Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 174: December 22 (thirteen)


After watching the two academicians leave, there was still a trace of disbelief in Xia Yihui's eyes. He looked at Zhang Qingyu and asked, "Li Bai also participated in this research?"

Zhang Qingyu said calmly: "Only his parents participated in the research, and he was decapitated in a reptile attack soon."

"Different head?" Xia Yihui couldn't help but glanced at the direction the two left, and said with a frown, "If Li Bai sees his dead parents in the research institute, he should collapse on the spot."


Zhang Qingyu looked at the door of the biology research room, but didn't speak for a long time.

Facts have proved that Li Bai had already collapsed on the spot where Xia Yihui could not see. It is precisely for this reason that Li Bai's progress is extremely slow, so slow that the audience even wonders if Li Bai is playing passively. He may no longer care about whether he can pass the level, and maybe he just wants to stay with his fake parents for a while.

Anyway, Xia Yihui's progress here is still as usual.

After learning that there was another self in the research institute, Xia Yihui tried to align his pupils with an electronic screen by the door. Soon, the electronic parts inside rattled and collided, and the door clicked, and it was opened without hindrance.

At the same time, the electronic door sounded.

"The pupil membrane verification is correct. Identity: Researcher Xia Yihui."

Walking into the biological research room, there is a brand new world inside.

The wall was painted pale, and the light on the wall shone miserably on the table on the ground. A long table will be placed at intervals, on which there are many instruments, as well as various test tubes and distillation bottles.

Various facilities are placed in the most familiar positions. Although the biological research room has moved from the lowest floor to the top floor, fortunately, the interior decoration and layout have not changed much.

Xia Yihui quickly touched the instruments on the table all over, and picked up the medicines and looked at them one by one, but there was nothing in it that he wanted. Almost without hesitation, he immediately took a step and strode towards the small room that came with the biology laboratory.

It can be said that Xia Yi has been staring at this small room for a long time. This room was not in the previous research room, that is, it was an extra part beyond the plan.

Opening the low-key white room door, as the whole picture of the small room was displayed in front of the audience in the live broadcast room, many people said "ah", shocked and didn't know what to say. Looking for colleagues behind the scenes.

"Why does this room look familiar to me..."

"Yes, your feeling is right, and I feel the same way."

"I always feel that I have seen this room somewhere, giving people a strong sense of déjà vu. Where did I actually see it?"

"Ah! I remembered, it was at the puppet ball!"

the other side.

Looking at the familiar decoration in front of him, the familiar wine-red blanket on the operating table, the landscape paintings on the wall, and the piles of instant noodle buckets in the corner... Xia fell into a rare silence.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't remember clearly because the red mist in the hallucination was very thick at that time, and many people didn't see clearly what happened. But Xia Yihui, as one of the two parties involved, is still the weak one, so I really don't remember too clearly!

At this moment, Zhang Qingyu's footsteps came from behind.

Xia Yihui's head was aching, he immediately turned around and closed the door with a 'snap', and the huge echo almost rang through the entire space.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps, and it was quiet outside.

Xia Yi realized it after closing the door. Since Zhang Qingyu led the way here, it means that Zhang Qingyu has been here many times. He must know that this room is where they... made their first contribution.

The act of closing the door suddenly was a bit of a cover-up, Xia Yihui had no choice but to open the door a little, smiled at the expressionless Zhang Qingyu outside, and said: "Master Zhang, do you want to come in and take a look?"

Zhang Qingyu didn't reply, he just stepped forward with his long legs, and opened the door without any effort. Xia Yi himself didn't want to stop him, so Zhang Qingyu entered the small room almost without any hindrance.

There is a breath of life everywhere here, just like the hallucinatory scene of the puppet ball.

Although the memory has never been here, the weird thing is that no matter what he wants to find, Xia Yihui can find it quickly.

Perhaps this is a matter of human habits. Many habits cannot be easily changed even if the memory is lost.

"The method of making the serum is to extract the blood of the reptile species, and then go through a series of operations of separating out the serum, killing viruses and bacteria, and finally storing the real thing."

Xia Yi rummaged around in the small room, and said to Zhang Qingyu while searching, "Check if there is a freezer in the room, whether it is collected blood or prepared serum, it must be stored It's in the freezer."

Zhang Qingyu said calmly, "There is no freezer in the room."

Xia Yi paused on her toes and stopped in place.

"How did you know?"

Zhang Qingyu looked around, a trace of nostalgia appeared between his brows, and his body, which had been tense all this time, relaxed a little.

After a pause, he said, "I've lived here, lived... for a long, long time."

