Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 130: Ghost Casino (Forty One)


Just when everyone was terrified, Xia Yihui was also in a daze.

The description of the freezing skill clearly states that any npc can be frozen.

Some people have done experiments with big data. Any non-real life in the infinite escape game can be collectively referred to as npc, just like the reptiles in the copy of the campus arena.

According to common sense, there is no reason why this mermaid can't be frozen, but things are indeed not going according to common sense, which is embarrassing.

"It's really an orphan skill." Xia Yihui felt helpless.

It was useless to worry about this until now, he quickly fired a few shots at the sea, and abruptly used the reaction force to reverse the direction of his shoulders.

With a 'bang' sound, Xia Yihui slammed heavily on the edge of the board.

No, to be more precise, half of his body has already fallen into the sea water, only his arms are still digging on the plank, holding on to death.

The audience in the live broadcast room was about to cry anxiously. The bullet screen was like an explosion, overlapping one after another. Everyone was very emotional, and many people started arguing while talking.

"Ah, hold on, Xia Xia, don't let go, that stinky mermaid, I want to report it, it's ugly and it's a skill bug, it's just too bullying!"

"The board is really slippery, Xia Xia is about to die 555555, why don't we go to Zhang Dashen's live broadcast room and cry a bit, begging Zhang Dashen to save Xia Xia 5555555"

"Let's go to Li Bai's studio, he's close!"

"Sisters, calm down! First, Zhang Dashen and Li Bai don't watch the barrage in the live broadcast room. Second, even if they watch it, it's too late to save them. One is outside the 'immersive scene', and the other is in danger. Everyone think about self-help Bar!"

"Help yourself, it's easy to say! The stinky mermaid is almost approaching, how can you save yourself in this situation?!"

"I think this game is aimed at Xia Xia. Returning to the origin is a newly added rule. There are also mermaids. The difficulty of Li Bai's sea monsters is much lower than that of Xia Xia. The most important point is that mermaids don't care. Freezing skill is a huge bug, if there is no bug, Xia Xia will never miss anything, how could something happen!"

"Actually, the mermaid's bug is already a 'leak'..."

"How could a bug be counted? Impossible for a god, right? Do you regard Xia Xia as a god? Some people really don't feel pain in their backs when they stand and talk!"

At this moment, Xia Yihui didn't have time to watch the barrage in the live broadcast room. He only felt a severe pain in his arm, because of the incorrect posture of holding the gun in the air just now, the direction of those shots did change when they were fired, but because So his arm is about to dislocate.

He couldn't hold the plank, and his arms couldn't use the strength. The mermaid on the opposite side was still approaching slowly. If he was an ordinary person, he might have collapsed a long time ago, but Xia Yihui has a characteristic.

The more critical and tense the situation, the clearer his brain will be.

I roughly estimated the physical load in my heart. In this situation, if I use my last strength, Xia Yihui can be sure that he can climb the wooden board.

But what about climbing a plank

Not to mention the secondary injury to the body, the aggravation of the injury, etc., but the mermaid on the opposite side is approaching step by step. I am afraid that just after struggling to climb the wooden board, it will be thrown away by a tail. This kind of essential problem has not been solved. significance.

Thoughts swirled in my mind for a while, and at this time the mermaid was already very close, and it seemed that there were only less than two meters left.

Xia Yihui raised his gun with difficulty and aimed it in the direction of the mermaid.

The mermaid sea monster smiled mockingly. Unlike his graceful singing voice, his laughter was hoarse and extremely unpleasant.

"Don't waste your efforts. Your bullets can't kill it. If you don't believe me, you can try it." The female referee stood in the middle of the platform, covering her lips, with a hint of encouragement in her smile.

The mermaid sea monster stopped in an instant, and listened to the female referee's words very much. It just stood there openly, as if it was really waiting for Xia Yihui to shoot.

Seeing his confident facial expression, the audience in the live broadcast room were worried.

"Xia Xia, don't shoot! You can't bear the recoil, your arm will really dislocate!"

"This mermaid is really hard to hit. The bullets pierced through his shoulder just now, but he didn't even shed a drop of blood. It seems that it hurts at most, and it doesn't hinder anything at all."

