Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 85: The eighty-fifth day of love


As the name Lu Ning came out, the audience in the live broadcast room almost went crazy.

Ruan Ba’s mentor turned out to be Teacher Lu!

Teacher Lu is too low-key. After so many years, not a single rumor has leaked out.

Ahh, my three favorite people in the entertainment industry are all connected!

Who are your three favorites from the above

Instructor Lu, Instructor Jing, and Instructor Ruan.

I'm exactly like you...

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room were surprised, but even the other people in the Heartbeat Room looked incredulous.

Yao Hanhan covered her mouth and exclaimed, "This... I never expected it."

Ruan Ba smiled and said, "Without Teacher Lu, there would be no me today."

From Ruan Ba's attitude, it is hard to tell that he is grateful to Lu Ning. In comparison, Lu Ning appears much calmer.

She said calmly, "I invested 14 million because I was optimistic about your product. Facts have proved that I was right."

The cost of "Only Me" was 30 million, and the final box office was 6 billion. The film company received 2.5 billion, and the return on investment was about 80 times. This is an extremely scary data, and it is also a data that has never appeared in film history.

After "The World of Only Me", the return rates of Ruan Ba's subsequent films were between 6 and 10 times, and no other film could surpass "The World of Only Me" or come close to it.

A return rate between 6 and 10 times is definitely an excellent result, but Ruan Ba, who has experienced a return rate of 80 times, is not satisfied.

Ruan Ba sighed, "Recently, I found myself in a bottleneck period. My condition is not good, and the performance is getting worse and worse. For a director, starting too high may not be a good thing. Maybe, in my lifetime, I will never make a masterpiece comparable to "The World of Me"."

Woo woo woo, Director Ruan, don’t say that. Your strength is obvious to everyone.

Director Ruan, you have to believe in yourself!

Director Ruan, you will definitely have a place in the future Oscar-winning director list!

Ruan Ba looked at Lu Ning who was standing beside him, "Teacher Lu is my mentor. In fact, I came to "Heartbeat Index" this time hoping to be mentored by Teacher Lu again."

Ah this...

It doesn't have to be so straightforward.

I feel like laughing. As expected, Teacher Lu is always the god!

Lu Ning glanced at him indifferently and said, "'Heartbeat Index' is a love variety show, and the special edition of 'You Are With Me All the Way' is a variety show that combines love, couples, parents and children, and singles..." It has nothing to do with career.

Before Lu Ning finished speaking, Ruan Ba couldn't wait to raise his hand and said, "I'm single, I qualify!"

Anyway, Ruan Ba, as a single flying guest, lived in the Heartbeat Cabin.

He will stay in the Heartbeat Hut for three days and two nights. As for whether he can get a sip of Lu Ning's milk during this time, that depends on himself.

It was only after Ruan Ba came to the Heartbeat House that Jing Yi learned about Lu Ning and his past.

As Lu Ning's closest person, Jing Yi realized that the more he spent time with his wife Lu Ning, the more he became obsessed with her.

She herself is just like the pheromone poppy in her dream, dangerous and deadly, luring people into fall.

Lu Ning actually didn't expect that "The World of Me" would bring her such a considerable return. With a capital of 14 million yuan, she directly earned more than 1 billion yuan. However, she also knew that an 80-fold return rate was rare. In other words, this achievement could not be replicated and was almost impossible to surpass.

In recent years, she has gradually taken over the company from Lu Beicai. For her, there are too many projects that can make money. After "The World of Me", she has not continued to invest in movies.

To put it bluntly, she had already seen the low return rate of the movie. So even though she knew that Ruan Ba participated in "Heartbeat Index" specifically for her, she didn't feel too much.

Seeing that Lu Ning had no interest in him, Ruan Ba decided to start with Zhuangzi. He bought delicious food for Zhuangzi and told him stories, but Zhuangzi was a shrewd kid and was not fooled at all.

Can he say that Zhuangzi is not worthy of being the son of Teacher Lu? It's really too hard to please him.

At noon, the director announced today's love/parent-child mission - You say, I guess.

This is a very old-fashioned game, and it appears in almost every variety show.

The game requires two people. After one person hears the clue word, he or she describes it with words and asks the other person to guess what the clue word is.

If you guess correctly, you get one point. If you guess wrong, you get two points. Finally, the team with the most points within the time limit is the winner.

The winning group can make a request to the program team, and the program team will fulfill the wish of the winning guest within the scope of conditions permitted.

After knowing the requirements, the dating guests all looked eager to try, except for three single men.

