Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 153: Ghost Casino (Sixty Four)


"Sorry." Xia Yihui looked away, and his voice was rare and dull, "I can't promise you."

There was silence all around, and the space was dull, bringing a strong sense of suffocation.

If it wasn't for the lack of purple smoke next to it, Xia Yikui would almost have thought this place was another big illusion in the ghost card game.

Zhang Qingyu exuded a cold and repressed aura, he stood up slightly, and glanced at another place.

The two people are obviously very close to each other, but at this moment, it seems that there is a wide and bright galaxy, and the distance seems unreachable.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't know what to say at this time.

in the real world.

The elder brother was kicked out of the room by his younger sister after scolding Xia angrily. He wandered outside for a long time, finally fell on the sofa, and turned on the TV in dejection.

The Star Network was repaired very quickly. At this time, most of the TV signals had recovered, so the gray and white snowflakes on the TV screen were not as it was at the beginning.

Originally wanted to watch TV dramas or entertainment programs, but unfortunately after turning on the TV, the analysis of the wireless escape game battle situation, even in those few years when e-sports games were the hottest, did not reach this unprecedented grandeur.

My brother was a little annoyed, and changed several TVs. Either Zhang Qingyu, Xia Yihui, or a few popular players in Huaguo District were on the TV.

Seeing Xia Yihui's face dangling in front of his eyes, the elder brother finally couldn't bear to turn off the TV, got up all of a sudden, and secretly ran to the door of his sister's room to scratch.

"Sister, I was wrong, I shouldn't scold Xia Yihui..."

"My brother apologizes to you."

"Xia Yi is the best, okay?"

After calling for a long time, there was no answer from inside, so my brother put his ear close to the door curiously, and vaguely heard the cry of a girl from inside.

His complexion changed, and he opened the door abruptly and broke in.

At that time, my sister had already cried a lot.

She stared at the blackness of the screen, almost crying and said: "What to do, Xia Xia probably wanted to sacrifice herself for the sake of the group, Zhang Dashen froze him just to prevent him from messing around..."

My brother was still confused at first, but after listening to the incident, he said with a dazed face: "But I read that the bullet screen said that Xia Yihui was voluntary back then, which means that it is very likely that his freezing has an effect on the group. .”

After all, he was also a little complicated.

Originally, he just didn't like Xia Yihui, thinking that the latter was based on his face. But after hearing such things, my brother asked himself, if it was him, he would not have such selfless dedication.

If he wanted to look down on such a person again, what kind of social trash would he be? !

Thinking of this, my brother comforted softly, "If it's really according to my guess, at least his sacrifice saved many people. He is a hero in every sense."

My sister cried louder.

"I don't care if he is a hero or not, I just think Xia Xia is so pitiful!!!"

Similar situations happen in the real world from time to time.

If the barrage in the live broadcast room in the past was more or less playful and funny, then looking at it now, there is only a heavy barrage left in the barrage.

The audience found a powerless thing, that is, Xia Yihui didn't know why he sacrificed, what he sacrificed for, and what he had to sacrifice. He just refused Zhang Qingyu very firmly.

This illustrates a problem—

Xia Yihui was ready to sacrifice at any time.

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui's image suddenly became much bigger in the hearts of everyone.

The usually cheerful trolls also silently put away the keyboards in their hands, absolutely not daring to touch everyone's bad luck at this time.

Facts have proved that sometimes the brain power of netizens is really too strong. Xia Yihui didn't think that much at all. There was only one reason why he didn't agree to Zhang Qingyu, and that was that he was not someone who would make promises casually.

If it was really about the possibility that Zhang Qingyu said, Xia Yi thought in his heart that he was still quite selfish. He was just an ordinary person, not noble enough to sacrifice his life for some unknown people.

So after all, the problem is back to the original point.

What exactly happened that year caused such a huge change in Xia Yihui's temperament.

This is an unsolvable problem, and it is not a problem to think about at this time.

Back to copy game.

It has been quiet outside for about two minutes, and the civilian NPCs still haven't turned back, presumably they followed the unlucky man all the way away.

Xia Yihui's heart was beating so hard now, he didn't know what kind of thoughts he would have when he rejected Zhang Qingyu so vaguely. He has one and only one thought now, and that is to get out, get out quickly.

It's really stuffy in here.

As soon as he put his hand on the doorknob, there was an icy cold temperature on the back of his hand.


Xia trembled, and quickly withdrew his hand. The range of motion was too large, and he couldn't use it in this narrow space. His elbow hit Zhang Qingyu's abdomen directly.

The latter snorted, as if enduring pain.

Xia Yihui frowned anxiously, and was about to apologize when the latter slowly shook his head at him and said, "There is someone."

Xia Yi was taken aback for a moment, narrowed his eyes and listened carefully, there were indeed voices outside, but it wasn't the commoner NPC he first expected, but another group of people.

