Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 123: Ghost Casino (Thirty Four)



Xia Yi was at a loss for a while, thinking about what else to test besides EQ and IQ.

Before he could come up with an answer, the female referee flicked the pointer and told him with practical actions what else could be tested in a brain teaser.

It was as if some invisible big hand lifted everyone violently, and when the eyes went dark, they changed to another occasion.

The whole body was dark, without any light, and the silence was a little shocking.

In less than a few seconds, slow footsteps sounded ahead, not in a hurry, and it sounded like an echo.

Xia Yihui immediately became alert and shouted: "Who?"


There seemed to be a pause in the footsteps.

Xia Yihui just breathed a sigh of relief, but the footsteps sounded again, the footsteps of 'da da da' were even much faster than before, which made people feel a sense of crisis.

Xia Yihui's face began to tingle, and he recalled a series of horrible things that happened in the campus ghost card before. It has to be said that the scene in front of him seemed a bit bleak.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and immediately turned and ran in the opposite direction.

The electronic sound rang fiercely, and the inorganic sound added a touch of horror to the surrounding environment.

[The players in the answering area will hear a series of actions, please pass this series of actions to the players in the plank area, and then answer the questions. With five minutes as the time limit, the two will exit the small black room together when the time is up.]


Suddenly a hand was placed on the shoulder, Xia Yihui was startled, and when he looked back, he could only see darkness.

Reflexively, he took out the scalpel from the space, raised the tip of the knife, and stabbed towards the darkness, his wrist was grabbed violently, tightly.

It's over, it's over, this is giving someone a knife to fight back!

As soon as this idea came to mind, Xia Yihui quickly denied it.

No, not right.

This person didn't seem to have any intention of hurting him, the knife was still in his hand, and there was no tendency of it being taken away. The visitor just grabbed his wrist tightly and made no further move.

At this time, Xia Yihui belatedly recalled the game rules mentioned by the electronic voice just now. He hesitated for a while, and then whispered: "... Zhang Qingyu?"

"..." did not respond.

Xia Yihui blinked, boldly stretched out his other hand, and touched upwards along the hand holding his wrist.

The opponent did not resist, which is obviously a good sign.

First is the forearm, the muscle lines are very smooth, even through the thick cloth, you can feel the power contained in it. Then there is the shoulder line, which is straight and strong, and it can't be pushed, which is a very reliable feeling. Going up, there is a high nose bridge, thin lips, long eyelashes... and a military cap worn crookedly.

[In order to prevent the plank player from prompting, both parties will be silenced. You can still speak, but the partner will not be able to hear your voice.]

"..." Xia Yihui was helpless, "so why didn't you say it earlier."

The surrounding environment suddenly became a little brighter, and the visibility became slightly higher. Although it was still a blurry shadow, it was much better than the situation where I couldn't see my fingers just now.

[Please repeat every sentence you heard.]

[The five-minute timer starts.]

[The props have been provided.]

A knee-high cuboid suddenly appeared beside him. Seeing the shape of the object, Xia Yihui had a bad premonition from the bottom of his heart.

Before he could observe the object clearly, the electronic voice quickly gave the answer.

[You and Zhang Qingyu came to the bedside.]

to the bed...



Xia Yihui let out a long sigh, "I just said why the eyelids keep twitching. It turns out that I want to commit a crime."

The visibility is very low, and the audience in the live broadcast room can't see anything. The noise of the picture is very high, so high that it almost resembles an old movie from the last century, blurry and highly blurred.

But this couldn't stop the turmoil in everyone's hearts at all. The camera was almost equal to a black screen, and the refresh rate of the barrage was several times faster than usual.

"What the hell is 6666666 coming to the bedside hahahaha"

"I always feel that the front is full of energy~"

"The anchor is going well and is booming and in a trance"

"As Xia Xia's old mother fan and Zhang Dashen's girlfriend fan, I feel very complicated at the moment QAQ"

"Come to the bedside is not necessarily doing something embarrassing (cover your face), maybe it's something else?"

"Wake up, I just went to Li Bai's live broadcast room to watch. Their props are not beds, they seem to be shackles and ropes. Do you still remember the connotative smiles on the faces of the female referee and NPC? I personally feel that the brain teaser module It is estimated that the scale is not small."

"The meaning of getting a black screen suddenly!"

"The meaning of getting to a black screen +1"

On the other side, Xia Yihui had already led Zhang Qingyu to the bedside, and the two fell silent while staring at the bed in front of them.

[Zhang Qingyu pushes you down on the bed.]

"..." Xia Yihui picked out his ears, "What did you say?"

Although Xia Yihui had already fully expressed his disbelief with his tone, movements and facial expressions, the electronic voice remained unmoved and repeated the same sentence mechanically.

[Zhang Qingyu pushes you down on the bed.]

The audience in the live broadcast room almost laughed stupidly, and everyone booed as if it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Black car black car, this is a real black car!"

"I'm under 18, is this the car to kindergarten?"

"No, all minors should get out of the car quickly."

"I finally understand why all the npcs were smiling like aunts just now, because at this moment I have the same aunt-like smile on my face."

The only consolation in the dark is the excitement of the barrage and the warmth of the palms.

"Push me on the bed."

After finishing speaking, there was no response, so Xia Yihui suddenly remembered the forbidden speech restrictions in the game.

After a while of helplessness, he did enough mental preparation, raised Zhang Qingyu's hand, and dragged it towards his shoulder.

Before he touched his shoulder, Zhang Qingyu froze, his hands were in mid-air, and he didn't move further.

