Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 132: Ghost Casino (Forty Three)


With a sharp whistle, everyone quickly came back to their senses.

The whistle this time was much more shrill than the previous ones, like the remnant chirping of a bird in the ruins, it sounded bleak and full of hostility.

Everyone looked serious and looked towards the players in the board area.

The waves were rolled up and slapped on the board area with a 'snap'. Many people staggered and stood unsteadily, and were almost directly hit by the waves into the sea water.

This time the female referee did not issue any orders, but as long as it is an individual, it can be seen that the catastrophe and catastrophe have begun from this moment.

The closer you are, the more clearly the NPCs in the plank area can see.

Those dark things have already leaned up, and the swollen eyes are hiding in the deep sea, staring at them eeriely, not attacking, just staring at them so innocently.

In this case, everyone just felt their scalps go numb.

Come to think of it, the things that can kill you are all around you.

Maybe in the next second, maybe in the next minute, or in a longer period of time, it will always attack. At that time, how could everyone be able to overcome these sea monsters, which are particularly fierce in the water, and at that moment, it was the time when everyone died here.

The crisis is ahead, but the waiting time is extremely long.

Suffering, fear, pain, resentment, fear...

A lot of emotions piled up together, and there were many choked voices from the wooden board area. Many commoner girls could no longer bear it and were on the verge of collapse.

Hearing the sound on the board, the color change in the depths of the sea became more clear, and it was clear that the speed of the sea monsters' sex was much faster. The crying of the girls is like a catalyst for them, which makes them more excited and more surging, wanting to tear apart their bodies and devour their flesh and blood.

A pair of twin girls stood on two of the wooden planks, one left and one right separated by less than a few meters.

They come from a poor family, mature and independent since childhood, and their personalities are much more mature than others. Even so, they were unavoidably afraid when they saw the scene around them, and their eyes were filled with panic.

"Sister, my legs are weak." One of the shorter girls said with a bitter face.

The tall girl paused, suppressed her sadness and comforted her: "Sister, don't be afraid, we will run with our eyes closed later, just don't look at the monsters around us."

"Okay, I feel the same... ahhh!!!"

Before finishing a sentence, the sea monsters around seemed to have received some orders, and swarmed up crazily.

Some bit on my sister's throat, and some bit on her face, and when she swooped open, there was a hole the size of a bowl. The bloody wound became more difficult and painful under the moistening of the sea water, as if a needle had been pricking it Like a wound.

She rolled painfully on the board, trying to throw off these terrifying monsters by rolling. It's a pity that it's useless. Many sea monsters have an amazing bite force. Once they bite, they admit their death.

Just like that, the short girl was so hurt by the madman that she screamed and rolled off the plank. Before she fell, there were dozens of ugly sea monsters hanging on her body, looking extremely miserable.

The tall girl stared at all this in a daze, her expression on her face was fixed on the gentle smile she had just shown her younger sister, until there was no more familiar figure on the wooden board, she just came back to her senses, and tears flowed all over the whole body unconsciously. face.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

She screamed fiercely, her face was filled with pain and resentment, and her delicate face became extremely terrifying because of the hostility in her eyes. The sea monsters around him seemed to be disturbed by the shrill cry, and with a flick of their tail, they slapped the surface of the sea and soared into the air.

The tall girl became the second person to be attacked by the sea monster.

But she didn't just know how to endure like the twin sisters. One second before the sea monster rushed to bite, she clenched the machete in her hand and slashed at the nearby sea monster frantically.

The machete was stolen by my father from the charcoal-burning civilian area on the bottom of the cruise ship before leaving, and given to the two sisters for self-defense.

Although the blade is slightly blunt, it is difficult to deal with these rough-skinned and thick-skinned sea monsters, but the tall girl, with her crazy strength, really wiped out several sea monsters, and even a slightly larger sea monster was also killed. She was cut under the knife.

However, she lost her hands and exhausted all her strength, and the tall girl was finally no match for these monsters in the sea.

Her body was covered with strange sea monsters, just like those experienced by the twin sisters just now. Suddenly, many people thought the scene had reappeared.

However, the two are still different in the end. The younger sister is covered with sea monsters all over her body, and she chooses to end herself crying bitterly and throws herself into the embrace of the sea. The elder sister is also covered with sea monsters all over her body, but she fought and struggled tenaciously, knelt down on one knee, and looked up at the cruise ship before she died.

The edge of the cruise ship is full of people, including noble npcs who are participating in the answering game, and other npcs who are watching the game.

Xia Yi stood in it, pursed his lips and said nothing.

In the eyes of everyone, the girl's delicate face was still stubborn. She raised her hand, the bloody joints protruding from her arm, and every time she moved, a large cloud of black and red blood would be sprinkled.

But the girl didn't feel the pain at all, she could only clenched her fist, pointing the back of her hand towards the top of the ship, and slowly, slowly... popped out her middle finger.

"..." Xia Yihui was at a rare loss of words.

On the one hand, it is because of sympathy, on the other hand, and the most important point, that is the big deal.

All contradictions are backlogged, backlogged, and backlogged again, and when the backlog reaches a point of depression, then a **** will fiercely ignite these contradictions full of resentment.

Using this middle finger as □□... is really perfect.

Thinking of this, a hint of helplessness appeared on Xia Yihui's face: He really just wanted to play the game well and get the red crystal. Isn't it good to simply pass the level? So why do these fancy things? !

