Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 76: The seventy-sixth day of love


The scene before my eyes seemed to slowly overlap with the scene in my dream, but there were still some differences.

Five or six years had passed since the night in the dream. Many unfamiliar young faces appeared on the field, probably college students, and among these unfamiliar faces were a few familiar faces that were much more mature than in the dream.

Jing Yi was wearing the same black mask as hers. After putting on the mask, Jing Yi gestured to Lu Ning, "Shall we go in?"

Now that we've come this far, of course we have to go in and take a closer look.

Lu Ning held Jing Yi's hand and walked inside. Wow, it was indeed the centennial anniversary of the school. Many of the graduates had returned to visit the old place. Today was Saturday, so some of the graduates came with their families. They didn't wear masks on their faces, probably because they didn't plan to participate in this masked ball.

But after a while, Lu Ning saw some familiar faces. Li Ban, Zhou Xian, and their school beauty Liu Yueyue...

Zhou Xian did not come here alone. Beside him should be his wife and children.

Lu Ning was just about to continue observing when familiar music sounded. Young men and women, wearing all kinds of beautiful masks on their faces, held hands and slid briskly into the center of the dance floor.

When she heard the music, Lu Ning was stunned for a moment. The reason why she was stunned was that this BGM was exactly the same as the one in her dream. In her dream, she danced with Jing Yi to this BGM.

At this moment, even though five or six years have passed in reality, it seems as if time has never passed, as if it has always stayed in the same place.

Everything before her eyes was so similar to the scene in her dream.

Same music, same people, everything is so fresh and vivid.

Lu Ning smiled slowly and asked Jing Yi the same question as in the dream, "Jing Yi, can I invite you to dance with me?"

Jing Yi took her hand in a gentlemanly and elegant manner, holding it firmly in his palm, and the warmth from his palm was transferred to her hand little by little.

The next second, a familiar and cool voice sounded, with a slight smile, "It's an honor."

The same answer as in the dream.

Maybe she had danced it once in her dream, so this time, Lu Ning's dance steps were particularly smooth. She spun, bent, and jumped on the dance floor.

Everyone on the field wore a mask, no one knew anyone else, no one paid attention to anyone else, no one had any image baggage, and everyone just danced to the rhythm of their heart.

Li Ban and others had been watching from the sidelines. Seeing this, Li Ban touched his nose and said, "It looks a little familiar."

Zhou Xian scratched his head, "Actually, I…"

After hearing this, Zhou Xian's wife smiled and asked, "Are you okay?"

Zhou Xian laughed, "Nothing."

Could he say that he had a dream before? In the dream, Jing Yi rejected Liu Yueyue and went off the dance floor with another girl.

After waking up the next day, he just thought the dream was nonsense.

A few years ago, when they were in college, the school did hold such a masquerade. That time, they deliberately tricked Jing Yi to come, hoping that he would accept Liu Yueyue. The two of them were a perfect match, and it would be a good story if they were together. In the end, Jing Yi still did not agree and left early.

Later in his dream, Jing Yi accepted an invitation from a strange girl.

He didn't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that Teacher Lu on the field was very similar to Miaomiao in his dream.

Zhou Xian scratched his head subconsciously again.

Could it be that he had a precognitive dream

If it is true that he can predict dreams, then he is really awesome!

After the song ended, Lu Ning panted slightly. She subconsciously looked down at her feet. In order to make it easier to walk today, she wore light and breathable sneakers. It was a pity that she didn't have crystal shoes to give to Jing Yi this time.

But Jing Yi had given her a pair of crystal shoes when the dating guest was doing the dating task before. That pair of beautiful pink crystal shoes that fit her feet well was now lying in her shoe cabinet. Thinking of this, Lu Ning felt that it was not a pity.

After the dance ended, the activities in the auditorium were about to begin. Lu Ning took off the mask on his face and went to the auditorium with Jing Yi.

Every time there is such an important occasion, the leader's speech is indispensable. Today, perhaps because it was still early, the leader had not arrived yet and the speech had not started yet. However, the atmosphere on the scene was already very lively.

