Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 72: The seventy-second day of love


As soon as he saw Jing Yi, the horrifying memory of the upside-down trash can in his dream came back to Wu Chao's mind.

Wu Chao had heard about "precognitive dreams" from other people before. It was said that there were many people who had "precognitive dreams", and the scenes they dreamed of would become reality one day in the future.

He never believed in this kind of stuff, and he used to scoff at such talk, but after having such a vivid dream last night, his disdain for "precognitive dreams" slowly disappeared.

No wonder it is said that the end of science is theology.

There are many things in this world that cannot be explained by science.

For example, the dream last night.

He just dreamed about Jing Yi, and met him today. You know, before that dream, he had never heard of the name Jing Yi, let alone seen him.

When Wu Chao was filled with astonishment, the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy because of his words.

Boyfriend? Whose boyfriend

Is that what I meant

Ah, this sentence contains too much information, and I dare not think about it for a moment.

Who can tell me what he meant by this

Lu Ning ignored Wu Chao's words and just blinked in surprise, "Teacher Jing, why are you here?"

Jing Yi coughed lightly, "Flying guest."

When he said that, Lu Ning suddenly remembered that the director had just said that another guest star would come later due to some emergency matters. Unexpectedly, that guest star was Jing Yi!

Lu Ning nodded, "What a coincidence, Teacher Jing."

Jing Yi put his hand to his lips and smiled, "What a coincidence, Teacher Lu."

How can there be so many coincidences in this world

It was just deliberate by some people.

The two of them kept this a secret and no one said anything.

Wu Chao, who had been standing by, looked at Lu Ning with suspicion, "Teacher Lu? Are you the students' mentor? Aren't you a little star? Why are you so idle?" Otherwise, why would Jing Yi call her mentor

Has this person always stayed in the mountains

Don't want to see him at all.

Teacher Lu, please criticize him with the same energy you used to criticize Pei Xi!

I want to see this guy get humiliated!

Lu Ning looked at Wu Chao with no expression on his face. "Xiao Ming's grandmother lived to be ninety-eight. Someone like you definitely can't compare to her."

Wu Chao frowned, not quite understanding the meaning of this sentence.

He asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Lu Ning had no expression on his face and spoke calmly, "What I mean is, it's none of your business."

Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. Xiao Ming's grandmother lived to be ninety-eight because she never meddles in other people's business.

This guy is full of trouble. He won't live that long.

Teacher Lu scolded me in a very tactful way. This person didn't even understand.

Where did this Muggle come from

Wu Chao's expression changed instantly.

He didn't expect that after not seeing her for so long, Lu Ning was even better than before. Where did she get the confidence from? Was it because she was a little celebrity

"Lu Ning, you! No wonder my dad said that when it comes to finding a girlfriend, being gentle is more important than being beautiful."

Lu Ning frowned slightly, "Your dad, your dad, are you a daddy's boy?"

Hahaha, that's amazing. I've heard of "mama's boy", but this is the first time I've heard of "baba's boy".

But this guy has graduated from college, and he keeps saying "my dad" in front of so many people. If he's not a daddy's boy, then what is he

Lu Ning ignored Wu Chao and turned to Shen Qianqian and Jing Yi, "Let's go, we still have a lot of places to visit."

Shen Qianqian was stunned and said, "Okay."

When it was Jingyi's turn, Jingyi said he had something else to do.

Lu Ning didn't ask what was going on. She and Shen Qianqian took the food and left.

The pace of "Leisure Life" is very slow. The two found a place to sit and didn't move.

Shen Qianqian has been in the industry for so long, so she is naturally not a tactless person.

Neither of them talked about the group of college classmates that Lu Ning had just met, they only talked about eating and drinking.

While they were sitting by the lake, eating and lazing around, negative information about Wu Chao began to spread all over the Internet.

#Spreading false rumors after being rejected#

#Step on n boats#

#School piano room play#

Netizens didn't expect that a casual passerby who appeared in "Leisure Life" would have so many scandals.

And each one is more explosive than the other.

Based on their interests, they clicked on the third entry first.

At first, netizens thought it was just a clickbait title, but after they clicked on it, they found out it was not a clickbait title.

I didn't expect this Muggle to be so good at having fun.

This video disappeared very quickly, but many netizens saved it as soon as possible.

After taking a bite of the most delicious melon, they started to take the second bite.

The second bite of melon noodles was related information about Wu Chao having multiple relationships at the same time during college.

The above post shows Wu Chao’s mobile phone address book.

The address book not only contains the girl’s age, zodiac sign, hobbies, but also the time when her relatives visit her every month.

After watching it, who wouldn’t exclaim “Wow!”

A real-life time management master, so interesting.

That's it, it's only a matter of time before it fails.

Wow, this is really good. I just want to ask, is his waist okay

This guy doesn't look like a good person. He wants to be Teacher Lu's boyfriend. Who gives him the face

After taking the second bite of the melon, the netizen began to eat the third bite with satisfaction.