Those people were hiding in the back room before, because the people in the front room were discovered first, so they were the survivors of the catastrophe, and they were walking cautiously to the hall on the third floor.

Hearing the footsteps, it seemed that there were three people, and the voices were still familiar.

As they walked, these people were still talking in low voices.

The red-haired Caucasian player with the Arabic numeral '5' on the badge on his chest sighed and said: "I didn't expect to catch that Asian, and I almost folded myself in. Fortunately, there is another unlucky guy hiding in the front room. What a shame!" Jesus bless you!"

The hostility on the face of another blond white man was much heavier. He kicked the door next to the corridor resentfully, and made a loud bang.

The sound frightened the third young man with a submissive expression. He struggled for a moment, and then said in a low voice, "Maybe the person who ran away just now is Xia Yihui. Shall we follow up to catch the leak? He has a A large amount of red crystal."

When the word 'red crystal' was mentioned, all three of them showed greedy expressions on their faces. After being blinded by interests, the red-haired young man was the first to react. He shook his head.

"No, it's too dangerous. Not only is Xia Yihui difficult to deal with, but the Asian man next to him is even more difficult to deal with. Even if those two people fight the npc and lose both, they are not guys we can covet now."

The blond man had a hostile face, sneered, and said, "What are you afraid of? If they don't have guns, they wouldn't be worth worrying about. A group of Asian chickens have thighs that are not as thick as my arms, so there is nothing to worry about."

The two chatted for a long time, but found that the submissive young man had not spoken. One of them asked curiously, "What's wrong with you?"

The man looked behind the two of them in horror, his lips became uneasy with fright, "Xia... Xia..."

"What?" The other two were still confused.

Looking back along his line of sight, there was a kindly smiling face on the fire door under the stairs, the smile didn't reach the bottom of the eyes at all, and the cold swish eyes pierced the hearts of everyone like a sharp weapon. .

This was the last picture they saw.

Stepping out of the darkness like a ghost, it's like walking in a private area, leisurely, calm and powerful.

"It's really hard to find a place when you step through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it."

Xia Yihui chuckled and approached the white player's body with brisk steps.

A little bit of star-blue shimmer slowly floated out of their badges, circling Xia Yihui's body a few times like an elf, and then blended into the badge on Xia Yihui's chest.

The number above jumped from the Arabic numeral 70 to 80 in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this situation, everyone in the live broadcast room sighed.

"Two idiots, why not mess with Xia Xia..."

"The anchor is really a person who doesn't talk too much, I like it!"

"In the beginning, I remember that small gang with a big group of people, with a face of 'I will kill anyone who dares to disobey me', looking fierce, but now they are all wiped out by Xia Xia, so prosperous and in a trance "

"It's coming soon, we still have 20 red crystals left so we can go to the top of the ship to set off fireworks~"

Glancing at the live broadcast room, Xia Yihui was also very happy.

It's not that he was thinking about setting off fireworks, he felt that he and Zhang Qingyu needed to separate and calm down for a while, but the current partner setting of Overlord Yuji did not allow the two to be separated, and he could only wait until after this round of ghost cards.

Could it be that he and Zhang Qingyu are really destined to this point, so they wouldn't be able to bind the copies together precisely


19:00 at night.

Xia Yihui had been on the second floor for several hours, and Zhang Qingyu was naturally by his side, but after the incident in the small room, the two seemed to have fallen into an atmosphere close to a cold war.

Zhang Qingyu didn't speak, and Xia didn't speak again, and there were only some fragmentary words in the exchange, such as 'someone', 'don't go', 'wait a minute'...

This feeling is really novel. Xia Yihui greets people with a smiling face on weekdays, and Zhang Qingyu has an extraordinary patience with Xia Yihui. The way they get along with each other has always been quiet but serene, but the silence at this time is different. As usual, there is still some subtle embarrassment in it.

"Everyone, don't howl. Didn't you see that Xia Xia basically doesn't watch barrage now? Let me analyze it for you from a psychological point of view. Zhang Dashen just lied that he took the initiative to freeze Xia Xia. We and Xia Xia are actually Everyone knows the truth, but Zhang Dashen doesn't know that we don't know, so he is very likely to be guilty of "actively freezing Xia Xia"... "

"And Xia Xia's side, I think he should also feel guilty. Back then, he forced Zhang Dashen to break up, and for some reason forced Zhang Dashen to freeze him. With Xia Xia's personality, I guess he felt that he was too scumbag to say anything. .”

"Two people with inexplicable guilt got together, didn't they form such an embarrassing situation?"

After the master's analysis, everyone suddenly realized, and looking at the two people in the dungeon, they felt worried no matter how they looked.

Many people swiped the screen in the live broadcast room in tears.

—What’s there to feel guilty about, it’s clear that neither of you is wrong at all!

The author has something to say: The puppet dance party is finally coming to an end, thanks to the little angels who voted for the overlord or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~