Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 74: The seventy-fourth day of love


This statement sounds fine at first glance, but if you listen carefully you can discern a different meaning from it.

It seemed to carry a hint of sarcasm, yet also a sense of superiority.

The friendship and hostility between girls sometimes come out of nowhere. Lu Ning did not have any conflicts with Xu Zhiyi in the early days of school, but their relationship was hostile from the beginning, and the conflicts became more prominent later.

Lu Ning attributed this to the incompatibility of their auras.

Xu Zhiyi came from a wealthy family and was considered a spoiled little princess at home. She looked down on everyone. However, this attitude was even stronger when she was facing Lu Ning. If it were someone else, it might be considered as such, but Lu Ning never indulged others' bad habits.

Although Lu Ning worked part-time to pay for her studies, she never considered herself inferior to others. However, Xu Zhiyi considered himself a superior person and looked down on "inferior people" like her.

During the time they lived in the same dormitory, the two had several fierce arguments, and their relationship became worse after the arguments. So in her sophomore year, Lu Ning found the counselor and explained the situation to her and changed the dormitory directly.

After changing dormitories, although Lu Ning and Xu Zhiyi were still in the same class, they had less contact, so that when she saw Xu Zhiyi in her dream this time, Lu Ning remembered what happened on Christmas Eve of her sophomore year.

In reality, she was quietly setting up her stall, but Xu Zhiyi not only came to find fault and verbally insult her, he also directly overturned her stall, preventing her from doing business.

Cutting off someone's financial resources is like cutting off their livelihood, so Lu Ning naturally didn't indulge Xu's intention. Later, the incident ended with both of them being injured, and no one took advantage of the other.

Xu Zhiyi was playing with the peace apple in his hand with a nonchalant look. When Lu Ning saw this, he said expressionlessly, "Put it down."

Xu Zhiyi naturally refused to put it down. She glanced at the sign in front of the stall and sneered, "Nine dollars and nine cents each? You sell the apples at this price even though they are wrapped in a transparent outer packaging. Lu Ning, you are obsessed with money, aren't you?"

The peace apples sold at the stalls outside the school are all priced at this price, and some are even more expensive. On such special days, the peace apples are no longer ordinary apples.

Xu Zhiyi didn't say anything about others, but just said that Lu Ning was only interested in money, and it was obvious that he was deliberately looking for trouble here.

Lu Ning's face remained expressionless. She flexed her wrists and said, "You think it's too expensive? Then go to the next door. The keys are three yuan each. Do you have what it takes?"

Xu Zhiyi didn't understand what this meant at first. Is there a key seller next door? Aren't they selling peace apples now? After she looked around and didn't see anyone selling keys, she realized that Lu Ning was scolding her!

She was scolding her for not being worthy!

Xu Zhiyi's expression changed instantly, "Lu Ning, you!"

While the two were talking, there was a sudden roar of a sports car from the street.

Xu Zhiyi and her two followers subconsciously turned around to look.

They saw a bright yellow sports car speeding towards them from afar. When it arrived here, it braked beautifully and stopped steadily in front of them.

The next second, the door of the sports car was opened from the inside, and a handsome figure appeared in front of everyone.

Xu Zhiyi stared at the person who got off the bus without blinking. Not only her, but also her two little followers, the stall owner selling Christmas Eve gifts nearby, and the students who were buying gifts, all kept their eyes firmly fixed on this figure.

It was the first time for Jing Yi to drive such a high-profile sports car.

In reality, he seldom drives himself, and has never driven a sports car. Most of the time he rides in his family's black business car.

The dream did not last long. He looked everywhere for Lu Ning but could not find her. Fearing that the dream would soon end, he had to drive his only sports car to look for her. Fortunately, there was only a long main road in the dream. He drove along the main road and soon found the person he was looking for.

After Jing Yi got off the car, the winter snow seemed to be falling even heavier. Flakes of snow fell on his hair and eyelashes. He was wearing a long black coat and a gray scarf around his neck. Against the snow, he looked even more handsome.

He was like a third color between snow and moonlight, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present.

Jing Yi held a big red apple in his hand, and under the gaze of others, he walked step by step towards Lu Ning.

He had never acted in an idol drama, nor had he ever done anything high-profile. This was the first time he had shown his affection to someone he liked in front of so many people. Even though, in the dream, they were already a couple.

Although he knew that this was only a dream, Jing Yi still felt a little uncomfortable with so many fiery gazes from strangers around him.

This time, just take it as an opportunity for him to practice.

After experiencing such a scene in his dream, he would probably be more calm in reality.

Jing Yi handed the apple in his hand to Lu Ning, his ears slightly reddened, "Miao Miao, Happy Christmas Eve, I wish you peace every year."

Lu Ning took the apple. There were still many apples on her stall, so she picked a big and beautiful one and gave it to him along with a pair of socks. She said with a smile, "My boyfriend, Merry Christmas Eve."

Jing Yi's ears turned even redder when Lu Ning called him boyfriend.

This kind of red is more eye-catching against the backdrop of white snow. It looks cute and pitiful, making people want to rub his ears, touch them carefully, and feel whether they are hot.

Xu Zhiyi, who was standing by, was in disbelief when he heard this, "Your boyfriend?" He appeared in a sports car with a red apple in his hand. The beginning of such an idol drama actually belonged to Lu Ning

Lu Ning naturally ignored her.

