Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 146: Ghost Casino (Fifty Seven)


The situation was very critical, and when the sea monster pressed the spikes on the fair necks of the two girls, Li Bai finally stopped them.

The female referee smiled and said, "Why, have you made a decision?"

"I've already thought about it." Li Bai calmly nodded, his eyelids drooping slightly, and there was an inorganic indifference between his brows and eyes.

Seeing him like this, many people became curious. There were a lot of npc whispering voices on the deck, and the barrage of each player's live room was also talking about this.

"My God, the difficulty of choosing is almost exposed by this game. The first is the problem of the train track. Now it is Li Bai who chooses between his sister and partner."

"Can't you admit defeat?"

"Admit defeat? Sister, wake up, do you think it is possible for Li Bai to admit defeat?"

"I think Li Bai should save Miss Li Xiaomeng, she is his sister no matter what~"

"That's not necessarily true. Hasn't the Unlimited Escape Forum analyzed Li Bai's character before? He is a person who is not afraid of anything, but the word 'lose' the most. Summer time."

"Just like what his sister said, I have lost so many times, this time is not bad hhhhhhhhhh"

The barrage discussion went on and on, and one group of people said that Li Xiaomeng was cute and cute, and she should save her sister. The other faction said that Xu Suisui was sincere and capable, and should save the partner.

The two sides argued back and forth, and there was no result in the end of the debate.

The sea monster's spikes stood up, aiming at the two little girls.

Li Xiaomeng was so frightened that her face turned pale. She was held in the palm of her hand like a princess since she was a child. How could she have been wronged like this? After a while, she burst into tears, and she slurred and sobbed: "Brother, help me, Xiaomeng is good!" Fear… "

On the other side, Xu Suisui seemed to have seen the end a long time ago. She closed her eyes quietly, looking like she was waiting to die, and said bitterly, "Academician, I will continue to support you in the real world."

The female referee's smirk came, "Now, please read your choice aloud."

Li Bai paused, then said in a deep voice, "Li Xiaomeng."

As soon as the voice fell, the barrage in the live broadcast room followed.

"Really saved my sister... woc was slapped in the face by the speed of light..."

"To put it bluntly, he just doesn't love. Li Bai just doesn't love Xu Suisui. If love is impossible, he chooses to save Li Xiaomeng."

"Li Xiaomeng is really lucky to have a brother who is not a sister-in-law but can provide shelter everywhere, and he can use a weak chicken skill to win against Xia Xia, Zhang Dashen, Mei Laogou, Xin Daxie and others. Now, I wonder physically and mentally whether he was plugged in by the star network... "

"Sister Xu, don't cry, there are still a lot of high-quality men back in the real world, let's not hang yourself on a tree!"

Inside the joker.

Xia Yi raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Choosing Li Xiaomeng means that Xu Suisui will die. If the partner in the plank area dies, the player in the answering area will lose the game...then he will win without a fight.

I can't tell what I feel in my heart, anyway, there is absolutely no emotion called 'happiness' in it.

Xia Yihui really wanted to know the reason why Zhang Qingyu froze him back then, but he didn't want to get the answer by winning without a fight, he wanted to win with dignity.

Moreover, Xu Suisui was a little too pitiful.

Thinking of this, Xia Yi gave Li Bai a reproachful look, and whispered to Zhang Qingyu: "I remember that you and Li Bai seemed to have known each other a long time ago, and you have made some shady deals...don't deny it! "

Seeing Zhang Qingyu's frown, Xia Yihui quickly poured out the rest of the questions like pouring beans, and his voice was extremely low: "Is he also like this before?"

Zhang Qingyu was stunned, and looked at Xia Yihui suspiciously.

The latter explained patiently: "□□Note Gu—□□Si is doomed to be alone forever."

Zhang Qingyu paused for a rare moment, frowned and thought carefully for a few seconds, and said, "Yes."

"Pfft..." Xia Yihui accidentally laughed out loud.

He didn't expect that Zhang Qingyu would think carefully before answering, but it was precisely because of this reason that Li Bai was also very disgusted in Zhang Qingyu's heart.

Everyone's reaction took only a dozen seconds, during which the sea monster did not move, as if it was waiting for some instructions.

Under the attention of all the people, the female referee deliberately changed the words, and asked with a smile: "Are you sure again, you are going to kill your partner now, under the guise of my hand?"

This question is considered a sneaky change of concept, but damn it hits the point.

Xu Suisui's face was already very pale. Although she knew deep down in her heart that she had been given up, but when she heard such blunt and direct words again, she felt a pain somewhere in her heart. The pain made her fingers curl up, unable to say.

In order to prevent tears from falling out, Xu Suisui had no choice but to grit her teeth and looked up at Li Bai. There was a bleak smile on her face, as if to say, "Come on, it's okay."

The deck is mostly nobles.

In the eyes of these people, a partner is just arbitrarily picked up from the common people, and has no human rights at all. The nobles will even use how many partners they kill as a tool for comparison.

Therefore, at this time, many people on the deck made booing sounds, obviously everyone wanted to see this dramatic scene—

How to choose between relatives and comrades-in-arms.

