Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 143: Ghost Casino (Fifty Four)


Although I don't know what event caused such a huge change in his three views, but as far as the current situation is concerned, Xia Yihui's three views are still maintained at the beginning of being wise and safe.

This means that this event, which is enough to subvert his three views, should have happened just after the outbreak of the mutant crisis and before finding No. 57.

When this time interval was singled out, the context of the matter became clearer. Although Xia Yihui still had no way of knowing the truth, most of the fog in his mind had been dispelled, and the rest still needed to be explored slowly.

The fog in the illusion became heavier again. Xia Yihui already felt a burning pain in his throat, and before he could make a sound, Zhang Qingyu on the other side had already raised his gun and fired a quick and decisive shot towards the stairway.


The sound of bullets piercing flesh sounded.

Xia Yihui subconsciously thought that Zhang Qingyu's shot had hit a mutant species, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

The fog dissipated, and the feeling of suffocation gradually subsided.

The waves surged up, one after another, and one after another, they smashed against the edge of the board. The sea breeze with the smell of fish and blood blew, and the hem of the clothes flapped violently. Xia Yihui tried to take a step forward, but the wooden board was pushed down, and the sea water spread up, moistening the trousers.

On the other side, Li Bai seems to be caught in some kind of difficult fight. He and Xu Suisui are fighting with a huge sea monster.

The sea monster is more than ten meters tall and has a huge body. It is several times as big as Li Bai, and its body is still slippery. When it attacks, it is directly missed. Therefore, Li Bai's team can be regarded as encountering the boss and falling into a stalemate.

Answering the question, the small wooden box is behind the sea monster. They can only get the small box by defeating this huge sea monster. It looks like there is still a while to go.

Xia Yihui picked up the box at his feet, and took out a small note from inside. His posture is really leisurely, in stark contrast to Li Bai's fierce fight on the other side.

The audience in the live broadcast room smiled and prayed on the bullet screen.

"The koi is possessed, begging for a simpler question this time!"

"Answer this question correctly again, and the score will be opened~"

"Lingling, Lingling, please release Wuli Xiaxia once in the infinite escape game! Don't ask too difficult questions~"

The viewers in the live broadcast room were anxious, but Xia Yihui's heart was calm.

As long as it is a problem that can be taken out by the infinite escape game, it must be a problem that can be solved. The difference is only that the solution is faster or slower.

The note was spread out, with a small line of words printed on it.

[Who will you choose to save?]

Xia Yihui was taken aback for a moment, before his brain could react, a small red table suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, on which was a small instrument similar to a liar.

According to the instructions on the back of the note, Xia Yihui put his fingers into the groove on the upper part of the lying instrument, and the five fingers fit perfectly in it, as if the instrument was tailor-made for him.

At this time, the female referee suddenly said: "Player No. 23, please listen to the question."

Xia Yi looked up at the female referee, feeling a little hesitant.

It's so formal, it's a lie instrument, and it's a brand-new way of asking questions, which makes him curious about the next question.

The female referee gently pushed her wavy hair back, coughed softly to clear her throat, and spoke slowly.

"A train is coming, and there are 6 children playing on the track on the left, and 1 child is playing on the spare track on the right. The train can't stop in time, should the lane changer change lanes? Did he hit 6 children? , or hit a child?"

Narrowing her slender eyes, she smiled and said, "If you put the control in your hands, will you let the railroad track go to the left and kill six undisciplined children, or drive to the right and kill six children?" That good boy."

As soon as this question came out, Xia Yi fell into a rare silence.

He remembered the scene he had just seen in the illusion.

The little girl was besieged by mutants and scavengers. Rescuing would push an armed team composed of strong adult men into danger. If not rescued, it would violate the meaning of the collective dispatch of the armed team at the beginning.

At that time, the choice was limited to saving or not saving, but now the contradiction has escalated in an all-round way, and the multiple-choice question has become which side to kill.

Except for Li Bai and Xu Suisui, who were still in the battle, everyone present was thinking about this question. They substituted themselves and expressed their opinions one after another.

"If it were me, I would probably drive the train to the left. Whoever made those six children disobedient, there are signs of prohibition next to the track, and they still insist on playing on it."

"That's not right. Children know what they don't know. I think we should drive to the right. Killing one is much less expensive than killing six."

"I feel guilty wherever I go..."

Not only the npcs present, but even the audience in the live broadcast room were deeply involved in the drama, and they started arguing one after another.

"It's fucking dead. Where is the railroad track, it's a place to play casually."

"This question is very similar to the previous illusion. I didn't know if the team was damaged when I went to save the little girl."

"Actually, I think Xia Xia should know it well. If it is too dangerous, he can't save it."

"I can't tell. I saw Xia Xia in the illusion twice, and I always felt that something was wrong with him. He was obviously younger at the time, but the death in his eyes couldn't be ignored."

"Sometimes 'amnesia' is a kind of stress response of people. Those memories cause great damage to people's spirit and heart. In order to protect themselves, some people's bodies will automatically choose to forget. God, if it is really sad Things... I hope Xia Xia won't think about the past, I think it's good to be happy like this now."

"Back then, Xia Xia had benevolence and righteousness in his heart, but now... maybe he is more rational. I think he should choose to drive to the right. As the saying goes, one death is better than six deaths."

