Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 75: The seventy-fifth day of love


This was exactly what Xu Zhiyi saw when he was relaxing at his golf club.

The most popular actor in the entertainment industry was holding a glass of freshly squeezed juice and was about to feed it to Lu Ning.

Is this what she could see in this kind of occasion

She sneered and strode forward, "No way, Lu Ning, are you a three-year-old child? Do you need someone to feed you when you drink?"

In front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room, Lu Ning originally wanted to sit up and take the cup to drink it herself. But after hearing Xu Zhiyi's words, she opened her mouth and took a sip of the juice, "It tastes good."

Xu Zhiyi felt really unlucky. She dreamed of Lu Ning and Jing Yi last night. It was bad enough that she was completely ignored by them later, but she didn't expect to see these two people when she came to her home to relax.

When the staff saw Xu Zhiyi coming, they hurried over to introduce her, "This is our boss's daughter, Miss Xu Zhiyi."

Hearing this introduction, Lu Ning was actually a little surprised. She didn't expect that this club was opened by Xu Zhiyi's family.

She had always known that Xu Zhiyi's family was not poor, but she didn't expect that her family was better off than she imagined. No wonder Xu Zhiyi always looked down on people.

Xu Zhiyi was not as reckless as Wu Chao. After knowing that Lu Ning and the others were broadcasting live and there were quite a few viewers in the live broadcast room, she immediately pretended to be on good terms with Lu Ning.

Although "Heartbeat Index" has ended, fans of "Leisure Life" still like to affectionately call Lu Ning "Teacher Lu", so she followed suit and called Lu Ning the same way.

"Hello everyone, I'm Xu Zhiyi. I'm a college classmate of your Professor Lu, and we've been roommates for more than a year."

Seeing several comments in the live broadcast room questioning her bad attitude towards Lu Ning just now, she quickly explained, "I said she needed someone to feed her when she drinks, I was teasing her. I wasn't mean, and my attitude wasn't bad. I'm very familiar with Teacher Lu, so I was a little casual when I spoke to her just now, please forgive me."

After Wu Chao became a hot topic, Xu Zhiyi realized that Lu Ning was no longer the same person he used to be. It was all because Lu Ning was too pretentious and didn't reveal any of his family background.

After knowing that Lu Ning was no longer the poor student she could bully at will, she didn't mind promoting her sisterhood with Lu Ning in front of the audience.

After the explanation, Xu Zhiyi prepared to introduce her own club in detail. It would be great if she could use the popularity of this variety show to help her family attract a few big clients.

Xu Zhiyi was about to open his mouth when he heard a slow voice from the side, "Xu Zhiyi, everyone in the department knows that we don't get along. Stop pretending."


Online dismantling.

Xu Zhiyi suddenly turned his head and looked at Lu Ning.

She thought she had been arrogant and cautious enough in the past, but she didn't expect that Lu Ning now was even more reckless than she was before.

After graduating from college, she grew up a bit, learned some worldly wisdom, and was no longer as reckless as before. Unexpectedly, she became low-key, while Lu Ning became high-profile.

Is she trying to undermine her in front of so many people

Xu Zhiyi took a deep breath and said, "Teacher Lu, everyone has been young once..." Who hasn't made mistakes when they were young

Lu Ning said lightly, "I'm still young." According to Xu Zhiyi, she can be willful now.

Xu Zhiyi: …

Xu: I know Mr. Lu very well. Lu: No, we don’t.

Hahahaha, it's indeed the familiar and honest mentor Lu who says whatever he thinks and never holds back.

Although some people may think that Mr. Lu has a low IQ, I just think it's awesome! Why should I spoil others

If you have the capital, who wouldn’t want to live a more relaxed life? Sometimes when my roommates are deliberately disgusting, I really want to learn from Professor Lu and talk back.

No matter what others think of Teacher Lu, I like her so much!

Xu Zhiyi inhaled and exhaled, repeating this action several times, and then she managed to calm down a little.

But her face still looked very ugly. She did not leave on the spot, but stayed and introduced her golf club to the audience in the live broadcast room with a smile. She had made a lot of progress compared to before.

If it were in the past, she would have lost her temper on the spot.

However, most of the viewers in the live broadcast room were not very interested in her golf club and were asking why she had fallen out with Lu Ning.

The two of them only lived in the same dormitory for more than a year, so did someone move out later

Were you trying to get close to Teacher Lu just now

Xu Zhiyi interacted with the audience for a while, but finally couldn't help but leave early.

In the evening, Lu Ning and Jing Yi ended their one-day and one-night flying guest trip.

Because the time they spent together was very short, there was no sadness of parting on anyone's face.

Ning Ge said with a smile, "Teacher Lu, Teacher Jing, let's work together again if there is a chance."


The two waved goodbye to the regular guests and left.

When Lu Ni and Jing Yi were leaving together, Jing Yi took the initiative to invite her, "Teacher Lu, next Saturday is the centenary celebration of my alma mater. Can I invite you to go with me?"

Jingyi's alma mater? Isn't that the place where he first said "I love you" in his dream

Even though some time has passed, Lu Ning still remembers the tear-jerking graduation party in his dream.

After the graduation party, students from the Department of Economics went their separate ways.

She still remembered the young faces full of expectation in her dream, and the impact of Jing Yi's confession from afar.

Lu Ning hesitated for three seconds, "Will it be inconvenient?"


Lu Ning had been to Jing Yi's alma mater several times in her dreams, but in reality, she had never been there once. At this moment, she had a strong desire to visit his alma mater.

