Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 134: Joker Casino (Forty Five)


After a catastrophe that was neither too big nor too small, the situation gradually became stable.

It is impossible for commoners to defeat the nobles who have already honed their cunning by relying on brute force and resentment without systematic planning. Therefore, under the violent suppression of the soldiers with live ammunition, the situation has returned to calm.

Looking at the board area below the cruise ship, Zhang Qingyu and Xu Suisui each took the full number of steps. Other players in the board area have already been buried in the sea, and everything has returned to calm. Even the sea monsters are slowly sinking to the bottom of the water. It is the intention to cut down a lot of attacks.

Seeing this, Xia Yihui finally felt relieved.

On the other hand, the female referee has just been in the competition area, so she has not been affected by the disputes between the common people and the nobles. She even has the leisure to tidy up her appearance during this period, and the messy hair in the "immersive scene" Reorganize.

After everything was done, the female referee raised the corners of her lips and said, "The punishment in the board area is over, all players in the answering area, please leave the competition area automatically, and continue to work hard in the next round of the game~"

The faces of the dozen or so nobles named by the female referee were ashen.

There was just a hand-to-hand fight outside the competition area, and now there is only a mess left, full of blood and tattered cloth, it looks disgusting.

Not only because of nausea, but also because of fear in everyone's heart. If they hadn't participated in the game just now, they might have died directly in the civilian rebellion.

The soldiers just suppressed the villain's civilians. The latter should not make any new moves for the time being. A dozen nobles looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally ended up lucky.

A group of people huddled together and left together, leaving only two people in the answering area.

Xia Yi turned her head and glanced at Li Bai.

Coincidentally, the latter was also looking at him.

The eyes of the two were anxious for a moment, and they quickly moved away as if nothing had happened, and looked straight ahead.

The female referee stood between the two of them, with an official smile on her face, and said, "There is no solution to the problem in this round, and both of them have answered correctly, so the current situation isβ€”"

"2:1." The female referee congratulated Ban Chong Xia with a smile, and said, "Then now player 23 has the advantage, and player 22 must continue to work hard."

Li Bai let out a contemptuous "hum" from his nose, adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and did not speak.

After a catastrophe, there are still quite a few npcs watching nearby. Everyone is like a computer program that has been set in advance. As soon as the game enters a new link, these people immediately forget the past, and only know that they are two people outside the competition area. Shout out.

The little civilian boy with a small box on his chest didn't know how he survived the chaos just now.

He looked depressed and his face was a little pale.

As soon as a nobleman came over to place a bet, the little boy couldn't help trembling all over his body. He didn't feel relieved until the nobleman finished placing his bets.

A commoner boy walked up and asked, "What are the odds now?"

The little boy was a little absent-minded, his eyes kept looking at the large glass door in the inner cabin, and he said perfunctorily, "You can buy whoever you like."

The civilian boy was a little unhappy, but he held back and didn't attack, but looked at the transaction quota in the small box.

While the two were talking, another young man served by a nobleman came to inquire. The expression on the young boy's face lit up, and he hurriedly explained the odds carefully and humbly, and even predicted the outcome. A seller of insurance.

After some negotiations, the noble boy left contentedly, but the commoner boy was not satisfied.

"Hey," the commoner boy grabbed the boy by the neckline and scolded, "You bastard!"

The little boy was startled, and hurriedly patted the commoner boy's shoulder reassuringly, and said in a panic: "You misunderstood me, you misunderstood me, I was just worried that the person just now would see the clues!"

Seeing the bewildered look in the commoner boy's eyes, the little boy sighed and spoke eloquently.

This cruise ship has been sailing at sea for more than 70 days so far, and has to stop at a certain coast every other month to replenish rations and fresh water resources. The last stop was not long ago, which means that there are still more than 20 days before the next supply. sky.

Up to this point, it was something that everyone on the ship knew very well, and the commoner boy still had some doubts on his face, "Why are you telling me these things?"

The little boy looked around and found that no one noticed him, so he lowered his voice and said, "Oh, you don't know, because of the fog a few days ago, the ship deviated from the course..."

The civilian boy was silent for a moment, and when he realized it, the blankness on his face instantly turned into horror. Because he was too surprised, he didn't even say a word.

Deviation from the route represents many things, and the supply alone is a big problem. According to the level of suppression for so many years, if they cannot return to the normal route at that time, they will be the first to bear the brunt of these lowly civilians.