"I'm just hehehe, everyone, don't be so holy, okay? I beg you to think about yourselves. You are not responsible for killing six, but if you kill that one, the child's parents may directly find you to die!"

Glancing at the barrage, Xia Yi made a rough statistics of the big data in his mind.

Most people think that six disobedient people should be killed by driving to the left, and a small number of people think that they should be driven to the right to reduce losses and kill one.


The lie detector kept ringing, making the already anxious atmosphere even more urgent.

There seems to be no correct answer to this question, and Xia Yihui only needs to ensure that the answer he utters will not cause a violent reaction from the polygraph.

After thinking about it, Xia Yihui said, "I will drive to the left and hit and kill the six children on the normal tracks."

Hearing this sentence, most people take it for granted.

This question should have been selected in this way, and those who do not follow the rules should be erased, whether they are children or the elderly.

The lie detector was still beeping, and the lie detector mechanism was not triggered, which meant that Xia Yihui was telling the truth.

The female referee smiled, "Will you sacrifice the lives of most people for that one person?"

Xia Yihui paused, and said calmly, "I saved the majority of people."

The female referee tilted her head slightly: "Oh?"

Xia Yihui continued: "The railway track is running normally. What if something happens to the spare track? There are tens of thousands of people on the train. Are those people's lives not life?"

As soon as the voice fell, many viewers who were watching the live broadcast showed suddenly enlightened expressions. Although they would make the same choice as Xia Yihui, they didn't think so deeply.

"Very good, the current score is 7:5." The female referee clapped her palms together, and said with a secretive smile, "Remember your choice, don't cry later~"

Seeing the smile on the female referee's face, many people had an ominous premonition. The barrage scrolled quickly in the live broadcast room, and every sentence revealed panic.

"Ah, what is this bitch doing?"

"Will this question affect the game later? To be honest, I have a bad feeling."

"Don't make any more moths. Hey, other anchor live broadcast rooms are quiet for several hours and then explode for a few minutes. Wuli Xiaxia's painting style is completely reversed here. He explodes for several hours and then rests for two minutes, and then continues. Burst 1551"

"It won't be when the anchor is really going to drive the train, right? Fuck, I'm a little bit flamboyant 555555555"

The audience was in high spirits, but Xia Yihui himself didn't feel so scary.

The female referee's words were thoughtless, so there was no need to take it to heart.

He raised his eyes and looked at the purple mist in front of him, he exhaled lightly, and smiled slightly at Zhang Qingyu, "Let's go."

Zhang Qingyu glanced at him, walked into the purple mist with his long legs wrapped in military uniform.

Xia Yihui followed closely behind, and the two were quickly surrounded by purple mist.

"It's actually a campus again..."

After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, Xia Yi was a little helpless.

This is a place that looks like a corridor of a teaching building. The surrounding environment is dim, and there is no response to touching the light switch. This campus should be in the middle of a power outage.

Completely different from the illusion just now, this time the campus is much more lively.

There are brooms and mops piled up in the corner, lying crookedly on the side. Looking from the corridor, there are many people's desks with books spread out on the desks and half-eaten instant noodle buckets. The tables and chairs were tilted to the ground, and no one even helped them up.

Everything seemed hasty and hectic, as if some unexpected situation caused the students of this school to flee in a hurry.

Xia Yihui approached the window sill, and there was no dust on it. He reached through the open window again, took out an exercise book from the desk, and flipped through it.

The exercise book was blank, only the student's name, class name, and the school name immediately following it were left on the first page of the page number.

—Anwai Dongxiang

Xia Yihui paused, looked up at Zhang Qingyu beside him in surprise, and said, "Do you think the name of this school looks familiar?"

Zhang Qingyu pursed his lips and was about to speak, as if he sensed something, he suddenly turned his head and looked to the right. Xia Yihui seemed to feel something, and followed his line of sight to look over.

It was a computer room with the door tightly closed.

In the purple smoke, two people are gradually approaching the computer room, they are Zhang Qingyu and Jin Yuan. The two were wearing arts and science school uniforms, and they were wearing something in the shape of a watch.

The little fat man rubbed his hands nervously, smiled attentively at Zhang Qingyu, and said while leading the way: "Master Zhang, come, this way, Brother Xia is right here..."

Hearing this sentence, something from the depths of my memory suddenly emerged.

Xia Yihui seemed to be enlightened, he opened his mouth in a daze, not knowing what to say.

He finally remembered what happened to the scene in front of him! Isn't this the time when Jin Yuan brought Zhang Qingyu to catch the traitor, ah bah, to join him in the computer room.

If I remember correctly, the moment Zhang Qingyu opened the door, Xin Zhu didn't know what was going on, and suddenly turned over and sat on his lap, pressed him and started kissing.

Although Zhang Qingyu witnessed the whole scene at the time, but just from his appearance, he didn't seem very angry. I didn't expect that he would secretly stamp this incident for so long...

Xia Yi secretly glanced at Zhang Qingyu, who was wearing a military uniform and exuding a chill all over, and couldn't help crying in his heart.

—It's over, it's not enough to catch a traitor once, why do you have to catch it twice? !