Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 112: Ghost Casino (Twenty Three)


Xia Yi was noncommittal, and looked at where the five evil spirits were standing.

In the original game, there was only one ghost chasing the player, so the player only had to run around in a circle.

Now there are five new ghosts, and there is one ghost for every two futons on average. It seems that the previous tactics are basically useless. No matter how stupid they run around in circles, it is very likely that they will die without knowing how to die.

Despite his urgency, there was not much time left for him to observe the scene. Soon, the white silk in front of him came up with an undeniable gesture.

Before being blindfolded, Xia Yihui raised his eyes to look at Zhang Qingyu who was diagonally opposite, and happened to meet those clear eyes. In the next second, darkness enveloped it, and the touch of white silk was icy cold, slippery and uncomfortable.

Although the darkness will infinitely magnify the fear in people's hearts, as long as he thinks of the pair of eyes he saw just now, Xia Yihui will feel much more at ease for no reason.

On the other side, the bearded referee couldn't wait to pick up the radio, and the nursery rhymes brainwashed the players' brains over and over again.

"Throw the handkerchief, throw the handkerchief, gently put it behind the kid, don't tell him, hurry up, catch him, hurry up and catch him~~"

"One... two... three..." Xia Yihui counted the numbers silently in his mind.

Over and over again, the child's voice sounded cheerful and cheerful, as if singing about some great event. However, everyone inside and outside the barrier knew that this nursery rhyme was just expecting a different kind of massacre.

four... five...

Um? How many times have you counted just now, is it the third time or the fourth time

Xia Yihui's heart trembled. It has to be said that the five new ghosts in the game are quite lethal, at least he was upset when he was successfully disturbed.

He tried to listen attentively, but unfortunately, the surrounding area was very quiet, and the nursery rhymes were played tirelessly. It was messed up at first, and then he had no way of knowing the real number of times.

In such chaos, the heart beat faster and faster, and it seemed that the blood in his body was rushing up crazily, sticking a trace of hot temperature to the cold white silk on his eyes.

Loss of vision, especially keen hearing, the sound of the radio tape rewinding stuttered, and the nursery rhymes were also slightly stuttered.

"Throw the handkerchief, throw the handkerchief... put it gently, put it behind the kid, don't, don't tell him, hurry up, catch him, hurry up... catch him~~"

Is this playing the sixth time

Once Xia was puzzled, he quickly denied this conjecture, because the white silk in front of him did not fall off—

Wait, no drop

Doesn't mean he's the 'lucky guy' if he didn't drop it!

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui trembled all over, conditioned to get up from the ground, and stood there hesitantly. At the same time, there was a sound of breaking through the air from the right rear, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

It wasn't until this time that Zhang Qingyu's strangely soothing voice sounded.

"There are four left. Now squat down, stop for three seconds, and come to the fifth position."

Hearing this, Xia Yihui squatted down immediately without hesitation.

The hair on the top of his head felt like it was being scratched by something, and the roar of the evil spirit was close at hand, which sounded extremely terrifying, but no matter what, he avoided the blow perfectly.

When counting to three, Xia Yi went around in a circle and ran to position five. The npc in this place was a wealthy nobleman. He saw Xia Yihui rushing towards him, shouting in horror, hoping that the latter would stay away from him.

Not far away there was another slight sound of breaking through the air, and the heavy object fell to the ground mixed with the exclamation of everyone.

The roar of evil spirits could be heard from both sides, Xia Yihui couldn't see anything, so he could only turn his head to listen.

At this moment, the surrounding sounds were extremely chaotic, countless evil spirits were roaring, the nearby npcs screamed in alarm, and the bearded referee slammed the radio. The white players were discussing something in a low voice. Hearing that voice, one could imagine the appearance of these two men with malicious intentions.

In all the noise, Xia Yihui finally caught the clear voice that he wanted to hear.

"Come to number four."

Xia Yi was taken aback when he heard this sentence: There are evil spirits on both sides, how can he get to the fourth position under such circumstances

Soon he realized, since there are front and back, why can't he go in the middle

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui no longer hesitated, immediately turned around and stepped directly into the middle of the circle. The evil spirit chased after him closely, and every time he panted, it seemed that he heard it next to his ears.

