Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 171: December 22 (Ten)


9:00 am sharp.

Two people dressed in guard uniforms were lying on the chairs in the guard room. Beside them was a younger guard. He was staring at the monitor with his eyes wide open.

"Xiao Li, don't work so hard when you just start the job," the older guard greeted with a smile while making tea, "These kids in the school are very smart, they can't run over the wall in broad daylight to monitor such things. Just look at things at night."

The guard named 'Xiao Li' twitched his mouth and laughed twice without responding.

Seeing this, the two older guards just shook their heads and did not persuade them any more. This is the case for newcomers, and after a while, they find that there is not even a bird in the daytime surveillance, so they will not be so sincerely stalking.

After drawing out a deck of cards and playing Doudizhu for a while, Xiao Li suddenly said 'ah', and excitedly pointed at the monitor and shouted: "Someone wants to skip class! Someone wants to skip class!"

The old guard was stunned for a moment, waved his hand indifferently, and said firmly: "It is impossible for the students of the provincial demonstration to skip class in the middle of the day. If you look carefully, you may be wrong."

Xiao Li said anxiously: "There are two big living people wandering around by the wall, can I still see it wrong? Come quickly and take a look, they are still by the wall."

Seeing Xiao Li's extremely serious expression, the two old guards also began to have doubts in their hearts.

Is there really someone who would jump over the wall and skip class in broad daylight? It's impossible to be so stupid...

Unable to withstand Xiao Li's repeated orders, the old guards finally gave up on Fighting the Landlord, laid the playing cards flat on the table with their backs facing up, and hurried to the monitor.

"Look, the behavior of these two people is really suspicious—"

In the middle of speaking, Xiao Li suddenly froze.

"Where is he? He was standing next to the wall just now!"

The old guards were furious: "You don't know how to donate to us, do you still want to say that there will be two people who climbed over the fence of the school in a few seconds and escaped from the monitoring range by the way?"

Xiao Li's face was bluish and white, and he scratched his head in confusion.

Could it be... he really made a mistake


"I was just asking," Xia Yihui laughed and said, "I didn't expect you, Master Zhang, to skip class with me!"

Zhang Qingyu glanced at him, but did not speak.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also very excited, and the barrage scrolled quickly.

"It's so booming and in a trance, did you see when Zhang Dashen said 'yes', the facial expressions of the group of npcs were as ugly as eating shi! I laughed so hard hahhhhhhh"

"They thought that Xia Xia and Zhang Dashen would fight. How could this be a problem? Maybe the original ghost card characters might have conflicts, but now Xia Xia and Zhang Dashen have been put into the dungeon. What else is there to fight? I think it can be considered to play hhhhhhh on the bed”

"The npcs are really blind. The romantic atmosphere between the two is so strong that they can't see them all."

"Looking for a class representative, I just went to eat, and I didn't watch the live broadcast (I was afraid that I would not be able to eat after seeing the bloody and violent scenes), so what stage has it progressed?"

"It's okay if you can't eat. Xia Xia is so gentle, how could it be bloody and violent? (Serious face.jpg)"

"Let me be a class representative. Now Xia Xia and Zhang Qingyu are going to the research institute to directly attack Huanglong."

As the barrage said, Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu are sitting in a taxi now, and the destination is naturally the research institute.

The first time he experienced the ghost card, Xia Yihui used the word 'research institute' from his roommate.

According to the description of the roommate, it is preliminarily estimated that someone was infected by the drug and walked towards the research institute with willpower.

If the reason is still there, the first reaction is not to go to the police or the hospital, but to the research institute, then this situation is already very clear.

Either the research institute must have precious serum that can save that person, or there is an expert in the institute, who might be able to restrain his mutation.

In any case, the safest way now is to go directly to the research institute to see what happened.

It didn't take too long, about an hour or so, and the taxi arrived at the destination.

"I don't know what's going on, the road ahead is blocked, you can only walk there, you will go along this straight road later, and you will arrive after turning two turns. It's strange, I remember that I came here yesterday It's been smooth sailing."

After all, the taxi driver looked at Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu suspiciously again, and said, "Don't you high school students have to go to class?"

Xia Yihui's attention was on the road ahead, and he was completely unable to deal with the rest at this time. He waved his hands perfunctorily: "We were entrusted by the school with a task, and we came to visit the research institute."

