Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 175: December 22 (14)


The words have already reached this point, it seems that they can only go out.

"Obviously I moved the reagent and put it back in its original place. Why did you find out that someone came in?"

Xia Yihui folded his arms and stood against the wall with a smile.

Standing behind him, Zhang Qingyu was unmoved when he saw Academician Xia's familiar face. He even directly used skills to control Academician Xia to prevent the latter from becoming a monster suddenly.

Academician Xia glanced past Xia Yihui, looked at Zhang Qingyu for a while, and then said: "The electronic identifier at the door shows that 'Academician Xia Yihui' came a few minutes ago, but I was busy working on the fourth floor a few minutes ago. "

Seeing academician Xia's eyes always looking towards Zhang Qingyu, Xia Yi felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Although he couldn't tell where he was uncomfortable, he still instinctively stepped forward and stood in front of Zhang Qingyu.

Obviously feeling a movement behind him, Xia Yi looked back, only to find that Zhang Qingyu was two steps closer, lowering his head and looking at him intently.

"He's fake."

The clear voice that belonged to him came, and the volume was extremely low. If you didn't pay attention, you couldn't even hear what he said.

Xia Yi looked up, somewhat confused about what Zhang Qingyu meant.

Of course he knew that the academician Xia on the opposite side was a dummy, an npc built by a virtual network, but why did Zhang Qingyu emphasize this point alone

Before Xia could think it over clearly, Zhang Qingyu's next sentence came over.

"You are real."

His eyebrows were drooping, his eyelashes were long, and his slightly trembling arcs rendered a different kind of gentleness in the air.

Xia Yihui's heart felt hot, and his eyes shone slightly. He understood what Zhang Qingyu meant almost immediately.

—He is fake, you are real.

So never feel in jeopardy that anyone other than you is just... an inferior product.

Looking at each other, a disturbing voice suddenly intervened.

"Hey, pay attention to the influence, you two! Are you sure you want to show your affection in front of me, who is sitting on a meal full of dynamite?"

This voice was Xia Yihui's own voice, and the speaker's face was exactly the same as his, even the awkward expression on that face was perfectly imitated.

Xia Yi felt helpless in his heart. He was used to being pissed off on weekdays, but he didn't feel anything at that time.

But now that he has seen himself being bullied face to face, and the person being bullied is still himself, the feeling in his heart is more than a little complicated.

But Xia Yihui is not a vegetarian, he immediately laughed, and slowly elongated his voice, and shot back: "We don't show affection, it's just that some people have been single for a long time, and they feel that they are targeting themselves That's all. Tsk tsk, it's really pitiful to think about it."


Academician Xia was silent for a while, and finally let out a 'tss', "If I hadn't seen you have a handsome face like mine, I might have blown you to death just now."

"..." Xia Yihui said speechlessly: "Whoever looks like you, I am a natural beauty."

Leaving aside this question that can be entangled forever, Academician Xia's tone was not very good, and he said bluntly, "Who are you and what are you doing in the biology research laboratory?"

The topic has officially entered the main topic. The previous conversations are just side dishes, and the next one is the highlight.

Xia Yihui guessed that academician Xia might regard him and Zhang Qingyu as criminals intending to lurk into the research institute and directly replace his own identity.

There is not enough time, and there is no need to sort out this point now, so Xia Yihui decided to go straight to Huanglong and ask the question of the center of gravity.

Xia raised his eyes to look at Academician Xia, and said, "You don't need to care who we are, anyway, we are all fighting together for the survival of the city. Now, please tell us where the serum is placed, and the things you can't do are up to you." I'll do it."

After a pause, he added loudly: "The people you can't save... Naturally, I will save them too!"

These words were extremely domineering, and many viewers in the live broadcast room were yelled at by Su, and the barrage scrolled extremely fast for a while, and the audience's screams and restlessness could be felt through the screen.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) 555555555555"

"If you want to give birth to monkeys for Xia Xia, don't compete with me. Xia Xia is already on my bed now, and I typed this line in his arms!!!"

"Am I the only one who pays attention to what the anchor said? What are things that cannot be reached, and what are people who cannot be saved? I feel that these two sentences are very deep."

"The thing that academician Xia can't do must be this dungeon mission: prevent the crisis of destroying mankind. But the people who can't be saved cover a bit broadly. Could it be number 57? At this point in time, I don't know if number 57 committed suicide by jumping off the building. …”

"According to the calculation of time, when Xia Xia decided to start a reptile-related project, he had to choose between No. 57 and No. 1. In the end, he chose No. 57, and Xin Zhu was abandoned. Then the reptile crisis broke out. During this period, No. 57 went out After wandering for a while, it was during this time that Xin Zhu returned to the research institute and Zhang Dashen joined the research institute. Then it was Xia Xia and these two who rescued No. 57 who was about to die on campus."

"According to the time deduction, the mutant crisis just broke out at this time, and Zhang Dashen and Xin Zhu may not have entered the research institute. That is to say, there is a high probability that No. 57 is still in the research institute at this time, or wandering outside. die."

"Boss, big brother, this is too brain-intensive, I don't understand a single word, QAQ"

"The class representative is here. To sum it up in one sentence: Xia Xia's 'unsaved person' does not refer to No. 57."

"So the above guess is wrong? Then I think the people who can't be saved should be the entire city of S. There are tens of millions of people here."

"No... Let me tell you, why are you thinking so much? If you lick it, it's over. You guys are not going to make copies???"

The last bullet screen floated up, and countless people fell silent.

Yes, what are they discussing here with real feelings, one word, lick!

Don't worry about him, just lick it and you're done.

