Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 1: Novice copy (1)


[Player Xia Yihui successfully loaded the novice copy of Infinite Escape.]

Xia Yihui was woken up by a loud 'boom', and opened his eyes suddenly, only to find that his whole body was stiff and unable to move.

The voice continued to read in an orderly manner.

[Loading rate 13.3%...]

Xia Yihui's brain was still in a daze, he turned his head with difficulty, and looked at the surrounding environment.

This is a one-bedroom homestay. The structure is very strange, it doesn't matter if there is no independent bathroom and kitchen, and there is no furniture in the living room, the whole hall is empty, like a new house that has not yet been renovated in the future.

Xia Yihui is now in the living room, the door of the bedroom is behind him, less than three meters away from him.

Directly opposite him was the gate of the house, which was ajar, and the situation outside could not be seen clearly. There is also a large freezer next to the door, which is against the half of the door, preventing the door from being opened smoothly.

[Loading rate 62%...]

"Wait!" Xia Yihui suppressed the fear in his heart, and said forcefully: "Are you a terrorist sent by another country? Do you know that kidnapping scientific research personnel is illegal, and I will reserve all my rights to appeal. If you If you don’t stop what you are doing now, see you in the military court!”

If they were really terrorists, they should restrain themselves after hearing what Xia Yi said. But I don't know where the electronic sound came from. It seems to be just a recording, and I don't have the ability to think practically, so I can't understand the meaning of Xia Yihui's words. it continued.

[Loading rate 78%...]

"Damn it!" Xia Yi was shocked and angry.

He remembered that he joined a scientific research team to conduct research last month, and the entire research base was attacked by terrorists midway. During the transfer, he was injured by the explosion.

At the last moment before his consciousness disappeared, he heard the doctor say that he had become a vegetable and would never wake up.

So what's going on now? Why did he wake up again? Could this electronic voice be the terrorist in this event

[After the loading is complete, the player will enter the instance immediately. In the moment of life and death, Infinite Escape officially reminds all players to be more vigilant from now on.]

[Infinite Escape officials are not responsible for the stamina value returning to zero due to the player's failure to react.]

"Players? Could it be that my colleagues have all been kidnapped? And what the hell is infinite escape? Terrorists nowadays are so strange..."

Xia Yihui tried to move his lower body, his upper body could barely move a few times, but his lower body was as stable as Mount Tai.

Even though the current situation is very weird, Xia Yihui still couldn't help complaining: "It's a man, how could he only heal my upper body, he really is a cruel terrorist."

[The loading rate is 100%, the player Xia Yihui successfully joined the game! In this novice dungeon, players can successfully pass the level if they can persist for 5 minutes under the attack of the crawling species!]

[At the same level, the longer you persist, the richer your experience will be. In addition, there are various hidden sub-lines, players are welcome to discover them by themselves! Happy gaming!]

At the second when the electronic voice just fell, everything around was like the play button was suddenly pressed, from absolute stillness to time passing as usual.

Xia once wanted to ask what the reptile was, but the next second the loud bang of the door interrupted him.

It was the banging on the door that woke him up in the first place. Xia Yi turned his eyes to look at the past. At that moment, his whole body was numb from the scalp to the soles of the feet, and his heart was beating violently, as if about to break his ribs and rush out of his chest.

There was a bloody deformed monster outside the door. It seemed that there was a fire hydrant stuck in its head. The monster's face was split in half, and the eyeballs were hanging on the edge of the fire hydrant.

Through the small crack in the door, it is not very clear to see, but the gloomy animal eyes with cold light and the sound of ticking mucus are enough to make people dizzy and chest tight.

Xia Yihui is almost sure that it is definitely not a creature that should exist in reality. He is engaged in research in this area. If such a deformity occurs, he is definitely the one who got the information first-hand.

"Ouch..." Xia Yi turned his head to retch, and the salty smell in the air rushed straight into his nostrils.

The reptiles seemed to be more excited when they heard the voice of a living person in the room. There was a loud 'bump' when the door was smashed. If it weren't for the heavy freezer that blocked half of the door, the reptiles would have been able to enter the room directly and eat Xia Yihui alive.

If it is a normal person, the current approach should be to get close to the reptiles, move the freezer, and completely block the door, so that the reptiles cannot enter.