Zheng Shu looked helpless, "Director, you are being very friendly to me as a single person by doing this."

The director laughed and said, "It's okay. At most you can team up with the staff when the time comes."

Su Xiaoxiao is also single. She wants to play with the guest star Ruan Ba, but Ruan Ba comes mainly to ask Lu Ning for milk and is not interested in this game. Su Xiaoxiao can only play games with others.

Finally, she and Zheng Shu discussed it and decided that they should just work together.

This was the first time for the two of them to work together. After six years, they worked together again. They both felt like brothers in distress.

Su Xiaoxiao raised her hand and said, "I wish you and I can find our lives together soon!"

Zheng Shu clapped his hands with her vigorously, "I hope you and I can find our lives together soon!"

Hahaha, it’s so funny, two single guys are comforting each other.

After the guests were assigned, the last to perform were the couple Yao Hanhan and Meng Heng.

The two of them didn't have a very high level of tacit understanding, but it was not low either. In the end, they guessed eight words correctly within one minute and got eight points.

The second group to perform was the husband and wife duo Shi Lun and Lulu.

The two got married because of pregnancy. They actually dated for less than half a year, but they had a good understanding of each other and finally got four points.

The third group to perform was the couple Xin Nancheng and Nana.

Nana had lived abroad for a long time and was not very good at Chinese. She did not know many idioms, and in the end the two of them only got one point.

Next up is Nuonuo and Akai, a couple who appear to be in harmony but are actually estranged.

Both of them were distracted and didn't put their heart into the game, so they only got two points in the end.

The fifth group to perform was the mother and son duo Lu Ning and Zhuang Zai.

Ah, is my Zhuangzi, who is only three and a half years old, going to participate in this kind of game

It's time to test Zhuangzai's vocabulary (bushi).

I've gotten tired of this game a long time ago, but if it's a game played by the mother-son duo of Lu Ning and Zhuangzi, I'm really looking forward to it!

Soon, the staff raised the first sign.

There are four words on it: Jade tree standing tall in the wind.

Ah, this is too difficult. Is this going to make things difficult for Fat Tiger

Can't the staff reduce the difficulty a bit

Lu Ning thought about it after hearing this word, "Four words. Zhuangzi, what do you think of your father?"

The boy raised his little head, clasped his hands together, and said in a baby voice, "Dad is extremely talented, handsome, handsome, and unique..."

Lu Ning said, "Stop, what's the second one?"

Zhuangzi immediately said, "He is as handsome as a jade tree!"

Staff, "Add one point!"

Is this okay

Hahaha, so this is the image of brother in Zhuangzi’s mind

This family atmosphere is so great! Zhuangzi has a lot of vocabulary, he even knows Langyan Dujue, dog head.jpg

Soon, the staff presented the second phrase - a day without seeing you feels like three years have passed.

I bet a cucumber that Zhuangzi will definitely guess this sentence.

Woo woo woo, I feel sorry for my Zhuangzi, he is just a three and a half year old baby, this is really too difficult.

To be honest, if it were me, I would probably guess it.

Lu Ning thought for a moment and said, "These eight words are a common saying. Zhuangzi, Daddy sometimes goes to the crew to film. Every time he goes to film in other places, when he video chats with us at night, what does he say?"

When Zhuangzi heard this, he said without thinking, "Miaomiao, I miss you, how about you?"

Hahahaha, absolutely amazing! Really absolutely amazing!

I always thought Jing Yi was a banished immortal who was detached from the mundane world, but ever since he got together with Lu Ning, I realized that he is also a mortal with seven emotions and six desires.

He could have been a banished immortal who knew nothing about love, but he was willing to be a mortal for her.

The two above are too artistic, but I am different. I just think the CP of "Love You All the Way" is really too sweet! Warning of excessive sweetness!

Hearing this, Lu Ning coughed lightly and said, "You also said eight words. But Zhuangzi, what you just said is a common saying. Do you remember what a common saying is?"

Zhuangzi had a chubby face and a look of distress.

But every time Dad goes out to film, this is the sentence he says the most. And every time Dad says this, Mom will fly over to be with him.

Lu Ning continued, "After you heard that sentence before, you also asked why it was not spring, summer, or winter, but..."

Zhuangzi reacted immediately, "One day without seeing you feels like three years have passed." When his father went to film a costume drama, he would say this when he video-called his mother at night!

Staff: "You are right, add one more point."

Zhuangzi is awesome!

The staff quickly raised a third sign, "Bon voyage."