Giant Xia Xia!

Xia Xia Niubi!

Xia Xia knelt down and begged to confront me!

Xia Yihui glanced at the bullet screen, was stunned for a moment, and thought that these were some monsters and monsters.

Academician Xia on the opposite side finally came to his senses. His reaction was not as intense as the audience in the live broadcast room. It seemed that he had seen too many storms, so he just applauded flatly and said with a sneer: "Yo, why don't you push me so much?" What about God?"

Xia Yihui: "..."

Academician Xia said again: "If you are looking for reptile serum, then you are looking for the wrong place."

Xia Yihui frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Academician Xia Shiji's eyeballs rolled upwards, revealing a small piece of white, "If I could make the serum, do you think the situation might be like this?"

Xia Yi smacked his lips to taste the meaning of this sentence, and said with some difficulty: "Is it difficult to research the production of reptilian serum?"

After saying this, Xia Yihui gave a negative answer in his heart.

According to the basic calculation formula, it is really not difficult.

In the final analysis, reptiles are just a virus that can be transmitted through blood. If this research topic is regarded as virus research and vaccine serum production, then it shouldn't be too difficult.

Just do it step by step, and you shouldn't be at a loss.

Seeming to see what Xia Yi was thinking in his mind, academician Xia's eyes flashed a hint of mischief.

He knelt down and touched for a long time from under the washing pool beside him, causing Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu to hold their guns up for a long time, almost thinking that he was touching the switch of the ton of explosives.

In the end, academician Xia withdrew his hand, slapped a bag of semi-coagulated blood on the table, and said, "You start!"

Xia Yi was stunned: "What to start?"

Academician Xia's eyes were full of bewilderment, and he said quite naturally, "Start diluting the serum."

Xia Yihui felt suffocated: "Now?"

Academician Xia is still baffled: "It's not what time it is, how many days do you want to stay here?"

Xia Yihui: "..." No, you didn't understand me at all!

Now it is less than 5 hours before midnight. If time is wasted on serum production, it is estimated that the second week of this time will be messed up again. And worst of all, he didn't get any practical information about the mission.

Even so, looking at that small bag of thick blood, Xia Yihui was still shamefully moved.

It has to be said that academician Xia's ability to accurately spot grass is very powerful. He can see at a glance where Xia Yihui's shortcomings are.

After a few seconds of silence, Xia Yihui realized that this choice should not be made by him alone. He turned to look at Zhang Qingyu, pursed his lips nervously and said, "I can..."

Zhang Qingyu interrupted blankly: "Yes."

"Hey, hey," Xia Yihui laughed out loud, "I haven't even finished talking yet!"

Zhang Qingyu said calmly, "If you want to try, do it, we can bear the consequences of failure."

Xia Yihui's eyes lit up and said, "That's not bad, who taught you?"

Zhang Qingyu said calmly, "You."

Xia Yihui was speechless: "...It really is my character."


Once the decision is made, the next thing is clear.

I thought it was a huge time-consuming project, because diluting the serum had to go through four important steps, including several hours of water bath and long-term separation of serum, so five hours is probably not enough.

But things are not as complicated as Xia Yihui imagined.

At the fourth hour, the experiment encountered a huge difficulty.

At this time, Xia Yihui had already used the method of standing still and adding normal saline to precipitate the serum, but encountered problems in the next step to kill the virus.

The way to kill the virus is to put it in a crucible at 56°C for 2 hours in a water bath. Xia Yihui pinpointed the time, and the end of the water bath was just over ten minutes before 12:00, which was enough time for the next step of the experiment.

However, the plan could never keep up with the changes. After the water bath was over, Xia Yihui lifted the lid of the crucible and was immediately dumbfounded.

The test tube bottle was empty, and the serum was gone.

"Pfft..." Academician Xia leaned over to take a look, and said mockingly, "After trying it once, you finally gave up, right?"

Several hours of hard work came to nothing, Xia Yihui frowned and pointed at the crucible, confused: "Where did the serum go?"

Academician Xia shrugged: "How do I know? I have done this experiment at least 800 times. I have tried other methods besides the water bath method, and other substitutes besides normal saline. In short... no matter what you do to the serum With such an operation, he will turn into air and volatilize."

After thinking deeply, Xia Yihui let out a long sigh: "The blood of reptiles has a self-protection mechanism."

Academician Xia slapped his palms together, nodded and said, "You're really smart, that's what I meant!"

Although he was praised by his virtual self, Xia Yihui didn't have any intention of being happy. He turned to look at Zhang Qingyu, and said dryly, "If the serum can't be produced, how can we save this crisis?"

Zhang Qingyu frowned: "Other players won't clear the level either."

The two fell silent at the same time. Could it be that the difficulty of the dungeon this time is at the max level, and it has reached the point where there is no solution

In the silence, academician Xia Mengmeng cupped her face and asked curiously, "What crisis are you talking about?"

Xia Yihui was too lazy to talk too much with the avatar, and there were still more than ten seconds left in the time. While waiting for the electronic sound, he said perfunctorily: "A crisis that can endanger human beings."

Academician Xia said, "Do you think the reptiles will endanger human beings?"

Xia Yi was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look over.

Academician Xia suddenly smiled and said meaningfully: "The only thing that endangers human beings is human beings."

Xia Yihui stood up suddenly, his body stiffened for a while.

God, he actually forgot such an important thing!

The crisis mentioned by the electronic voice is not necessarily the reptiles, but the more serious danger than the reptiles is obviously the missile that wiped out City S!

The author has something to say: Academician Xia: The achievement of the assist today broke my heart like an old mother...