But Xia Yihui's symptoms of vegetative state seemed to remain. At this moment, his lower body couldn't move at all. If he approached the door with difficulty, the crawling species would have knocked open the door before touching the freezer.

Then he almost sent food into the mouth of the reptile.

Xia Yihui didn't dare to delay any longer. He immediately twisted his body and crawled on the ground with difficulty, trying to enter the bedroom. Once the bedroom door is locked, it should be able to last for five minutes.

The closer you got to the bedroom door, the more ferocious the roar behind you, and the rattling sound of the impact on the freezer seemed to be shattered in the next second.

Xia Yihui had never been so tense before, and the cramped thigh muscles seemed to be gradually waking up.

There was a loud noise behind him, and the door and the freezer were shattered. Xia Yi turned around and glanced back, his soul was almost scared away.

The reptile had already entered the living room, its deformed body was twisted, the sticky liquid stained the floor, and the smell was so strong that it was fishy and disgusting.

It is quite powerful, and when its two claws hit the floor tiles, it can directly punch out a small hole. Fortunately, this game is not completely wiped out. The speed of the reptiles is not very fast, comparable to the normal walking speed of humans.

But no matter how slow the crawling species was, it couldn't be slower than the hemiplegic Xia Yihui.

Seeing that the giant claw was about to fall on his head, Xia Yihui's small universe suddenly erupted, and he let out a cry of "ah", all the strength in his body poured into his thighs, he got up from the ground in a jiffy, and quickly rushed to the bedroom.

The bedroom was pitch black, he turned around, locked it, and pushed the desk next to the door against the door, all in one go.

The fat that reached the mouth just flew away, and the crawling species outside banged on the door and roared angrily, but it still didn't help.

Xia Yi breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the door is held open, this mere five minutes should be enough to fool you.

Only then did he recover, fumbled for the switch in the room, and turned on the light.


The moment the lights in the room were turned on, Xia Yihui's smile froze on his lips, and the blood in his whole body turned cold instantly.

Countless heavy breaths hit the eardrums in the room. The reptiles all over the room were staring at Xia Yihui eeriely.

At the same time, the electronic speaker sounded.

[This is a bedroom full of sundries, you can take all the utensils as you like, and you cannot take out the copy]

[Newbie benefits, you will randomly get an initial skill.]

[Your initial skill is freezing lv1. Freeze any npc in the dungeon for three seconds, and the skill cooldown time is five minutes.]

[The weak point of the reptile is three inches from the neck, and there are two minutes and forty-three seconds left before the clearance.]

Xia Yi looked around. The bedroom is like a garbage dump, with debris spread out all over the floor, and there is nowhere to go in the fairly spacious room.

Roughly counting, there are about nine reptiles in the room, all of which are far from the door, and it should take about 20 seconds for the nearest one to crawl over.

There was a window directly opposite, but it was clearly not an escape route. The street on the first floor can be seen through the transparent window, and the entire street is covered with deformed species.

Xia Yihui's brain was running fast. According to the current clues, if he insisted on fighting with the group in the bedroom, he would obviously be looking for guilt. If he was accidentally besieged, he might be torn to pieces.

The safest way at present is to pick up a usable tool in the house, freeze the crawling species outside the door the moment you open the door, quickly lock the door, and kill the crawling species before it can move.

But this plan is extremely dangerous. His skill cooling time is five minutes, that is to say, once the door is opened, he only has one chance.

Success means victory, loss... almost death.

Just at this moment, the reptile that was closest to Xia Yihui was already approaching, less than one meter away, and the stench almost hit his face. Xia Yihui hurriedly dodged to the side, and subconsciously rummaged through the sundries on the ground.

Power banks, staplers, glasses cases, ballpoint pens, baseball caps, and even a large English-Chinese translation dictionary.

The ground is full of things, but none of them are offensive. Should he carry an English-Chinese translation dictionary to fight monsters? This game must be too difficult!

There is no time, the nine reptiles have gradually surrounded them, and the one outside the door is getting more and more manic. It seems that the door can't last long.

The more critical the situation was, the clearer Xia Yihui's mind became.

Instead of wasting your precious time on this piece of garbage, why not...

Xia Yihui's eyes are fixed, he is not a timid person himself, instead of dying with a room full of garbage, he might as well go out and give it a go.

