Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 129: Ghost Casino (Forty)


In fact, it just looks simple. When Xia went back to experience the 'immersive' experience, he felt that the problem was huge.

First of all, too much seawater was thrown up by the blasted waters, and the wooden board was wet and slippery, with one step slipping two steps.

The second is those fish that slip through the net and can escape the explosives. These fish are undoubtedly extremely smart. Stupid fish are difficult to deal with, and smart fish are even more difficult to deal with.

Just thinking of this, Xia Yi caught a glimpse of a sharp-toothed sea monster rushing up from the corner of his eyes, and he immediately wanted to turn sideways to hide.

The wooden board was not spacious, and with a 'chuck' sound, Xia Yihui fell on the wooden board, almost slipping off the wooden board.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of frightened sounds, and many people were still in shock, and their hands were shaking so frightened that they could not type.

Obviously, the situation is much more dangerous than they imagined.

The main problem that needs to be faced at the beginning is that there are too many sea monsters to count, and Xia Yihui directly solves it with a few packs of explosives.

I thought everything would be fine, but now there is a new problem, that is, the board is too slippery.

In order to avoid the fish that slipped through the net, Xia Yihui is very likely to slip his foot and fall directly into the water. At that time, all the red crystals will be invalid, and there will be no place to cry.

"Hold on... hold on..."

The sound of the waves was so loud that the eardrums were shaken and painful. The sea water wets the hair, and strands of hair stick to the face, and some spikes get into the eyes. The eye sockets are sore and sore. Xia Yihui can only close his eyes and grope forward.

He couldn't see with his eyes, couldn't hear with his ears, and he couldn't judge where the danger came from, so he could only move forward by relying entirely on his intuition.

When we climbed to the 20th meter, the waves finally calmed down a lot. At this time, there was still a slight tinnitus in the ears, but the soreness in the eyes had already improved a lot.

The surrounding area was calm, Xia Yihui rubbed his eyes with his fingers, and opened them tentatively. Before he could observe the surrounding situation, his attention was attracted by a figure in front of him.

— Zhang Qingyu

The hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room were originally high, and when they saw Zhang Qingyu, they immediately danced excitedly in front of the computer, their fingers stopped shaking, their bodies stopped shaking, and their typing speed almost took off.

"Ah, it's Zhang Dashen, I don't know why I feel safe when I see him hahhhh"

"Hahahaha is Zhang Dashen. His face is really unforgettable. Let alone a few meters away, I can definitely recognize it directly even if it is hundreds of meters away."

"Xia Xia hurry to find Zhang Dashen, we who are good at using our brains are not willing to play this kind of barbaric game."

"55555 used to think Zhang Dashen's face was sacred and inviolable, but now it feels so kind~"

"Ah, Xia Xia, move forward quickly, don't worry about Zhang Dashen, late will change, let's hurry up and finish the last five meters now!"

Afterwards, the content of most of the bullet screens was the same as the last one, and there was only one word that everyone kept chanting over and over again, that is, change comes when it is late.

Of course Xia Yi understood this truth. After playing the infinite escape game until now, if it wasn't for his quick hands and feet, he would have died countless times.

But even if he understood this truth, he still paused in place at this moment, refusing to move forward for a long time.

The bullet screen was so loud that she almost worried about Xia Yihui with her mother's heart. At the same time, Li Bai on the other road also chased after him, and there was a lot of commotion. Unidentified vine-like objects as thick as hemp rope emerged from the water surface, and the sea monster that had been resting just now was disturbed and noisy again. stand up.

In the noise and momentum, only Xia Yihui seemed exceptionally quiet.

When the two sides looked at each other, 'Zhang Qingyu' suddenly moved, he slowly raised his hand, and stretched out towards Xia Yihui.

Because of his action, the audience in the live broadcast room became even more excited. Almost everyone was urging Xia Yihui to come forward and hold hands immediately. find.

Xia Yi smiled and showed his white teeth. He just stood there motionless, staring at Zhang Qingyu who was a few meters away, with deep interest in his eyes.

Because of his reaction, someone finally started to wake up.

"Wait! Why is God Zhang here?!"

Seeing this barrage, Xia Yihui slowly took out his pistol from the space, aimed precisely at the eyebrow of the opposite person, and pulled the trigger without any nonsense.

There was a soft sound of 'pop-'.

Many people were frightened by Xia Yihui's crisp blow, and opened their mouths through a screen, unable to say a word for a long time.

— my God! The person on the opposite side didn't even say a word, and Xia Yihui completely killed him, so isn't he worried that he hit the wrong person? !

Facts have proved that this worry is unnecessary, Xia Yihui did not hit the wrong person.

The second after the bullet was fired, the figure on the opposite side suddenly became unreal, and before being touched by the bullet, it had already turned into foamy water and flowed into the sea.

Seeing this, Xia Yihui slightly hooked his lips, and there was no surprise in his expression.

He couldn't be more familiar with Zhang Qingyu's figure, and they could meet in almost every dungeon by coincidence.

This kind of familiarity has penetrated into the deepest part of his mind, almost as soon as they met, the unfathomable feeling in his heart would rise up, like a spark that could start a prairie fire, always able to quickly ignite the desire in his heart.

But it's a pity that the fire on the opposite side seems to be short of firewood.

Although 'Zhang Qingyu' stood straight, no matter the body shape, demeanor, or appearance, he was no different from the real master, but Xia Yihui knew that this person was definitely not Zhang Qingyu, it was absolutely impossible.

"Wrong, wrong, if it was him..." Xia Yihui slowly curled his lips, but did not say the rest.