Xia Yihui pulled with a little force, but Zhang Qingyu's hand paused, softened, and finally placed it on Xia Yihui's shoulder along with the strength.

The two fell on the bed together, rolled into a ball, Xia Yihui was on the bottom and Zhang Qingyu was on top.

With a bang, a quilt fell on the two of them.

Hey, this service is quite attentive...

[Pick off the hot blanket.]

Xia Yi replied as he said, and stretched out his hand over Zhang Qingyu, trying to throw off the quilt.

At this time, the distance between the two is extremely close, the breath is clearly distinguishable, the wet feeling of the clothes is conveyed, but the skin that touches is hot.

Xia Yihui's heart trembled, and he didn't have time to think about the ambiguity in front of him. He only felt that the scene in front of him was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it.

The bed under him was very hard, as if it was just a layer of wood covered with a sheet of cloth, causing backaches.

[Just touch the leg.]

Xia Yi didn't have time to think about this familiar sight when he came back, and he let out a long sigh, "Will he treat me as a pervert..."

After that, he tried to touch Zhang Qingyu's thigh, and put his palm on it vaguely.

To start with is a piece of ice-cold and moist, smooth and firm muscles. Zhang Qingyu seemed extremely unaccustomed to this kind of intimate contact, his body was trembling slightly, and his teeth were gnashing loudly.

Xia Yihui forcibly suppressed the desire to withdraw his hand quickly.

I remember that the previous conversation about the werewolf killing dungeon revealed that there was an unharmonious bed affair between the two.

This is a euphemistic way of saying it. To put it more directly, after he proposed to break up, he shamelessly pulled Zhang Qingyu into a breakup gun.

The current scene is a bit like a reappearance of the scene. Xia Yikui was afraid of bringing back some bad memories of Zhang Qingyu, so he had to try his best to lean his body up, trying not to stick too close.

After waiting for a while, the electronic voice repeated what he said just now.

[Just touch the leg.]

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of laughter, because the screen was too dark, many people couldn't see the situation in the dungeon clearly, so they had to make noises.

"Forgive me for being curious about what happened in the dungeon, why the same prompt sounded on both sides?"

"Xia Xia, don't be shy, touch one less, take more advantage is you hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

"I really like this brain teaser project hahaha, the gospel of devious CP fans, this is just a black screen and bad reviews, it affects the perception too much 555555555"

"Xia Xia, don't be shy, what are big men afraid of? If you touch it, you won't lose a piece of meat. Zhang Dashen doesn't look like such a stingy person, he is so prosperous and dazed."

"Hurry up, half of the time has passed now, and you can't even finish listening to the prompts, so you still answer the brain teaser questions like this?"

"Yes, you won't lose the meat if you touch it twice, but if you don't answer the question, you will really be torn off by the fish in the sea~"

Xia Yi glanced at the barrage, feeling even more helpless in his heart.

He touched it, why didn't it work

The time in the small black room is only five minutes. In order to get more hints about the topic, Xia Yihui is not going to waste precious time on entanglement.

Yes, what the bullet screen said was right, one less touch, if he and Zhang Qingyu broke up after knowing the truth, then there would be no chance to touch Zhang Qingyu so blatantly.

Thinking of this, Xia Yi did not do anything for a while, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, pressed his palm hard and touched Zhang Qingyu's thigh, and finally raised his fingertips to grab it.

The breath on his body stagnated, Zhang Qingyu grabbed Xia Yihui's hand fiercely, as if he wanted to move it away, but hesitated a little, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, the electronic sound sounded again.

[Just touch the leg.]

"I've touched so hard, why do I still have to touch it?" Xia Yi frowned, suddenly froze, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face, "Could it be what I thought?"

After a pause, he raised his hand hesitantly, held Zhang Qingyu's hand, and touched his thigh.

The crispy and numb feeling came from the base of his thighs, and Zhang Qingyu's fingertips seemed to have their own electric current, which could shock him to the ground through his clothes.

Xia Yihui's whole body trembled, and the sound of breathing increased a little uncontrollably, which sounded like gasping. He quickly reacted, ignoring the barrage of 'yooooooooo', but tightly pursed his lips, determined not to make any more sounds similar to just now.

Although there is a restriction on speaking in the small black room, the two of them are too close, and even the slightest change can't escape the other's senses. Xia Yihui's tiny tremor just now was almost magnified countless times, and he was almost the same as Yu Hu. The body shook.

The atmosphere seemed to suddenly become ambiguous, Xia Yi could feel Zhang Qingyu's fingertips trembling slightly, this trembling again and again made his heart itchy and numb, very uncomfortable.

After about a few seconds, the electronic tone finally changed to a prompt tone.

[Break the two legs.]

Xia Yihui was thinking about whether to break Zhang Qingyu's legs desperately, or to do splits with tears in his eyes, when the next sentence of the electronic voice followed.

[Just put it on your body.]

"..." Xia Yi was startled, "Where should I put it?"

Stretch your legs and put them on the opponent's body. This posture... no matter how you think about it, it's weird!

He blinked hard, trying to distinguish the expression of the person in front of him, but it was pitch black, and he could barely see the figure of the latter.

His thin waist was wrapped in a military uniform, and he looked extremely ascetic. The badge on his chest flashed in the dark, and with one hand resting on his head, he seemed to be able to kiss the other's wrist from the side.

Looking left and right, the only place where you can 'rest' your legs is the broad shoulders. Putting aside all kinds of inner entanglement and embarrassment, there should be a suitable position.

Xia Yi swallowed his saliva, feeling mad inside.

Really, really want to put it on, Zhang Qingyu will not tear him up, right? !