Obviously this reason was extremely clumsy, the taxi driver stared at the two of them for a long time with a look of "I've seen through you", and finally stepped on the gas pedal and walked away.

A trail of black smoke was left in the air, and there was a sneer:

"If you skip class, you skip class. What's the point of visiting the research institute? Do you think anyone can enter the research institute?"

Xia Yihui: "..."

Seeing that Xia Yi was deflated, the audience in the live broadcast room expressed their joy, and the barrage suddenly burst into laughter.

"That uncle driver hahahaha, does he want to laugh at me to death? He has the expression of seeing a boy from a good family being kidnapped by a bad guy hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Hhhhhhhhhh Xia Xia, please be sober, what you are doing now is in the eyes of others, isn't it just leading good students to skip class!"

"This time the identity of the ghost card is really funny. It is obvious that the top student should be Xia Yihui, and the scumbag should be Zhang Qingyu, but it turned out to be a reversal. Fortunately, this time the ghost card only needs to be experienced for one day, otherwise Zhang Dashen What can I do? 23333333333"

"I'm dying of laughter. Are these two people really so obvious in appearance? Why did the uncle driver insist that Xia Xia is a bad student and Zhang Dashen is a good student?"

"Maybe Xia Xia has a villainous face (manual dog head)"

Xia Yihui was already in a complicated mood, but after glancing at the bullet screen, his mood suddenly became more complicated.

... God fucking villain face!

This side of the mood went a roller coaster, but Zhang Qingyu's side was very stable. He seemed to be completely unaware of the episode just now, frowning and asking: "How to get in?"


Xia Yi was stumped by this question.

When the driver uncle left just now, he didn't just leave a taunt, he also brought a message.

—Do you think anyone can enter the institute

Xia Yi had been staying in the research institute before he fell into a coma, and he was very familiar with the surrounding road conditions, so he could clearly guarantee that the research institute in front of him was definitely not the one he knew.

I contacted my roommate and said "the new address of the research institute". Maybe after he passed out, the research institute moved to a new address

Anyway, in any case, all the regulations are calculated according to the predecessor of the research institute.

After roughly sorting out the context in his mind, Xia Yihui frowned and said: "I have been in the research institute before. I remember that every researcher was equipped with an identity card. It was a card hanging around the neck. OK."

Zhang Qingyu suggested: "Is it feasible to stay here to grab cards?"

"It's not feasible." Xia Yihui shook his head helplessly, and said, "In addition to the identity card, there is also a face recognition at the back. The card can indeed be snatched, but we can't snatch things like faces, right?"

A topic ended, and both of them fell silent.

The audience in the live broadcast room knew what was going on, and at this time they were no longer in the mood to joke, and they all fell into trouble.

"I've thought about countless possibilities for the anchor to encounter a crisis, but I never thought that the first crisis the anchor encountered would be that he couldn't enter the research institute."

"Xiaxia can't waste time here. There are already posts saying the specific time of the first collapse of the ghost card campus on December 22, at 10:30 in the morning."

"Oh my god, it's already past 10 o'clock, if it continues, I feel like I'll see a scene of zombies besieging the city 555555555"

Worrying and worrying, finally someone couldn't help but propose—

"So you want to call in?"

After a bullet screen, there was silence.

Xia Yihui let out a long sigh, and smiled at Zhang Qingyu: "Do you know what the audience in my live broadcast room are talking about now?"

Zhang Qingyu said succinctly: "Call in directly."

Xia Yihui said in surprise, "How do you know?"

Zhang Qingyu said: "My live broadcast room is also talking about it."

Xia Yihui was silent for a while, and asked tentatively, "What are our chances of winning?"

What he asked was not whether to enter, but if they entered, what were their chances of winning.

This difference is huge, Xia Yihui felt that there was nothing to be afraid of in the dungeon of ghost cards. In order to survive, he will definitely go there when he can, even if this is his former 'home'.

The atmosphere was cold for a moment, and Zhang Qingyu's voice was particularly cold in this empty place.

"There's no chance," he said.

"..." Xia Yihui's face darkened, he was not really surprised by this answer, because he happened to think the same way himself.

If Zhang Qingyu went in alone, he would be invincible, but this invincibility has no direction.