The situation seems to be going well, there are constant sounds of bullets piercing through the air, and the roar of the evil spirits is getting weaker and weaker. Correspondingly, the exclamation of the npcs around is getting louder, and the bearded referee is distressed but Another helpless scream.

Xia Yihui didn't know what happened around him, but this didn't prevent him from feeling a sense of peace in his heart.

This feeling is very strange, as if I have been fighting alone all the time, and I have to take care of multiple crises, but one day I have a companion, and I can entrust it behind my back.

It is precisely because of Zhang Qingyu that even if it is not safe in all directions, his brain considers it safe.

So this is the courage of the great player? Xia Yihui was thoughtful, and summarized the strange feeling in his heart as the sour feeling of hugging someone's thigh, but he didn't think too much about it.

At this moment, Zhang Qingyu's voice sounded again.

"Position six."

The instructions became shorter and shorter, and Xia Yihui's reaction became faster and faster. He immediately turned around and rushed towards the sixth position.

At the same time, Mei Yougan, who was outside the barrier, let out a long breath, admiring from the bottom of his heart: "They cooperated really well!"

Not only did he feel this way, even many npcs outside the barrier couldn't restrain the amazement on their faces.

If the cooperation between the two white players is not satisfactory, it is generally considered good. Then Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu's cooperation can be said to be seamless.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or what, but several times they saw Xia Yiyi just squatting down to avoid the claws of the evil spirit, Zhang Qingyu's bullets grazed his scalp and shot the evil spirit behind him, just a few times Milliseconds of time, faster or slower, may lead to irreversible tragedies.

"Isn't Zhang Dashen afraid of bullets hitting brother Xia?" Mei Yougan's question pointed out the confusion in most people's hearts.

People outside the barrier thought of this, and people inside the barrier were not much better.

They are like the VIP seats in the caged beast farm, they can watch some thrilling scenes from zero distance, whether it is Xia Yihui dodging the evil ghost's close shot, or Zhang Qingyu's decisive moment when he shoots, these can make them Blood vessels swell.

"56... 57..."

Xia Yihui counted the numbers silently in his mind, without stopping at all, and ran towards the sixth position in three steps at a time.

If I remember correctly, the seat number six is Zhang Qingyu's seat. I can't tell what's going on in my heart. During the nearly one-minute fast escape, it seems that no place is completely safe, and there is a crisis everywhere.

But now, Xia Yihui felt that the harbor in his heart had appeared, and it was in the sixth position, right next to Zhang Qingyu.

In the darkness, all he wanted to do now was to run quickly, run quickly, to the sixth position, to a safe place, to... Zhang Qingyu's side.

Just when the count reached '58', a sudden change occurred.

To be precise, Xia Yihui didn't know what happened. He could only hear the voices of discussions around him suddenly increase. It seemed that many people stood up in fright. The sound of rubbing clothes was as scary as before .

People seem to be talking about the bullet turning the corner...

Xia Yihui probably had a guess in his mind.

This should be Zhang Qingyu's object control skill. Maybe Zhang Qingyu didn't aim just now, but used the skill to make the bullet turn around and shoot the evil ghost. Everyone was so surprised.

The time was too short, Xia Yihui hadn't had time to figure out why, when he tripped over something on his toe, he leaned forward weightlessly and fell forward.

I thought I would fall on the cold ground, but it didn't. In fact, before Xia Yihui himself could react, he fell heavily into a warm embrace.

This embrace is both familiar and unfamiliar, the body seems to have already fit together, where the hands are hooked, where the chin is placed, it seems that some kind of indescribable body memory has already been formed.

However, there was a trace of unaccustomed mentally. If I remembered correctly, this should be the first time he hugged a grown man.

"Sixty seconds!" The bearded referee's voice sounded.

At the same time, the white silk in front of him slowly slid down and hung on the bridge of Xia Yihui's nose. The end of the silk was still floating slightly when the wind blew, making both sides of the scratched nose itchy.

