Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 159: Ghost Casino (Seventy)


Always being regarded as a soft persimmon by various people, Xia Yihui really seriously considered whether to carry out an image transformation on himself.

How about if the cos hulk wears a big underpants, builds up the muscles all over his body, and then paints green all over his body

No, no, let's forget it... If you want to prove that you are not a soft persimmon, there is actually another way, that is to just go to death, so that no one dares to hit him again.

Xia Yihui raised his right hand, greeted the people in the ballroom with a smile, and said casually, "Hey, I said why is there no one down there, so they are all hiding here?"

There was a moment of silence in the ballroom, everyone concealed the greed on their faces, and laughed a few times in a hypocritical manner, and a few seconds later, their faces were solemn again.

Obviously, for the time being, no one dares to be the first person to eat crabs.

Xia Yi was happy and at ease, shrugged his shoulders and stopped talking.

At this time, the female referee's reaction was extremely fast. She ran into the ballroom, crawling and rolling, and the crowd avoided wherever she passed. No one wanted to stay with a bomb that could explode at any time.

She casually found a small corner and sat down, while the female referee wanted to cry without tears to deal with the explosives tied to her feet, while paying attention to Xia Yihui's movements at all times.

It's obvious that the skills are too weak to do it, but Xia Yihui's little brain can always come up with many ghost ideas that will hurt people and collapse. The female referee has gone through this, and Xia Yihui is completely afraid.

There was silence in the ballroom.

Xia Yi looked back at Zhang Qingyu, the two looked at each other for a moment, and then stepped into the ballroom side by side.

The stairway seemed to be a very clear watershed. The moment the two officially stepped into the ballroom, a breeze suddenly blew up around them, accompanied by dots of starlight lingering around the two of them.

Xia Yihui was surprised at first, but he soon calmed down when he saw that everyone in the hall was surprised.

The starlight started from the ankle and slowly spread upwards. Wherever it passed, those noble costumes quietly changed.

Originally, Xia Yihui was wearing an ancient European aristocratic shawl vest, but after the starlight crushed him, his whole body was completely new, and he was forced to change out of the glamorous clothes and change into a more cumbersome one.

There are black boots on the feet, and a blood-red robe on the upper body. There are gold threads as decorations on the corners and corners. The opening of the chest is not big, and it looks like an overlapping Hanfu.

The most eye-catching thing is an elegant and eye-catching platinum ribbon tied around Xia Yihui's waist. The tail of the ribbon is made of gauze material, and when the wind blows, it will float into the air one after another, accompanied by people walking around. Jumping so deftly, people can't look away at all.

This outfit... doesn't seem to be very much like ancient European costumes, but a bit like ancient Huaguo's costumes.

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui's eyebrows twitched, and he subconsciously turned to look at Zhang Qingyu.

The latter also changed into a set of general costumes of the ancient Hua Kingdom at this time, which could faintly complement Xia Yihui's outfit.

The platinum armor is crowned, and each piece of armor is placed in the most appropriate position layer by layer, which looks extremely dazzling. This outfit and Guanyu paired with Zhang Qingyu's indifferent brows and eyes give people the right vigor and vigor of a young general.

What an Overlord and Concubine Yu!

After thinking about these two names for a few times, Xia Yihui suddenly laughed, and said to Zhang Qingyu in a low voice: "This dress makes me feel a little uncomfortable, hey, do you think I will really commit suicide later?" Bar?"

Zhang Qingyu took a cool look at Xia Yi, and seemed not to like this inappropriate joke, so he frowned and said, "This is not Wujiang."

Once Xia understood it, she replied meaningfully: "Yes, this is not Wujiang, and you and I are naturally not Yu Ji and Overlord either."

This sentence was unclear, originally Xia Yihui thought that Zhang Qingyu's temperament was too lazy to think about the meaning of the words, but he didn't expect Zhang Qingyu to understand his meaning in an instant.

He pursed his lips and said seriously: "Xiang Yu can't protect Concubine Yu, but I will do my best to protect you."

Xia Yi was stunned for a moment, and said, "Would you say that kind of thing ten years ago?"

Zhang Qingyu said, "What are you talking about?"

"Love talk." Xia Yihui said dryly again: "Love talk is always in charge of teasing and irresponsible, I don't believe in love talk."

Zhang Qingyu frowned: "This is not a love story, this is what you said before."

After all, he glanced at the ribbon on Xia Yihui's waist, then glanced away and said, "The mutant crisis broke out to an uncontrollable stage, you said you would do everything you could to save me, and did it .”

This is not a love story, this is the truth.

It was precisely because of this subtle difference that Xia Yihui ten years ago had indeed risked his life to save Zhang Qingyu and everyone else, but since then, he himself fell into a permanent deep sleep.

When it came to this point, Xia Yi didn't dare to answer again, for fear of touching on Zhang Qingyu's sad past again.

After all, he was still very helpless.

Ten years have passed, and Xia Yi can clearly feel that Zhang Qingyu has grown from a boy to a young man, and after time has passed, the latter's behavior has been accommodated to his past self in every possible way.

Xia Yihui doesn't like this, because he has lost the memory of the past, and now he is denying himself ten years ago in terms of three views. At least in terms of the current situation, he will never be so selfless as to sacrifice himself to make the world better .

Similarly, he didn't want Zhang Qingyu to become a person who cared about the world's justice and selflessness. He wanted Zhang Qingyu to be more selfish and less concerned about the world, so that Zhang Qingyu could be well and not follow in his footsteps.

To say that he is alive is not considered to be alive, but to say that he is dead, there is another life left to survive, and now he is struggling in the dungeon with fear, for fear that one will be eliminated by accident, and everything will return to the way it was at the beginning of the game.