On the day of Jingyi's alma mater's centenary celebration, besides the school's graduates, there must have been other people who went to watch.

As an outstanding graduate, Jing Yi would definitely go on stage to give a speech that day. How could she miss such a highlight? By then, she would blend in with the crowd of people who came to watch the excitement and would not stand out at all.

Thinking of this, Lu Ning agreed, "Okay."

Jing Yi's eyes sparkled with a smile, "Teacher Lu, I'll pick you up that day."


After the deal was made, Lu Ning left with Sister Xu who came to pick her up.

In the evening, the term #许之意幕后黑手# suddenly became a hot search.

At first, her hot search position was very low, after all, most people didn't know who Xu Zhiyi was. Some netizens didn't know, but the loyal viewers of "Leisure Life" knew.

Informed netizens enthusiastically provide scientific knowledge to uninformed netizens.

When Lu Ning learned the news from Yao Hanhan, the entry was already very high up. After the "Heartbeat Index" ended, Lu Ning and Yao Hanhan still kept in touch, and sometimes Yao Hanhan would take the initiative to share anything new with Lu Ning.

"Teacher Lu, the first time Wu Chao spoke after the incident was to try to get Xu Zhiyi involved. Why don't these two just stay together?"

Lu Ning, "I'll take a look at what he sent first and contact you later."

"Okay, take your time to eat the melon."

After Lu Ning clicked on the entry, he quickly saw the Weibo post that Wu Chao had posted an hour ago.

Wu Chao v: Hello everyone, after the incident, I have been playing dumb and hiding for so long. Today, I finally plucked up the courage to tell you about the wrong things I did in the past.

Regarding Liu's matter, after being rejected, I actually didn't want to slander her at first. It was Xu Zhiyi who told me that there are many ways to destroy a girl, and the easiest one is to spread rumors that she has an immoral private life.

After I was rejected, I was very angry, but I couldn't help but do what Xu Zhiyi suggested.

Here, I sincerely apologize to Mr. Liu.

I was wrong at that time. Liu is innocent. I deliberately released the comments that were unfavorable to her. She is not that kind of person.

I did make mistakes, but if Xu Zhiyi hadn't deliberately guided me, I wouldn't have done anything to hurt others. Xu Zhiyi is not simple at all. If it weren't for her advice, there wouldn't have been so many things that happened later.

Yes, I know that Xu Zhiyi and Lu have a bad relationship. The reason is that the person Xu Zhiyi likes doesn't like her, but particularly admires Lu. Xu Zhiyi is jealous and often trips up Lu during college.

That’s all I have to say.

After posting on Weibo, Wu Chao looked at the so-called Liu that appeared between the lines, and a moment of doubt flashed through his mind.

Wasn't it Lu Ning who rejected his confession? How did it become Liu? Who is this Liu

However, he did not take it to heart. After all, he had pursued too many girls, and the previous dream was too realistic, so it was normal for his memory to be a little confused for a while.

And Liu is even better. If it was Lu Ning, he would probably have been scolded to death by her fans.

At this time, Lu Ning had just finished reading the long scarf posted by Wu Chao.

After the world she lived in in her previous life merged with the world in the book, part of the world was automatically repaired, and the automatically repaired part was Liu; and the other part followed the trajectory of her previous life.

She didn't pay any more attention to the follow-up of this matter.

What will probably follow is that Wu Chao and Xu Zhiyi will fight each other and end up with a lot of fur in their mouths.

But that was not what she cared about.

Time soon came to next Saturday.

This day marks the centenary celebration of Jingyi’s alma mater.

Lu Ning received a call from Jing Yi early in the morning. Fortunately, she knew that Jing Yi, as an outstanding graduate, would definitely need to arrive early, so Lu Ning got ready early.

When she went out, Jing Yi was already waiting for her at the door.

The two went to a nearby breakfast shop to have breakfast together, and then went to Jingyi’s alma mater, Peking University.

When they arrived, Kyoto University was filled with the joyful atmosphere of the school anniversary, and volunteers wearing orange vests could be seen everywhere walking around the campus.

As soon as the two of them walked into the school gate, two volunteers came forward and said, "You are here. There are many activities in the school today. Do you want to go to the auditorium now or just walk around first?"

Jing Yi nodded, "Thank you, let's just walk around first."

The volunteer smiled and said, "Okay, I recommend you go to the gym. There is an event going on there. I believe you will like it."

After bidding farewell to the two volunteers, Lu Ning felt that the gymnasium seemed familiar to her. Soon she remembered that the place she had a dream about before was in the gymnasium!

As Lu Ning was thinking about the scene from her last dream, she and Jing Yi were getting closer and closer to the gymnasium.

When she was a few meters away from that place, she heard the sound of music coming from the gymnasium.

Is there going to be a small concert going on inside

It's not impossible.

Some college anniversaries were not only live-broadcasted, but also more spectacular than some large-scale concerts. Since large-scale concerts were already available, it seemed that having a small concert was not a problem.

Jing Yi took the initiative to invite, "Let's go in."


The closer we got to the stadium entrance, the more people came to watch. Fortunately, there were many volunteers and everything was in good order.

After Lu Ning followed Jing Yi into the stadium, she realized that this was not a concert at all, but a masquerade ball exactly like in her dream!

At this time, Jing Yi took two masks from the tray of a volunteer nearby.

What Jing Yi handed her was the black mask that was almost exactly the same as the one in her dream!