"Don't shoot Xia Xia!! God, what can you do with this hand, woo woo 555555555"

The situation was deadlocked for a while.

On the other boardwalk, Li Bai's situation is also not very good.

If Xia Yihui met a boss-level sea monster, then he met countless elite-level sea monsters.

The further you go, the more and more sea monsters there will be. In the end, Li Bai can't move an inch at all. He can only use his skills to create a cage made of grass and wood for himself, and he can't get out of the cage.

Although there is no way to go on the remaining 7 meters, but thinking about the good, at least it will not fall into the sea and lose all the red crystals.

There were constant crashing sounds from Li Bai's direction, and water splashed everywhere. It sounded like the battle was intense, but everyone who watched the live broadcast knew that Xia Yihui's place should be the most anxious battle right now.

What I am most afraid of is that the surface is calm and the waves are turbulent in the dark.

There was a soft 'click, click', the sound of knuckles pressing the trigger hard.

The mermaid and sea monster looked at Xia Yihui with disdain, as if he was not afraid of being shot at all.

Xia Yi turned expressionless, but felt ruthless, and directly pulled the trigger.

With a sound of 'whoosh', the bullet passed through the air.

The mermaid sea monster closed its eyes reflexively, waiting for the expected pain.

He could feel a slight cool wind blowing by his ears, and after a pause, the mermaid and sea monster just realized that it didn't shoot him.

"The fixed-point shooting actually missed." The mermaid and sea monster still had a hoarse and ugly voice, and he said with a sarcasm: "Do you need another chance, maybe this time I can get closer to you so that you can open the door?" gun."

I thought Xia Yi would get a look of humiliation and annoyance after saying this, but it didn't.

Although Xia Yihui was lying awkwardly on the edge of the wooden board, the expression on his face eased a lot, and his usual tense face finally showed his usual idle smile.

He shook the gun in his hand slightly, grinning and said: "If the gun that can aim automatically can still miss, then I might as well die."

A blank expression appeared on the face of the mermaid sea monster.

Why can he understand every word Xia Yihui said, but if he listens to these words together, he can't understand at all

Xia Yihui kindly reminded him, innocently smiled and said, "Look behind you."

Hearing this, the mermaid sea monster looked back, and when he saw the scene behind him, his pupils shrank and he opened his mouth wide in a daze.

Through Xia Yihui's perspective, the audience in the live broadcast room also saw what was going on behind the mermaid and sea monster.

At this moment, the barrage that had just yelled 'can't shoot' suddenly disappeared. Perhaps it was the first time that the live broadcast room was so quiet, because everyone was also in shock.

As far as I could see, the female referee was standing there in a daze, with a small gash on her shoulder by a bullet, and bright red blood dripped down her shoulder line, dyeing a piece of her skirt red, which looked extremely scary.

After a few seconds of silence, the female referee seemed to wake up suddenly, and just stood there and screamed, her voice short and urgent.

It was this scream that woke up the mermaid sea monster. He seemed to be driven by something, and he sped up and went straight to Xia Yihui. He thought the tail fin was too slow, and he even threw himself on the wooden board, preferring to crawl And enter.

Seeing such an act, Xia Yihui suddenly felt relieved.

Sure enough, as expected.

The mermaid sea monster is not classified as an npc, but he has a certain sense of thinking, including the fish in the surrounding sea area, all of which are clearly attacking the wooden player... There is only one possibility, that is, something is controlling them.

Looking around, only the female referee meets the standard of a controller, and has the conditions and ability to control these inhuman creatures.

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui resisted the soreness in his shoulders, tensed his arms and wanted to send another shot to the female referee, who knew that the other party suddenly learned to be smart, and no longer stayed where he was, but turned around quickly, taking three steps and two steps Staggered and ran backwards.

Once Xia bit his teeth off Bangbang, his face quickly sank.

All guns have a range, if the female referee successfully escapes out of the range, the situation will really be irreversible!

Raise the butt of the gun, directly over the mermaid and sea monster that is getting closer, aim again, and hit the shoulder.


The female referee screamed, and her whole body was carried several meters forward by the momentum. Her gorgeous wavy hair had already turned into a mess, mixed with blood and mud, which looked extremely dirty.

