Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 163: December 22 (Tue)


When Xia Yi was hesitating, he suddenly spotted a card on the gaming table that was shining very clearly.

"Almost forgot you were still there." Xia Yihui raised the corners of his lips, picked up the ghost card, and said silently: "Any request will be granted."

Responsiveness, responsiveness...

All I ask is to be with you.

Thinking of this sentence, Xia Yihui couldn't help the smile in his eyes, and his heart was so soft.

Zhang Qingyu's personality can say such things, ahhh no matter how I think about it, it's very exciting!

The ghost card of responding to request can't understand Xiao Jiujiu in Xia Yihui's heart. This ghost card flickered in place for a while, and suddenly burst into a burst of extremely dazzling light, which dispelled the darkness near the gaming table at once.

In an instant, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

Xia Yihui was stabbed by the light for a long time and couldn't open his eyes. After finally recovering, he half-blocked his eyes and began to observe his surroundings.

This time is very different from the last time I entered Respond to Requirement. First of all, this dazzling light makes people have an extremely ominous premonition.

It's still that gloomy ghost path.

The surrounding area seemed to be covered with a foggy filter, losing all color, except for Xia Yihui himself, there was only a layer of white gray in sight.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all trembling. Many people hadn't recovered from the colorful fireworks, and they seemed a little dazed when they saw such a lack of saturation in an instant.

"Is this the Response function card? It looks familiar. It seems that Xia Xia came in last time, but I forgot what exactly happened. I need a class representative urgently."

"Ah, I really dare not look at these things, but because of Xia Xia, the storm endured crying!"

"It's not a class representative, but I remember it quite clearly. The last time Xia Xia came out of the campus ghost card, she entered here. At the beginning, she walked a long way, and then came to a small path, and there were two rows of people standing beside her. What are you long-haired female ghosts, Xia Xia laughed at the two rows of female ghosts for urinating on the street lights hahahaha... "

"Hahahaha what the hell is peeing, I really want to remember!"

"Although it looks scary in Response Ghost Card, I'm really sorry, but I still want to laugh hahhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Won't Wucao stand next to two rows of peeing orphans this time, hahahahahahahaha..."

Nine out of ten people who watched Xiayi's live broadcast were little girls. They were quite afraid of such scenes. They covered their eyes and tried to fool them, but when they saw the word 'piss', they immediately burst into laughter. I also don't know what fear is.

"Sao is still Xia Xiasao, it can't be compared hhhhhh"

Xia Yihui was not in the mood to pay attention to what happened in the live broadcast room. He took out the mahogany gun from the space and walked slowly.

This time the road was much longer than the last time. After walking and resting for nearly half an hour, Xia Yi just saw a street light all the way back.

Those street lamps stood in rows on the muddy road, and looked like small lighthouses from a distance, emitting pale light and shining down. At the same time, there will be a group of vague shadows standing beside almost every street lamp, motionless, looking very ominous.

Xia Yihui secretly clenched his pistol, strode towards the street lamp, and approached the street lamp in three steps.

It doesn't look real from a distance, but when it gets close, Xia Yi suddenly feels his scalp tingle.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the two rows of long-haired women seemed to be closer than last time....

Thinking of this possibility, Xia Yihui only felt that the whole person was a little bad.

Maybe it was because the surrounding area was too quiet, Xia Yihui decided to watch a few minutes of jokes in the barrage in the live broadcast room to dissipate the bone-chilling chill.

At this moment, the barrage scrolled very quickly, and Xia Yihui managed to see a few more obvious barrages from inside.

"These women are really scary, will they turn their heads suddenly, and then their faces will be covered with blood..."

"Maybe still smiling weirdly at you :-D"

"Sadako? She crawled out of the TV and hurt people or something. I heard that some people can really be scared to death."

"I have a heart attack. I've blocked the live broadcast now. Just watch the bullet screen. When Xia Xia responds to my needs, let me know. I'll watch the live broadcast again at that time!"

"Suddenly remembered the Japanese legend of the slit girl. If you are interested, you can go to Du Niang. It will definitely scare you so much that you dare not sleep at night..."

