Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 160: Ghost Casino (Seventy One)


One can imagine the power of millions of people swiping the same sentence at the same time.

Xia Yihui immediately glanced away to see his physical strength, and his heart tightened instantly.

Originally, he had replenished his stamina before, and he remembered that it was maintained at more than 190. Now, after going on the dance floor for two minutes, his stamina dropped sharply to below 100.

Although it is still far from the point of 'dying', but according to this momentum, if it is discovered later, and the speed of replenishing food cannot keep up with the speed of physical energy consumption, then the situation may be really dangerous .

Now, Xia Yihui finally understood why many players on the dance floor were out of breath.

As we all know, stamina is closely related to the player's physical condition. Once the physical strength is consumed too much, the energy and spirit of the person will soon be unable to keep up. At that time, they will be weak and weak, and it will be difficult to fight again.

Before the game started, it was not mentioned that the dance floor would consume stamina at regular intervals, and the stamina was not consumed to the point where the body could not bear it. Xia Yihui had to pay attention to the rhythm of the music. Of course, it was impossible for him to pay attention to the stamina all the time.

It must be the same situation with Zhang Qingyu.

If Laogou Mei hadn't kindly reminded them, the two of them might have been killed due to negligence.

Keeping Mei Yougan's favor in mind, Xia Yihui told Zhang Qingyu about it while they were together in the black area.

The two looked stern and exchanged glances with each other.

It turns out that this is where the difficulty of the game lies... It's no wonder that everyone looks like they're dying and facing an enemy.

Some players have no food supplements at all, how can they survive a few dance floor games.

The situation of the players with sufficient food is not much better. Now the music rhythm is slow, and everyone can still eat while dancing. Once the rhythm is faster, it is too late to dance. How can there be time to eat to replenish stamina

Just thinking of this, the music quietly changed for the first time.

The originally slow and leisurely piano piece suddenly lost its rhythm after an unknown number of drum beats, as if a song had been temporarily switched, which made people completely confused.

Inevitably, Xia Yihui's heart also beat chaotically with the rhythm, and before he had time to hear the rhythm change, the next drumbeat sounded.

-Ruined! I'm still stepping on the white grid!

Just as Xia Yihui was thinking this way, his waist warmed up, and he was brought into a light and reserved embrace.

Xia didn't even need to look up, Xia had already guessed who the person next to him was.

A clear voice came from the ear.

"Calm down."

Stepping on the black grid, Xia Yi felt an inexplicable sense of peace of mind, and his brain, which had been messed up by the dramatic changes, finally became sober again.

When the rhythm changed, there happened to be black grids around, and Zhang Qingyu reacted quickly, Xia Yihui just escaped. But others aren't so lucky.

Just less than two or three meters away from him, the player who saw the injured foot was unable to react in time, and when the drums sounded, he was still stepping on the white grid.

The duration of the drumming was very short, only about one second. Xia Yihui watched this person with his own eyes in this short second, and his expression changed from bewilderment to disbelief, and then from disbelief to despair.

There was only a light '噗嗤' sound, and the good person turned into a puddle of blood.

The blood continued to spread between the black and white grids, and spread towards the red carpet outside the dance floor. The blood seeped into the carpet, adding a touch of brilliance to the red.

The player with a leg injury was eliminated bloody, and his partner was naturally not spared.

It was as if the man was suddenly hit by some kind of heavy object in his stomach, and the impact directly knocked him out of the dance floor, until he hit the stairs on the top floor, and now he was lying there, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Without a partner, he is no longer qualified for the top floor. If he wants to participate in the puppet ball again, he must go to the next few floors to find a new partner that has been refreshed.

With the lessons learned from the past, Xia Yihui once again felt a little awe of the game.

Just now, the piano piece that I thought was leisurely and carefree had experienced such an incident. Now that I listen to it, Xia Yihui only thinks that it is comparable to the top ten banned songs in Huaguo, or the kind of banned songs with sound effects that remind me of death.

"112, 112, this is the new rhythm." Xia Yihui whispered to Zhang Qingyu.

Zhang Qingyu nodded, and wrapped one hand around Xia Yihui's waist, not letting go.

The latter still felt a little uncomfortable at first, but when he thought of the weird rules of the game that stipulated that the two must step on the same black block, he shut his mouth quite consciously.

The other players on the dance floor are pretty much the same, most of them are bundled together like Siamese twins, some are holding hands, some are carrying... Of course, there is also a man surnamed Li who is quite awkward, and only a woman surnamed Xu is allowed to hold his hand. Wide sleeves.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yihui put aside the slightest bit of discomfort in his heart in an instant. He even took the initiative to hook Zhang Qingyu's neck, chewing with bread in his mouth, while feeding Zhang Qingyu with one free hand. Qingyu drinks milk.

This scene looked really weird, but there were many more weird combinations on the dance floor. In comparison, Xia Yihui didn't have any embarrassment. He decided to be a qualified wife helper with peace of mind.

Before the next drumbeat sounded, Zhang Qingyu tapped his toes on the black square, and the two of them took advantage of the second gap to frantically replenish their physical strength.

The rhythm of the music sounded, followed by the next drumbeat, and Zhang Qingyu returned to the black block he had stepped on before.

Xia Yihui twitched his brows, and a look of joy appeared in his eyes. He hugged Qingyu fiercely, and whispered into his ear excitedly: "Master Zhang, do you know how to jump repeatedly?!"