Originally, Xia walked 20 meters on the plank, and the platform was tens of meters. It seemed that after walking a few more steps, the female referee would be able to escape successfully.

Xia Yihui's heart cooled down a little bit, and his throat was slightly astringent. He pursed his lips tightly, only turned the muzzle of the gun, ready to turn his head and concentrate on dealing with the mermaid sea monster that was close at hand.

At this moment, a strange scene happened.

The female referee who was eager to run suddenly stopped and stayed in place again.

It was obvious that her upper body had been struggling, and she seemed to want to fall forward, but what was weird was that her feet didn't move at all, as if they were nailed in place.

This back view looked extremely ridiculous, Xia Yihui was only stunned for a moment, and then quickly re-aimed.

Static objects are much easier to deal with than dynamic ones. Only a 'bang' was heard, and the female referee fell heavily to the ground. There was a big bloody hole in the back of her head, and half of her brain was dug out.

Black blood spread everywhere on the platform, and when the salty sea water washed over the sea area, the blood became much thinner, rolled into the sea with the tide, and finally disappeared.

Almost at the same moment, the sharp claws extending to the tip of the nose stopped, and the mermaid sea monster was very close. It stood in a daze for a while, then turned its head, and dived into the sea again with a 'hula'.

The graceful singing sounded again, and the tone was soothing and healing, which can ease the current emotions.

Amid such singing, Xia Yihui's heartbeat gradually calmed down.

At that moment just now, his heart almost burst out of his throat, and the violent heartbeat seemed to be heard even by himself.

[You can no longer move forward, and there is one minute to exit 'Immersive', please prepare in advance.]

Slowly exhaling a long breath, Xia Yihui supported his body and turned onto the wooden plank. As soon as he rested, the soreness in his limbs was slowly transmitted to his brain, and all organs in his body were screaming for pain.

On the other hand, Li Bai's condition is also much better.

The sea monsters that kept hitting the wooden cage finally calmed down, wandering quietly around the wooden board, stirring up a small splash of water, looking extremely peaceful.

The wooden cage collapsed suddenly, and Li Bai half-kneeled on the wooden plank, his whole body seemed to be on the verge of collapse, and he didn't raise his head for a long time.

It wasn't until this time that the audience in the live broadcast room reacted belatedly. Two sentences floated intermittently in the blank live broadcast room. After about a second, various bullet screens quickly filled the entire gap.

Everyone seemed to have been stunned, the screen was full of repetitions, and Xia Yi couldn't keep his eyes peeled for a while.

"Ah, Xia Xia, I can only say 66666666"

"Hahahaha, I really didn't expect to be able to play like this. In the previous game, I also threatened the referee with a gun. This round is even more ruthless. I just shot the referee. Awesome!"

"I said before that this mermaid is a bug, but now that I look at it this way, Xia Xia is the real bug in the escape game, okay?"

"To tell you the truth, that shot made my blood boil! My brain is full, and I don't know why there is a feeling of tears in my eyes. Xia Xia's ability to come here is one aspect, but his desire to survive is indeed It is much stronger than many of us, and I would have resigned to my fate a long time ago."

"Luck is really good. If the female referee runs two steps, she will go straight out of the shooting range 233333333"

"People who use two computers to watch Zhang Dashen and Xia Xia separately tell you that things are not that simple, you understand (Connotation laugh.jpg)"

Seeing the last barrage, Xia Yihui was taken aback.

If the female referee's weird pause is linked with Zhang Qingyu's object control skills... there seems to be nothing wrong with it!

Just thinking of this, Xia Yihui shook his head secretly, denying this guess.

Zhang Qingyu stayed in the board area well, and he was not in the immersive environment, so he couldn't be so powerful that he could directly cross the space to rescue him, right

Before the barrage refreshed with an explanation, the one-minute time limit was up.

Xia Yihui sank, opened his eyes, and saw the familiar cruise ship deck again.

Before he could react, a soft laugh came to his ears first, "Your marksmanship is really accurate~"

The female referee was smiling at him, unscathed.

Xia Yihui paused, moved his arms slowly, and tried to bend his knees again.

