Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 82: The eighty-second day of love


Tears welled up in Nuonuo's eyes, but Akai's expression changed instantly when he heard that. "What do you mean? A love mentor can arbitrarily dictate other people's feelings? A love mentor can arbitrarily break up a loving couple?"

Lu Ning ignored Akai and continued teaching the audience on the live broadcast, "Today I just happened to have a successful example. An example will make it easier for you to understand. Then I will analyze the specific situation in detail."

Hahaha, is Akai the example

Akai took Mr. Lu as an example.

Akai’s shocked expression is really funny. Hasn’t he watched the first season of “Heartbeat Index”

He dared to come to participate in the sixth anniversary special edition of "Heart Index" without even watching the first season. I respect Akai as a real man.

Lu Ning gave an example expressionlessly, "Just now Akai mentioned Nuonuo's job. In my opinion, any job that requires labor is respectable. Nuonuo's attitude towards live streaming is serious and responsible. But in Akai's opinion, she can't make money from live streaming. There are only three or four hundred people watching the live streaming every night, and the daily income is very low.

These words were a verbal blow to Nuonuo. He had been denying Nuonuo's career, her efforts, and her value. In Akai's heart, Nuonuo was worthless.

That makes a lot of sense. When I think about it this way, I feel that Akai is really scary!

No wonder I always felt that what Akai said was strange, but after Professor Lu’s analysis, I now understand!

"In my memory, Nuonuo liked cosplay and the two-dimensional world. She always wore pretty little skirts. Although her presence was not high, her smile was very bright. Now she is wearing ordinary clothes. In the short time just now, she said "I'm sorry" twice. This shows that she has become inferior, sensitive, and extremely unconfident due to the verbal attacks in the past."

Ahh, learned it!

Old fans who have watched the first season said that Nuonuo has really changed a lot.

I feel a little sad. Sisters, you really need to be careful when looking for a boyfriend in the future.

At this point, Lu Ning looked at Nuonuo, "At that time you said you wanted to enrich yourself and become a better person. Have you forgotten those words?"

The memories of six years ago flooded to Nuonuo like a tide.

Every scene is as clear as yesterday.

It seems that all that happiness still surrounds her.

Hearing this, Nuonuo was like a person stuck in a swamp grabbing a piece of driftwood. Tears immediately fell like rain. She choked and said, "I haven't forgotten."

She didn't forget, but unfortunately, over the years, she became less and less like her former self. She once struggled and tried to save herself, but slowly, even she began to deny herself.

She began to doubt herself. Was it really like what Akai said, that in this life, no one else wanted her except him? Was she a waste, a useless anchor who couldn't make any money

"Teacher Lu, I... I'm sorry." Apart from sorry, she didn't know what to say.

Akai, who was standing by, saw that Nuonuo was beginning to waver, so he grabbed her hand and said sincerely, "Nuonuo, do you blame me for saying this to you

I say this only because I love you too much and I can't live without you."

Akai spoke with real emotion, and there was a hint of emotion and tenderness in Nuo Nuo's eyes. The struggle in her eyes was obvious, and the audience in the live broadcast were all angry at her for not fighting back after seeing it.

You are so soft-hearted towards this scumbag!

There must be something pitiful about a pitiful person, sigh.jpg.

The scumbag has completely controlled Nuonuo by playing the victim step by step, and this process has lasted for about three years.

As the audience was sighing with emotion, a plain voice was heard on the field.

"Of course you can't live alone. You can't find a job, and you're such a loser that you can only survive by relying on her. If she dumps you, won't a gigolo like you starve to death?"

The audience in the live broadcast was stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then all kinds of small gifts popped out as if they were free.

I was originally very angry, sad, and in mixed feelings, but when Teacher Lu said this, I just wanted to laugh.

I wanted to laugh as well, hahaha. I didn’t expect that Teacher Lu would be the one who creates the atmosphere.

It's so true, the scumbag couldn't live alone because he lost Nuonuo, it was obviously because he lost a long-term meal ticket.

After hearing these words, Akai's face was blank for a moment.

His real predicament was exposed to everyone by Lu Ning

After these two confrontations, Akai already knew that Lu Ning was a tough guy. He didn't say anything more to avoid making mistakes, so he just remained silent.

However, Lu Ning did not let him go easily. She still used Akai as an example to teach some tips to the live broadcast audience.

"Packaging yourself to attract prey - verbally suppressing the prey - playing the victim, this is just a common tactic used by scumbags to pua. If you see a scumbag playing the victim, just throw him into the trash can."

When Nuonuo heard this, her face turned a little pale.

She wanted to throw away Akai, but the three years of relationship between them prevented her from doing so at the first moment.

Seeing that Akai and Nuonuo didn't say anything, the director coughed lightly and asked, "Which one?"

In the director's opinion, Nuonuo probably can't make such a decisive decision on whether to break up or not, so it would be better to let Akai endure a few more beatings from Teacher Lu.

After the director finished speaking, he gestured to the two remaining love guests.

Xin Nancheng, who received the director's gaze, quickly took over the conversation, "Hi, I wonder if you still remember me. I'm Xin Nancheng, and I've been staying in Beijing for the past six years. After coming back this time, I feel that Beijing has changed a lot. I almost got lost while walking on the road. The development is really fast and good."

That's a must!

This is the speed of China! Proud.jpg

After Xin Nancheng finished speaking, it was his mixed-race girlfriend's turn.