Zhang Qingyu paused, pursed his lips and remained silent.

Xia Yihui said again: "This game is very simple. We just need to find two black blocks that are close together. When the first drumbeat sounds, we jump to black block a. When the drum sounds for the second time, we go to black block b." , the third drumbeat... Hey, we're back to a black block!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was dizzy from the rhythm of the music. Most of them couldn't figure out what Xia Yihui's '112' meant.

But all the panic in the barrage came to an abrupt end when Xia Yihui said the words 'repeated horizontal jump'.

"Hahahahahahaha what are you talking about, Xia Xia, I'm going to laugh my fucking head off hahhhhhhhh"

"Repeatedly jumping sideways is okay hahahahahahaha..."

"Why are you carrying Pinru's wardrobe again, can't you leave a piece of clothing for Pinru!"


"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, why can you make a voice hhhhhhhhh in that barrage just now?"

Although these four words caused a lot of laughter, Xia Yihui was extremely serious.

He thinks this is a breakthrough. The rules only require the partner to stand on the same black block when the drum beats, and it does not say that the drumbeat must stand on different black blocks every time.

Seeing the serious expression on Xia Yihui's face, Zhang Qingyu didn't talk too much nonsense, he also looked serious, nodded and immediately started to implement the strategy Xia Yihui provided.

The dance floor on the top floor should use different music and different game modes, but as long as you enter the dance floor, the speed of deducting stamina should be the same.

This can be seen from the fact that most of the players are still running around in a panic. The previous dance music is different from Don't Step on the White Block.

With Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu leading the way, everyone soon followed suit. It was said that this wave of development stream operations was considered obscene, but the effect was really remarkable. After a few drumbeats, nothing happened, and the live broadcast slowly Then no one laughed anymore.

If such a dog keeps going... it seems that it can hang on until the end of the song

Before everyone had time to show joy, another change appeared on the dance floor.

The rhythm of the piano music has been upgraded in an all-round way. If it was a tender folk tune before, it is now as magnificent as a downpour.

The rapidity of change is unexpected.

If it was just like this, everyone would not feel embarrassed. The point is that the ground also changed with the rhythm of the music.

The black and white grids are no longer fixed, but slide horizontally and vertically. Maybe one second the black grid is still the first on the right foot, and the next second the black grid has already flew five or six meters away.

There is no doubt that the 'repeated jump' tactic has completely lost its effect.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of anxiety.

"Fuck, why is the game getting more and more difficult to play? If I were in this ghost card, I might just perform a sudden death on the spot... Fortunately, I was eliminated from the werewolf killing dungeon."

"I'm the one with the leg injury that turned into blood just now. To be honest, when I saw Xia Yihui on the top floor, I was very, very surprised. I was thinking at the time, it's great that a big brain power finally came Dude, I’ll just follow the big guy for a show. I didn’t expect... Hey, I can only say that the game is still too difficult.”

"This game has too high requirements for players... One needs to be agile and accurate, and the movement speed must be fast. Another one needs to observe the movement direction of the black and white blocks, and predict the position of the black blocks in advance. Damn, it is too difficult Already!"

"If this game is out, it's really not wrong to be honest. I looked at those moving black and white blocks through a computer screen, and I felt dizzy. The bosses in the field probably almost fainted."

"Am I the only one who thinks this game is super suitable for Xia Xia and Zhang Dashen? Hahahaha, they use their brains and hands, and it's a perfect match!"

"Don't think about it, the black and white grid moves so fast, no matter how awesome Xia Yihui is, he is still just a human being. He feeds people while eating and observes the direction of the black and white grid. How can he take care of it? computer."

"This round of Xia Yihui must be over. The game is so difficult that it makes people shut up. I fucking think of my despair when I was doing math problems in the college entrance examination..."

"The anchor is cold, everyone, wash up and sleep!"

On the other hand, unlike the barrage of bad news in the live broadcast room, Xia Yihui's mentality is quite stable.

In fact, it is not as complicated as the audience in the live broadcast room imagined.

When the black and white grids changed for the first time, Xia Yihui carefully observed the dynamics of these grids. Generally, they are arranged horizontally and vertically together, moving as a whole with the rhythm of the music. It is not easy to predict the position of the black block, but it is absolutely Not too difficult.

The bad-mouthing barrage continues.

"Look, Xia was dumbfounded for a while. I see, he has nothing to do. Fans don't bother, I know you Xia Xia is awesome, but it's a pity that the wireless escape game is even more awesome, just a little bit."

"Man is unpredictable, and there is no need to watch this game any longer."

Just in time to catch a glimpse of the last barrage, Xia Yi shrugged, a bloody smile curled up on his lips.

"Who told you that man cannot conquer the sky?"

There was a barrage in the live broadcast room, and many people felt weird.

The current situation is unpredictable. Could it be that Xia can really predict the order of grid movement

According to this music rhythm, the next drumbeat will sound soon, even if it is too late to run to the black grid now, isn't it

These two questions lingered in everyone's minds. They saw Xia Yihui leaning close to Zhang Qingyu's ear, smiling casually and saying, "Within three seconds, move to the right two meters, and then move up one meter."

Zhang Qingyu nodded, and immediately followed suit without even the slightest doubt.

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at Zhang Qingyu in the direction he was moving, and were instantly shocked and cursed.

"What are you doing! There are all white grids over there, even if you move horizontally and vertically, it's impossible for the black grid to be your turn!"