Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 168: December 22 (Seven)


Xia Yihui let out a breath slowly, he stretched out his hand to take the yellow nail, and an inappropriate sentence popped up in his mind: Look at onychomycosis, come to xxxx, one can be worth two~

Pooh! What a mess!

With this episode, Xia Yihui's mind finally cleared up a lot, and finally he stopped worrying about his hometown.

That nail was indeed onychomycosis. It was somewhat similar to the thickened nails of some elderly people, but it seemed a little different. The nails are yellowish and hard to the touch. To put it bluntly, they can even be used as murder weapons.

Smell it closer, and you can smell a sweet smell. After smelling it for a long time, your brain will be fainted. This smell is really disgusting.

Xia Yi weighed his nails twice, and asked curiously, "Where did you find this thing?"

Zhang Qingyu frowned and said, "When I woke up, I found out that I was playing basketball, and there was something cumbersome in my pants pocket."

"...Wait," Xia Yihui was silent for a while, and said hesitantly, "Why did the nails of the mutant species get into your trouser pocket?"

"The background didn't say anything." After a pause, Zhang Qingyu said again, "But it said another thing."

Xia Yihui said, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Qingyu said: "Last night I didn't come home all night, and I went back to the classroom for morning reading at 6 o'clock this morning."

Xia Yihui clapped his palms together, and said clearly: "Then the clues should lie in where you went last night, why you went out, and why you met the mutant species."

After all, Xia Yihui finally got a rough idea of the trick this time in his mind.

The joker this time should have adopted a method similar to boiling frogs in warm water. Specifically, put the frog into the pot of warm water. The frog will feel very comfortable and stay in the pot all the time. When the flame under the boiler burns more vigorously, the water will slowly heat up. The frog will not notice the change of the water temperature at all. Actually, when it realized it, it had already lost the strength to get out of danger.

The player who is thrown into the joker is equivalent to the 'frog' in the pot.

After experiencing many extremely dangerous dungeons, the player's spirit is highly tense, and he is always worried about the reappearance of the scene of "Death is Coming".

Under such a premise, the ghost card environment suddenly became a peaceful and peaceful high school campus life, which can be said to be extremely attractive to dungeon players.

If you follow the way of the infinite escape game and enjoy this short-term comfort, then it will be difficult for players to fight out from nearly ten million people.

This principle is not difficult to understand.

Xia Yi looked up and said, "We can ask your roommates, they may know your itinerary last night."

After a pause, Xia Yi returned with suspicious eyes and said, "Do you know who your roommate is?"

"I know. The background specifically explained their identities and said that they can go and ask." Zhang Qingyu's expression remained unchanged, and he reminded: "They are in the same class as you, and they should be in class now."

Xia Yihui was stunned: "..."

So his classmates are all in class, why is he still wandering outside

It wasn't until this time that Xia Yihui belatedly remembered what the physical education teacher had just said.

It's really hard for high school students. After the physical test, they have to go back to the classroom to continue their classes, and they still take brain-burning courses like mathematics. Oh my god, it can be said that they have already received a beating from fate before they reached the age.

That's the end of the conversation, the two people present are hard-working people, so naturally they won't waste time on meaningless conversations.

The sound of reading aloud came from the teaching building.

There is a big difference between the teaching building of the provincial demonstration and the teaching building of the campus arena. The latter is closer to an idealized concept. The teaching buildings of each grade are independent and far apart.

The former is what a normal school looks like. The whole campus is like a sparrow, so small that people feel that there is nowhere to set foot. The students of senior one, senior two, senior three are all piled up in three teaching buildings, each grade is not in the same building and does not interfere with each other.

Xia Yi returned to the third grade of high school, passing through a few liberal arts classes that were taking Chinese classes, and walking forward was the quiet science class.

Zhang Qingyu followed behind, his steps were very light, if you didn't listen carefully, you might not know that there was a living person following behind.

Make-up classes are naturally different from normal classes. Some students with strong self-learning ability will not come to class obediently. They would rather go to the cafeteria for self-study than sit in the classroom and listen to the knowledge they already know. The provincial demonstration teachers have long been used to this phenomenon, and over time they let it go.