One look at her hair would tell you she was mixed-race. She had a very sweet smile and spoke fluent Chinese. "Hello everyone, I'm Xin Nancheng's girlfriend, Chinese-English mixed-race. You can call me Nana."

After saying that, Nana winked at the audience in front of the camera.

After blinking, she looked at Lu Ning beside her and lifted her hair. "Teacher Lu, I watched the first season of "Heartbeat Index" from beginning to end."

Lu Ning nodded to show that he understood.

Nana smiled, with a cunning light in her dark brown eyes, "Back then, you saw through my boyfriend at a glance that he was a sea king, but what about me? How am I?"

Lu Ning glanced at her calmly and said sincerely, "You two are well matched and a perfect match."

Nana was stunned. "I always thought you got the script in advance, but I didn't expect you..." She was right at the beginning.

It's just the basic operation of Lu Tutor. Old fans have long been accustomed to it.

Male Aquaman vs. Female Aquaman, a pinnacle showdown between high-end players

Kind of interesting, two high-end players playing green with each other? Hahahaha.

All the dating guests have been introduced, and now it is the dating mentor's turn.

Su Xiaoxiao spoke first.

"Hello, audience friends. I am your love mentor Su Xiaoxiao. It's been a long time since we last met. I miss you so much. Among the four mentors, three are married. I am the only one who is still single. My friend, I am so lonely."

Teacher Su, please find one quickly.

Teacher Su, you might as well just make do with Master Versailles.

The guy above, stop matching couples up randomly!

After Su Xiaoxiao finished introducing herself, it was Shi Lun's turn. "Hello everyone, I'm Shi Lun. I've rarely appeared in public in the past year because I accomplished a major event in my life this year. I got married, and the person next to me is my wife Lulu."

Lulu put her head on Shi Lun's shoulder and greeted the audience, "Hello, everyone." Then she gently placed her hand on her belly, "Here, there is a little life."

After seeing this, the audience of the live broadcast offered their congratulations.

Finally, it was the turn of the family of three that the audience had been looking forward to the most.

The first one to speak was Jing Yi, "I am Mr. Lu's husband, Jing Yi."

Woo woo woo, tears in my eyes. In my brother’s heart, Teacher Lu’s teacher is more important than any other identity.

Teacher Lu was in front and he was behind.

Lu Ning, "I am Mr. Jing's wife, Lu Ning."

Zhuangzi said in a baby voice, "I am his treasure, Zhuangzi."

Ah, Zhuangzai, so cute!

You are my treasure!

I really want to pinch your little chubby face.

After all the guests and mentors introduced themselves, the director quickly announced today's activities.

"Today is the first day of the live broadcast, so the production team won't assign love tasks yet. It just so happens that tonight is the annual charity concert. Just like in the first season, we will all go to the concert together in the evening."

Ah, my youth is back, it really is my youth back. All the activities that happened in the first season should be included in this special edition, right

Let me recall, charity concert, Weibo night... these events happened to be held recently!

The production team was thoughtful. After six years, the same occasion, the same people, but it probably will give the audience a different feeling.

When the audience in the live broadcast sighed and lamented, Lu Ning was a little stunned for a moment.

Six years ago, at a charity concert, she and Jing Yi met for the first time in public.

It's just that Jing Yi didn't recognize her at all that time. She saved his life, but he just pushed her away coldly and thanked her coldly.

During these six years, Lu Ning occasionally wondered whether Jing Yi's calamity had completely passed.

In "Sweet Love", Jing Yi's accident happened much later than in the film.

Although the past six years have passed peacefully, Lu Ning still can't completely put his mind at ease.

It was soon evening.

Because most of the guest mentors came with their families and there were a lot of people, the program team prepared three nanny cars, two large ones and one small one.

Lu Ning's family and the cameraman who followed them rode in a small nanny car.

Yao Hanhan's family, Su Xiaoxiao and the cameraman were in one car, while the others were in another.

It's an hour's journey from the Heartbeat Lodge to the venue of the charity concert.

At this point on the road, the nanny car was very busy.

The audience watching the live broadcast are looking forward to the upcoming charity concert.

But halfway through the journey, Lu Ning suddenly felt unwell.

Jing Yi noticed it the first time. His voice was tense and a little nervous. "What's wrong, Miaomiao? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Lu Ning covered his chest and said, "My heart feels a little stuffy. I want to get out of the car and get some fresh air."

Jing Yi was the first to shout, "Stop the car!"

The driver stepped on the brakes with a confused look on his face, "What's the matter?"

As soon as the car stopped, Jing Yi didn't even have time to explain to the driver. He immediately opened the door and carried Lu Ning into the car.

After carrying her out of the car, Jing Yi turned around and picked up Zhuangzi.

Zhuangzi saw that Lu Ning's face was pale and his face was twisted with worry. He ran to Lu Ning with his short legs and hugged her calves tightly with his chubby arms. He sounded like he was about to cry, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Ning sat on the side of the road and patted her fat son's head. "It's okay. Mom just needs to take a rest."

Jing Yi squatted beside her and held her hand tightly. "Rest for a while, then I'll go to the hospital."

The cameraman and the driver saw that he was in trouble and got in the car right after him.

What happened to Mr. Lu? Are you too tired recently

Teacher Lu, don’t be anxious, take a good rest first.

When a group of people accompanied Lu Ning to rest on the roadside, there was a deafening series of collisions and explosions in front of them...