Just like what the female referee said before, the injuries suffered after entering the immersive scene are not counted, and both players and NPCs can come out unscathed.

As the name implies, it is just a matter of experiencing the feeling of the partner in the wooden plank area personally. Whether you can feel it or not is another matter.

"So that's why this question is classified as unsolvable?" After muttering to himself, Xia Yihui raised his head sharply, and his gaze fell directly on the female referee's face.

Those eyes can't be said to be terrifying, and there is peace in them, but looking at them makes people feel a kind of indescribable horror.

The latter paused slightly, and his smile couldn't hold back for a while.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I am not controlling the sea monsters. The source of the control of these sea monsters is the people watching nearby. Their screams and applause can increase the number of sea monsters. And to stimulate the sea monster's brain nerves, I'm at most just an intermediary connecting the audience with the sea monster."

"And you haven't entered a different dimension. Everything you see is just an illusion, so hurry up and get back to your position~"

Hearing this, Xia Yihui turned his eyes slightly to observe the surrounding audience.

As soon as his eyes were turned away, the female referee immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and only glanced at Xia Yihui's side face with frightened eyes.

—Oh my god, how can this, this person's eyes be so scary!

On the other hand, Xia Yihui also discovered something different.

The excitement on the faces of the surrounding nobles hadn't subsided, and the female referee didn't need to lie. Thinking a little bit about how the civilians backed away and the nobles were extremely excited before the game started, Xia Yihui suddenly realized.

"Where was that mermaid just now? What is that?"

Xia Yi turned to look at the female referee, and took out 25 red crystals from his pocket, 20 of which were clear and translucent, and 5 were still turbid crystals.

The female referee said: "If the audience produces red crystals, they can add sea monsters."

Xia Yihui was silent for a moment, and was about to find out who was such an orphan who operated it, when he saw those white players in a blink of an eye.

The panic on their faces was too obvious, obviously they didn't expect Xia Yihui to get 20 penetrating red crystals when he was tripped by someone.

This has already set a new record. If no one trips you, wouldn't you have to take it all? !

It wasn't until this time that the white player group finally realized what kind of existence they had offended. Not only Zhang Qingyu is a big boss, but Mingming Xia is also a big boss!

The boss and the boss get together to form a partner, and the they really have a chance to make their mark

Xia Yi glanced sideways at the white group, the expression on his face remained unchanged, and lowered his eyelids to cover up the murderous intent deep in his eyes.

When the game is over, this group of people must be killed, otherwise it will be difficult to dispel the hatred in his heart.

The feeling of excruciating pain in the body is still vivid, watching the mermaid and sea monster crawling over, and the female referee running farther and farther... This feeling of despair is really indescribable.


Xia was taken aback for a moment.

By the way, why did the female referee stop in place just now

"Ah Xia Xia, Zhang Dashen actually watched the barrage for the first time just now! He was so worried about you, he had been watching the barrage broadcasting your situation, and when he heard that the female referee was going to escape the shooting range, he actually, unexpectedly crossed such a long distance There is a remote ban!"

Xia Yi couldn't help but stare blankly as the barrage flashed across the live broadcast room.

Zhang Qingyu... Worried about him

The feeling of palpitation rose again, which was different from the nervousness of facing the mermaid and sea monster. This was another kind of strange feeling with a bit of sore nose and sweetness in the heart.

People who never watched the barrage made an exception to watch the barrage once because they were worried about him.

Although the matter is small, but thinking about Zhang Qingyu's Buddhist character of not being in charge, there is no doubt that something has changed quietly and is developing in an unpredictable direction.

Xia Yi walked slowly to the answering board, poked his head out slightly and looked down.

The lip line of the young man in military uniform was tightly pursed, and he was standing looking straight up. The slightly crooked military cap shimmered in the sun, looking dazzling and eye-catching.

Xia Yihui suppressed the astringent feeling in his heart, raised a smile, and stretched out his hand to make a big 'V'. Before he could speak, his pupils shrank sharply, and the words that had just reached his mouth were swallowed back immediately.

If there is no mistake, Zhang Qingyu is slowly raising the corners of his lips, even though the arc is small, it is indeed a smile.

Light and self-sustaining, just like Zhang Qingyu, just right.