It is precisely because of this premise that there are still many vacant seats in the classroom. The math teacher on the podium drew a parabola on the blackboard impassionedly, talking non-stop, and probably won't turn around for a while.

The seats in the front row were almost full, and there were a lot of vacant tables in the back row. There was a vacant seat at the same table just near the door. Looking at the timing, the two slowed down and quickly sneaked in through the back door, occupying Those two vacancies were filled.

Maybe it was because the movement was very light, or maybe it was because the position was so far back, so except for the students in the last two rows, not many people in the classroom noticed the presence of Xia and Zhang.

The students in the back row looked this way in surprise, blinked fiercely, wondering if they were hallucinating.

Many people were filled with gossip, and couldn't help but start whispering.

"What are they doing? It was the same in the physical education class just now. Didn't they say that they are going to have a small tutoring class?"

"Oh my god, when did the relationship between the god of learning Zhang Qingyu and the dregs of Xia Yihui become so good?"

"The god of learning came to our class to listen to the class? Wucao hurry up and call the people in the front row. This is a benefit that you don't usually have. If you have any questions you don't understand, hurry up and ask after class!"

If you really have to wait for those people to ask questions, Zhang Qingyu might reveal his secrets, and everything should be resolved quickly.

Xia Yi turned his head, propped his left cheek with one hand, and asked in a low voice, "Which one of these is your roommate?"

Zhang Qingyu glanced at the classroom, and his eyes stayed on the two people for the longest time.

One person was in the third row from the bottom on the right, and was waving towards this side at this time, and another person was in the front row, who was straightening his spine and making a serious draft, completely unaware of what was happening in the back of the classroom.

Xia Yihui searched the desk for a while, and found a tattered book, tore off a page, and wrote a line with a pen.

[Where did you and Zhang Qingyu go last night?]

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this line of words, they couldn't help laughing out loud.

"2333333333333 Why do I feel that this direction is a bit strange?"

"It's a bit like the original partner catching rape: what did you do with my husband last night! (pointing point.jpg)"

"Don't describe it, don't describe it, as soon as you describe it, the picture will come out hhhhhhhhhhhh"

The note was folded into a square quadrilateral, and after a small relay race was completed by the hands of several people, it was finally thrown on the table of the roommate in the back row.

The roommate in the back row was already paying attention to the movement here, and kept looking at the small note with a gossip.

He was curious to whom this little note would be passed on to, but he never expected that it would end up in his own hands. He unfolded the note, paused, and the roommate in the back row looked suspiciously at Xia Yihui.

This content... seems a little subtle.

'唰唰唰' wrote a few lines, and the note was passed back.

[You don't want to make a small report with the teacher, do you?]

Xia Yihui: "..."

[... Don't get me wrong, I just want to ask.]



The roommate in the back row wrote for a long time this time, about five or six minutes, writing and listening, as if organizing words.

The students who passed on the word in the middle were impatient, curious, and had strange eyes. But due to the problem of face, they still dutifully acted as a qualified mouthpiece.

Unfolding the note, living up to such a long period of "passionate creation", the roommate in the back row did write a long section eloquently.

[Although I don't know what you want to do, but since Xueshen is already sitting next to you, I think you can ask him. It just so happens that I have something to ask.

I just remember that three people from our dormitory went out over the wall yesterday and went to the Internet cafe to hack. After playing games until midnight, I fell asleep on my stomach when I was a little sleepy, and it was already daytime when I woke up. It was almost time for morning reading. I was afraid of being late, so I didn't continue to wait. Instead, I hurried back to the dormitory to wash up. When I entered the dormitory, I found that the two of them were already in the dormitory.

It’s just right, you help me ask him if they were messing with me yesterday, there is no reason to leave me alone in the Internet cafe, are they brothers? !]

"Your brother is going to be angry." Xia Yi joked with a smile, and handed the note to Zhang Qingyu.