Xia Yihui frowned, thinking that this seemed unreasonable.

According to the illusion of the puppet ball and his own memory, Zhang Qingyu has no time to live in his private domain. Even including the time when they were dating, both of them were busy with missions to save people, struggling in the 'end of the world', and there was no time for tenderness in the hut.

But Zhang Qingyu is not someone who can tell lies for no reason, so when did he live here

Xia Yihui has a very obvious problem. If there is a problem that he doesn't understand, he will keep thinking and thinking. The second is to think.

If he gave up thinking for himself at this time, but opened his mouth and asked Zhang Qingyu, 'How long have you lived here', then he would soon get an answer: nearly ten years.

Ten years, exactly the time when Xia Yihui was frozen.

It's a pity that Xia Yihui didn't take the initiative to ask. He was still frowning and looking for the freezer while thinking hard, and he couldn't understand it.

Zhang Qingyu turned his head slightly and glanced at Xia once, with a trace of relief and a smile in his eyes.

—Anyway, as long as the person comes back, it will be fine.

"There is really no freezer in the room, and it shouldn't be in private." Xia Yihui shook his head, pursed his lips and said: "The method of making serum can refer to snake venom serum, which is the spread of virus, and it is not very complicated in common sense How could there not even be a blood sample in the room?"

Just when Xia Yi was confused, there was a slight sound from the electronic door.

Even though the voice was very soft, under the influence of its content, this voice managed to make Xia Yihui's face a bit ugly.

"The pupil membrane verification is correct. Identity: Researcher Xia Yihui."

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

"Mist grass, Xia Xia ten years ago and Xia Xia ten years later are going to battle again?"

"The anchor's face looks so good, I would like to see his youthful appearance ten years ago 233333333333"

"It's useless, Xia Xia in ten years' time will be frozen for ten years, and her appearance will not change during this period. If you want to see Xia Xia's youthful appearance, you may have to turn back the time by 20 years to get it hahhhhhhhhh

"What do you mean ten years ago and ten years later... Newcomers said they were dizzy 5555555555555"

"Everyone, calm down, you're all being brought in by the dungeon. There's no Xia Yihui from ten years ago or ten years from now. There are only Xia Yihui and the fake Xia Yihui from the dungeon."


"Damn! I was actually brought in by that logic!"

"I feel like if I'm facing this situation... Oh, no wonder I was eliminated QAQ"

"Let's concentrate on watching melons and eating melons. I don't dare to express any opinions. After all, every word I say can expose the flaws in my IQ 55555555555555"

In the live broadcast room, the barrage flew past the stalls, and the electronic door had already been opened. The location of the small room is relatively hidden, and people who enter the door need to turn a corner to see it, but people in the small room can clearly see the situation at the door through the monitor on the table.

Therefore, Xia Yihui was able to clearly see the face of the person entering the door.

First impression, lifeless.

It was almost exactly the same as the hallucination I saw at the puppet ball before.

The people who walked in said it looked like Xia Yihui, and it didn't look like Xia Yihui.

Like the place is clothing, appearance.

The difference is the eyes and temperament.

Strictly speaking, Xia Yihui was ten years older than the other party, but because he lost the important memory of fighting against mutants, his eyes were much clearer than the other party's, and his temperament was not as quiet and calm as the other party's.

Academician Xia—Let's call him Academician Xia.

After academician Xia entered the biological research room, he stood still and did not move. The electronic door closed behind him with a click.

During this period, Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu both silently raised their guns in the small room, and they would mercilessly step forward to capture and strike directly when Academician Xia made any changes.

But Academician Xia didn't make any big moves. He looked around and said calmly, "Who is it, come out."

Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu looked at each other, both of them were a little undecided, not knowing what to do at this time.

While the two were hesitating, Academician Xia spoke again and directly delivered a heavy blow.

"If I don't come out again, I will follow the emergency defense measures."

Hearing these words, Xia Yihui didn't react, but Zhang Qingyu's body paused very obviously.

Seeing this, Xia Yihui was full of doubts, what is the emergency defense measure, and why even Zhang Qingyu was quite moved, but he had never heard of it before.

Academician Xia didn't pretend to be a joke, and continued: "In order to prevent Huaguo's important scientific research documents and talents from being snatched by criminals, an emergency defense measure has been added to the new site of the institute."

"Under the biology laboratory, a whole ton of explosives is buried. Think about it carefully. Do you want to hide and die together, or come out and have a good talk with me?"

Hearing this, Xia Yihui couldn't help covering his face, and secretly said that it was really his style... really crazy.

The author has something to say: two summers, face to face battle