Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 79: The seventy-ninth day of love


The gifts left by the merit system are various dream scenes, which are varied and have everything.

Of course, the scenes that can be left as gifts are naturally not ordinary scenes. They are not seen on weekdays. They are all places suitable for various plays. Some of these scenes are even surreal. At that time, there will only be the two of them.

For example, the castles in the air in the future era, the misty mountain tops in the world of immortal cultivation, the vast grasslands in the fantasy world...

All the scenes that exist in novels are arranged. It is more exciting than watching a blockbuster movie.

In addition to various scenes, there are also various orc buffs, elf buffs...

After the orc buff is added, they can transform into fluffy orcs with ears and tails in their dreams. After the elf buff is added, they have wings and can directly ascend to the sky.

What else can Lu Ning say after seeing this

I can only say, is everything in the dream there

She is really grateful to the system.

But after all, this was a token of the system's kindness, and who knows what it might come in handy in the future, so she accepted it.

After leaving the entertainment industry, Lu Ning's life began to settle down. She got up at 6:30 every morning, went out at 7:00, and clocked in at the company at 7:30. After retiring, she joined her own company and started from the bottom. She officially became the family heir and prepared to inherit the company in the future.

When her life began to become calm and regular, the bustling entertainment industry never calmed down.

Originally, Lu Ning thought that Wu Xiaomeng and Bo Jin would fight in private and would not make the matter public, but she did not expect that the two would start to fight each other after their unpleasant breakup.

It’s okay to just scold each other, but after they went crazy scolding each other, they started to expose each other’s shortcomings on Weibo.

One said that the other had many ex-girlfriends and was addicted to cheating; the other said that the other was not natural at all and no one knew how many parts of his face had been operated on.

One said that after the side effects of the other person's plastic surgery appeared, she was so scared that she almost had a heart attack; the other said that the other person once bullied a new assistant on the set and made the person cry.

During that period, the crowd enjoyed the gossip with great gusto. It can be said that there was new information coming out every day.

At the beginning, the two of them were just playing around, and the information they revealed was a little interesting, but not too powerful, and did not have much impact on the two of them. It was not until Wu Xiaomeng found out some negative information about Bo Jin's past, and even revealed the bad things he had done as a child.

Actually, the bad things Bo Jin did when he was a kid were the result of him bragging about them when he was drunk. He had boasted about this past event to his friends more than once.

The friends didn't express any opinions at the time, mainly because the other person in the incident was not someone they could afford to offend at the moment, so they listened in silence and recorded the entire scene. Whenever they had the chance, they carefully saved the recorded video and waited for it to be used later.

Originally, they didn't know when this video would be used, but they didn't expect that Bo Jin and Wu Xiaomeng had been fighting fiercely during this period.

Someone felt that the time had come, so they sent the video anonymously to Wu Xiaomeng's agent's mailbox. They had thought about using this video to stir up trouble before, but Jing Yi and Bo Jin were cousins after all, and as outsiders, if they messed up, they might end up being in trouble.

They have been waiting for the most suitable opportunity to do something.

After waiting for a few years, the opportunity finally came.

The agent took a look and hurriedly told Wu Xiaomeng that such big news must be exposed.

They all knew that this information alone was enough to block all of Bo Jin's future development paths. And being blocked was the least serious scenario, and who knows, he might get into something even worse, such as the thundering wrath of Grandpa Jing.

So Wu Xiaomeng chose a good day to reveal the matter completely.

Not long after Wu Xiaomeng broke the news that day, terms such as #Plastic cousins#, #Bo Jin bullies little Jingyi#, #Jingyi, pit bull#, etc. suddenly became hot searches.

At first, the onlookers thought it was just a minor fight between children and didn't take it too seriously. That was until they saw the disgusting behavior of Bo Jin after he got drunk on camera.

Bo Jin in the video was still very old. He had not had any plastic surgery at that time, and the side effects of the surgery had not yet appeared. His appearance could only be considered ordinary. He was not much different from other boys going through puberty. He had a lot of acne and even had some bumpy acne marks on his face.

But these are not what fans are concerned about. They are concerned about what he says.

Bo Jin in the camera smiled frivolously, "That year, Jing Yi was only four years old, about four and a half? He was still a little kid. He had been abused by the nanny before, and he was very introverted and didn't like to talk. My cousin and I deliberately locked him and the pit bull in a utility room. We wanted to see if he would cry or scream.

We deliberately starved the pit bull for three days before locking him up.

Sure enough, as soon as Jing Yi was locked in the utility room, the pit bull smelled the meat and went crazy, struggling to break free from the chains. Why? You ask why there are chains? I was afraid that the pit bull would bite Jing Yi to death.

Although his parents are gone because of him, doesn't he still have a grandfather? If he is really bitten to death, it will be troublesome, so scaring him will be enough.

