dinner would be tomorrow night and asked her to prepare in advance, as his people would come to style her. Lu Ning said she understood.

On the first day after the show ended, Lu Ning returned to the home where she had lived for many years. She was a little uncomfortable with the empty villa and the lack of the lively voices of the dating guests.

After a month of collective life, she got used to the noise and bustle, and also got used to the presence of Su Xiaoxiao and Shi Lun. Suddenly, when she was alone, the villa seemed too quiet.

I don’t know if Jing Yi will feel as uncomfortable as she does after he returns.

Lu Beicai had an appointment tonight and probably wouldn't be back until after midnight. After dinner, Lu Ning returned to her room. She took a comfortable hot bath and brushed her neck as usual.

As soon as she opened her Weibo, she found that she had a lot more, all of which were 999+.

She looked in the direction and a scarf soon appeared in her sight.

"Heartbeat Index Official Weibo: I have good news for the audience. Five years later, the production team may invite the original cast of the first season of "Heartbeat Index" to participate in the variety show again. At that time, it will not be the current "Heartbeat Index", but "Heartbeat Index - All the Way", yes, there is an additional sub-name.

Right now, "Heartbeat Index" is a pure love variety show. Five years from now, it will probably become a combination of love variety shows, couple variety shows, and parent-child variety shows. As for why it is a combination of the three? Because by that time, some guests may be married and have children, while others may still be single.

So, curious

Five years later, what kind of changes will happen to the guests and mentors? Let us look forward to the day when we meet them again. Jing Yi v, Lu Ning v, ... Yao Hanhan v. "

When Lu Ning saw the three words "five years later", he was slightly stunned.

I have to say that the director has a lot of ideas. Taking advantage of the current momentum of variety shows, the second season will probably appear in front of the audience soon. However, the second season is unlikely to have the original cast, and there is a high probability that all the cast will be replaced by new faces.

But the director didn't want to give up the popularity of the first group, so he came up with "Heartbeat Index - All the Way".

Lu Ning clicked on the comment below and took a look.

Five years seems so long ago, as I would have graduated from college by then.

After the director said this, I suddenly look forward to seeing you all the way five years later.

Damn! The director is so good at keeping us in suspense!

No one could predict what would happen five years later. Lu Ning liked the post and quickly closed it.

Tonight is the first night after the variety show ends, and she decides to take a break and not dream.

So she slept comfortably, without knowing that someone was waiting for her in her dream.

When Lu Ning woke up the next day, it was already ten o'clock in the morning. She had no idea when Lu's father would come back. Anyway, he would have gone to the company again at this time.

After breakfast, the stylist from Shen Rong came over to style her hair. Lu Ning let them do what they wanted. The stylist kept praising her.

Lu Ning was almost drowsy after listening to this. They stopped fiddling with it only when she was about to fall asleep.

"Okay, Miss Lu, take a look."

Lu Ning opened his sleepy eyes and subconsciously looked in the mirror.

I saw the girl in the mirror, with fair skin, beautiful face and smooth make-up. Every part of her was just right, especially the teardrop mole at the corner of her eye, which served as the finishing touch.

The stylist said with emotion, "Ms. Lu, we didn't do any retouching, your face is already perfect."

The stylists were being modest when they said this, as they not only did her makeup, they also did her hair.

Today, whether it is the makeup or the hairstyle, you can tell that a lot of thought was put into it.

To put it bluntly, her overall look today exuded the smell of money. This feeling became even more obvious after the stylist took out the dress she was going to wear today.

This is a luxurious and exquisite long skirt. When the hem of the skirt sways, it looks like a pouring river of stars.

After Lu Ning changed into her dress, it was already late.

She and Lu Beicai, who had rushed back specially, got on the car to the Shen family.

On the other side, Pei Xi shook the secretary's hand with an angry look on his face. They were squatting in the bushes near Shen's house.

Just now, he approached and offered to ask for help from Shen Rong or Shen Fuwang, but was coldly rejected by Shen Rong's assistant. He was not even allowed to approach the Shen residence!

He had been here for almost half an hour, but he didn't even see Shen Rong. What made him even more angry was that he was treated the same as those reporters!

They were squatting somewhere else, and he was squatting here! He was the president of the company, and those people were just a bunch of paparazzi.

When did Pei Xi fall into such a situation? !

The secretary felt the pain in her wrist and said cautiously, "Boss Pei, maybe we came too early."

Pei Xi lowered his head to glance at his watch and said through gritted teeth, "Is it early?" It was almost 12 o'clock, how could it be still early

At this time, he felt that the atmosphere nearby began to become agitated.

Pei Xi couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

The secretary craned his neck and glanced over there. He said uncertainly, "It looks like a car is coming."

After a while, a stretched Lincoln stopped right in front of Shen's house.

The people in the car had not gotten out yet, but Shen Fuwang, Shen Rong, and other guests who had heard the news came out first.

The guests who came out to greet him were more distinguished than the last. Pei Xi knew that it must be the host of today's event.

His injuries had not yet fully healed, so he could only stand up with the help of his assistant. He stared at the car intently. Who could it be that got out of the car

He was just guessing in his mind, and the next second, he saw the driver get out of the car first.

After getting off the car, the driver respectfully opened the door on one side and let the person inside get out first.

As soon as the person inside came out, there was a small exclamation from the reporters.

Although there have been rumors that Shen Fuwang's son-in-law is Lu Beicai, as long as the owner of the house does not say it himself, this rumor cannot be fully believed.

Before Lu Beicai came out, the paparazzi had been skeptical about the gossip. Until this moment, they stared at Lu Beicai in a well-dressed suit in amazement.

Today is his wife and daughter's big day, so he dressed up nicely.

The person whom the host personally went out to greet was Lu Beicai.

The rumors that were circulating before turned out to be true!

After Lu Beicai got out of the car, he quickly walked to the other side and personally bent down to open the door for the people in the car.

Everyone was busy perking up. Would Lu Ning be the next person to get off the bus

They were eagerly waiting. Perhaps because their clothes were not comfortable, the people in the car did not get off immediately.

This person delayed for a long time, and just when the reporters were almost getting impatient, a graceful figure in high heels finally walked out of the car slowly.

The person who got off the car was wearing an exquisite and luxurious gradient blue dress. The hem of the skirt was particularly special. As she walked, the hem looked as beautiful and dreamy as the flowing stars.

As soon as she got out of the car, Shen Fuwang and Shen Rong came to greet her, with Shen Fuwang's face full of emotion.

The reporter finally managed to capture Lu Ning's profile.

But when they saw this profile, they were all stunned.

Is this Lu Ning? Isn't this a high-end version of Lu Ning

No, no, no, it's impossible. How could the person who appeared next to Lu Beicai be a passerby

There is only one explanation.

There has never been any high-end version of Lu Ning. That passerby is Lu Ning himself!