They clicked on the entry and found that Wu Chao confessed his love to a girl when he was a junior in college, but was rejected by the girl on the spot.

Wu Chao, who was rejected, held a grudge against the girl. He not only slandered her behind her back, but also spread all kinds of false information, which caused great trouble to the girl's study and life.

What a scumbag this is.

Such scumbags should castrate themselves!

If the confession fails, revenge will be sought. It is rare for Xiao Yan to do this.

Wu Chao had no idea that negative information about him had already spread everywhere, and he also didn't know that soon his family would be sent to the hospital because of him.

At this moment, he was being held by the neck and pressed hard against the wall.

He looked at Jing Yi in front of him with a pale face, looking fierce on the outside but weak on the inside, "What are you going to do? I tell you, this is near the scenic spot, and someone will be here soon! I warn you not to do anything to me, otherwise the consequences will not be something you can bear."

At this time, Jing Yi's phone in his pocket vibrated a few times.

Below is the latest news from his agent—the information has been released.

He ignored the phone in his pocket and just looked at Wu Chao indifferently.

Wu Chao didn't know why he was so obsessed just now, and followed Jing Yi to a deserted place.

Maybe at first he just wanted to vent his anger about Meng.

When he thought of the aggrieved look in his dream, he was furious. He had never suffered such an injustice in all his years. Unexpectedly, before he could vent his anger, he was strangled again.

Why was he so depressed just now that he followed me here alone? !

This is a quiet and remote corner, and almost no one comes here.

The sunlight filtered through the mottled branches and fell onto Jing Yi's face. Half of his face was in shadow, and the other half was in the sun. In the semi-light and semi-darkness, he inexplicably overlapped completely with the person who had turned his trash can upside down in his dream.

Wu Chao felt an inexplicable chill in his chest. Just as he thought of this, Jing Yi grabbed his collar and pulled it up.

"What on earth are you going to do? Let me tell you, my father is from Hengwu Real Estate..."

Before he could finish his words, his entire head was pressed into the trash can!

This is not a dream. Once you wake up, everything will be fine.

This is reality.

After having that dream, Wu Chao woke up and took a bath for a full hour.

At this moment, the sour and rotten smell of garbage and other strange smells attacked him all at once, and Wu Chao wanted to die.

He retched several times, tears were about to come out, and he couldn't help but say harshly, "My dad won't let you go!"

Jing Yi decided to quit while he was ahead.

Hearing the words "my dad", Jing Yi couldn't help but think of Lu Ning's evaluation of him just now.

As expected of a daddy's boy, he has said "my dad" three times in such a short period of time. Thinking of Lu Ning, a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

Jing Yi slowly retracted his hand. He looked down at Wu Chao, who was buried in front of the trash can, and said calmly, "Stay away from her in the future."

Stay away from her...

A little further away…

Upon hearing these words, Wu Chao's face turned as pale as a ghost.

This sentence is exactly the same as in the dream!

Last night's dream was indeed a prophetic dream!

After returning to the headquarters of "Leisure Life", Lu Ning naturally knew about the scandal about Wu Chao on Weibo.

After seeing the entry #Spreading false rumors after confession was rejected#, Lu Ning frowned slightly.

She knew very well that the person in this entry was her in her previous life. However, as the daughter of Lu Beicai, she naturally did not encounter this.

So, what will appear in this entry

With curiosity, Lu Ning opened the entry and took a look.

"When Wu Chao was a junior, he confessed his love to Liu, a beauty in the English department. After being rejected by Liu, he…"

Liu? Lu Ning looked thoughtful after seeing these two words.

She asked the merit system in her mind, "System, does my world overlap with the world in the book?"



Otherwise, she would not have been able to meet her former college classmates here.

"Who is this Liu?"

It is the result of the world's automatic repair.

Lu Ning understood. If the world repaired itself automatically, it meant that this Liu really existed.

After these pieces of negative information became a hot topic, Wu Chao was probably scolded to the point of becoming autistic. It was also a way of venting her anger for her past life and for this Liu.

After knowing what was going on, Lu Ning slowly put away the phone.

She remembered that Wu Chao's father was a very proud person. After knowing that his son's scandal was exposed, he must have lost all his face.

I guess Wu Chao, a daddy's boy, will have a hard time in the coming days.

But his life was not easy, so why should he care about Niu Hulu Lunin

She is just a spectator.

When the flying guests and regular guests were having dinner together that night, a female guest named Ning Ge suddenly said, "I heard that Professor Lu met your college classmate today?"

Lu Ning paused with his chopsticks, raised his eyes and looked at her, "Yes."

The others were naturally curious as well, and they all pricked up their ears subconsciously.

Ning Ge's eyes were full of gossip. She asked the audience in the live broadcast room, who had been working hard for the whole afternoon, the question they all wanted to know.

"He said 'your boyfriend is here too', what does that mean?"