How miserable it is to think about it.

The two had reached the edge of the dance floor while talking.

This place is not close to the public, but it is less than ten meters away from the female referee.

The latter was struggling with the explosives on his legs, and he didn't feel Xia Yihui's approach at all.

Just then, the electronic speaker sounded.

[Ballroom music: Don't step on the white tiles!]

[Music rules, players please follow your partner, both of them follow the rhythm of the music together, walk on the white block, and must appear on the same black block when the drum sounds. Before the next drum beat, the two must appear on another black block at the same time.]

When he heard the electronic sound, Xia Yihui was stunned for a moment. He hadn't heard the electronic sound release rules for a long time, and he was not used to it at first.

But today, the brain has long been used to high-intensity operation, Xia Yihui quickly put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, and turned his head to observe the behavior of other people in the ballroom.

Obviously, npcs don't have to follow the rules, including female referees. They seem to be able to hear the electronic sound, but that's all. They drink and eat what they should drink, and there is no unnecessary reaction.

On the contrary, the players were all on the verge of a formidable enemy. At first, there were still many people who secretly took a peek at Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu, but at the moment when the electronic sound sounded, everyone's complexion changed, and their eyes were full. Panic looked left and right.

Even a player with a broken leg in the corner was no exception. His feet were still wrapped in bandages, and half of his body was standing on crutches. At this moment, he also stood up with a pale face, and was supported by his partner to step onto the dance floor in the arena.

At the same time, scattered people also entered the dance floor. There were not many people, it seemed that there were only about thirty people, and there were many acquaintances inside, such as Li Bai and Mei Yougan. Because the four of them disguised themselves and hid among the npcs, they were only noticed by Xia Yihui when they were brought out alone.

It wasn't until this time that Xia Yihui finally understood why there was no one on the dance floor at the beginning.

It was like a game field, and entering it meant being forced to start a life-and-death game with unpredictable results.

Seeing the pale faces of those players, Xia Yihui didn't want to challenge the authority of the infinite escape game for the time being. He obediently stepped into the dance floor, followed closely by Zhang Qingyu, not falling behind.

The two stood at the back of the dance floor, Li Bai and Xu Suisui were on the upper left, and Mei Yougan and the female reporter were at the back right. The three waves are very smart, and it is not convenient to get close to catch up on the past at this time.

Everyone entered, the game officially started, and the dance floor quietly changed.

The color of the original marble floor suddenly changed into small black and white grids. The length, width and height are roughly the same, but the number of black and white grids is different. Looking at the audience, it can be concluded that there are more white grids and less black grids.

At the same time, soothing music began to sound in the venue.

This is an unknown piano piece, the style is euphemistic and soft, the rhythm is very slow, but the stuck point is very accurate.

After listening for a while, Xia Yihui said quickly to Zhang Qingyu: "Take the other rhythms as 1, and the drum rhythm as 2. Then the rhythm card points of the music are 1112, 1112, and you recite 111 silently in your heart. Run with the black block, wait for the drum to sound and it will be 2, we have to stand on the black block at that time."

Before Xia Yi asked Zhang Qingyu if he understood the plan, the electronic audio sounded like a reminder.

[20 newcomers enter the venue, now, the ball officially begins!]

There was laughter among the npcs, and many people raised their goblets, tilted their glasses slightly towards the dance floor, and poured red wine on the carpet as if paying homage to the dead.

Before he had time to complain about the magical title of 'newcomer', Xia Yihui was forced to move to the rhythm of the music.

Rhythm is a very mysterious thing, not to say that surging is fast rhythm, but soothing and gentle is slow rhythm. What it pays attention to is a process of change. In simple terms, from fast to fast, this is a slow pace, and from fast to faster, with huge changes in the middle, this is a fast pace.

The current music is soothing and the rhythm doesn't change much, so the music is still in a slow tempo. I have to say that the slow tempo brings much less pressure than the fast tempo.

Reciting the melody of 1112 silently in his heart, Xia Yihui quickly jumped onto a black block, and before the drumbeat sounded, Zhang Qingyu also stopped on the same black block.

After going back and forth several times, the two cooperated tacitly and did not make a single mistake.

Xia Yi thought to himself that the game was quite simple. Just when he felt careless and relaxed, he raised his eyes and suddenly realized that something was wrong in the arena.

There are basically two brushes in the third dungeon, so until now, no pair of partners has had problems. Everyone cooperated tacitly and rushed to the black block before the drum beat.

But the strange thing is... less than a minute after the game started, many people were already panting and sweating profusely.

Xia Yihui was surprised in his heart, and it happened that Mei Yougan jumped onto the black block near him at this time.

Mei Yougan took out a piece of milk from the space, and gave Xia Yihui a drink of milk, sprinkled it while drinking, and drenched it, even the Coca-Cola doll costume on his body was wetted a lot.

Xia Yi turned blank.

"...!" Mei Yougan seemed to be in a hurry. The stunned man was still extremely loyal. Although there was no time to communicate during the game, he still tried harder to remind Xia Yihui with actions.

He took out another piece of bread and sprinkled it while eating, almost tripping and wrestling halfway, making the bread crumbs all over the grid.

Although it looked a bit funny, Xia Yihui finally understood what Mei Yougan wanted to express, he was slightly taken aback, and glanced at the barrage from the corner of his eye.

The barrage in the live broadcast room at this time was extremely frightening, and millions of people were anxiously swiping the same sentence.

—Ah, replenish your stamina, Xia Xia, you are about to die! ! !

The author has something to say: Facts have proved that Mei Laogou is still very good~