Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 127: Ghost Casino (Thirty Eight)


Speaking of unsolvable questions, Xia immediately recalled the questions he had done in high school deep in his memory. Although the impression was not very deep, there was one type of question that he still couldn't forget.

The characteristic of that kind of question is that it takes a long time to calculate, and finally the answer is that there is no solution.

It is typically time-consuming, and you have to go through those steps to get the score. I don't know if the unsolvable problems in the infinite escape game mean something.

The audience in the live broadcast room also made various guesses, but after all, no one has seen a similar game, so the discussion for a long time did not discuss a reason.

On the contrary, the npc in the ghost card knows a lot more. Many people have seen the question types in the encirclement. In the few games since the early morning, this unsolvable question only appeared once, only this time, It left a very deep impression on everyone.

Many people showed sympathy on their faces. This emotion was mainly aimed at the 15 people on the wooden board, and only then was it brought to the 15 people in the answering area.

I don't know why, seeing the expressions on the faces of the audience, Xia Yihui always had a bad feeling. Seeing Li Bai's expression was different, he turned his face slightly, "What do you mean by no solution? Solution must advance one meter?"

Li Bai said coldly, "Did you feed your high school math to dogs?"

Xia Yihui was not annoyed at all, and said with a smile, "I dropped out of high school and went to work as a child laborer."

Li Bai: "..."

"How could I have lost to someone like you before." After finishing speaking, Li Bai cast a glance at Xia without saying a word, and said again: "You will listen carefully to the referee's explanation later, even a pig's brain can understand."

Xia Yi shrugged his shoulders and stopped trying to get words out of Li Bai. He said that he had dedicated his life to the cause of national research early, and he had nothing to be ashamed of at all.

On the other side, the female referee raised the pointer in her hand and explained it dutifully.

"Unsolvable questions. As the name suggests, there are no answers. This kind of questions will test everyone's reaction ability more. Generally, there will be no correct answer in the end. It just depends on the players who have done the most steps."

"Do a little more, and your partner will take a few steps less, and do a little less, and your partner will take a few more steps."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yi's face tightened.

"That is to say, if this question is done incorrectly, the people under the ship may walk more than one meter?"

Now it makes sense why Li Bai had an ugly expression just now.

In his estimation, Xu Suisui would have been blessed by God if he walked another meter, but suddenly such an unsolvable problem came, Xu Suisui would have to die in the belly of the sea monster

The female referee began to draw questions from the box marked with 'no solution'. With the experience of the previous rounds, don't think about it, this time she will definitely draw for a long time in a mysterious way.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xia Yi turned to look at Li Bai, and asked in a low voice, "Have you seen the unsolvable problem in this game?"

Li Bai nodded and said, "From early in the morning, this game has only drawn one unsolvable problem. The probability is very small, but the death rate is very high."

Hearing the word 'death', Xia Yi felt his heart skip a beat.

The matter was not over yet, Li Bai continued to poke the knife expressionlessly: "There was no solution in that round, and more than 100 NPCs in the answering area of the audience were wiped out. The partners walked a total of 5 meters to 20 meters, all died, and there was no life." return."

After hearing this, Xia Yi secretly clicked his tongue.

One meter or two meters is so dangerous, twenty meters away, it must be some kind of fairy sea monster.

As if guessing what Xia Yi was thinking in his mind, Li Bai glanced at him coolly, "How can an npc without skills be able to walk twenty meters. The furthest one can only go ten meters, and it's still an npc with attack skills player."

Xia Yihui hurriedly asked, "What's in the ten-meter boundary?"

Li Bai said succinctly: "Piranhas."

Xia Yihui: "..."

While the two were talking, the female referee had already taken out a piece of paper from the box.

She unfolded the paper, read the text on it, and read the title aloud: "Immersive!"

At the same time, the onlookers were in an uproar, and some even wanted to turn around and run away.

"Why is it immersive again?"

"This question is really unfriendly to the players in the answer area!"

"By the way... should we stay away now? To be honest, I'm really afraid of being accidentally injured."

Most of the people who said this were civilian NPCs. On the other hand, those NPCs dressed in noble costumes were all gearing up, with eagerness written all over their faces, and there was a faint tendency to surround the competition area.

"Immersively, the players in the answering area will personally experience the experience of the players in the board area, and snatch the red crystals. A total of 50 red crystals. Those who snatch more will be punished lightly, and vice versa."

Xia Yihui was still in a daze. To be precise, he didn't quite understand the rules of the game, and was about to ask, when his feet suddenly shone slightly.

A line was drawn from the deck, connecting the feet of the 15 players in the answering area. After drawing a complete semicircle, these lines began to extend outward again, and one was connected to the feet of the female referee.

Xia Yi took a closer look and was shocked.

At some point, all the npcs watching nearby disappeared, replaced by a deep sea.

The sea surface kept making waves, and there seemed to be all kinds of fish churning below. Xia Yihui even saw the shark's back with sharp eyes, protruding out of the sea surface, reflecting a glimmer of light in the sun.

This doesn't seem to be the board where Zhang Qingyu is, nor does it look like a deck... In other words, this is an illusion similar to a small black house

Just as the idea of 'illusion' lingered in my mind, a scream suddenly came from the upper right corner.

