Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 178: December 22 (17)



The intern was dumbfounded.

He understands these two words separately, and he can barely understand them together. But it would be unreasonable to connect the 'high school student' in the surveillance with a highly respected mentor.

When I looked up again, I could only see the hastily back of the mentor rushing out with trembling feet, the intern was shocked and hurried to follow.

"Gun down! Down!"

Hearing the shouts from all the way, the guards were startled, but they still didn't care, and didn't put down their guns.

One smiled obsequiously, bent over and said, "Academician Chen, it's cold outside, why did you come out?"

Academician Chen is the mentor of the interns.

He didn't even look at the security guards, walked up to Xia Yihui in a panic, squeezed a smile and said: "Academician Xia, the research you gave me last time has been completed, but the pH value has been showing abnormalities. Send you the research report, and I have to trouble you to show it to me again."

"Puff cough cough cough cough..."

Seeing Academician Chen nodding and bowing, and the sound of being choked by saliva came from all directions, it would be foolish if he didn't understand Xia Yihui's identity at this time, the security personnel quickly put down their guns and tried their best to reduce their sense of existence.

Xia Yi turned his head and blinked slightly at Zhang Qingyu: "Go in?"

Zhang Qingyu glanced at Xia Yi, concealed the smile from the corner of his eyes, and followed slowly.

When the two walked away, they could still hear the voice of the instructor yelling at the guards.

Someone inquired curiously: "Academician Chen, has our research institute started to use child labor now?"

"Fuck child labor!" Academician Chen covered his eyes with tears in his eyes: "He is a serious and serious worker with a license, and his qualifications are longer than all of you combined... But why does he wear a high school uniform?"

Only then did Academician Chen realize something was wrong, but Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu had already entered the research institute at this time, and they disappeared after a while.

In the end, Academician Chen had no choice but to pat his head in confusion, "Oh, I'd better hurry up and get the research report, I can't afford to be late."

Seeing the back of Academician Chen leaving in a hurry, several guards looked at each other, and finally could only sigh:

The research institute is really a place where talents come out in large numbers... Even high school students can get a certificate to work? !


The stairway on the fourth floor was very quiet, and most of the researchers couldn't see the end, even if they left the institute for a short time, they just pulled up their collars and walked in a hurry.

"Are you sure the voting took place on the fourth floor?"

Xia Yi showed a look of embarrassment, and almost wanted to write the two big characters 'headache' on his face.

Zhang Qingyu nodded slightly: "Sure."

Xia Yihui sighed and said, "But I remember that I was also on the fourth floor in the dungeon. What should I do if we meet?"

Zhang Qingyu glanced at him, with a calm tone, and only said one word: "Kill."

Xia Yihui paused for a moment, then approached deliberately and joked, "That's me, do you really have the heart to do it?"

His breath sprayed around Zhang Qingyu's neck, causing Zhang Qingyu's ears to turn slightly red. Even so, Zhang Qingyu's complexion remained the same as usual, like ice that has not melted for a thousand years.

"That's not you, why can't you bear it?"

Xia Yihui pursed his lips slightly, although he didn't say anything on the surface, but he couldn't help but feel a little joy in his heart.

"I was still worried..." Xia Yihui was about to say something, when he saw Zhang Qingyu's puzzled eyes in the blink of an eye, finally he shook his head and said with a smile, "Forget it, it's nothing."

—The person next to him is Zhang Qingyu, the Great Master Zhang, but he has never let him down.

The two walked forward for a while. The research institute is very large. Fortunately, the general layout has not changed. In addition, there is Zhang Qingyu's mobile GPS, so this journey is also very easy.

Going forward for a while, is the research room where the missile vote is located. The estimated voting time is three hours later, and it happened to be 11:30 noon at that time, and it was another meal time.

Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu sneaked into it early, and it was very early now, and there was no one inside, which happened to give Xia Yihui time to observe the surrounding situation.

As far as the eye can see, the tone is said to be a research room, it might as well be more like a meeting room that was temporarily built. The area is about a few hundred square meters, surrounded by seats on all sides, leaving a small area in the middle where nothing is placed.

After tens of minutes, the electronic door of the meeting room suddenly beeped twice.

"Authentication passed."

Xia Yihui was taken aback for a moment, and immediately turned to look at Zhang Qingyu. The two looked at each other for a moment, and their reactions were almost completely synchronized. They moved quickly and leaned against the edge of the wall.

After waiting for a long time, no one came in, and there was still a faint voice of conversation coming from the door.

A slightly old voice sounded: "Hello, academician! This is the abnormal pH value report I mentioned two hours ago. Please have a look at it."

Xia Yihui was slightly taken aback, this voice... seemed familiar

Before he remembered where he had heard this voice, a more familiar young male voice sounded:

"What do you mean two hours ago?"

Hearing this voice, Xia Yihui's pupils shook slightly.

- It's Academician Xia!

How did he come to this place

No, counting the time, academician Xia was indeed on the fourth floor at that time, and he was supposed to vote, so it's not surprising that he was here.

On the other side, Academician Xia seemed to be on the phone with someone, and was too lazy to deal with Academician Chen, so he just answered a few times, took down the report and said "Got it", and closed the door of the meeting room indifferently.