At this time, the twelve o'clock bell rang in the square opposite the university, one bell after another, accompanied by falling snowflakes.

Under the gentle moonlight, the ground is covered with white snow.

After two strikes of the bell, Christmas Eve is over and a new day begins.

"Merry Christmas, my girlfriend."

When he woke up the next day, Lu Ning's mouth corners were still slightly raised.

Unexpectedly, in reality, she and Jing Yi had not celebrated any festivals yet, but in her dream, they had already spent New Year's Eve, Christmas Eve and Christmas together.

The Merit System rubs its hands, so happy, what kind of sweet dream is it having

Lu Ning lay on the bed, stretched, and said with a smile, "It was such a beautiful dream."

There was moonlight and snow in the dream, and Jing Yi was holding an apple and wishing her peace and happiness every year.

If it weren't for Xu Zhiyi, this dream would probably be more perfect.

The Merit System chuckled and said, "This time, the intimacy of entering the dream has increased by more than 200 levels. Now your intimacy has reached level 688!"


Hearing this number, Lu Ning couldn't help but be surprised. The speed of this intimacy card was indeed fast enough.

How many times have you been in this dream? Your intimacy level is lv688.

It would probably only take 7 or 8 times in total for her and Jing Yi’s intimacy to reach level 999.

On the other side, Xu Zhiyi's face was gloomy when he woke up.

Why did she dream about the person she hated most in college

Is it true that what you see during the day will appear in your dreams at night

Because she ate the gossip about her and Jing Yi last night, so she dreamed about them last night

Xu Zhiyi hated Lu Ning for a reason. The boy she had liked for a long time expressed his admiration for Lu Ning in front of many people. He admired her hard work, her beautiful appearance, and her aloof personality.

She had liked him for so long, but she had never heard him praise her. But when he started praising Lu Ning, he spoke sweet words to her as if they were free.

How could this not make her jealous

So, she and Lu Ning started to confront each other.

After Xu Zhiyi got up, he went out without even having breakfast.

The nanny followed closely behind and asked with concern, "Xiao Xu, where are you going?"

"I'm going out for a walk."

After a while, the nanny could no longer see Xu Yiyi.

When Lu Ning went downstairs, the regular guests and guest stars were already there.

As she was having breakfast with everyone, Ninger suggested, "Why don't we go golfing today?"

Another male guest glanced at her and asked, "Don't you dislike playing golf?"

Ningge admitted without hesitation, "Yes, I don't like it."

"You suggest playing golf when you don't like it?"

Ningge said openly, "You guys fight, I'll just lie down and watch you fight, I'll drink some drinks and get some fresh air, isn't that nice?"

Another female guest agreed, "It's really comfortable. This is a leisurely life."

A few people got to work as soon as they said it, and after breakfast they rushed to the golf club in the suburbs.

The flying guests will only stay in "Leisure Life" for one day and one night. Half a day and one night have passed, and in the evening, the two flying guests will leave.

Ning Ge looked regretful. "The two flying guests haven't even had time to relax yet, and the recording time is about to end."

Another female guest suggested, "Teacher Lu, Teacher Jing, you two should relax today."

Ningge agreed, "Yes, relax."

The group arrived at the golf club early in the morning, at 8:00 a.m.

This is a privately-owned golf club. I heard that the owner's surname is Xu and he does quite a big business. Many white-collar elites come here to play golf.

When they arrived, it was probably because it was still early, so there were not many people on the golf course. They had the whole place to themselves.

Just as she said, Ningge had no interest in playing golf.

She asked the waiter to bring a recliner over and she lay down on it. Then she asked the waiter to prepare some drinks and food for her.

Then she closed her eyes, her face peaceful.

This variety show seems to make people lose their fighting spirit and make the guests become more and more insignificant.

It's only during the recording of the variety show that I'm relaxed. After all, this is "Leisure Life", so of course I can be as leisurely as possible.

I’m really envious of office workers.

After lying there for a while, she opened her eyes and took the initiative to call Lu Ning, "Teacher Lu, come here."

Lu Ning had no interest in playing golf, so she asked the waiter to bring a recliner over for her and then she lay down like Ning Ge.

Not to mention, the golf club is built in the suburbs, where the environment is beautiful and the air is fresh. It is a great place for vacation and leisure.

He had slept well last night, but maybe he was lying too comfortably at this moment, and Lu Ning didn't want to get up.

Ning Ge, who was standing by, said with emotion, "It would be even better if someone could feed you when you eat and drink. That would be a truly leisurely life, and more in line with the name of the variety show."

I can't tell that Ning is such a Ningge.

After saying that, Ning Ge turned sideways and leaned forward to drink the drink with difficulty. After taking a sip, she sighed and said, "It's so troublesome to drink it."

Lu Ning had seen lazy people, but had never seen someone as lazy as this. Ning Ge probably just showed his true self in "Leisure Life".

She was also a little thirsty, so the waiter prepared drinks for Ning Ge as well as her. Just as Lu Ning was about to sit up and drink something, she saw a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice was handed to her.

There was a pink straw thoughtfully placed in the glass. At this moment, the straw was facing her and she only had to take a sip to drink it.

And the one holding the glass was Jing Yi.

We haven't even been together yet, and you're already acting like sergals?!

No, Ning Ge's words were obviously a joke. Even if she was serious, what does it have to do with Teacher Lu

Wow, my brother said before that he was trying hard to pursue Teacher Lu, and it turns out that he is working very hard.