Slowly raising his eyes to look over, what caught his eyes was a pair of clear eyes with half-down eyelashes, giving the owner of these eyes an indifferent and detached aura.

Xia Yihui opened his mouth in a daze, staring blankly at Zhang Qingyu's face.

The eyes that had not seen the light for a long time suddenly saw the light, and the area around the eyes was slightly sore, and a large white light spot flickered indistinctly around, making him unable to open his eyes.

Zhang Qingyu pursed his lips, tilted his head in doubt and said, "How are you?"

Xia Yi woke up suddenly, his face was dry, and he said quickly: "Okay, I'm fine!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced behind Zhang Qingyu, and was immediately taken aback.

According to his estimation, he should have reached the sixth position by now, so he just fell into Zhang Qingyu's arms after such a fall. But when Bai Si took it down and took a look, he realized that things were not as he expected.

There are still a few steps away from the sixth position, Zhang Qingyu seems to have stepped out to catch him... Thinking of this, Xia Yihui suddenly felt a sense of luck in his life.

Who was the one who caught him? This is the famous Zhang Dashen!

And it was Zhang Dashen who took the initiative to reach out to pick him up, Xia Yihui held back the little joy in his heart, the benefits of Xindao ex were so great, so good that he wanted to try to see if he could reunite with Zhang Dashen.

Fortunately, the last sliver of rationality left in his consciousness stopped Xia Yihui.

The road ahead is confused, life and death are unknown, and now is not the time to talk about love.

He straightened up quickly, subjectively ignoring the temperature between his arms, and turned his head to look behind him.

All the evil spirits rushed to the street, and not a single one was left dead.

In addition, the faces of the onlookers were full of disbelief, their eyes wandering between the white player and Zhang Qingyu.

The two white men had inevitable smiles on their faces, and they smiled indifferently.

Thinking of hearing the two whispering while they were still running away, Xia Yihui had a bad feeling in his heart, he turned his head and asked, "What happened just now?"

"When there was only one evil ghost left, they used their shields to block the bullets." Zhang Qingyu glanced coldly at the two white players, his voice trembling slightly, "They want to kill you."

Hearing this, Xia Yihui immediately reacted.

It was also at this moment that the subtle unreasonable feeling in my heart finally had an explanation.

It turned out that it wasn't that Zhang Qingyu didn't aim, but that the bullet was blocked by the air shield. He could only use his skills to change the trajectory of the bullet and bypass the air shield.

Xia Yi felt his heart tighten, and looked sullenly at the two white men.

This round is fortunate that Zhang Qingyu has the ability to control objects, but what about the next round, if the handkerchief is thrown behind Zhang Qingyu again, he has no way to let the bullet bypass the air.

The bearded referee cried for a while, then got up and walked towards the recorder, wiping away the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Don't worry, I still have a few evil spirits in my inventory, now the game... Continue!"

As soon as he pressed the recorder with his hand, he twirled the red handkerchief twice with the other hand. The bearded referee looked at Xia Yihui with a smile, and whispered, "Friendly reminder, the red handkerchief will be thrown on your partner in the next round."

Xia paused for a while, pursing her lower lip tightly.

The old tape recorder beeped continuously, paused for a few seconds, and began to play nursery rhymes that made people's teeth hurt.

"Throw the handkerchief, throw the handkerchief, gently put it behind the kid, don't tell him, hurry up, catch him, hurry up and catch him~~"

"I feel like we've entered a dead end again, and there's no way to solve it." Outside the barrier, Mei Yougan said cursingly: "If the handkerchief is thrown behind Zhang Dashen's back in the next round, those two white bastards still intervene. Is the Great God really in danger?"

Liu Siqi remained silent, glanced at the expression on Xia Yihui's face, and slowly smiled, "Really? But I think Xia Yihui should have thought of a corresponding solution."

Mei Youqian was puzzled: "What method? Could it be that he can also turn the bullet?"

On the other side, Xia returned to his original position and glanced at the two smiling white men opposite him from a distance.

After a pause, he sneered, and sighed in his heart: "You have an air shield, and I have a gun. If you don't like being soft, then you can tough."