If there is not enough food, kill the low-level civilians first to save food consumption. If it is not enough, freeze-dry the corpses of civilians... How often does this happen

The little boy showed a mature look that didn't match his age, and he only said one sentence: "Are you against it?"

The commoner boy paused, and only replied with one word.



In the distance, soldiers dressed in military service ran over and whispered something in the ear of the female referee. Everyone was watching them.

After a while, the conversation ended.

The female referee's hand was still on the box for drawing questions, but she was not drawing questions this time, but looked at Xia Yihui and Li Bai with a smile, and spoke slowly.

"The incident happened suddenly, and I decided to change the rules."

After finishing the sentence, the audience was in an uproar.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what was the reason for this sudden change.

Xia Yihui's face darkened slightly, Li Bai's face was expressionless, with anger looming between his brows.

The audience in the live broadcast room also became irritable.

"Why do you want to change the rules again?!"

"Don't you think Xia Xia is good? Really, every time Xia Xia wins, the referee changes the rules, every time!"

"Everyone has a bit of a temper. Damn, isn't this so unfair!"

"It's the same with the handkerchief throwing game before. If Xia Xia hadn't been smart, someone else would have died. What can I do? It's too bullying!"

"I have to say that the running back to get the red crystal in Immersive is also a temporary addition. In the previous round of Immersive, there were no red crystals. The red crystals taken by everyone were fairly average. This round only Li Bai and Xia Xia got the red crystal, so the rules were suddenly added."

"Everyone, calm down, okay? Just now the soldier came and said that the referee suddenly wanted to change the rules. I think something must have happened, but Xia Xia is really unlucky."

"Let's listen to the rules first."

The female referee herself could see that everyone was feeling a little worried, the npcs watching were better, and the two players in the answering area showed their displeasure directly on their faces.

She was a little helpless, but still bit the bullet and explained the new rules.

"Two rounds of answering have been done, and there are still eight questions to come. I will throw the small notes of these eight questions on the wooden board, and there will be a small note every meter, and a boss will appear to guard the note at the same time. .”

"Once the question is answered, the boss will disappear. In this round of the game, the players in the answering area and the board area need to join forces to resist the boss together."

After hearing the new rules, Xia Yihui quickly caught the point.

Leaving aside the mechanism of rush-answer questions, the purpose of this question is obvious, which is to speed up the game process.

Answering one question at a time is too slow. If you encounter a few more time-consuming questions that are as immersive as you are on the scene, how long will it take to decide the winner. It's better to grab the questions first like this, it doesn't count if you grab the questions, only the answers can be counted.

Xia Yihui is now one point ahead of Li Bai, and there are eight questions left. If he is one less than Li Bai, or gets one less correct answer, then it will be very difficult for him to win.

It is not difficult to see from these things that the audience in the early live broadcast room was quickly eliminated by the infinite escape game. It is easy for everyone to see what the connotation of the new competition system is.

"Halo, so the ghost card is about to enter the battle between the nobles and the commoners? Now the speed of the game is increased to create momentum for this war?"

"Oh my god, Xia Xia is really a non-chief, and he really caught up with the worst time. If he entered this ghost card earlier, he might have gotten 100 red crystals and went to the top floor to set off fireworks with Zhang Dashen. .”

"Wait, if the commoners really fight against the nobles, will the initial missions of the players still be effective? The red crystal will not be useless, then Xia Xia has been working hard for a few hours..."

Xia Yi glanced at the barrage and shook his head secretly.

It's not in vain.

Joker is currently undergoing a major background change. He just caught up with this embarrassing timing, but the task will not change, it's just a little more difficult.

This round of games is over, and no surprises, all games on the deck will be closed together.

The fixed opportunity to capture the red crystal on the deck has disappeared, so what else can be done to capture the red crystal


Xia Yihui started to have a headache. He thought it would be good to play the game with peace of mind this time, but he didn't know that he had returned to the mechanism of the campus arena.

It's just that it was a race for time at the time, but now it has become a race for red crystals.

"Now that everyone understands the rules of the game, then... the game begins!"

As soon as the female referee finished speaking, Xia Yihui only felt that she was being pushed head-on by something invisible.

He happened to be standing on the edge of the cruise ship, and he was completely unprepared for this push. He tilted his body backwards and fell straight off the edge of the cruise ship.

Everyone who was watching the live broadcast paused, and then screamed in unison.

"Ah, ah, Xia Xia, be careful!!!"