The latter glanced at it without any fluctuation in his eyes and said, "The ones in the back row don't know, you need to ask the roommates in the front row."

Xia Yi nodded on his face, but sighed slightly in his heart.

It is easy to say but very difficult to do. The students in the Provincial Demonstration are divided into extremely strict grades, and the back row and the front row are two completely different learning states.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as there is a little noise in the front row, it will almost directly receive the resentment of the crowd, which is annoying like a mouse crossing the street.

Leaving aside these, according to Xia Yihui's character, it is naturally impossible for him to give up without even trying.

After writing the note, he poked the back of the classmate in front of him.

The classmate turned his head, with a face full of displeasure when he was interrupted from serious work, his eyes were full of impatience, and said: "If you don't learn by yourself, don't disturb others. A scumbag is a scumbag. I just want to have fun in class."

Xia Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, even if he was called a scumbag, he didn't see the slightest anger, instead he smiled slightly, and said with a serious face: "It's the god of learning who asked me to help pass it on."


The classmate choked for a moment, his face was pale and white, he looked at Zhang Qingyu in disbelief, then at Xia Yi, and finally had to send the note forward with a face of humiliation.

The first few people were rather gentle, and passed on one by one, but encountered trouble when they reached the fifth row.

The girl with ponytails in the fifth row got the note, opened it, glanced at it, turned her head to stare at Xia Yihui with a sullen expression, then rolled up the note and threw it under the corner of the table.

Xia Yihui was surprised: "Hey!"

What's the matter with this girl, it's fine if you don't pass it on, why do you still open it to read, and then throw it away

The people in the back row sympathized: "She has such a temper, and she got second place in this exam, ten points lower than Xue Shen, and she has been angry for several days, it is impossible for her to pass it on for you. "

Xia Yi frowned. The girl sat in a key place, with empty tables in front and behind. If you want to pass the note to the deskmate in the front row, you can only pass it through her hand.

Now the note cannot be passed, so I have to think of other ways to send the note to the roommate in the front row.

Just as Xia Yi was troubled, Zhang Qingyu moved beside him.

Xia Yi looked over and expressed doubts with his gaze.

Zhang Qingyu looked serious: "Did you smell it?"

Xia was taken aback for a moment, what did he smell

The students had just finished their physical education class and were sweating a lot. It was summer at this time, and the smell lingered for a long time, very pungent. But Zhang Qingyu shouldn't be so expensive that he couldn't bear the smell of sweat, Xia Yigui sniffed again, and smelled it carefully for a while.

Put your heart into it, and soon Xia Yihui discovered a different smell in the air, it was a sweet and fishy feeling, the smell was very faint, and it was almost impossible to smell it if you didn't smell it carefully.

Xia Yihui pondered and said, "It's a bit familiar, as if I've smelled it somewhere before."

His eyes fixed on the bulging part of Zhang Qingyu's trousers pocket, he was slightly taken aback, his eyes sharpened instantly, and his voice was extremely low: "It's a reptile!"

This taste... is simply unforgettable.

The two looked at each other, and both saw a trace of seriousness in each other's eyes.

If there is no miscalculation, the crisis mentioned in the rules of the game should be the crisis brought about by the raging reptiles.

After figuring this out, Xia Yihui thought of another strange thing.

After traveling with Zhang Qingyu for a long time, he has never smelled the smell of reptile fingernails, why is he smelling it again now

As soon as such a thought popped into my mind, several horrified screams suddenly came from the corridor, and the quiet classroom exploded like a stabbed hornet's nest.

"What happened?"

"Fuck, is it an earthquake?"

"Do you want to go out and have a look?"

The crowd whispered in whispers, showing fear on their faces.

Mathematics teachers are relatively older, and their mentality is relatively calmer than that of young people. The old man adjusted his glasses frame and walked towards the door. Everyone's eyes were on him, even Xia Yihui was no exception.

The accident happened so suddenly, he didn't have any thoughts now, he just kept on guard secretly, looking at the math teacher intently.

