Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 172: December 22 (11)


Xia Yihui lingered on the spot for more than ten seconds. At this time, the armored vehicle had already arrived at the entrance of the research institute.

The guards of the research institute seemed to know the soldiers escorting the armored vehicle. They even greeted the driver's seat and the co-pilot with a smile, and let them go after checking the ID cards on their chests.

Several people had a conversation during this period, and Xia was not too far away in the first round, so he was not discovered because of his concealed location. In addition, his hearing was greatly improved after entering the dungeon for training, so he could hear a little bit of this conversation.

In order to hear it more clearly, he moved a little closer, and now the conversation between the few people was like a projection in his ears, very clear.

"... You've worked hard, and I need to ask you to help escort this batch of goods."

"It's okay, we just have to take a trip, drop by."

"Is everything ready?"

"That kind of thing, how can it be taken away in one car. There is another car behind, and it has already set off, and it may take a while to arrive."


Afterwards, they exchanged pleasantries for a while, but Xia Yihui's thoughts were completely out of his mind.

"I seem to have found a way to enter the research institute." He turned his head to look at Zhang Qingyu, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Zhang Qingyu: "Huh?"

The smile on Xia Yihui's lips deepened, and he whispered something into Zhang Qingyu's ear. The latter's face remained unchanged, and he nodded slightly as understanding.

Their voices were very, very low and could not be captured by the live broadcast room, so the bullet screens in the live broadcast room at this time can be described as various, and many people are guessing what kind of method Xia Yihui will use to sneak into the research institute. There is no shortage of references to other players' conditions.

"I just went to another live broadcast room to watch. Most people are still staying on campus and arguing with elementary school chickens. Xia Xia's progress is already very fast."

"It's not the fastest. I went to Li Bai's live broadcast room and watched him. He had already entered the research institute on the first day, but he didn't solve the problem until midnight, so he was brushed out."

"The most obnoxious one is Mei Laogou. Isn't he wearing a silk scarf around his neck all the time? I haven't figured out what his skills are before. Then I went to watch his live broadcast for a long time. Guess he is playing tricks. What did he do in it? He took off the scarf, and there was a hole in his neck, and that hole swallowed all the reptiles, and he swallowed one by one... "

"Uh, I feel a little sick (cover face)"

"After researching well-known anchors at home and abroad, most of them have already reached the research institute, and very few are still on the way."

"Pfft ha ha ha ha, I just watched the replay of God Lu. He must have watched too many TV dramas on Lao Mei's side. It was the first time that the ghost card carried AWM into the research institute, and he was killed before he even reached the second floor. The laser poked into several knots. The second time, I didn’t change my mind, hijacked the vehicle with the awm on my shoulders, and tried to pretend to be the driver, but I was recognized before I entered the door, and now I’m lying in the white area and shut myself off.”

"God Lu is still too young. Among the existing players, he is definitely one of the younger ones. Although he performed well in the past, the previous dungeons were all fighting and killing. This time the ghost card is very fascinating, and he also has decryption. If you have the same color, you will definitely suffer a loss just by fighting and killing."

"Wait for the first person to decipher what the crisis is, then the rest will be easier. Then we can come and tell Xia Xia what to do."

"It's too simple to think about. Even if you know the steps to clear the customs, there are some dangers that you can't avoid if you just want to avoid them."

"Hey, I hope everything goes well for Xia Xia :-("

After waiting for four or five hours, at about 5:00 pm, the second car of 'cargo' finally arrived late.

With Lucian's lessons learned, Xia Yihui did not consider hijacking the vehicle to pretend to be an escort. He thought of another, safer method.

The vehicle is coming slowly, this time the armored vehicle is no different from the previous one, the font on the outside, the guards are heavily guarded, and the compartment is constantly 'vibrating'...

Everything is like a reappearance of the scene.

Only this time, the black armored vehicle encountered an obstacle at the first turning intersection.

With a loud bang, the wheels sank into a deep hole, and the engine started for a while, but the car didn't move. The two escorts in the car discussed for a while, one of them ran to the research institute to pull the cart, and the other stood outside the car as a guard.

"It's done!" Xia Yihui's eyes lit up, and he said quickly to Zhang Qingyu: "The escorts ran very fast. They turned two intersections and explained the situation. It took about five minutes to go back and forth. We only need to enter the trunk within five minutes , you can sneak into the research institute without anyone noticing."

"The escort on guard can be handed over to me. My skills can freeze him for three minutes. That means the time needs to be compressed. We must find a way to enter the carriage within three minutes."

Xia Yihui used to be in the field of research, and the most important thing in this field is meticulous observation. After thinking about it, he said worriedly: "The structure of the car must not be damaged, otherwise those in white coats will definitely get up. suspicion."

Zhang Qingyu nodded.

The two didn't say any more. According to the plan, one of them ran to delay the escort, and the other went to unlock the trunk.