Just like Xia Yi recalled, the noble NPCs around him were in an uproar.

Many aristocratic women waved folding fans, half-covering the lower half of their faces. Their eyes were full of anger and incomprehension, and they whispered to each other about the audacity of this commoner girl, and her family must be severely punished.

Hearing their unabashed curses, anger and anger appeared on the faces of many nearby civilian NPCs. When the oppression reaches an extreme point, what they can do is not only numbness, but also a word called resistance.


I don't know who roared, this sound directly ignited the people who had been suppressed to the extreme.

Angry, unwilling, irritable, jealous...

Many civilians picked up the tables, chairs and benches around them, and beat the heads of the nobles without saying a word. All of a sudden, the originally glamorous nobles became no longer gorgeous.

The hair was messed up, the makeup was messed up, the clothes were stained, and the nobles were pulled down from the altar by the commoners. The scene was extremely chaotic.

"Protect me, soldiers, hurry up and protect me!"

"Ahhh, help, rebellion!!!"

"Fucking motherfucker, I have endured you for a long time!"

Sandwiched between the two waves of people were a group of bewildered dungeon players and the sluggish viewers of the live broadcast room.

"Why...the fight started all of a sudden?" This is a question that pops up in many people's minds.

The players in the outer circle almost burst into tears. The clothes they wore represented the identities of nobles and commoners, and they were innocently involved in a revolution like this.

Xia Yi was even better. He was standing in the answering area. The npcs watching were not allowed to enter this place. The nearby npc players were also nobles. They didn't have any big interests involved, so he was still very safe for now.

While fighting on the ship's deck, changes occurred in the wooden board area below.

In the beginning, only the two twin girls were attacked by the sea monster, but just a second after the battle started, all the sea monsters started clamoring crazily as if they had been stimulated by something, roaring after another. , attacking players in the plank area.

Players in the board area screamed to avoid, while some picked up weapons and chose to resist.

Among such grotesque sea monsters, there are also a lot of mermaids that Xia Yihui met before. Seeing many familiar mermaid sea monsters, Xia Yihui's face is obviously ugly.

Meeting one mermaid sea monster before was enough to give him a headache, but now that he has met so many, according to the female referee, the lethality of these mermaid sea monsters seems to be several times that of the mermaid sea monster he met... It's too old to live, it's still amazing How to fight? !

Thinking of this, a worried look appeared on Xia Yihui's face.

He supported the protective railing on the edge of the cruise ship with one hand, and shouted down: "Zhang Qingyu, be careful..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Xia Yihui suddenly stopped, and silently closed his mouth.

Among the chaotic wooden areas, only Zhang Qingyu's is the most leisurely.

No matter how ferociously the sea monster bites at it, it will be thrown away viciously. Other wooden npcs are like purgatory, but Zhang Qingyu's place is just the opposite, leisurely and leisurely, like taking a walk after dinner.

Seeing the scene in front of them, many viewers in the live broadcast room who were still worried about Zhang Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief and never said anything about it.

—Are you kidding, Zhang Dashen, who has the ability to control objects, do you need to worry? !

I thought that Zhang Qingyu would walk the punishing five-meter distance calmly, but he didn't. At the fourth meter, Zhang Qingyu suddenly moved.

He twisted his body, raised his long legs, and kicked a humanoid sea monster into the air.

Poor that sea monster, it was sent up together with the group of sea monsters, and Zhang Qingyu kicked him alone.

When flying in mid-air, the facial expression of the humanoid sea monster was blank for a moment, and it kept rolling on the board several times before he could barely stop, and the expression on his face turned into unbearable pain.

Zhang Qingyu's kick was extremely hard, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that this kick must have hurt the heart, and with a little more force, it could even kill him directly... How much do you hate this sea monster

Could it be because this sea monster is so ugly

Looking carefully, Xia Yi was stunned.

That sea monster, no, it's a mermaid sea monster to be precise, it seems, looks, probably, maybe... looks familiar

Just about to take a closer look, Zhang Qingyu on the wooden board approached the mermaid and sea monster step by step, took out a gun from the space, and pointed it straight at the mermaid and sea monster.

There was fear in the eyes of the mermaid sea monster, and he said with restraint: "It's useless, didn't you see it too, bullets have no effect on me."

After hearing this sentence, Xia Yihui was able to confirm that this was the mermaid in 'Immersive'.

In an instant, the trembling feeling of seeing the crisis approaching and escaping came back.

The situation just now has reached a high degree of overlap with the current situation, except that the person who should be afraid has changed from him to a mermaid sea monster.

Zhang Qingyu didn't pull the trigger, he just gradually pursed his lips, stared at the mermaid and sea monster, and slightly raised his vacant left hand.

The latter didn't know what kind of change had taken place, and suddenly his expression was extremely ferocious. Under everyone's gaze, his tail fin on the lower body was slowly separating from the upper body.

The blood flowed all over the board, it was fishy and smelly, but Zhang Qingyu still didn't change his face.

Xia Yi stared at it all the time, until the mermaid sea monster died due to excessive blood loss, and then he slowly closed his eyes. The creepy feeling deep in his soul finally faded away, and the knot in his heart also followed.

"So... Zhang Qingyu is avenging me?"

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui's heart trembled, the emotions hidden in his eyes were violently turbulent, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.