When all eyes were on him, everyone thought that Li Bai would just nod slightly and give up on Xu Suisui completely.

But no, Li Bai made an unexpected move. He looked at the female referee and said indifferently, "What are you talking about..."

Seeing the confusion on everyone's faces, he paused and said, "I said I chose Li Xiaomeng, which means let her die."


The audience was silent, and the speed of everyone's brains obviously couldn't keep up with Li Bai's semantic gasp.

The female referee smiled even more ugly, and suppressed her panic and said, "Do you really want your sister to die?"

Li Bai raised his eyelids lightly, glanced at 'Li Xiaomeng' who was crying into tears, and said calmly: "If it's really her, she started swearing a long time ago, since I didn't help her with homework when I was young. Remember to do it next time." Remember to be real for the dummy, don’t let people see through it at a glance.”

The female referee looked pale, sighed and said, "You're smart."

She waved her hand, and the sea monster disappeared in an instant, and the extremely realistic 'Li Xiaomeng' who was crying and out of breath also disappeared at the same time.

Xia Yihui suddenly realized.

No wonder he felt that Li Xiaomeng looked very strange from just now, but he couldn't tell exactly what was wrong. Thinking about it now, there are really many flaws, but he is not familiar with Li Xiaomeng, so it is difficult to find them.

There was a muffled 'crack'.

Xu Suisui fell from the air and landed firmly on the wooden plank. After struggling for a long time, he couldn't get up. The wound on his neck was torn open by the big movement, and blood seeped out again vaguely.

Even though her whole body was in severe pain, she still tried her best to stand up again, and limped to Li Bai's side.

To be honest, until this time she was still a little uneasy, always suspecting that everything in front of her was a dream.

Li Bai... actually chose him? !

No matter what happened in the middle, the final result is that Li Bai chose her and did not give up on her!

Thinking of this, Xu Suisui instantly felt that his shoulders were no longer sore, and his neck was no longer hurting, as if all the strength in his body had returned at this moment.

Just like the feeling of being on drugs, although she was clamoring for fatigue all over her body, she still enjoyed it.

After a pause, Xu Suisui raised the corners of his lips and said in a low voice, "Thank you, although it's because I'm not really Xiaomeng, thank you for choosing me."

Li Bai glanced at her, and hummed, "There is nothing to thank, even if it is real, I will choose to save you. Don't get me wrong, there is only one reason why I saved you, and that is because I don't want to lose to Xia Xia. one time."

Xu Suisui wiped the slightly congealed blood on his neck with his wet sleeve. She didn't care about Li Bai's indifference, but even said that she acted happier.

The current score is 8:5.

After eating melons for a long time, Xia Yihui commented: "It seems that it is not hopeless yet."

After speaking, he followed Zhang Qingyu into the last meter of purple smoke.



so cold…

Xia Yihui opened his eyes and found that he was in the most familiar research institute in his memory.

The humidity in the south is very heavy, and the surrounding area is cool. He wears a researcher's suit all over his body. The fabric is soft and thin, which is very convenient for doing experiments, but it can't withstand the severe cold outside the laboratory.

Xia Yihui shivered twice, and couldn't help sniffing his nose. His sense of smell was quite keen, and he could clearly smell the faint smell of disinfectant in the air.

Xia Yi got used to the smell a long time ago, so not only did he not find it pungent, but it was like a fish returning home, more at ease.

He leaned on the wall and stood up, and there seemed to be two people talking in a low voice in the distance.

Xia Yihui squinted his eyes carefully.

The person walking in front is very familiar. It seems that he has met several times during work, but has never communicated face to face. He belongs to the kind of person who recognizes the face but cannot call the name.

There is another person—

Also very familiar.

Xia Yihui didn't know where he had seen this person, but he just felt that this person looked familiar, but he really had no impression.

Looking at it again, I can only sigh that this man's facial features are extremely good-looking, his eyes are clear and cold, and his temperament is noble and majestic. At first glance, he looks like a young man who ran out of a rich family.

Although he was dressed in the clothes of the experimental subject, but judging from his facial expressions and walking posture, etc., he seemed to be born with a calm and unhurried aura, and his steps were very steady. There was no other experimental subject walking in a strange land. panic.

As if aware of Xia Yihui's gaze, the man turned his eyes sideways, turned his face slightly and looked towards this side.

At the moment when the four eyes met, a hot stream suddenly rolled across the face.

Xia Yihui raised his hand subconsciously and stroked his face, the fingertips were still slightly damp.

Seeing this, Xia was stunned for a while.

Why is he crying

why is he crying

Before I figured out the reason, the rustling conversation on the other side penetrated into my ears.

"...Academician Xia's teacher passed away... his research room can no longer be opened, he has been at the door for a long time..."

The few words were intermittent and confusing, but the strange thing is that Xia understood it after a while.

For several years in his life, his most respected and beloved teacher was the teacher who led him into the gate of the research institute. Now he suddenly heard such news, and suddenly a huge sense of sadness emerged from the depths of his heart.

At this moment, Xia Yihui only felt that the world was spinning, and he almost couldn't stand still, and almost fell to the ground directly.