"I also think of a legend of Bloody Mary, saying that if you shout three words Mary to the mirror in the middle of the night, Mary will come out of the mirror covered in blood, and then you will enter the mirror instead of her and become the next 'Mary' 55555555"

"The version I heard was combing your hair in front of the mirror. Wow, seeing the black long straight hair of a group of pissing girls, I was a little horrified..."


After watching the barrage for a long time, if Xia Yikui felt a little uncomfortable at first, it is very uncomfortable now.

He decisively moved his gaze away and stopped glancing at the barrage.

Stepping on the soft mud, Xia Yihui trembled slightly. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the Hei Changzhi closest to him also trembled.

"Maybe it's my eyesight..."

Xia Yihui comforted himself like this.

In fact, according to common sense, Xia Yihui's courage is not small, and his courage is even considered top-notch among ordinary people, but the atmosphere around him is too weird to allow him to take it lightly.

Think about it, all colors in this world have been lost, all vitality has withered, it is silent and empty.

It's like all human beings... only him survived, how can people not panic

Under such weird circumstances, Xia Yihui approached the frontmost platform step by step.

The pale halo flashed and flashed, casting a dark and unclear color on Xia Yihui's face.

[The dealer deals the cards.]

[Player has a chance to use the answering monster card once, please say your request, and this casino will selectively fulfill your wish.]

With the previous experience, this time Xia Yihui didn't dare to make such a "magnificent" request as directly clearing the game.

He tentatively said, "I want to ask a question."

The red Response card kept flashing, and the electronic voice did not give a clear answer.

Seeing this reaction, Xia Yi basically understood in his mind. It seems that the Responding Ghost Card is allowed to ask questions, but it depends on the difficulty of the question, and the casino will answer it selectively.

With that in mind, he continued.

"I would like to ask, should I enter the November 22 ghost card to have a higher chance of life, or not to enter?"

The red function card floated up and down, but there was no response.

Xia Yihui held the function card in the palm of his hand, and changed the way of asking, "If you enter more vitality, the function card will face up. If you don't enter more, then the function card will face up."

After all, he stared closely at the function card in his hand, for fear of missing a little change.

Hundreds of people in the live broadcast room are also paying close attention to this issue, and they are also very curious.

"Actually, I don't think there is much life on either side, but the lesser of the two, I hope Xia Xia'an will be well."

"Actually, I think... Xingwang is too smart. If he can even estimate this, then he has to wonder whether his AI's performance is close to or beyond that of human beings."

Xia Yi glanced at the barrage and nodded secretly in his heart.

In fact, he asked this question for two reasons.

One is that he really wants to know which way is better to go, and the other is because he wants to test the AI performance of the infinite escape game. If he can guess it, it means that the purpose of this game is very strong, and it is not an experimental project. It is a project with a clear goal.

Facts have proved that Xia Yihui's worries are not unreasonable.

The red function board slowly turned from vertical to vertical, and finally Xia Yihui saw four large characters.

—Responsive to every request.

"..." Xia Yihui sighed slowly, and laughed at himself, "It seems that the sky wants me to compete with millions of people."

The once-on-demand function has been used up. Although Xia Yihui didn't get any substantial benefits, it has to be said that what he got is far more precious than the real things.

At least he now knows that the infinite escape game is not a coincidence, but someone is trying to develop AI technology. As for what purpose this is for, he has no way of knowing.

Xia Yihui turned around slowly, and was about to quickly return to the original place. As soon as he moved, he stopped abruptly.

"Do you feel...these people are getting closer?"

I still remember that the street lights on both sides were a few meters away from the center line, and it was only a matter of asking a question, but now there are no more than two meters left.

The audience in the live broadcast room covered their eyes.

"Xia Xia, run quickly, they are definitely approaching! There is absolutely nothing wrong!"

"It will definitely be an attack when it is unexpected, let's run quickly 5555555555"

Xia Yi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he can't run now, if the speed of his movement is related to his pace, he will be attacked as soon as he runs, and he will be finished.

Thinking of this, he tentatively took a step forward.

There was a faint sound of wind in the distance, which was the only sound in the silent space.

This time Xia Yi saw clearly.

The moment he moved his footsteps, the road on both sides seemed to be slightly compressed by an invisible big hand, and the long-haired women unconsciously moved closer.

The wind was approaching from a distance, blowing the women's hair.

Under those strands of hair, Xia Yihui saw pale, smiling faces.