Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 11: Campus Arena (9)


"..." Xia Yihui's face was dull.

remember what? He is really not impressed. What infectious disease? What nuke? He is from City S, how could he not know anything about it

And ten years ago... Ten years ago, he was only 15 years old, and he had just been dug into the research institute. If S City was bombed, then has he been dreaming of making medicine for the past ten years

"Is Hua Country hosting the Olympics this year? In City S?" Xia Yi asked with a frown.

I remember that the day before the accident in the institute, he happily opened two bottles of draft beer to celebrate the upcoming Olympic Games, but he was blasted to the operating table in the blink of an eye.

If you use the Olympic Games as a node, you should be able to figure out the time quickly, right

"Yes, City S hosts the Olympics."

Xia Yihui heaved a sigh of relief, and as soon as the corners of his mouth raised, he saw the middle-aged man's face bewildered and said: "But it's not this year, the Olympic Games in city S was ten years ago, because of the infectious disease, the The Olympics were simply not held. Tens of millions of people were killed by the nuclear bomb, and the whole country was silently mourning, so what is the Olympics.”

Then how is he still alive? Xia Yihui frowned, took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and tried to analyze the situation in front of him.

In the current situation, he thinks the most appropriate explanation should be as follows:

When an accident happened in the research institute, he directly became a vegetative state and fell into a coma.

During this period, an infectious disease broke out in city s. As a scientific researcher in biopharmaceuticals, the country must give priority to saving him.

Not long after he was transported away, the infectious disease was out of control. In order to prevent it from spreading to the whole country and even the whole world, a nuclear bomb was directly dropped on City S, so as to prevent future troubles.

He was lucky, happened to escape the nuclear bomb crisis and survived.

During the vegetative period, because I don't know everything that happened, I have been asleep, so there is no concept of time passing.

Until the escape game starts, people's consciousness is forcibly drawn into the virtual space. And he was awakened by the game by accident, and was brought in together.

Only by explaining it in this way can it make sense why he lost ten years of memory inexplicably.

"In this game, people can return to the real world after they die. If I die, I might be truly brain-dead!" Thinking of this, Xia Yihui's face turned ugly.

Suddenly, a scream interrupted his thoughts. Xia Yihui immediately looked up at the source of the sound.

The middle-aged man was terrified. Just now, the watch in his hand flew into the air and landed in Zhang Qingyu's hand.

"What are you doing? We are all prey now, what are you doing with my watch?!"

Zhang Qingyu docked his watch with the middle-aged man's watch. After three seconds of silence, the middle-aged man suddenly let out a painful wail, and his face turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The remaining time ran out, and the middle-aged man was directly out of the game, without having time to say a word. Beside him burst out a bottle of milk and three loaves of bread.

The crowd began to panic.

"Fuck, what's the matter?"

"Isn't Zhang Qingyu a science subject? Sanmo Science is a prey, why can he take other people's time?"

"It's so unfair! Why?"

"It's no wonder he's leveled up so fast, it's a shame!"

"This has nothing to do with leveling up, but the fact that it's just taking time is really like a cheat."

Taking away the middle-aged man's time, Zhang Qingyu didn't stop. He looked at the rest of the people, and with a slight retraction of his fingers, dozens of watches were grabbed into his hands.

Everyone dared not speak out, they could only secretly hate in their hearts.

The long-armed man looked at Xia Yihui, and angrily said, "Didn't you just say you would let us go?!"

"..." Xia Yihui was also helpless. He has no intention of sending these people out for the time being, and he still has a lot of questions that he hasn't asked yet.


"Disgusting! You clearly said you would let us go!"

"I knew it was like this, but I was so stupid as to believe someone like you. Sure enough, it's impossible for someone who can get no.10 in the opening game to be a good stubble."

Everyone didn't know what Xia Yihui was thinking, they only thought that he was contradicting his promise, so they all glared at him and cursed out all kinds of ugly words.

Xia Yi suddenly felt innocent, and pouted at Zhang Qingyu, saying: "Hey, hey, it was that handsome guy over there who hurt you, and he is also the one who wants to harvest your lives now. I didn't do anything about the whole thing, completely It’s a victim, at most they just refuse to help, isn’t that bad?”