There was a loud 'bang', the meeting room was extremely empty, and the 'buzzing' sound caused by the closing of the door lingered for a long time.

The phone call continued, academician Xia stood at the door, getting more and more angry as he spoke.

"One missile can destroy all crises, you guys think things are too simple!"


"No. 1 and No. 57 are wrong, but this is also an opportunity for us. Yes, the current situation is indeed very bad. This is the situation caused by No. 1, No. 57, and all of us. Now they Both of them have been exiled, and the most urgent task is not to investigate who is most responsible, but how to prevent the crisis."


"I can't explain the truth to you. Preventing a crisis cannot be solved by a missile. The source is still there, and the missile is only a temporary solution, not the root cause."

Xia Yi heard the words said before in a cloud. He looked back at Zhang Qingyu, trying to see some relevant information from the other party's eyes. After watching for a few seconds, Xia Yihui quickly gave up this idea.

At the critical moment, Zhang Qingyu's face became paralyzed, and it was really difficult to see something on his face.

Although Xia Yihui didn't understand a single sentence of the previous words, the last sentence of academician Xia was very clear.

"In any case, I will not vote yes!"

Academician Xia put down his cell phone, obviously gasped by the person on the other end of the phone, he panted rapidly, almost lost his balance and was about to fall, he took a few steps forward to hold on to the chair before he managed to stabilize his body.

After recovering, he slowly turned his head, looked at the two figures in the corner, and opened his lips slightly.

Xia Yihui raised his right hand and smiled with big white teeth: "Hi!"

Academician Xia: "..."

His gaze stayed on Zhang Qingyu's face for a full five seconds, then looked at Xia Yihui, and stayed on Xia Yihui's face for a longer time, a full ten seconds.

After a pause, Academician Xia said incredulously, "Has my handsome face become a template for plastic surgery?!"

The atmosphere was silent and no one spoke.

A pen holder flew up from the conference table, and hit academician Xia on the back of his head with a 'dong'. The latter rolled his eyes and fell straight down, lying on the ground motionless.

Xia Yihui was startled for a moment, and quickly stepped forward to feel his pulse. When he sensed that Academician Xia was still alive, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned to ask Zhang Qingyu: "What did you do to knock him out?"

Zhang Qingyu said calmly, "Voting will start soon."


Xia once looked at the academician Xia on the ground, pointed his finger at his nose again, and said with a strange expression, "You don't want me to vote for this one on the ground, do you?"

Zhang Qingyu didn't answer, but his eyes were enough to explain everything.

The audience in the live broadcast room was confused.

"Does Xia Xia have to vote again now?"

"It feels cruel. Among so many people who voted, only Xia Xia voted to disagree. It feels like the whole world is against me..."

"You can't say that. In fact, I quite agree with the actions of other people. In this situation, you shouldn't be indecisive. Maybe one day later, the crawling virus will spread to the surrounding cities. At that time, do you have to slaughter another innocent person?" city?"

"Don't stand and talk so your back hurts. Didn't you hear what the academician Xia called in the dungeon just now? I said it and there are other factors mixed in. The source is still there, and the massacre of the city is simply an act of escape! It's a cowardly act!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was very noisy, and the atmosphere in the dungeon was not much better.

Xia Yi froze for a while, and tentatively said: "I don't care if you know more about what happened back then than I do, I didn't understand the four words 'the source is still there' on the phone just now, so I don't know if you are so persistent reasons."

"I only know that if it were me, I would vote for it. After all, a single missile can solve everything, and exchanging the lives of the vast majority of people with a few people is maximizing the benefits. Obviously, this is the right way. "

Zhang Qingyu didn't continue talking about this topic, he said directly: "If this proposal is passed, our mission will fail."

Xia Yi was taken aback for a moment, pursing his lips slightly.

That's right, he almost forgot that he was in the copy now.

The most important thing in the dungeon is not human relations and morality, but to find ways to survive!

After understanding this point, Xia Yihui finally stopped digging into the dead end, but quickly let go: "So our task now... is to prevent the proposal from passing?"

Zhang Qingyu was about to reply, but suddenly his expression tightened, and his eyes quickly turned to the electronic door of the meeting room.

At the same time, Xia Yihui felt that the whole person was flying into the air, and was thrown under the table when his eyes were dark. There was a soft human flesh pad under him, and another person was pressing on him.

The airtight environment under the table, and the darkness due to the table curtain, Xia Yihui couldn't see anything, so he could only instinctively reach out and touch the person on his body.

Ears... Nose... Eyes... Palms...

Why is this person's skin so cold

Just as he was about to speak, Zhang Qingyu's breath came from the upload.

"Don't move around, someone is coming in."

Xia Yihui immediately stopped his movements, sensing the forbearing voice from above, his whole body froze, and his face began to itch slightly.

It was at this time that he realized belatedly that the posture of the three of them was like stacking arhats, one on top of the other, and they were still in such an ambiguous and private place under the desk...

If the person who came in looked down slightly.

Longevity, he, who is brilliant, powerful and talented, is going to be ruined because of such a weird reason as his private life is chaotic? !

The author has something to say: Sri Pi·Die Luohan Achievement Get!