Screams kept coming from the corridor, one after another, it was extremely frightening to hear. What was even more frightening was that after a few seconds, the screams were not limited to the corridor, even the class next door violently rioted.

The curtains of the classroom were drawn, and the situation outside was not very clear, but one could vaguely see from the inferior window cloth that many people were running wildly outside.

It's really the kind of running wild in the literal sense, and shouting 'help' in panic.

As if overwhelmed by the panic, there was a dead silence in the classroom.

The math teacher opened the door of the classroom, glanced out, and immediately rolled his eyes and fell backwards, falling heavily on the podium.


After a few seconds of silence, everyone screamed.

"Monster! There are monsters outside!" A student opened the front door of the classroom with a 'snap', and shouted loudly with blood on his face: "The whole building is running, are you guys stupid? Why are you just sitting there? Not fast run!"

It wasn't until someone reminded them that everyone just woke up like a dream, and ran outside.

In times of crisis, you can't care about gentlemanly demeanor, and your life is almost gone. How can this group of half-grown children have any demeanor, so let's run away first.

All of a sudden, tall boys ran in front, and a group of girls with fluttering hair rolled and crawled behind, crying and blinded.

The first ones to run to the front door were all able-bodied boys. They all wanted to rush out immediately, so they squeezed extremely hard. The people in the center of the vortex were so crowded that they almost flew up in place.

It's a pity that the door frame was squeezed 'creaking', and people just couldn't get out.

Someone opened the window and jumped from the classroom to the corridor. Unexpectedly, he encountered a stampede accident as soon as he went out, and was trampled around without knowing his life or death.

Xia Yihui only felt the soles of his feet shaking. He had never experienced an earthquake, but the current situation was obviously as terrifying as an earthquake.

The most taboo thing in the dungeon is that people's hearts will be turbulent before the situation is turbulent.

There was a loud bang.

The incandescent lamp on the ceiling suddenly shattered, and the shards fell to the ground. Many students were scratched by the shards, and blood dripped down their faces, staining their school uniforms.


After the screaming, there was silence.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Almost everyone in the classroom squatted down and covered their ears. They focused their attention on the only person who was still standing in the classroom, and focused on the person holding a gun with one arm raised high.

"Xia, Xia, how come you have a gun?!"

Someone yelled in panic and stepped back in fear.

How could a 'monster' suddenly appear on a peaceful campus

The always useless scumbag Xia actually has a gun

Shit, what's going on in this world? !

No matter how stupid they are, everyone should be aware of a serious fact at this time, that is, there seems to be something in the dark that has exceeded their cognition.

There was dead silence in the classroom, and ghosts were crying and wolves were howling outside. It was as if there were two parallel worlds without interfering with each other.

As soon as Xia took a step forward, the crowded students took a step back in panic.

"Is he a terrorist?"

"Hua Guo does not allow guns. His gun should be rubber bullets, not real bullets..."

"It's a bullet. Didn't you see the bullet casing pop out?"

While panicking, someone noticed that Zhang Qingyu was still on the other side of the classroom, and hurriedly shouted to Zhang Qingyu: "God Xue, it's too dangerous over there, come here quickly!"

It wasn't until this time that everyone realized that Zhang Qingyu was also in the class. Although it is unclear why he came here, the impression Zhang Qingyu left on everyone in the past was so good that they couldn't bear to see Zhang Qingyu suffer any harm.

Everyone spoke one after another, their expressions even more nervous than Zhang Qingyu himself.

"Xueshen, don't worry about us, you run!"

After a while of sincere urging, everyone saw that Zhang Qingyu was still staying where he was, and they couldn't help but feel a little moved and thought:

ah! To be able to share hardships with a group of strangers like them, Xueshen is really a real gentleman.

Of course, Zhang Qingyu was completely unaware of these npcs' wild ideas. He even took out a gun from the space without haste.

With one sound after another, Zhang Qingyu frowned while filling the gun with bullets, "Why are you running?"

Everyone: "..." I was really touched in vain!

The author has something to say: what are you running for, wife, can you pay for it? →_→