Hahaha, you don't know, when the pit bull bit off one of his shoes, his face turned as pale as a ghost, he was so scared that he couldn't speak, it really made me laugh to death.

Unfortunately, his grandfather took him back soon after. We could have played a bigger game. What? Are you asking me if I'm scared? What should I be afraid of? He's no different from a mute. He definitely won't tell his grandfather. "

Netizens went crazy after hearing this, especially Jing Yi’s fans.

Are you still a human being? No, you are a beast!

I always thought you had a good relationship with your brother, but I didn’t expect you two were even worse than plastic brothers!

As expected, you can tell a person's character by looking at him when he was three years old. You were so vicious when you were young, and you are even worse now, right? I felt something was wrong before, but now I think about it, weren't you just trying to take advantage of your brother's popularity the last few times

Comparing the two, I really think my brother has a good character. He doesn't even bother with you. If it were me, I would have stopped having anything to do with you long ago!

Is the threshold to enter the entertainment industry so low now? Anyone can get in? Bo Jin, get out of the entertainment industry!

Soon, #薄晋滚出娱乐圈# also became a hot search.

Lu Ning started paying attention to the development of this incident when Wu Xiaomeng and Bo Jin were fighting each other. When this video became a hot topic, she was the first to notice it.

After watching the video, Lu Ning felt that he had been lucky to be with Bo Jin, a Muggle, in his dream. However, what happened in the dream only made Bo Jin think that he had a nightmare. After this incident fermented in reality, Bo Jin's real nightmare was about to come.

The incident was so serious that it was impossible for Grandpa Jing not to know about it. In fact, Grandpa Jing knew about it at the first time. After knowing what his only grandson had experienced, he felt both guilty and annoyed. When he was young, he was not a qualified elder.

Old Master Jing started a huge fire and, ignoring the pleas of Bo Jin's parents, he took action with thunder!

Most of what Wu Xiaomeng could find out were trivial matters. Once Grandpa Jing took action, it would naturally not be a small matter like the one he was doing now.

When Bo Jin was only five or six years old, he could attack his younger cousin so viciously and let his pit bull bite people. Over the years, no one knows how many evil things he has done.

If this person is not investigated, something bad will definitely happen.

Sure enough, after the video incident went viral, all the bad things Bo Jin had done in recent years were exposed one by one.

The biggest incident was that he once drove drunk and escaped, killing four people while driving drunk! After the accident, he let others take the blame. Drunk driving and escaping plus letting others take the blame, these few things add up, Bo Jin is about to face a life sentence!

When netizens saw what happened to Bo Jin, they all applauded. Some even felt that it was not enough and wished that he could die directly to atone for his sins!

However, Lu Ning felt that letting Bo Jin live in there in pain would be more painful than letting him die directly.

The day when they saw Bo Jin's end was the first day that Lu Ning and Jing Yi started living together.

During the period after the two confirmed their relationship, Lu Ning appeared in her dreams once every three or four days. Dreaming was no longer a must, but after so many times, Lu Ning and Jing Yi had become accustomed to it, and they even regarded it as a part of their lives.

The previous few times were just ordinary dreams, until two days ago when Lu Ning used the gift given by the merit system.

As the scene, she chose the top of a misty mountain in the world of immortal cultivation. She had only experienced such a scene in a game before. Being in it gave her a feeling of the vastness of the world and the boundlessness of the sky.

In a scene shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland, she and Jing Yi tried for the first time the outdoor experience of lying on the grass with blue sky and white clouds above their heads.

After waking up the next day, Lu Ning was still a little dazed. Such a realistic scene and excellent experience were worthy of being a product of the Merit System.

She even remembered the feel of the grass brushing against the smooth skin of her back.

She still remembered Jing Yi's surprised and delighted look at that time.

The two of them were so close in the dream, so when Jing Yi proposed living together on the first day, Lu Ning agreed without much thought.

On the first day of living together, Lu Ning arrived at their new home empty-handed. Everything in the house was brand new, with everything available, and she didn't have to prepare anything.

Jingyi cooked dinner and the dishes were washed by the dishwasher.

On the first day in the new home, everything seemed no different from before.

Until the evening of this day.

Jing Yi chuckled. Under the warm orange light above his head, his eyes were filled with tenderness. "Miao Miao, the dream is so shallow."

There is a line in a poem that goes "The writing on paper always feels shallow", and Jing Yi changed two words based on his actual situation.

Lu Ning knew exactly what he meant, so she smiled and asked, "So?"

"To be honest, practice makes perfect."

Lu Ning nodded and continued to pretend not to understand, "Well, then?"

The one who answered her was the handsome face that suddenly came close to her.

This time, they will go to the wonderful dreamland on the top of the misty mountain in reality...

(End of text)