Maybe the atmosphere here has started to warm up early.

Lu Ning just found a seat in a corner and sat down, only to see Jing Yi sitting next to her. She couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you going to go on stage later?"

"I will be on stage to give a speech later."

"And you now?"

"It's still early, no rush."

Since Jing Yi himself said so, Lu Ning naturally wouldn't say anything.

The auditorium was quite large and could accommodate tens of thousands of people. When Lu Ning lowered her head to tidy up her clothes, a small exclamation suddenly sounded in the venue. She initially thought that the leader had arrived, but when she looked up, she saw a QR code appear on the front screen.

This QR code looks familiar no matter how I look at it.

It seemed very similar to the one she had seen in her dream.

At this time, several explanations in extra-large fonts appeared on the QR code.

"Classmates, do you have anything to say to the school and classmates?"

"It's your chance to speak freely during the centennial anniversary celebration."

"Opportunity never comes easily."

"Rain or shine, the message board is waiting for you."

"Waiting for your message."

It actually is the same message board from before!

At this time, Lu Ning heard the conversation coming from the students in the front seat, "I heard that the message board is exclusively for our school graduates. Every graduation season, graduates can take this opportunity to say what they have never had the chance to say. I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to come across the message board when I am only a freshman this year."

Her classmates said, "Today is the centennial anniversary of our school. It only happens once every hundred years, so it is naturally more special than every other graduation season. It is not surprising to have a message board."

"Hahaha, I'm feeling the message board three years in advance. Let me think about what to say."

"Why? Want to say something to your idol?"

After saying that, the two of them started laughing and playing around.

Similar scenes occurred in various places in the auditorium, and many students even took out their mobile phones to inform classmates and friends who were not present at the scene of the good news.

Suddenly, the auditorium was filled with laughter.

Influenced by the atmosphere on the scene, Lu Ning also took out her mobile phone. After scanning the QR code, she looked at the message interface and wondered what to write.

The scenes in her dream flashed before her eyes, and at this moment, she also had an urge to leave something on the message board.

She placed her thumb and index finger on the screen and was about to type when a small exclamation was heard in the audience.

Today is indeed a big day for the school. It seems that there is quite a lot of excitement on the field, and exclamations can be heard from time to time.

Lu Ning subconsciously looked up and saw a conspicuous golden font slowly flashing across the message board: I love you, Miaomiao.

Among the ordinary black messages, this golden message is so conspicuous that people can notice it at a glance.

Because there are not only students here today, but also many graduates and people from other schools who are here to watch the fun, so there is no specific class and name in the column behind the message this time. You can choose to fill in your name or use a nickname.

This message was followed by a name called Jing Yi.

After seeing this line of words, many students in the field sighed.

"Who is impersonating our actor?"

"Someone is deliberately causing trouble."

"I am dying of laughter. This is obviously not the style of Senior Jing Yi. Who is deliberately impersonating him?"

"But why is this line of words golden? How did they do that? I want to do it!"

While the students on the field were discussing, Lu Ning subconsciously turned his head to look at the person next to him.

Just now she was thinking about the message board and didn't pay much attention to him.

So, could he have posted that sentence on the message board

When Lu Ning turned his head to look over, Jing Yi was still holding his mobile phone in his hand, and the page on his phone showed the message board.

What the answer is is self-evident.

Jing Yi coughed lightly.

He moved slightly closer to her, with a pair of red ears on his head, and looked at her seriously with a pair of beautiful and clear eyes, "Miao Miao, will you be my girlfriend?"

There are all kinds of noisy sounds all around, and the young and lively atmosphere of students is in the air.

But this question still reached Lu Ning's ears clearly.

From the masquerade just now, to the dance between the two of them, and finally to the message board now...

Is there anything that Lu Ning doesn't understand

He wanted to relive what they had experienced together in the dream again in reality, as her real boyfriend, not just her boyfriend in the dream.

That's what you mean.