—Then he will come straight over and stand behind him.

The phantom transformed by the foamy water disappeared, and in the next second, a mermaid-shaped sea monster appeared.

The reason for saying 'similar in shape' is that the appearance of the sea monster is too different from the legend.

I remember the legendary mermaid's upper body is human, and the lower body has a fish's tail fin. It has a charming face, and its hair is as bright as a ball of seaweed. The most important thing is that it also has a singing voice that can bewitch people.

However, Xia Yihui prefers to call this 'mermaid' by its scientific name—sea pig.

The hair is messy on the top of the head, and the end is almost tied into a Chinese knot. There is no gender in the face, but no matter how you say it, this face is not good-looking. There are still many fish scales on the face that have not faded, which seems more suitable for the classification of sea monsters.

Even the only Miaoman singing voice that conforms to the legend, it has no effect on Xia Yihui at this time.

"Stop yelling," Xia Yihui raised his pistol with a smile, "I have seen through your disguise, do you want to go into the sea by yourself or... I will give you a ride?"

Mermaid Sea Monster: "..."

It was only silent for about two seconds, then the mermaid suddenly let out a sharp growl, her tail fin hit the wooden board with a 'snap', and she flew towards Xia like an arrow from the string.

Xia Yihui reacted quickly, pulled the trigger without saying a word of nonsense.

'Papa' Two bullets shot out, hitting the mermaid sea monster's cheek and right shoulder respectively.

To be honest, seeing those two bullets hit the target perfectly, many people breathed a sigh of relief deep down in their hearts, but then, their breath got stuck in the middle of their throats, and they couldn't go up or down.

The mermaid sea monster seemed to feel no pain at all, its momentum remained undiminished, and no blood even leaked from the wound. It seemed that it had only one goal left, which was to kill the target at all costs.

Xia Yihui was a little frustrated, and rolled on the spot to barely dodge. No matter how fast he reacted, he was inevitably wounded with a hideous wound.

Although all the injuries will disappear after going out from "Immersive", but after all, I am still in the territory, and the pain that I should have is still not less.

After hiding like this, the mermaid sea monster fell behind Xia Yihui instead.

Xia didn't retreat once, and the mermaid and sea monster didn't advance either. One person and one monster just stayed in place like a bullfight.


11:00 noon.

An ordinary residential area in the real world.

The girl who looks like a middle school student has just returned home.

The stock at home has long been exhausted, many restaurants outside are not open, and only a few old men are arranging vegetable leaves in the vegetable market, and the price is several times higher than usual, which is no different from stealing money.

Speaking of eating, she just went to the government subsidized stall on the street to receive a small can and two slices of bread.

When she got home, she immediately sat back in front of the computer.

In today's real world, everyone is keen on two things, that is eating and escape games.

"It's said that the end of the world is coming, so there's something to eat and something to play with. Hey... I really don't know what mom and brother are anxious about."

After tearing open the can of vegetarian food with a sound of 'stab', the middle school student casually took a pair of chopsticks from the plastic bag, and opened the live broadcast room named 'Wodema Boss' while picking vegetables in his mouth.

After buffering for a while, the moment the screen was loaded—

"Puff, cough, cough, cough..." The middle school student coughed violently, spraying plain canned food all over the table.

After finally slowing down, she didn't have time to clean up the table, she just opened her mouth in surprise and stared blankly at the screen in the live broadcast room.

what happens

Didn't she just go downstairs to get a can, why did the situation suddenly become so critical? !

But this is also the charm of the infinite escape game. Many people call the Xingwang live broadcast platform a new type of drug.

The middle school student put the can on the table with a 'snap', and stared at Xia Yihui on the screen with nervousness and worry on his face.

Among the ghost cards, Xia Yihui felt even worse.

Li Bai had already reached the 18th meter, but he was stuck at the 20th meter by the mermaid.

Just now walking along the road, Xia even used his peripheral vision to observe.

The sea monsters that the two of them met were almost only those few types, and those were the few that went back and forth in an orderly manner, and it would be better to grasp the characteristics and avoid them.

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui had a guess in his mind.

He waved at the mermaid sea monster, pointed to Li Bai and said, "Why don't you go find him?"

The latter gave him a cold look while he was busy. Xia Yi once focused on the mermaid sea monster, and only smiled slightly as if he didn't see it.

On the other side, the mermaid sea monster shook its tail and ignored it. It only fixed its red eyes on Xia Yihui. If it wasn't for the fear of the gun in Xia Yihui's hand, he might have rushed forward.

"This thing is still in love with me." Xia Yihui smiled helplessly, and the smile hadn't faded away. He immediately threw a freeze skill at the mermaid sea monster, turned around and ran away.

Some smarter viewers in the live broadcast room immediately reacted: the freeze time is three seconds, and the remaining distance is five meters. Running faster is enough time, and it will take time for the mermaid to catch up. Thinking about it carefully, this method is highly feasible.

Before everyone breathed a sigh of relief, many people in front of the computer screen shrank their pupils and stood up suddenly.

The girl who looked like a middle school student was so terrified that she knocked over the canned food, spilling stains all over the keyboard. Even so, she didn't realize it, she just covered her mouth and stared at the screen.

— The Mermaid Kraken isn't frozen at all!

It jumped up all at once, slapped Xia Yihui's back heavily with its tail, and flung it off the edge of the board, almost like a small cannonball, and it looked like it was about to smash into the sea.

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart was hanging high... If Xia Yi fell into the sea, all the red crystals would be invalidated, and all the previous efforts would be for naught!