"Four words, Zhuangzi, what do I say to my dad every time he goes out of town to film?"

Zhuangzi counted on his fingers, and stuttered as he recalled, "Hubby, hug me."

Hahahaha, Zhuangzi, keep going, a little more, it’s not too much!

Teacher Lu and Teacher Jing have no privacy. Everything they do in private was revealed by Zhuangzi. To this, I just want to say, well done!

This family atmosphere is so enviable.

Lu Ning held his forehead with his hand and said, "Yes, Zhuangzi, these are indeed four words, but this is it."

Zhuangzi looked at her in confusion and said, "Wife, kiss?"

Hahahaha, I just burst out laughing!

Are the "Love You All the Way" couple so affectionate at home

Lu Ning held his forehead with his hand, "Zhuangzi, what you just said is what Dad told me. Think about it carefully, I always say these four words to Dad."

Zhuangzi counted on his fingers, "Keep warm and have a safe journey..."

“The second one!”

Zhuangzi immediately said, "Bon voyage!"

Staff, "If you answer correctly, you will get one more point!"

Zhuangzai is really awesome!

In the end, the mother-son duo Lu Ning and Zhuangzi answered five questions correctly and received five points.

Although five points is the highest score of the game, considering that Zhuangzi is only three and a half years old, this result can be said to be quite impressive.

The last to perform were the makeshift group of Su Xiaoxiao and Zheng Shu.

Maybe because of the example of the mother-son pair Lu Ning and Zhuang Zai, their combination did not receive much attention, and in the end both of them got three points.

After all six groups of dating guests and mentors have played the game, the first place is announced.

They are the husband and wife duo Yao Hanhan and Meng Heng, who both scored eight points.

The second place is the mother and son duo Lu Ning and Zhuangzi.

Woo woo woo, what a cute little adorable boy Zhuangzi is.

Teacher Lu and Teacher Jing are really good at teaching children.

Other adults are actually better than a three and a half year old kid, dog head.jpg

After the love game ended, today's live broadcast also came to a temporary end.

The audience looked unsatisfied.

Zhuangzi also looked like he was still enjoying the game. After the official game ended, he pestered Lu Ning to play the guessing game for a long time.

When he got tired of playing, Lu Ning was also tired.

After taking a shower in the evening, Lu Ning prepared to go to bed.

Jing Yi waited until both mother and son went to bed, then tucked in the corners of the quilt for them, and then took a shower and went to bed.

Lu Ning thought that she had been with Zhuangzi almost the entire day and ignored Jing Yi, so she decided to go into his dream again at night to comfort her baby Jing.

When she entered the dream this time, she still chose the label of "first encounter".

The last time she entered her dream, the amnesiac Jing Yi brought her a big surprise. She also knew what interesting stories would happen when they met again in the dream this time.

Lu Ning was looking forward to it.

When choosing the scene, just like last time, she ticked the random box.

If it was random, then after entering the dream, everything would be unknown, which would make her more expectant. Every time, it seemed like she was experiencing a brand new life, which was an excellent experience for Lu Ning, who had an adventurous spirit.

After making her choice, Lu Ning, full of anticipation, fell into a sweet dream in the arms of Jing Yi, who had just finished taking a shower.

This time in the dream, Lu Ning found himself at a lively dinner party.

The chandelier above her head reflected a dazzling light. She was unable to adapt for a moment and subconsciously blocked it with her hand.

Lu Ning had just entered the dream and hadn't had time to understand the situation when the NPC next to her came to provide her with information.

"Have you heard that the new Zerg Queen is Mu Baozhu?"

What? Zerg Queen? Mu Baozhu

Is this dream actually an interstellar setting

It seems... not quite right.

Reality is too dull. Experiencing various small worlds in dreams is also an extraordinary life experience.

When Lu Ning heard the name Mu Baozhu, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

The last time I had a dream, the name of the NPC in the dream was Mu Baozhu. I didn’t expect that this time, the main NPC in the dream was still called Mu Baozhu.

The gift left by the merit system was to allow her to enter the dream as quickly as possible and feel more immersed. She felt that there was no need to pull Mu Baozhu out twice in a row.

Just as Lu Ning was thinking this, the NPC next to him continued with an impatient look on his face, "There is no ugly Zerg, and they compete fiercely among themselves to get the queen's favor.

They are devoted and loyal, and they only obey the queen throughout their lives. The whole meaning of their existence is to protect and accompany the queen."

Guard and accompany... When Lu Ning heard these words, his heartstrings moved slightly.