Everyone glared at him and couldn't listen to his explanation at all.

After thinking for a long time, he still felt that he was innocent, so Xia Yikui simply stood with his arms folded, watching calmly and confidently.

After cursing a few words, those people fell silent, their faces turned pale quickly, their eye sockets sunken, and their eyes gradually lost their focus.

Clearly, these guys have had their time taken and are out.

Beside the corpse, milk and bread rushed out, and Xia Yihui saw a bottle of medicine inside.

Xu Qing's eyes were about to burst, and he was full of despair. Seeing Zhang Qingyu take away those people's watches, he knew that it would be his turn soon. He felt terrified when he thought of what he had to face when he returned to the real world.

Hearing the panting of the person beside him, Xu Qing fell into deep thought. Now that I have reached this point, I am not afraid to be more insane.

Maybe you can escape after leveling up

He said "I'm sorry" silently in his heart, and then he looked ruthless, picked up the broken glass on the ground, and quickly swiped towards a few people who hadn't lost their time, cutting the main artery in the neck, and blood gushed out.

Those people couldn't make a sound with blood coming from their throats, their hearts were filled with chills, they just stared at Xu Qing with disbelief in their eyes.

[A total of 4 players were beheaded, and the experience gained was 450.]

[You have been upgraded, the current level is S6.]

[The player level required for the evolution of your skill speed lv1 has been reached. Evolution is about improving capabilities and adding new features.]

[In this dungeon, unless you evolve, your skills will not be available.]

[Would you like to pay 100 currency to choose evolution?]

Xu Qing was taken aback for a moment, and was ecstatic in his heart. Originally, I just wanted to upgrade the level, but I didn't expect to be able to evolve skills!

Before Zhang Qingyu snatched his watch, Xu Qing urged loudly: "I'll change it, hurry up!"

Xia Yi took a step back, ready to run away.

When he was watching the forum before, he saw everyone discussing what the lv.1 behind the skill means.

At that time, some people speculated that skills could evolve, and this guess was unanimously agreed by everyone. It's just that no one in the forum has really evolved, so everyone can't be sure.

But now it is certain that skills can evolve. And evolution requires two prerequisites.

— Player levels and currencies.

Thinking of currency, Xia Yihui felt a little helpless. In the last game, he desperately upgraded to S3, opened the store, and happily bought a lot of things.

Who knew that the infinite escape game could be so tricky.

Most people don't think about evolving skills. Those who can open a store must buy as soon as they can, and spend all the currency, and it is impossible to keep it.

From this point of view, it is obvious that those who failed to advance to S3 in the last game and have not opened a store are the ones who really have an advantage!

No matter how much food, drink and self-defense equipment you buy, it is not as cost-effective as improving your skills. Because improving skills is equivalent to directly improving combat effectiveness.

"Fortunately, I didn't buy supplies for my 500, but bought a new skill, otherwise it would be too bad."

Xia Yihui felt sorry for those people who didn't get enough currency to make up 500, but were close to 500.

These people are absolutely impulse shoppers, shopping spree, and spend all their currency.

Old skills can't be upgraded, and new skills can't be bought. Thinking about it, it's a loss of 100 million! He feels sorry for the currency for those people!

While Xia Yihui sighed regretfully, the electronic sound continued.

[100 currency has been deducted, and the currency balance is 0. Your skill Speed lv1 is upgraded to Speed lv2.]

At the same time, a line of skill notes for Speed lv2 appeared in the air, and this line of words can only be seen by the skill holder himself.

Xu Qing looked at the line and noticed that the speed of lv2 doubled. He froze for a moment, his eyes slowly turned bloodshot, and the word excitement was written all over his face.

With a roar, perhaps because he was afraid of death, his body exploded with great power, and with a single step, his whole body shot out like a rocket launcher, rushing towards Zhang Qingyu.

Xia Yi could almost only see the afterimage of Xu Qing, and he was secretly stunned: Once the skills evolved, Xu Qing's speed had at least increased five times!

Adhering to the mentality of a melon-eating crowd, Xia Yihui stood leisurely on the side, taking the time to see how this great master Zhang would deal with Xu Qing.