He didn't know which area of the institute the serum would be placed in, and he didn't know what drugs were absolutely untouchable.

Thinking about it from another angle, once Xia went in alone, it would be even colder.

There are many Huaguo secret experiments in the research institute, and the inner and outer layers are very tightly guarded. Xia Yihui didn't have any actual combat skills, so if he encountered a heavily armed defense force after entering, he would have to surrender.

To put it harshly, the two are burdensome to each other, yet they have to support each other.

This situation leads to a very low chance of winning, so low that it can even be ignored directly.

The situation was at an impasse for a while.

Following the road pointed by the taxi driver, the two walked along the straight road for a while, turned roughly two corners on the way, and walked a little further, and they could see the guards with guns standing in front of the gate of the institute.

The institute was built in a grand style, much more western than the institute that Xia Yi returned to back then.

In addition, the new site of the research institute gave him a feeling of deja vu. After a closer look, the general architectural model design of the research institute was similar to the previous one, but there were slight differences in materials and details.

There was a guard with a gun in front of him, Xia Yihui would not be so stupid as to walk up to say hello.

He lingered in place for a long time, one plan after another popped up in his mind, and he quickly rejected them one by one.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and as the 10:30 mark gradually approached, Xia Yihui became more and more anxious.

'Woooooooooo' whistle sounded from behind.

The road has been blocked, and there are some dilapidated and closed shops on the side of the road.

Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu looked at each other, moved their feet together, and dodged to hide.

A black armored vehicle was slowly driving across the road, with the words 'armed escort, please do not approach' written on the outside of the vehicle, which looked extremely serious and frightening.

Perhaps because of the proximity to the research institute, the car escort relaxed a lot and was not as vigilant as before. The glass of the co-pilot was slowly rolled down, and a hand was stretched out of the window, holding an unlit cigarette in its fingertip.

The interior of the car can be clearly seen through the gaps in the windows. This armored car is very similar to a car for escorting criminals, but this car is even more advanced, and the material looks stronger.

Xia Yihui frowned and asked, "Did you feel that car shaking?"

Zhang Qingyu stared at the rear of the car for a while, and said, "It's shaking."

Xia Yihui curled his lips and said, "What kind of criminals are inside, so powerful that they can shake such a big armored vehicle."

This was just a small episode. After the car passed by, Xia Yihui fell into the previous entanglement again.

The defense of the research institute is like a big bell, it is absolutely tight, how to get in in this situation

"It's 10:30 in two minutes, what are you going to do, Wuli Xiaxia QAQ"

"Will the research institute also collapse? The building here is much larger than the teaching building. Xia Xia, should we hide beside the duck QAQ?"

Xia Yi glanced at the barrage, his expression unchanged.

Although the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't understand why Xia Yihui was still so calm, things like emotions can be contagious. They were not eager to see the righteous master, and they gradually calmed down.

The barrage helped Xia Yi count down the time, seeing that the death hurdle was getting closer and closer, until the countdown reached zero.

The surroundings were peaceful and nothing happened.

Zhang Qingyu's expression was not surprised at all. He said slowly: "10:30 is the time for the provincial demonstration school to collapse. In the following time, the rest of the place will slowly collapse. Until the creeping species spread, this Cities will become literally... lost cities."

The barrage in the live broadcast room was silent, and it seemed that everyone was shocked by Zhang Qingyu's words.

Now is an era of peace, the 21st century, and not the era of frequent wars in ancient times. The fall of an entire city was a very serious matter in ancient times, and it is even more terrifying in modern times.

Xia Yihui pursed his lips slightly. Although he guessed that nothing major would happen at 10:30, at most it would sound the alarm for the invasion of reptiles.

But he never thought about it as deeply as Zhang Qingyu.

No, or it could be said that he hadn't personally experienced the catastrophe in City S ten years ago, and he couldn't realize the seriousness and horror of the ghost card on December 22 this time.

Fortunately, Zhang Qingyu's words made Xia Yihui wake up.

The difficulty of Joker this time is probably not the crisis that can be seen everywhere, but the panic and helplessness when seeing a sound social system collapse.

If you want to save this crisis, you must think of a way to prevent the spread of crawling species.

method, method...

Is there any way to enter the research institute unscathed