Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 80: The eightieth day of love


In a dream.

The fluffy wolf tail wrapped Lu Ning up completely. She looked like she was wearing a pure white scarf. However, the wolf tail felt much better than the scarf. It was soft and silky to the touch.

It was only after Lu Ning used the orc buff in her dream that she realized she was a fur lover. She liked all furry things, especially furry tails and ears.

Thinking of this, she raised her eyes lazily and looked at Jing Yi who was leaning on her back.

As soon as he saw her eyes, Jing Yi knew what was going on and leaned his head towards her.

There were two pure white wolf ears on Jing Yi's head. Lu Ning couldn't help but feel itchy and rubbed them with her hands. The wolf ears were naturally very nice. She rubbed them twice, and the wolf ears on Jing Yi's head shook unconsciously, looking very cute.

The function of the orc buff is naturally more than just transforming into an orc. It also has many specific settings, such as what kind of performance it will have in what scenario. After reading these settings, Lu Ning had only one thought in his mind, that is, the system is really fun.

Even though it has been almost six years since they received this gift, Lu Ning and Jing Yi have only unlocked some scenes and buffs, and there are still a large number of scenes and buffs to be unlocked.

When Lu Ning woke up the next day, he was still thinking about the fluffy and silky wolf tail in his dream.

It's a pity that there is no such pure white beautiful wolf tail for her to rub in reality.

While she was still savoring the memory, the doorbell rang continuously, as if it would stop unless they opened the door. Lu Ning blinked her still hazy eyes in confusion and asked, "Who is it so early?"

Not long after Lu Ning woke up, Jing Yi also woke up. Hearing the frequent doorbell rings, he stood up and kissed her on the side of her face, "I'll go check it out."

When Jing Yi opened the door, the staff of the "Heartbeat Index - You Are With Me All the Way" program team almost blocked the entrance.

Seeing the large group of people at his doorstep, Jing Yi frowned slightly, "You guys?"

One of the staff members took the initiative to say, "Today is the day when the variety show starts live broadcasting, Teacher Jing, have you forgotten?"

Although six years have passed since the first season of "Heartbeat Index", the staff are still accustomed to calling Jing Yi "Mentor Jing" instead of other titles such as Teacher Jing.

Jing Yi naturally didn't forget, but the time he remembered seemed a little wrong.

"Is it tomorrow?"

Another staff member explained, "It was an employee's mistake before. We got the date wrong. We are so sorry. We corrected it right away. Didn't your agent tell you yesterday?"

The agent probably sent a message to remind him last night, but he and Lu Ning went to bed early and neither of them noticed the message.

He glanced at the camera in the cameraman's hand and asked, "Has the live broadcast started?"

The cameraman chuckled and said, "Yes."

Live streaming is written in the contract, so it is possible. They will do this season exactly as the first season of "Heartbeat Index" was done.

As soon as Jing Yi appeared, the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy.

Woohoo, after six years, the romance variety show is back.

Six years have passed in a flash, yet it seems as if they have never gone away. I am glad that my brother is still here.

My brother and Teacher Lu have been protecting Zhuangzi very well over the years. In this variety show, will I be able to see the cute Zhuangzi

As soon as Zhuangzi was mentioned, the popularity of the live broadcast room soared.

Jing Yi nodded to show that he understood, "Give me five minutes."

Five minutes later, Jing Yi, neatly dressed, came again and opened the door.

Wherever Jing Yi appeared, his fans would not notice anyone else, and only had him in their eyes and hearts. After a few years, Jing Yi's attraction to them was no longer as great as their own son's.

Where's Zhuangzi? I want to see Zhuangzi!

Wow, in the blink of an eye my brother has become a father. Time really flies.

When I first started watching "Heartbeat Index", I was still a high school student. Now I have graduated from college. Sigh.jpg.

I'm the same as the person above. I had just graduated from college when I watched the first season, and now I'm a father myself.

While the audience in the live broadcast room were still reminiscing about the past, Jing Yi came out holding a chubby baby.

The little boy was plump all over, his arms were like lotus roots, and his face was chubby. He seemed to have just woken up and was still rubbing his eyes with his little hands.

Ahhh, strong boy!

Woohoo, Zhuangzi is confirmed to be the top star! Let me see, are many of them here for Zhuangzi

I have always been curious about why my brother named his son Zhuangzi. When I heard this name, it reminded me of Dazhuang and the like. After seeing Zhuangzi, I understood.

It is suggested that the elder brother should have a second child as soon as possible and name him Chui Zai. Da Zhuang and Da Chui sound like brothers or siblings.

The one upstairs is so cool!

Zhuangzi is three and a half years old this year. Although he is young, he is very well behaved. Jing Yi puts him on a specially customized small chair, squeezes toothpaste on his toothbrush, and then he slowly brushes his teeth with the children's toothbrush.

After brushing his teeth, Jing Yi wet his small towel with warm water, wrung it out, and shook it out. After he took it, he held the towel with his chubby hands and wiped his face slowly.

The mother fans in the live broadcast room were so moved.

Zhuangzai is really well-behaved!