At that time, the escort was annoyed and cursing on the spot, "Who the hell dug a big hole here. I don't know if this is a national research institution. If they can be caught, they will be shot one by one. It's too immoral!"

In a blink of an eye after cursing, he met a pair of slender black eyes.

The escort suddenly stopped, his expression still remained impatient, but his body was motionless.

After getting rid of the escort, as soon as Xia Yihui turned around, he saw Zhang Qingyu throwing something back into the armored vehicle with no expression on his face.

When he got closer, he was speechless.

There are more than a dozen crawling species in the car, huddled in the corner, with the expression of seeing Godzilla.

These reptiles haven't fully developed yet, and they obviously still retain a certain amount of human consciousness, otherwise they wouldn't be huddled in a corner in fear.

Just like the tall man my roommate said, that man even knows how to grab food when he is hungry, instead of eating people directly, which is enough to show that there is still hope for the current human society.

Xia Yihui climbed into the trunk, and Zhang Qingyu came in together, closed the armored vehicle, and it was suddenly dark inside.

About two or three minutes later, the car started driving again, and the car body shook slightly like a cruise ship driving on the sea. It wasn't until this time that Xia Yi was completely relieved, and he unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

The quiet environment was broken by a hoarse voice.

"Who are you?" A mutant who couldn't tell if he was male or female trembled.

Xia Yihui laughed and said, "We're just here for a ride."

It was so dark in the car that it was almost impossible to see anything.

Xia Yihui took out a candle from the space and lit it, so that everyone in the car could see each other's face clearly.

At this moment, the two groups of people saw expressions of 'surprise' on each other's faces at the same time.

"You guys look so good-looking." A reptile said weakly, "I thought the robbers would be very old."

He first looked at Xia Yihui's face, then sneaked a glance at Zhang Qingyu with his glasses, then looked away instantly, and then shrank a little into the darkness with inferiority.

"...We really didn't rob." Xia Yi looked at the reptiles' unworthy faces, and asked carefully, "How did you become like this?"

When this question was mentioned, the mutants immediately opened their mouths and started talking in a hurry.

"I voluntarily became an experimental subject after I was ill, thinking that maybe I could save a life... It's a pity that the research seems to have failed."

"I'm almost the same. Everything was normal at the beginning, but yesterday I started peeling off, and today I've become like this."

"Do you know where we're going to be sent?"

" we still have help?"

Even though he knew that the other party was an NPC, and it was virtual data, Xia Yihui still felt a bit of instinctive discomfort when he really saw the desire to survive in the eyes of these reptiles.

The original intention of researching medicine is to save people, but in the end, such a group of monsters are created to harm people, which can only be said to be good luck.

"It can be saved." Xia Yihui forced a smile and said comfortingly: "You are on the way to the research institute now. The researchers here are all top talents in Huaguo, much better than the Pheasant Research Institute, so don't worry."

"Really? Great!"

The reptiles cheered for a while, as if they really saw hope. Xia Yihui also smiled. Although there was a smile on his face, his heart was still unavoidably heavy.

There is no way to save them, and obvious skin reactions have already occurred. These people... According to common sense, they should be given up.

As soon as the fingertips are warm, a temperature can be separated at the touch of a finger.

"Candle oil will drip and burn you."

Zhang Qingyu's face was cold, but there was a slight concern in his eyes.

Xia Yihui's heart warmed, and just as he was about to thank him, the carriage shook violently, interrupting what he was about to say.

It was a reptile that had almost completely mutated, presumably the shaking of the armored car was due to this reptile.

The rest of the reptiles didn't seem surprised, they just shrank more concentrated to prevent being accidentally injured.

After driving for about an hour, the car finally came to a complete stop in a violent sway.

The escort chatted with the experimenters of the institute for a while, and then left quickly.

The experimenter approached the carriage, rushed to the five or six guards with live ammunition behind him and said, "Relax, don't point your gun at the carriage door all the time, it looks scary. These reptiles haven't mutated into a complete form yet, so they won't rashly attack those who want to eat them. Human flesh."

The guards looked at each other upon hearing this, and put down their guns as the researcher said.

The door of the carriage opened with a 'snap', and the researcher stretched out his fingers to point inside.

"Come down one by one, don't mess up the order. There should be eleven in total, and now I will count the number."

The reptiles jumped out of the car one by one, and the mucus on their bodies covered the entire compartment. While counting the numbers, the research institute still felt a little disgusted, obviously not wanting to get too close to these reptiles.

"Nine, ten, eleven, twelve...twelve?" The researcher's voice paused, and he looked up at Xia Yihui almost stupidly.

The latter smiled with a row of white teeth, and said narrowly, "Good afternoon."

The researcher let out a scream of 'ah', stepped back several steps, and cursed: "High school student? Who gave you the guts..."

He turned his head to ask the guards for help, but when he looked back, he froze in place.

With everything lying flat behind him, a tall man in school uniform raised his hand, and a gun rose from the ground and flew into his hand automatically.

Researcher: "..." Why are the current high school students so scary!