Following the voice, a certain nobleman was lying on the wooden board in fear, with a silver fish hanging from his arm, and his sharp teeth were stuck on the gorgeous costume, and he couldn't even shake it off, and finally got rid of it. Yes, and more than half of the clothes were stained red with blood.

Xia Yi retracted his arms nervously, his eyes were fixed on the nearby sea, and his heart was beating accordingly.

He decided to withdraw his previous judgment about hallucinations. This sea area looked really weird.

"This is a fake injury. The more red crystals you grab, the less Zhang Qingyu will run."

Xia Yi was taken aback for a moment, and looked along the source of the sound.

If he hadn't heard this voice many times, he couldn't believe that these words came out of Li Bai's mouth.

At this time, Li Bai was tightening his jaw, looking straight ahead, feeling Xia Yihui's gaze, he sneered, "Don't get me wrong, I just want to compete with you fairly."

Xia Yihui: "..." She really is a deadly tsundere.

After a pause, Xia Yi curled his lips slightly and said, "Thank you for the reminder, but you are the one not to be misunderstood. Even if you are really injured, I will spare no effort to grab it."

Li Bai snorted, knowing Xia Yihui's peeing nature.

I don't know if he got such a sentence, but Li Bai's brows secretly relaxed a lot.

There was a crisp sound of 'jingle bell', Xia Yihui was shocked, and immediately turned to look at the female referee.

"Within five minutes, 50 red crystals will drop randomly."

"Now… "

She raised her hand high, and 50 red crystals fell down, scattered all over the surrounding area.

These crystal red gadgets can't be seen clearly with eyesight alone, and can only be vaguely distinguished by the slight reflection of sunlight.

After several rounds of escape, the players' eyesight has been greatly improved.

Including Xia Yihui himself, it is no exaggeration to say that his eyes are almost piercing now, and he can see everything without ambiguity, and every detail is clearly visible on the board.

As far as he can see, he can probably pick up 4 red crystals by walking forward on this board, and the number of other people's boards is probably the same.

There was not enough time to count the number of red crystals on other people's wooden boards. Xia Yi just glanced at them roughly, and had a rough estimate of who was more and who was less.

In the next second, the female referee yelled loudly, "Go for it!"

When the sharp whistle sounded, Xia Yihui reacted quickly, his mind went blank, but he stepped out first.

The nearest piece of red crystal is one meter ahead, and Xia Yihui almost took two steps across and bent down to get it easily. At the same time, he silently said in his heart: "One meter less."

There was the sound of water splashing next to his ears, Xia Yihui was so startled that he didn't even have time to look back, he only lowered his head slightly.

A silver fish flew out from the ear, the tip of its teeth brushed against the ear, and the sharp teeth cut off a few strands of hair.

Xia Yihui patted his chest in fear, and thought to himself that it was dangerous.

On the contrary, the viewers in the live broadcast room were more frightened than him, and one piece after another of the bullet screens passed by, and they couldn't see the content clearly.

"Ah, it's scary, Xia Xia, run away!"

"My God, the effect of this live broadcast is too realistic, just like a 3D movie, I feel that the fish will bite my body in the next second 55555555"

"As expected of a person who has survived several rounds of the game, I thought that the people in the answering area would be able to answer these questions safely. Only the partner is in danger, but I didn't expect that his life would be in danger!"

"Oh my god, did the board area experience all these terrible things just now? I suddenly want to go to their live broadcast room to experience the feeling of life and death."

"Actually, you can feel the feeling of life and death here. To be honest, I wasn't too worried about Zhang Dashen just now. Now I can feel it personally... Oh, Xia Xia, be careful!"

Xia Yi turned sideways to avoid a sea monster of unknown species, but was too fast to see it clearly.

Now he only knows how to run forward crazily. At the end of the plank is a large open platform. As long as he reaches the large platform, no matter how powerful these sea monsters are, they will not be able to help him at all.

Although the situation was extremely dangerous, Hong Jingxia along the road never missed a single one. All he can think about now is that picking up one more red crystal will increase Zhang Qingyu's vitality.

The ten-meter plank quickly ran to the end, Xia Yihui tightly shook the four red crystals in his hand, and raised his head abruptly.

The female referee stood in the center of the platform, "There are still four minutes to compete~"

At the same time, players in the other 15 answering areas have also run onto the board.

Some people take a longer detour, and going around is already another direction. Correspondingly, the longer the distance between the planks, the more red crystals will be scattered.

Xia Yi took a closer look at the state of the noble npcs, and was slightly taken aback.

Most of the people are just slightly embarrassed and disheveled, and they haven't really been injured by sea monsters.

Xia Yihui only thought about it for a while, and soon understood the level.

—The real danger is not from the sea monster, but from the person who can push him to the sea monster.

"People pick soft persimmons first, I'm sorry brother!"

A nearby nobleman finished this sentence with a sinister grin. As soon as the words fell, many noble NPCs faintly showed a surrounding gesture.

Half of them circled towards him, and the other half circled towards Li Bai who was on the opposite side.

Xia Yi turned around and paused slightly, a weird smile slowly bloomed on the corners of his lips, "Are you sure... I am a soft persimmon?"