Besides, going out is not necessarily a desperate situation, but he remembered that there was a good thing stuck in the head of the reptile outside the door.

Xia Yihui pushed the desk away, without the resistance of the desk, the door was crumbling under the attack of the reptiles.

He silently said "one, two, three" in his heart, and immediately opened the bedroom door.

An iron claw came towards him, and it was able to hold it a few centimeters away from the scalp. Xia Yihui moved quickly, and his body functions had fully recovered. He quickly turned around and locked the bedroom door, resisting the disgust in his heart, kicked the reptile's head with one foot, grabbed the fire hydrant with the other hand, and pulled it out with all his strength. .

Along with the eyeballs and brains, rancid liquid flowed all over the floor. Before the three-second deadline was over, Xia Yihui finally pulled out the fire hydrant, and slashed at the crawling species three inches from the neck. The juice splashed all over the body, and the disgusting Xia Yihui almost vomited out the overnight meal.

The reptile went limp and stopped moving. Xia Yihui quickly ran to the door of the living room, took a look outside, his scalp went numb, and the corridor was full of such ghost things.

He quickly blocked the freezer from the door of the living room, so as not to kill one and another group came.

The freezer was knocked loudly by the crawling species, and the door of the bedroom kept ringing. Xia Yi shrank back in the living room, still a little confused about his situation.

Just then, the electronic speaker sounded.

[Five minutes are up, the novice dungeon is over. 9 billion players entered the copy game, and the remaining 8.82 billion players were eliminated, 180 million were eliminated, and the elimination rate was 2%. The eliminated players will be repatriated to the real world, and the advanced players will continue the infinite escape game.]

"The elimination rate is so low, there are only two out of 100 people who haven't passed... Don't everyone be afraid of this kind of monster? If it weren't for my random skills, I might die here directly." Everyone's desire to survive is extremely strong

[Novice dungeon customs clearance settlement experience 100. Congratulations, you have been promoted to level 2, and you have opened the function of the live broadcast room. Players who fail to escape can watch your live broadcast in the real world.]

[Experience 10 for killing a reptile. You currently have 110 experience points, and you need 90 experience points before you can advance. Friendly reminder, the store function can be opened at level 3.]

[Now, please give your live broadcast room a name.]

Xia Yi recalled the name of his game account, and said casually: "The live broadcast room should be called Wo De Ma Da Shen."

[Okay, player Xia Yihui. Your live broadcast room has been opened, and the current number of viewers is 0. Do you need to return to the cultivation space now?]

Xia Yihui was shocked: "Can I still refuse to go back?"

The electronic voice did not answer, as if patiently waiting for his answer.

Xia Yi recalled what Electronic Voice said at the beginning: at the same level, the longer you persist, the richer your experience will be. In addition, there are various hidden secondary lines, which players need to discover by themselves.

In other words, if he persisted for a long time, he would gain more experience by killing a few reptiles. When they return to the cultivation space, they may be able to open the store first, and the chances of winning will be much greater.

Xia Yi turned the fire hydrant in his hand, stared at the "buzzing" bedroom door, and raised the corners of his lips excitedly.

There are so many biologically inexplicable species, for a scientific research lunatic like him, this place is a paradise on earth!

"I'm not going back."

[Okay, player Xia Yihui. You can also stay in the novice copy for ten minutes, and you will be forced to transfer after ten minutes.]

[Please pay attention to your words and deeds at all times. From now on, your live broadcast room 'Wodema Dashen' is officially launched.]

At the same time, the 180 million people who failed to escape and were repatriated to the real world are still confused. They opened the star network, followed the prompts of the electronic voice to open the infinite escape live broadcast platform, and nearly 9 billion live broadcast rooms rushed to go online.

For a while, the homepage was full of colors, and most of the live broadcast rooms were peaceful. The anchors spent the difficult five minutes and almost collapsed. Most of them directly chose to return to the cultivation space.

Among them, the 'Wodema Great God' live broadcast room was quickly brushed down.

At this time, no one seems to realize it. This live broadcast room with a strange name will sweep the entire star network with a momentum of destruction in the future.

And now, Xia Yihui, the anchor who will be popular all over the world in the future, is still envious of the first nine reptiles in the room.

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