The little chubby hands are so eye-catching, hahaha.

After the family of three had packed their things, they got into the car that the program crew had specially sent to pick them up.

Zhuangzi was young and felt sleepy after breakfast. He lay on Jingyi's thighs and fell asleep in a short while.

Therefore, the audience in the live broadcast room watched a "sleeping live broadcast" for free during the rest of the journey. They enjoyed watching Zhuangzai's chubby face.

While driving, Lu Ning asked the staff beside him softly, "Which dating guests from the first season will be here?"

Previously, the program team only officially announced that the recording of "Heartbeat Index—You Are With Me All the Way" would begin soon. As for which dating guests and dating mentors would participate, all this information was kept confidential before the actual live broadcast.

Lu Ning thought that now that the live broadcast had begun, there was no need to keep it secret anymore.

The staff member smiled mysteriously at her and said, "We can't tell you yet. You'll know when we get to the Heartbeat Cabin, Professor Lu."

Hearing the familiar place name, Lu Ning was a little dazed for a moment.

Is the recording location this time still the same Heartbeat House

Half an hour later, the car stopped steadily in front of the Heartbeat Hut.

Six years have passed, and the once brand new Heartbeat House has also shown some signs of weathering. The pink walls have become darker, and after being exposed to wind and rain for a long time, some paint has even peeled off the exterior walls of the villa.

Perhaps in order to make the audience in the live broadcast room and the guests participating in "With You All the Way" feel like they are dreaming back to the first season, the decoration outside the Heartbeat House is exactly the same as it was six years ago.

A long banner was hung in the air above the Heartbeat House, with the words "Welcome to the Heartbeat House" written on it. In order to fit the theme of "love", the area around the Heartbeat House was filled with bright red Corolla roses and decorated with many heart-shaped balloons.

If the pink walls of the Heartbeat House had not become mottled, Lu Ning would even think that time had passed.

Lu Ning pursed her lips and asked, "Why don't we repaint the exterior of the Heartbeat Cottage?" The aged villa and the brand-new decorations around it seemed too well matched.

The staff member smiled and explained, "The director said that he wanted to give the dating guests and dating mentors a sense of returning to the first season, but after all, six years have passed and everything may be exactly the same as before. So the director deliberately did not repaint the exterior wall."

I want to cry.

When people get old, once they are associated with memories, they can't help but feel sad about the passing of time.

The same, but not completely the same.

Lu Ning also understood what the director meant.

Lu Ning's family of three were the first to arrive, but they were also the last.

When they arrived, Meng Heng and Yao Hanhan were already there.

Six years have passed, and the two of them have already achieved their goal. They got married five years ago, and their daughter is already four years old, half a year older than Zhuangzi.

The two kids hit it off immediately and started playing games together.

A few adults were waiting for other guests to arrive.

Yao Hanhan clapped his hands, "Let's guess who will come today?"


Yao Hanhan paused, "Then let me start guessing. I guess Xin Nancheng won't come. He has been staying abroad for many years. I heard that his career is quite successful. I guess he won't be able to spare the time."

Meng Heng cooperated and said, "I also guess that Xin Nancheng will not come. Nuonuo may come, and Zheng Shu will probably come too. As for the two mentors, it's too easy to guess. Probably one of them will come."

After saying that, he looked at Lu Ning and Jing Yi standing beside him, "Teacher Lu, Teacher Jing, what do you think?"

Lu Ning said calmly, "I guess everyone will come."

Meng Heng was slightly stunned when he heard this, "Everyone?" He looked at Jing Yi, "Teacher Jing, what do you think?"

"My wife and I agree."

Everyone? Is it really possible to keep the original cast

If it's really the original cast, my youth is back!

Woohoo, I hope they can all come. No matter which one is missing, it won’t be the same as before.

What the above person said is not right. Shen Chuchun, Pei Xi, Mu Baozhu and others will definitely come again.

When they saw these three familiar names, the old fans of "Heartbeat Index" fell silent.

Why mention the three of them on this good day of reunion? It's bad luck!

That is, what's good about these

While the audience in the live broadcast room was discussing heatedly, the other guests also came to the Heartbeat House one after another.

This time, the director not only invited the guests themselves, but also allowed them to bring their families.

Those who have a partner should bring their partner, and those who have cute babies should bring their cute babies.

What would be the point if the guests came on their own

What he wanted was a comparison between the guests six years later and six years ago.

Soon, all those who accepted the invitation from the program team gathered in the Heartbeat Hut.

Just as Lu Ning guessed, all the dating guests and dating mentors returned.

My youth is back!

Teacher Lu is always amazing! He even guessed this correctly!

I hope the sequel to the romance series will disappoint me.

Both Meng Heng and Yao Hanhan guessed that Xin Nancheng would not come back to participate in the dating variety show, but he came by himself, and he also brought his mixed-race girlfriend with him.

Nuonuo brought her boyfriend with her.

To everyone's surprise, Zheng Shu was still single and came alone.

Su Xiaoxiao is also still single, and as for Shi Lun, he came with his newlywed wife.

Six years have passed, some of them are married, some are dating, and some are still single.

So interesting.