Maybe it was because he had entered her dream too many times, or maybe it was because the intimacy between the two of them had reached a certain level, Lu Ning felt that everything was so natural and everything was so spontaneous.

She smiled slowly, and then she heard herself answer clearly and decisively, "Okay."

A few minutes later, the students on the field were surprised to find another colorful message on the message board.

This message is simple, with only two words.


In the name column, it was written as Lu Ning.

"Okay, what's the matter?"

"That's not important. What's important is where did this special effect come from? Why is the message I posted in the most ordinary black color?"

"It was golden just now, but this time the color is even more exaggerated than gold, it has become a dazzling rainbow of colors. On some live streaming platforms, this is the highest level - the emperor's treatment, right?"

“Is it an insider?”

"I'm not sure if it's inside or not, but it must have been specially processed! It's so conspicuous, I'm really envious. My message was mixed in with so many people, even I couldn't find my own message."

"But one is Jing Yi and the other is Lu Ning. Brothers, I suddenly have a bold guess in my mind."

"Actually, I think... Today is the centenary celebration of our school. As an outstanding graduate, Senior Jing Yi will definitely be there, right? So, maybe these two people are impersonators?"

"If it's really what I think, then they are really good at it!"

"I admire it!"

While everyone was wondering in their minds, little did they know that many of the students had actually guessed the truth.

Soon, after this little entertainment, today’s centenary celebration finally came to an end at ten o’clock in the morning.

The principal spoke first, followed by other leaders taking the stage to give speeches.

When all the students present were almost drowsy, the person they had been waiting for for a long time finally came on stage.

"Sisters, wake up, your brother is here!"

"Ah, the wait is finally over!"

"Brother, someone just pretended to be you!"

After that golden message appeared on the message board, many messages signed by Jing Yi appeared.

Some messages may say “I love studying” or “I like eating durian and mango”, but you can tell at a glance that these messages are fake.

What bothered them was the message "I like you, Miaomiao", which was said in a serious manner and looked like it was real. Most importantly, the message was in gold! There was something unusual from beginning to end.

Many students took pictures of this scene and posted them online.

"Are there any female celebrities in the industry nicknamed Miaomiao?"

“I don’t know if this is true.”

"Among the many messages posted by 'Jing Yi', I'm afraid there might be a true message mixed in."

While the online discussion was going on, Jing Yi's speech on the stage also began.

He first reminisced about his college days, looked forward to the future, and finally sent his most sincere wishes to the teachers and students of the school.

"Happy birthday to my alma mater, and I wish her a better future."

After the speech, there was an interactive session between students and Jing Yi.

There were three opportunities to ask questions in the interactive session. After knowing that they could ask Jing Yi three questions, the students present raised their hands in curiosity.

The first person chosen was a female student in the front row.

She asked a question that many people present were particularly curious about, "Senior Jingyi, hello, I am Yi Yi from Biological Sciences Class 3. I wonder if you participated in the message board session just now?"

After saying this, everyone present turned their eyes to him.

They were both excited and curious, and for a moment, many people on the field were anxious. They were eager to know whether the golden message was sent by Jing Yi himself, or someone deliberately impersonated him.

The next second, Jing Yi's cool and smiling voice rang out on the field, "I participated."

Hearing this answer, the female student couldn't wait to ask, "So, was that golden font sentence really sent by you?"

Jing Yi smiled and said, "This is the second question."

The second student who took his turn to ask a question immediately repeated the previous question, and Jing Yi answered simply, "It's me."

The exclamations in the arena were getting louder and louder, and even many of Jing Yi's fans flocked to the Jingda live broadcast room to watch this centenary celebration.

Finally, it was the third question, the last one and the most crucial one. "Senior, may I ask if Miaomiao is also present here?"

After this question, the questioner waited with bated breath for Jing Yi's answer. So, what answer would they hear

Who could that legendary Miaomiao be

Is she a female celebrity in the circle or someone outside the circle

The next second, everyone present heard Jing Yi's answer.

"She's here. My girlfriend is sitting in the last row of section B, near the exit."


Li Ban, Zhou Xian: Oh shit!